Translation Attestation Form - TheIIA

Institute Name: FORMTEXT ?????We hereby attest that the translation of the FORMCHECKBOX Definition of Internal Auditing FORMCHECKBOX Position Papers FORMCHECKBOX Code of Ethics FORMCHECKBOX Practice Advisories FORMCHECKBOX Standards & Glossary FORMCHECKBOX Practice Guidesin FORMTEXT ????? has been completed accurately. In particular the translation fully respects the integrity of the meaning of the English version and the appropriate use of “must” and “should” is being complied with throughout the translation.Translator Name: FORMTEXT ?????Signature: FORMTEXT ?????Date: FORMTEXT ?????Top Elected Officer or Chief Staff Officer Name: FORMTEXT ?????Signature: FORMTEXT ?????Date: FORMTEXT ?????ORWhen we translated FORMCHECKBOX Definition of Internal Auditing FORMCHECKBOX Position Papers FORMCHECKBOX Code of Ethics FORMCHECKBOX Practice Advisories FORMCHECKBOX Standards & Glossary FORMCHECKBOX Practice Guideswhile we have overall attempted to respect the integrity of the meaning of the English version we would like to signal the following differences:Reference (Standard Number, code of Ethics Definition, glossary term)Nature of the change:Explanation: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Addition FORMCHECKBOX Deletion FORMCHECKBOX Change of meaning FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Translator Name: FORMTEXT ?????Signature: FORMTEXT ?????Date: FORMTEXT ?????Top Elected Officer or Chief Staff Officer Name: FORMTEXT ?????Signature: FORMTEXT ?????Date: FORMTEXT ????? ................

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