
Course: Advanced Placement Physics 1 Level: AP

Teacher: Ms. Kristi Christenson Credit: 1.5

Room: 120

Course Description:

This is a college level course equivalent to a first semester introductory, algebra-based physics course. It conforms to the standards for AP Physics 1 as specified by the College Board and includes an introduction to Newtonian mechanics, mechanical waves & sound, work, energy & power, and basic electrostatics & circuits. Students will develop a conceptual understanding, as well as, solve problems using advanced algebra and trigonometry. This course will also include a hands-on laboratory component.

Student Learning Expectations:

1. The Shepherd Hill student writes effectively – expressing ideas using conventional standard written English.

4. The Shepherd Hill student uses technology effectively – utilizing and evaluating media and technology responsibly.

6. The Shepherd Hill student demonstrates critical thinking – gathering and analyzing information to solve problems.

9. The Shepherd Hill student demonstrates civic and social responsibility – being respectful of people, ideas and property as well as understanding the rights and duties of citizenship.


• textbook: Physics: Principles with Applications, 6th Ed, by Douglas C. Giancoli

• binder with loose-leaf paper for class notes and problem sets

• quad-ruled composition notebook for lab write-ups

• graphing calculator

• pens and pencils

Assessment/Grading Policy:

Student understanding will be assessed in the following ways: tests, quizzes, special projects, labs, homework, and classwork.

Assignments will be weighted as follows:

|Tests |40% |

|Quizzes |25% |

|Classwork/Homework |20% |

|Labs |15% |

• Homework will be assigned on most days and will support the concepts learned in class. Late homework will receive a score of zero.

• Quizzes are generally announced at least one day in advance. Unannounced “pop” quizzes are also possible and are often given as a notebook check or reading check.

• Tests will be given at the end of each unit and are announced at least two days in advance.

• You will keep a detailed lab notebook that will include all labs performed throughout the year. This lab notebook will be graded in class using a rubric at least once per quarter. Your lab notebook must be handed in at the beginning of class on the day it is scheduled to be corrected. Late lab notebooks will not be accepted and will receive a score of zero for the labs that were graded that day.

• Formal lab reports may be assigned for certain labs performed. Late lab reports will not be accepted and will receive a score of zero.

• Special projects will be graded using a rubric and may count as a quiz grade, a test grade, or two test grades, depending on the type of project.

Classroom Rules:

Cell phones, iPods and other electronic devices are not to be used in class without permission.

2. Hats and hoods are not to be worn in class. Please do not bring hats to class.

3. Be polite and respectful to teachers and fellow students. Do not talk while the teacher or fellow classmates are speaking. Profanity, name-calling and bullying will not be tolerated.

4. Refrain from eating and/or drinking during class. Food and beverages are not allowed in classrooms where labs take place. *You may drink water at your desk; however, water bottles must stay away from lab tables. Spills/wet hands are a hazard when working with electrical equipment.

Classroom Procedures:

1. Arrive to class on time and be in your assigned seat and when the bell rings.

2. Be prepared for class everyday. This means you must bring your textbook, binder, calculator, pen and pencil to class everyday. On certain days, usually scheduled in advance, you will also bring your lab notebook to class.

3. Hand in assignments on time. You must have your work in class at the beginning of class to be considered on time. Anything handed in after I have checked the assignment is considered late and will receive a score of zero.

4. Be attentive during lessons and take thorough notes. Notebook checks will count as a quiz grade and they will be unannounced.

5. Participate positively in class discussions by raising your hand and waiting to be called on. Respect the questions and ideas of your fellow classmates.

6. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for and make sure that work missed during an absence is completed and handed in promptly. You will receive a grade of zero for any work that is not made up within one week including tests, quizzes, projects, labs, homework, and classwork.

7. Get extra help or stay after to make up assessments and labs as needed. The schedule for extra help will be posted on the board at the beginning of each week.

AP Physics 1 - Period: _____


It’s going to be a fun and exciting year in AP Physics 1! Please read the course syllabus and familiarize yourself with the class rules and procedures. Your signature below is required and indicates that you have received the course syllabus for AP Physics 1.


Ms. Christenson

Student Name: ________________________________________________________________

Student E-mail: ________________________________________________________________

Student Signature: _____________________________________________________________


I look forward to working with you all year to provide the best education possible for your child. Many of us have multiple phone numbers and email accounts these days. Can you please provide me with the email address and phone number that you would prefer to be reached at this year? Thank you.


Ms. Christenson

Parent/Guardian E-mail: _________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Phone Number(s): ________________________________________________

If I call, what time of day is best for you at the number above? ___________________________

Preferred Method of Communication: Please circle one: E-mail Phone

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________________


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