Commercials that have ethos pathos and logos


Commercials that have ethos pathos and logos

Before there was Ogilvy, there was Aristotle. The Greek philosopher cooked up a concept called the three `modes of persuasion' that would have gone down an absolute storm on LinkedIn. In short, it's a framework for understanding the three main ways we persuade people to do something. Here's the line-up: Mode of persuasion How it works Ethos (a.k.a. Ethical appeal) Persuading your audience by convincing them that your protagonist is credible Pathos (a.k.a. Emotional appeal) Persuading your audience by appealing to their emotions Logos (a.k.a. Logical appeal) Persuading your audience by using facts, logic, or reason Ethos Pencil the Dog demonstrating 'ethos' Ethos is the Greek word for `character'. It's where we get the word `ethic' from. Brands use ethos by working with a celebrity or expert ? someone who the audience will see as being credible or trustworthy. They hope that by working with a household name, some of the celeb's magic dust will fall on the product they're advertising. Colin Kaepernick is an American football player who oozes good ethics. He bravely protested against racial injustice and systematic oppression in the USA by kneeling during the US national anthem, rather than standing. It resulted in him not having a team to play for (and a barrage of angry Trump tweets). Kaepernick sacrificed everything. So when he says the line, "Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything," it's a powerful use of ethos. It leaves the audience thinking that if it trusts the character of the speaker (Kaepernick), then it can trust Nike as a credible source, too. Get this guide as a poster Download a copy of this guide as a free, printable PDF Download Modes of Persuasion Poster ...or embed on your site Embed this image on your website Ethos, Pathos, Logos Pathos Pathos is the Greek word for `suffering' and `experience'. It's the root of the words `empathy' and `pathetic'. Advertisers use pathos by making an audience feel what they want them to feel, whether it's humour, anger, pity, or any other emotion. You might call it `tugging on the heartstrings' or `dialing up the emotions'. Gillette's new ad is a prime example of pathos. If you wanted an advert to sum up 'all the feels', this would be it. On the surface, it's just a clip of a dad teaching his son how to shave for the first time. But the kicker is that his son is transgender activist Samson Bonkeabantu Brown. So when Samson's dad tells Samson not to be scared, it goes much deeper than fearing a little shaving cut. This is about more than razor technique. It's about the challenge of living as a trans man, too. And Gillette's use of pathos swoops in to give your heartstrings a big tug. Logos Pencil the Dog demonstrating 'logos' Logos is the Greek word for, um, `word'. But it's also where we get the word 'logic'. Advertisers use logos by convincing an audience of their argument using facts, logic or reason. Logos is when we use cold arguments ? like data, statistics, or common sense ? to convince people of something, rather than trying to appeal to an audience's emotions. When it launched, the iPhone X was one of the ritziest, most expensive phones available. That may be why Apple kept it simple with this ad, rattling off a list of compelling facts and figures about its latest creation ? like wireless charging, durable glass, and a lack of home button. The result? A perfect example of logos, and an ad that's teeming with logical appeal. Apple has one agenda with this spot: to deliver logical arguments that the iPhone X is the most advanced phone on the market, and put you in a frame of mind where you've simply got to have it ? regardless of its hefty price tag. With a mix of hard data and facts, Apple positions the iPhone X as the logical choice for the discerning gadget lover. Aristotle would be proud. The triple threat Imagine if there was an advert that combined ethos appeals, pathos appeals, and logos appeals. Would it break the internet? Is it even possible? To experience this dynamic ethos-pathos-logos trifecta, we need to jump all the way back to 1996 and talk to a guy called George. We might be wrong, but we think this could be one of the best adverts of all time. Or, at least, Aristotle's favourite. It's got the celebrity appeal of former boxer George Foreman ? a man we can all agree is worth listening to. It elicits an emotional response by making you laugh (or at least chuckle lightly). And it's full of persuasive appeals about the many, many merits of George's grill. Check, check, check. Hitting up all three means of persuasion might not be the only reason George has managed to sell over 100 million of his grills. But we're willing to bet it helped. Who knows what might