
ACTIVITY 4: ELEMENT 1: LO3 ‘Coffee Time’ Case StudySimone and her sister, Adele, are considering going into partnership and opening a specialist coffee shop and take-away service in your town. They have decided to call it ‘Coffee Time’. They know that there are already a couple of restaurants nearby but these outlets only sell beverages to customers who are eating in the restaurant and do not offer the range of coffee specialities that they intend to.They have both worked in the hospitality industry for a few years and qualified in catering at their local college. They have looked at a number of empty shops in the town but have decided on one near the main railway station. They intend renting the premises and are currently negotiating a rental agreement with the landlord for five years. Their bank manager has agreed to lend them money to pay for the start-up costs and to furnish and equip the premises. This loan will be repaid monthly with interest over the next fiveyears.They have decided to buy tables and chairs for the coffee shop area as well as the necessary cutlery and crockery. However, have been advised to rent the barista machine from a coffee merchant who will also supply them with the specialist coffees they choose. They have applied to the local council for permission to use the pavement area outside the shop for seating for eight customers. A small environmental group, ‘Keep Streets Clean’ have sent an objection to the local council planning department stating their concerns about rubbish caused by take-away outlets.InstructionsThe following exercises may be completed in groups of 3-4 students to share ideas and discuss key points. Students should use local knowledge and research to bring the scenario into the context of their own area. PART ONEUsing Porter’s Five Forces Analysis assess the potential profitability of Coffee Time’s proposal.Porter’s Five Forces AnalysisThreat to new entrantsThreat of substitutesBargaining power of suppliersCompetitive rivalryBargaining power of buyersForceAnalysisThreat to new entrantsBargaining power of buyersBargaining power of suppliersThreat of substitutesCompetitor RivalryPART TWOIdentify ‘Coffee Times’ key stakeholders; their interests, and power of influence.StakeholderMain InterestPower of influencePART THREELook back at the list of stakeholders that you identified for ‘Coffee Time’ in the previous exercise.InterestLowHighUsing Mendelow’s matrix categorise each group in terms of the importance of keeping them informed about the ‘Coffee Times’ operations and future plans. 92392536195LowPowerHighCategoryStakeholder GroupWhat do they need to knowLow interest, low powerHigh interest, low powerLow interest, high powerHigh interest, high power ................

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