I. Introduction to Psychology
|Objectives |Concepts |Contents |Activities |Evaluation |
|Cognitive |1. Introduction of |1. Introduction Meaning and |1. To make models and charts |1. To evaluate |
|To understand the nature |psychology |Definition of psychology as | |assignments |
|importance and limitation of | |science of Behavior and mental |2. Question answers | |
|Science in general and |2. Science of Behaviour |processes | |2. To conduct questions|
|Psychology in Particular | |2. Goals of psychology |3. Group discussion and |/ answers session after|
| |3. Areas of Modern |3. Clinical psychology |seminars |completing chapters for|
|Affective |Psychology |4. Experimental psychology | |evaluation |
|To appreciate the subject | | |4. Assignment Work | |
| | |5. Educational Psychology | |3. Assignment work |
|Psychomotor | | |5. To administrate objective |about the topic |
|1. To discuss what psychology| |6. Environmental psychology |type tests. | |
|really does? | |7. Criminal psychology | | |
|2. To identify different | |8. Business Psychology | | |
|areas of psychology. | | | | |
|3. To analyze the role of | | | | |
|different psychologist in | | | | |
|Every day life. | | | | |
II. Methods of Research
|Objectives |Concepts |Contents |Activities |Evaluation |
|Cognitive |1. Research |1. Meaning and significance of |1. Observation in actual |1. Observing the |
|To understand the main | |research |situation |attitude in the |
|Psychological methods. |2. Methods of Research |2. Types of Research: |2. Experimentation in |classroom |
|Affective | |i. Observation Method |laboratory situation | |
|To appreciate the different |3. Visage is Psychology |ii. Experimental Method |3. Conduct a survey in the |2. Essay |
|steps involved in | |iii. Survey Methods |classroom on any issue/ | |
|experiments. | |iv. Case – study Method. |problem of daily life. |3. Assignment work |
|Psychomotor | |Advantages |4. Question and answer |about the topic |
|To select the appropriate | | | | |
|method for collection of data| | | | |
|for a given situation. | | | | |
III. Nervous System and Behaviour
|Objectives |Concepts |Contents |Activities |Evaluation |
|Cognitive |1. Nervous system and |1. Meaning & relationship with |1. Charts And Models |1. Question answer |
|To express how natural and |Behaviour |behaviour . | |session after |
|biochemical activities in the| |2. Neuron spinal cord |2. Diagram And Labeling The |completing chapters |
|body form a |2. The Nervous System |3. Structure and Function of |Parts of the brain |for evaluation. |
|Basis for all other | |main parts of Brain | | |
|behaviours | |4. Factors which disturb |3. Competition Of Drawing |2. Assignment work |
| | |Nervous system | |about the topic. |
|Affective | | |4. Functioning Of Computers Vs| |
|To appreciate the role of | | |Human Brain |3. Assessing the |
|spinal cord in Reflex action.| | | |attitude of students |
| | | |5. Demonstration On The Black |while demonstrating |
|Psychomotor | | |Board | |
|To explain the different | | | | |
|functions of spinal cord | | |6. Home Assignment | |
|locate the main parts of the | | | | |
|brain in a diagram | | | | |
IV. Sensation and Perception
|Objectives |Concepts |Contents |Activities |Evaluation |
|Cognitive |1. Sensation and |1. Brief introduction of |1. Drawing and labeling of |1. Question/ Answers |
|1. To understand basic |perception |sensation |the parts of Eye and Ear. |session after |
|terminology used in the |2. Basic concept and |2. Anatomy of the Eye, what we |2. Model of Eye and Ear. |completing chapters |
|process of sensation. |function of Eye. |see and how we see Factors |3. Identification of |for evaluation |
|2. To understand the incoming|3. Basic concept and |influencing eye |differences as well as |2. Assignment work |
|sensory data by perceptual |function of Ear. |3. Anatomy of Ear, and how we |similarities b/w the |about the topic |
|organization. |4. Precautionary |hear. |functions of Eye and Camera. |3. Essay |
