The alphabet code - myTEFL

The alphabet codeAge/Level: Young Learners – Adults/Beginner – IntermediateTime: 10-12 minResources: whiteboard, 2 markers (different colours).Aim: vocabulary reviewProcedure:On the white board write the ABC’s and six numbered categories with a number beside each letter. Sample categories for beginners can be:1=food2=clothes3=weather words4=classroom objects5=actions (verbs)6=sportsDivide the students into two teams. Give one whiteboard marker to each team; make sure the markers are of different colours.One student from each team goes to the whiteboard (Young Learners can run) and writes one word. When the student finishes writing his/her word he/she goes back to his/her group and the next student goes to write a word. When the list is complete, the game is over.?The categories can vary depending on your students’ level and needs. You can also reduce the number of categories and letters from the alphabet. The A-Z race is a variation of this game when the teacher chooses only one lexical set, e.g. countries and the students have to write country names starting with each letter of the alphabet.For extra fun ask students to shout out their answers. ................

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