happen if, like George, you mastered Aristotle's rhetorical appeals? The sky's the limit. Talk about an eye-roller. Seriously, sometimes it seems like these marketing people just make things up as they go along. Persuasive commercial? I know what you are thinking, "Is this what I am paying for? Isn't it implied that we want our ads persuasive?" Of course, but, as you've probably guessed, it's a bit more complicated. In fact, to fully understand persuasive ad techniques, we start with a refresher on Aristotle.This post was updated in May 2021Aristotelian Rhetoric and Persuasive AdvertisingSounds deep, right? In its entirety, Aristotle's Rhetoric, written in the 4th century BCE, is considered by scholars of law, philosophy, and political history to be "the earliest authoritative analysis of persuasive discourse and argumentative techniques." Luckily, for the purposes of this post, we will focus on the crux of the full work (available here if you are so inclined) and how it pertains to persuasion in advertising. Hang in there. It's about to get a lot more exciting!Basically, Aristotle's main point is that effective persuasion appeals to an audience with an appropriate balance of ethos (ethics and credibility), pathos (emotion), and logos (logic and reason). Depending on the audience, each of these appeals will be present in varying strengths. Apparently, he was onto something because more than 2500 years later, advertisers worldwide are still using his ideas to make persuasive commercials and reach audiences.The Effect of EthosPersuasive ads with an ethos concentration use the perceived credibility of a speaker, to sell the audience on your brand's trustworthiness and reliability. The narrator or spokesperson in your commercial, appearing to be dependable, becomes a symbol of your brand's dependability. Advertisers convey this with a few approaches:Partnering with a respected, not necessarily well-known, industry leaderHiring influencers and celebrities for your video and audio advertisingLocal and regional businesses often use current and former sports iconsUsually, ad budgets don't have room for celeb endorsements. In that case, ethos in persuasive commercials arises from the information given. Perhaps, without even realizing it, you've seen these commercials and acted. The ones that claim that "more Moms choose Jif" and "four out of five dentists" recommend a certain chewing gum or mouthwash. The narrator, lending credibility to the brand, shares the results of surveys of an untold number of people with particular expertise. Brands Helping BrandsAlso, brands can use affiliations with other respected brands to boost their ethos. For instance, last year, the NFL had its first official wine sponsor. Babe Wine has teamed up with the NFL giving the growing wine in a can company a little credibility. Moreover, the move provides the NFL with the opportunity to let us little ladies know that we're welcome at the stadium because they offer a canned pink lady drink scrawled with the word BABE. To think, all these years, I've been sitting down to watch football with man beer when what I needed was a sparkling rose. The reach may not resonate with every female NFL fan, and it is a reminiscence of Bic's Pen for Her failure of 2012. While the messages potentially perceived as brutish women like wine or even ladies can like football won't appeal to all, they seem to be working.The Power of PathosUndeniably, you have fallen victim to the power of pathos, the technique used to appeal to an audience using emotion. Remember that Sarah Mclachlan commercial for the ASPCA? If not, definitely click the link and watch.Sara's song, In the Arms of an Angel, plays quietly in the background. The images of abused animals with their dejected little faces fade in and out. It is gut-wrenching. Seriously, this is the result of the ASPCA deciding to make a persuasive commercial instead of having Ms. Mclachlan come to your home, punch you in the stomach, and steal your wallet.Ultimately, after two years, the commercial, credited with raising more than $30 million, was the ASPCA's most profitable fundraising effort ever. Why? Because of pathos. And because sad kitties and puppies make you open your wallet, and if they don't, at the very least, you will feel terrible about it for a long time. Varied and Successful Use of PathosInasmuch as heartstring-tugging works for fundraising efforts, techniques using pathos cross the gamut of emotions:There are so many emotional approaches that writers and advertisers can take when creating persuasive commercial scripts. Although, often, a less `in your face' attitude, employed by gently weaving an emotional appeal through an ad, and offering more balanced use of ethos, pathos, and logos. The Leverage of LogosOut of the three persuasive