
2019 Baseball BC Administrators Conference

Baseball BC is excited to announce the inagural Administrator’s Conference to be held January 26-27, 2019. The conference will be held at the Sandman Signature Hotel located at 8828 201st Street in Langley.

Our target audience for this conference is community association executive members. The sessions available will be applicable to any member of an executive, from an experienced President to a first year Director. While high performance camps for athletes and coaching conferences are common within the baseball community, very little has been done to provide educational opportunities for local association executives. This conference aims to fill that gap.

Conference Fees

Individual (Full Conference) $50

Individual (Day) $35

Individual (Half-Day) $20

Entire Executive (Full Confernece) $500

Five Executive Members (Full Conf.) $200

A 20% discount will be applied to individuals residing on Vancouver Island or the Interior.

Registration Process

Please email Kyle Williams (, Administrator’s Conference Coordinator, to register and select sessions.

Payment may be made as follows:

1) Mail a cheque to Baseball BC at #310 – 15225 104th Avenue, Surrey, BC.

2) By credit card - phone Baseball BC at 604-586-3310.

Payment must be made within 7 days to confirm your registration. All payments must be received prior to the start of the conference. Payments may be refunded at 50% prior to January 20th.


Administrators Conference Agenda

Saturday January 26, 2019

|8:30 to 9:00 |Registration |

|9:00 to 9:05 |Welcome: Kyle Williams – Conference Coordinator |

|9:05 to 9:15 |Welcome: John Berry – President of Baseball BC |

|9:15 to 10:00 |Keynote Address: |

|10:00 to 10:10 |Transition |

|10:10 to 10:55 |Breakout Sessions: |

| |Fundraising & Sponsorship |

| |Discipline Processes |

|10:55 to 11:05 |Transition |

|11:05 to 12:00 |Executive Meetings & Collaborative Decision Making |

|12:00 to 1:00 |Lunch |

|1:00 to 1:50 |Risk Management |

|1:50 to 2:00 |Transition |

|2:00 to 2:45 |Breakout Sessions: |

| |Inclusive Practices |

| |Umpire Development |

|2:45 to 2:55 |Transition |

|2:55 to 3:45 |Policy Development |


Administrators Conference Agenda

Sunday January 27, 2019

|9:00 to 9:40 |Volunteer Recruitment & Retention |

|9:40 to 10:20 |Grass Roots Baseball |

|10:20 to 10:30 |Transition |

|10:30 to 11:15 |Breakout Sessions: |

| |Budgeting & Financial Responsibility |

| |Coach Selection |

|11:15 to 11:25 |Transition |

|11:25 to 12:00 |High Performance Baseball: College & Beyond |

|12:00 to 1:00 |Lunch |

|1:00 to 1:40 |Girls Baseball |

|1:40 to 1:50 |Transitions |

|1:50 to 2:35 |Breakout Sessions |

| |Running a Successful Tournament |

| |Team Selection Process |

|2:35 to 2:45 |Transition |

|2:45 to 3:30 |Utilizing Social Media & Online Tools |

|3:30 to 4:00 |Closing Remarks & Participant Feedback |

Session Descriptions

Session descriptions are subject to change and will be updated throughout the fall as speakers are confirmed.

Saturday at 9:15 – Keynote (Full Audience)


Saturday at 10:10 – Fundraising & Sponsorship (Breakout)

Session Description: Raising funds is often a necessary component of running a youth baseball program and allows organizations to offer programming opportunities while maintaining a reasonable cost for families. This session will explore various fundraising and sponsorship opportunities with a focus on analyzing whether the financial value of a fundraising opportunity is worth the volunteer hours required.

Target Audience: This session is intended for Presidents, Vice Presidents, and anyone with a role in fundraising within an association.

Saturday at 10:10 – Discipline Processes (Breakout)

Session Description: Discipline is an unfortunate reality of running an association. This session will identify the need for associations to have a clear and transparent discipline process in place prior to a need arising and will present best practices for associations to consider. Routine discipline resulting from umpire ejections to more complex investigations will be discussed.

Target Audience: This session is intended for Presidents, VPs, and discipline committee members but anyone on an association executive would benefit from the ideas presented.

Saturday at 11:05 – Executive Meetings & Collaborative Decision Making (Full Audience)

Have you ever been to an executive meeting where the discussion goes in circles and if you do make a decision, it has a contentious ending with the feeling of winners and losers? This session has two goals. Firstly, ideas and structures that promote efficiently organized meetings, that stay focused on the decision to be made, will be presented. With your executive meeting now running efficiently, the second part of this session will provide tools and tricks for achieving consensus among directors.

