We strongly encourage you to apply via the Internet by ...

Master’s in Communication Studies Application Instructions

Review of applications begins February 15. For best consideration, please have your materials in by February 15. Please send this checklist along with your application materials to the Department. Please direct all program-specific questions to Christopher.Duerringer@csulb.edu and any application-related questions to Savannah.Holmes@csulb.edu.





1. University Application

______ Submit a University Application with supporting material for Communication Studies (code COMMMA01) using csumentor.edu

______ Submit official copies of all college transcripts to the University Enrollment Services

______ Submit official copies of your GRE scores to University Enrollment Services

______ Pay application fee to the University

Transcripts and GRE scores should be sent to the University Admission office at: Enrollment Services/Admissions, CSU Long Beach, 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90840. **Enrollment Services is still open on campus and is accepting transcripts sent through the mail**

2. Department Application

______ Submit statement of purpose (guidelines listed below)

______ Three recommendation forms (forms on department website)

______ Resume addressing professional experience (if applying for a TA position)

______ 1-page statement of qualifications for TA position (if applying for a TA position)

Your recommenders can email their completed forms and letters directly to the COMM department assistant, Savannah Holmes, at Savannah.Holmes@csulb.edu. Note: Please send all documents as PDF files only.

Your application checklist, statement of purpose, resume, and TA statement should also be emailed to Savannah.Holmes@csulb.edu. You will be sent a notification of receipt once these materials have been submitted. Note: Please send all documents as PDF files only & attach all materials in one email.

Statement of Purpose Guidelines: We are interested in how your current goals relate to our graduate degree program. Please provide a 2-page, typed statement of purpose addressing the following things:

← What goals and objectives do you wish to accomplish by completing a Master of Arts in Communication Studies?

← How is CSULB's Department of Communication Studies MA curriculum particularly suited for your specific goals?

← How are you educationally and/or professionally prepared for graduate study in communication?

← If you do not meet the department minimums, explain why you are still prepared to succeed in graduate school.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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