ad techniques, we, as consumers, probably want to believe logos is the one that really speaks to us. Undoubtedly, logic and reason play a substantial role in our purchases and financial decisions. But, from the persuasive advertising perspective, it makes sense to use logos sparingly.Where ethos and pathos seem limitless because we really can't get enough of cute puppies and celebrities, logos has limited appeal. While we want to know the facts and statistics that prop up the product or service being sold, let's be honest, most of us work with a limited attention span. The balance of information that can be digested in a 30 to 60-second persuasive commercial is finite. Where emotion and star power grab our attention, logic and reason will justify our choices. When conceptualizing or writing a script for a persuasive commercial, the right amount of logos will usually depend on the product and the target market.Overwhelming Amounts of Stats and FactsIn the case of direct-to-consumer advertising of pharmaceuticals, legal requirements play a major factor in ad creation. In these instances, the makers, distributors, and creatives would prefer much less logos. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulate content and ensure compliance. In this Ambien CR commercial, the advertisers need to convey:The main character has a sleeping problemThe sleeping problem is affecting many aspects of her lifeAmbien CR may be the solution ? how it worksShe asked her doctor about Ambien CRAmbien CR solved her problemIn this instance, the writers only had the first 22 seconds and the last five seconds of the voiceover to cover the key points of their message. Forty seconds of the voiceover has to be committed to warnings and potential side effects. That is a difficult task, considering recent studies tell us that the average person is working with an attention span of around eight seconds. A few questions:Did you watch the commercial?Was the problem to be solved immediately understood?Did you immediately recognize the proposed solution?Honestly, how much of the 40 seconds of warnings did you actually absorb?I've watched it four times, and I am going to have nightmares about sleep driving with a swollen tongue. If I had to venture a guess, maybe I absorbed five seconds of the 40 seconds worth of warnings. Moreover, that was five seconds on my fourth watch after I told myself that I was going to pay attention the entire time!The point? Logos is a persuasive ad technique that requires careful consideration. In reality, a successful persuasive commercial is going to have all three rhetorical elements to varying degrees.Persuasive Commercial Success with Ethos, Pathos, and LogosThe perfect combination of credibility, emotion, and logic can be seen in a back to school commercial for Old Navy. Amy Poehler, not just a famous comedian but a Mom as well lends credibility; the cute kids provide emotion, and the banter about the low prices gives us the reason.Another excellent example of the ideal rhetoric combo is this one for Samsung Galaxy S4. Of course, the celebratory nature of graduation brings the emotion to the story, and the subtle way that the ingenious technical aspects of the phone are woven throughout the story is a creative and exciting use of logos.But what about ethos? Who gives this product credibility? The young, good-looking trendy people. If the young, good-looking trendy kids want that phone, you should too. Obviously. By openly mocking us old folks and our iPhones, Samsung is letting us know that the Galaxy S4 is the cutting edge of technology (FYI ? this commercial is from 2013. You now need a Galaxy 10 Plus to even converse with a young person without being mocked).It is a lot, right? Presumably, if you have read this post all of the way through, you are not a marketing guru. Hopefully, you are someone running a small business that you are passionate about, with a limited marketing and advertising budget. Even the littlest bit of knowledge about how persuasive commercials work should help you move forward with your own advertising ventures.If you haven't already, you may eventually decide to outsource your creative advertising. When you do, you will already have in mind the persuasive ad techniques that will speak to your target market. You will be able to give a scriptwriter better insight into the approach that you feel is best suited for your product. Most importantly, you will be able to analyze the final product and know that even minute details can play a starring role in a successful persuasive commercial. what is ethos pathos and logos in advertising. how to use ethos pathos and logos in an advertisement. what is ethos pathos and logos examples. what commercials use ethos

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