|Affective |measures in case of |i. Factors deforming the |4. Explanation of daily |4. Objective type |
|To appreciate the role of Eye|malfunctioning of Eye |sensation & perception |situation such as the |tests. |
|in perception of depth |and Ear. |ii. Precautionary measure. |perception of weights of two |5. Restricted response|
|distance and movement |5. Attention |Definitions Factors of Attention |objects or the difference in |tests. |
|Psychomotor |6. Perception | |two sounds. | |
|To labelize the different |organization |Fluctuation and Distraction of | | |
|parts of the eye and ears; |(i) Types of perception |Attention | | |
|locate different factors, |(ii) Consistency of |Gestalt laws of perceptual | | |
|which effect the attention of|visual perception |organization. | | |
|an individual. |(iii) Illusion |Depth & Distance. | | |
| | |Movement. Monocular cues for | | |
| | |depth perception Binocular Cues | | |
| | |for depth perception. Definition.| | |
| | |Kinds of Illusion. Effects on the| | |
| | |human life. | | |
V. Learning and Remembering
|Objectives |Concepts |Contents |Activities |Evaluation |
|Cognitive |1. Learning and |1. Definition of learning |1. Group discussion and |1. Question/ Answer |
|1. To understand |Remembering |2. Basic Principles of learning |seminars |session after completing|
|the process of learning |2. Learned and unadorned|3. Learning by Observing | |chapters of evaluation |
|2. To discuss the ways of |Behaviour |i. Conditioning ii. Classical |2. Assignment | |
|learning. |3. Ways of learning |iii. Operant | |2. Assignment work about|
|3. To appreciate the concepts|4. Memory Processes |4. Definition of Memory |3. Simple experiment of |the topic |
|of classical and operant |5. Three stags Memory |i. Sensory, Memory ii. |learning | |
|conditioning in every day |Model. |Short-term Memory | | |
|life. |6. Measurement of Memory|iii. Long-term Memory |4. Experiment of Recall | |
|Affective | |5. Measuring Memory | | |
|1. To utilize perceiving and | |i. Recognitions Method |5. Experiment of forgetting | |
|remembering process in | |ii. Recall Method | | |
|classroom situation. | |iii. Saving Method |6. Learning by computer. | |
| | |iv. Method of Rearrangement | | |
|Psychomotor | |6. Forgetting | | |
|1. To analyze the methods of | | | | |
|measurement of memory | | | | |
VI. Motivational Behaviour
|Objectives |Concepts |Contents |Activities |Evaluation |
|Cognitive |1. Motivational |1. Definition |1. Discussion on innate |1. Question/ Answer |
|To understand major motives |behaviour |2. How they direct our Behavior |behaviour and learned |session after completing|
|which motivate the person to |2. Characteristics of | |behaviour |chapters of evaluation |
|work |motivation Instinct, |3. Primary motives (unlearned/ |2. Charts and completion on | |
|Affective |Needs /Drives, |Physiological) |any topic related to |2. Assignment work about|
|To appreciate the role of |Incentive, Balance or |4. Hunger, thirst, temperature, |motivational behaviour |the topic |
|social motive in governing |Equilibrium |Sex, Maternal |3. Speeches as motivation | |
|the affective social life. |(Homeostasis) |5. Secondary motives (learned/ |4. Brain storming |3. Assessing the |
|Psychomotor |3. Types of Motives |psychological) |5. Class test |capabilities while |
|1. To differentiate between | |6. Achievement Motive | |speeches & brain |
|stimulates and motives which | |7. Power Motive | |storming is in |
|govern the behaviour of an | |8. Affiliation Motive | |operation. |
|individual. | |9. Aggression | | |
|2. To explain the major type | |10. How to cope with stress, and | | |
|of biological motives. | |emotion | | |
|Discuss the major types of | |11. Elements affecting Motivation | | |
|psychological motives. | | | | |
VII. Personality
|Objectives |Concepts |Contents |Activities |Evaluation |
|Cognitive |1. Personality |1. Definition. Ectomaphic, |1. Development of a |1. Question/ Answer |
|1. To define personality |2. Definition of |Endomorphic Geomorphic types |questionnaire. |session after completing|