Saturday at 1:00 – Risk Management (Full Audience)

When was the last time your association reviewed risk management? This session seeks to identify the importance of risk management for protecting everyone within your association. From simple safety checks of playing fields to protecting your members’ data, to protecting your athletes from abuse, this session will provide an overview of risk management topics for your association to consider.

Saturday at 2:00 – Inclusive Practices (Breakout)

Session Description: For many years schools have skillfully found creative methods of including students with special needs into classrooms. This session will explore ways in which coaches can include athletes with special needs into baseball. While programs such as challenger will be discussed, this session will focus on the inclusion of athletes into regular baseball programs and will go beyond physical disabilities and identify more common special needs, such as ADHD, anxiety, and attentive listening challenges, that many athletes on regular baseball teams face. This session aims to reshape the way we view individual athletes.

Target Audience: This session is geared towards any executive member in a position to introduce inclusive practices to their association.

Saturday at 2:00 – Umpire Development (Breakout)

Session Description: This session will explore best practices related to umpire development for community associations. Strategies for the recruitment and retention of umpires will be identified as well as the need for ongoing mentorship and educational programs.

Target Audience: This session is intended for association Umpire in Chiefs, Presidents, Vice Presidents, and those who would be involved in umpire development within an association.

Saturday at 2:55 – Policy Development (Full Audience)

Questions about association policies often arise in problem situations when members realize that a policy on the topic of the day does not exist. While it is not possible to write policies for every foreseeable situation, this session will identify must have policies and procedures that are clearly communicated to your families and referenced on your website.

Sunday at 9:00 – Volunteer Recruitment & Retention (Full Audience)

Volunteers are the cornerstone of an association. This session will identify ways in which associations can recruit volunteers for a variety of tasks and keep them returning year after year even after their children have left your association.

Sunday at 9:40 – Grass Roots Baseball (Full Audience)

This session will discuss the importance of grass roots programming and will identify best practices and specific programs available including: Blast Ball, Hit Run Throw, etc.

Sunday at 10:30 – Budgeting & Financial Responsibility (Breakout)

Session Description: This session will explore best practices in budgeting and financial responsibility for community associations. Topics will include the annual budget process, tracking expenditures to ensure your association remains on budget throughout a year, and how to plan for capital projects. Best practices and protocols for preventing theft of funds will be identified.

Target Audience: This session is intended for Presidents, Vice Presidents, and treasurers; however, financial responsibility is an oversight responsibility of all executive members, therefore this session may be of interest to all.

Sunday at 10:30 – Coach Selection (Breakout)

Session Description: Sometimes the selection of a coach is determined by the first person to volunteer to bring the equipment bag to the park. Other times, multiple applicants are interested in a position and it is vital that associations have procedures in place to fairly and transparently determine who will be given the team. This session will discuss methods of writing and advertising for coaching opportunities, as well as suggesting an interview process and questions to ask prospective candidates.

Target Audience: This session is intended for Presidents, Vice Presidents, Coaching Coordinators, and anyone involved in the selection of coaches within an association.

Sunday at 11:25 – High Performance Baseball: College & Beyond (Full audience)

Session Description: The session will discuss the importance of high performance programming and opportunities as an integrated part of a baseball program. An overview of post-secondary opportunities will be discussed.

Sunday at 1:00 – Girls Baseball (Full audience)

Session Description: This session will discuss the importance of girls programming, the opportunities that exist for female athletes, and current Baseball BC programs.

Sunday at 1:50 – Running a Successful Tournament (Breakout)

Session Description: This session will offer tips and tricks for turning a good tournament into a great tournament that will attract returning teams year after year. Topics such as: communication; scheduling, managing weather, necessary rules, and much more will be discussed.

Target Audience: This session is intended for anyone serving in any tournament leadership capacity at any level.

Sunday at 1:50 – Team Selection Process (Breakout)

Session Description: Why didn’t my Johnny make the team? This a common complaint heard around the diamond and a less than positive way of starting the season. This session will provide tips on organizing fair, consistent, and transparent tryouts in addition to the need for clearly communicating expectations to parents during the selection process.

Target Audience: This session is intended for Presidents, Vice Presidents, Division Coordinators and anyone involved the selection of teams.

Sunday at 2:45 – Utilizing Social Media (Full audience)

Session Description: This session will identify how social media can be used to promote your association’s brand as well as how technology can be used to improve and enhance communication and decision making structures within your association.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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