| |personality |i. Introvert, Extrovert & Amber |2. Collection of data |chapters of evaluation |
|Affective |3. Types & traits of |ii. Freudian theory Tillman’s |3. Group discussion | |
|1. To appreciate the process |personality |Cognitive theory (c) Millar & |4. Debates |2. Assignment work about|
|of personality development as|4. Personality theories|Dullard’s Behavior theory | |the topic |
|given by different theorists.|5. Personality |2. Introduction (contribution of |5. Brain storming | |
|Psychomotor |assessment |Pakistani psychologist) |6. Class tests |3. Assessing the |
|1. To judge the types of the | |3. Objective types: |7. Speeches |behaviour of students |
|personalities by using | |i. Questionnaire, Interview | |while busy in |
|different techniques of | |ii. MMPI | |activities. |
|personality assessment | |iii. Projective techniques | | |
|2. To construct a | |vi. TAT, Ross checks Inkblot | | |
|questionnaire for the | |4. How to groom | | |
|measurement of personality | | | | |
|types/traits. | | | | |
VIII. Emotional Behaviour
|Objectives |Concepts |Contents |Activities |Evaluation |
|Cognitive |1. Emotional Behaviour |1. Meaning and definition |1. Identification of |1. Question/ Answer |
|1. To recognize state and |2. Introduction |2. Psychology of Emotion |different emotion states in |session after completing|
|unstable state |3. Theories of Emotion | |the classroom by the help of |chapters of evaluation |
|Affective |4. Environmental |3. Tames-Jange theory (Feelings |charts. | |
|1. To appreciate the common |aspects of Emotion |are physical) |2. Quizzes |2. Assignment work about|
|goal of the following | |4. Cannon – bard theory |3. Group discussion |the topic |
|emotions rage, fear, love and| |(Feelings are cognitive) |4. Brain storming | |
|resentment | |5. Role of Learning and |5. Role play |3. Assessing the |
|Psychomotor | |Environment in emotion |6. Stimulation |behaviour of students |
|1. To compare the James-Jange| |6. How to develop life skills | |while busy in |
|theory with Canon. Bard | | | |activities. |
|theory | | | | |
|2. To explain the role of | | | | |
|learning and environment on | | | | |
|Emotional Behaviour. | | | | |
IX. Higher Cognitive Process
|Objectives |Concepts |Contents |Activities |Evaluation |
|Cognitive |1. Higher cognitive |1. Meaning & definition of |1. Use of problem solving |1. Question/ Answer |
|1. To understand the |process |cognition |techniques |session after completing|
|cognitive abilities and to |2. Cognition |2. Intelligence, General or |2. Question answer |chapter for evaluation |
|learn from experiences to |3. Cognitive components |specific Abilities |3. Brain storming on any | |
|reason well and to cope |intelligence |3. Spearman Model Guilford |problem |2. Assignment work about|
|effectively with the demands |4. Different Models of |Model |4. Class tests |the topic |
|of daily living |Intelligence |4. Stanford-Binate intelligence|5. Measurement of | |
| |5. Measurement of |Scale, WAIS, WISE Army Alpha and|Intelligence by using WAIS |3. Assessing the |
| |Intelligence |Beta Intelligence |WISC. |attitude while doing |
|Affective |6. Language and Problem |5. Definition & significances |6. Use of Computer |creative exercises. |
|1. To appreciate the language|solving |6. Cognitive operations in |7. Home assignments | |
|development process |7. Problem solving |problem solving undersigning & | | |
| |strategies |Organizing | | |
|Psychomotor |8. What is language? |i. Discussion | | |
|To Identify the problems of |9. Describe the |ii. Brain Storming iii. | | |
|daily life and to solve these|structure in Language. |Cooperative Learning | | |
|problems. |10. Language |7. Meaning of Language | | |
|To analyze the language |Acquisition. |8. Basic tools of | | |
|development process |11. National integration|communication. Elements of | | |
| | |Language | | |
| | |9. Language Development Process| | |
| | | | | |
| | |10. Ride & contribution | | |
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