
FULL-TIMEPROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL AND SUPPORT STAFFEMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Updated January 2016TABLE OF CONTENTSWelcome to Lorain County Community College 7Forward 8History 9College Mission10College Vision10College Values10COLLEGE GOVERANCE & DECISION MAKINGBoard of Trustees11Operations Council11Faculty Senate11Staff Council12Student Senate12GETTING STARTEDEmployee ID Cards13Parking13Telephone13Cellular Phones13Email13Intranet13PeopleSoft14EMPLOYMENT POLICIESEqual Opportunity / Affirmative Action15Sexual Harassment/Misconduct15Americans with Disabilities Act, ADA Coordinator, Office of Special Needs Services 15Nepotism16Confidential Nature of Work16Off-Campus Employment / Conflict of Interest16Campus Code of Conduct16Appearance and Conduct16Absence Notification17Rest Periods17Smoking 17Substance Abuse / Possession of Controlled Substances On Campus17Drug-Free Workplace Act Compliance18Use of College Name18Solicitation for Charity18CLASSIFICATION OF EMPLOYEESFull-time Employees19Part-time Employees19Temporary Full-time Employees19Professional / Technical Employees19Support Staff Employees19COMPENSATION POLICIESEmployment of All Personnel20Probationary Period20Pay Period 20Work Hours 20Overtime20HUMAN RESOURCESPersonnel Files21Job Descriptions for All Employees21Performance Appraisals21Promotions and Transfers21Job Postings21Reclassification, Reassignments, Staff Progression and Periodic Hay Reviews22Support Staff Career Pathways22Salary Increases22Grievance Procedure22Resignation 22Termination of Employment23BENEFITSMedical Insurance24Prescription Coverage24Dental Insurance24Basic Life/AD&D Insurance24Supplemental Life Insurance24Dependent Life Insurance24Group Long Term Disability24Vision Insurance25Flexible Spending Accounts25Employee Assistance Program25Retirement 25Alternative Retirement Plan25Supplemental Retirement Plans25Workers’ Compensation26Instructional Fee Waiver26Personal Trainer Fee Waiver26Tuition Reimbursement26Exchange Program26Savings Bonds26Credit Union27Corporate Credit Card27Check Cashing27Bookstore Purchasing Benefit27Cell Phone Discounts27Employee Computer Purchase Program27Special Event Ticketing Discounts27Use of Library 27Use of the Health, Physical Education and Recreation (HPER) Facilities27Service Recognition27TIME OFFVacation28Personal Days28Sick Leave28Donated Leave28Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)28Holidays28Leave for Court Appearance29Bereavement Leave29Military Leave29Leave Without Pay29Paid Sabbatical Leave – Faculty, Administration, Professional/Technical Staff 29Paid Educational Leave – Support Staff 29Inclement Weather and Emergency Closings30Text-Message Alert System30PAYROLL SERVICESPayroll Deductions31Direct Deposit of Biweekly Pay31Electronic Payroll Savings w/Treasury Direct31FACILITIES & SERVICESAutomatic Teller Machine32Fab Lab32Children’s Learning Center32Campus Security32Emergency Medical Assistance32Bookstore33Information Systems & Services33Teacher Education Resource Center (TERC)33Lounge Facilities33Library34Spitzer Conference Center34Stocker Center34Dining Services35MEDIA / PUBLICATIONS - COMMUNITY & CAMPUS COMMUNICATIONSIntroduction Information36FYI36Campus Directory36LCCC Annual Catalog36Operational Calendar36Policies and Procedures Manual36MAPSMain Campus37Learning Centers38SIGNATURE PAGE39-981075154305WELCOME to the Lorain County Community College campus community. We are delighted you have joined us in our important work. Each person makes an important and unique contribution to the ability of our college to fulfill its mission and vision.I want to formally welcome you by introducing you to the College’s mission because it describes the unique role that Lorain County Community College plays in higher education and in Lorain County.To empower...Individuals to succeed through quality education.Economies to grow through innovation.??Communities to thrive through partnerships and rich cultural experiences.Everything we do is designed and focused to fulfill this important mission. One thing that differentiates community colleges from other higher education entities is the focus on meeting the unique needs of a local community, in our case Lorain County. The mission when combined with a clear delineation of our collective values and our strategic, directional priorities describe the vision we are pursuing to meet Lorain County’s needs and aspirations.The College’s vision and supporting values statements for fulfilling this mission is embodied in the Vision 2020 document. The College has been pursuing three overarching priorities and seventeen specific initiatives. We have an important mission to fulfill and a clear path of how to do it. It takes all of us working together to help make Lorain County a better place to live and work.We are pleased you have joined our team and we look forward to your contributions of talents and energy as we pursue our vision. Welcome!Sincerely,Marcia J. Ballinger, Ph.D. President476259029700Foreword . . . . . This Professional/Technical and Support Staff Handbook has been designed to provide you with an overview of Lorain County Community College (otherwise known as LCCC or the College) and those College policies, procedures and benefits that most directly affect you and your family. The Handbook is intended to be a resource for employees whose primary responsibilities are other than teaching.This Handbook is provided for your use as a reference. Within this Handbook, there will be links to Policies and Procedures that are located on the LCCC Intranet. This can be accessed directly by typing www in the URL or from your computer workstation.We have attempted to anticipate many of your questions, however, the Staff Council, the Human Resources Office staff and your supervisor stand ready to assist you in whatever way we can. As these policies and procedures are subject to change, the Handbook will be updated from time to time. Should inaccuracies, inconsistencies, or conflicts appear to exist, the Policies and Procedures Manual will supersede this Handbook.HISTORYLorain County Community College was granted a charter to serve the county's higher education needs on July 15, 1963, becoming the second public community college in Ohio.In 1964, the citizens of Lorain County supported a 1.25 mil levy to provide funding for their college. That same year, the Lorain School of Technology was incorporated into LCCC, and the first classes were held that summer in rented facilities.In 1966, LCCC moved to its current location on Abbe Road North, in Elyria, making LCCC the first community college in Ohio to have its own campus. The campus opened with three buildings: Engineering Technologies, Mechanical Services, and Physical and Social Sciences. A year later, three more buildings were opened: Business, College Center, and Physical Education. Today LCCC’s main campus has more than sixteen buildings and satellite campuses have been built and satellite campuses in Lorain, Wellington, Brunswick and North Ridgeville are bringing educational opportunity to communities. In 1971, the College received full accreditation by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, the highest ranking accrediting association of higher education institutions. Since opening its doors, LCCC has served more than 250,000 people. The average age of an LCCC degree-seeking student is 27; 66 percent are women; 69 percent are enrolled in programs that provide them with skills for immediate employment; 31 percent are enrolled in programs that lead to transfer into bachelor's degree programs; and 73 percent are employed.In 2011, LCCC was the only Ohio school named in the Top 120 by Aspen Institute. To learn more about us Our Mission?To empower:Individuals to succeed through quality education.Economies to grow through innovation.??Communities to thrive through partnerships and rich cultural experiences.Our Vision To empower a thriving community:Where all students achieve academic and career success.Where industry talent needs are met and business start, locate and grow.Where people connect and prosper.Our ValuesWe are the community’s College.We are trusted by the community to educate, lead and inspire.We create a better, more sustainable future for your community.COLLEGE GOVERNANCE & DECISION MAKINGThe Board of Trustees of Lorain County Community CollegeThe Board of Trustees represent the people of the entire College district in providing an educational program that best serves the needs of the citizens within the limits of the budget. The Board members have authority only when acting as a Board of Trustees legally in session. No member or employee of the Board of Trustees shall have the power to act in the name of the Board outside of board meetings unless authorized to do so by the Board of Trustees. It is the duty of the Board to:Establish policiesEstablish rules and regulations for control and government of the Lorain County Community College District Select and appoint a President of the College Review and approve the President’s recommendation regarding personnel Review and approve financial matters for the College Review and approve areas of curriculum Delegate to the President authority to approve necessary operational procedures Delegate the authority to regulate the use of the facilities of the College and the conduct of the students, College employees, and visitors to the campus so that the College may pursue its educational objectives and programs in an orderly mannerOperations CouncilProcedure II-210 The Operations Council advises and assists the President in arriving at administrative decisions relating to the operation of the College. The Council, however, does not advise on confidential matters relating to personnel or administrative implementation of established policy, procedure or direction. The members of the Operations Council include the College President who sits as chairperson, the Vice President for Learner Services and Chief Academic Officer, the Vice President for Administrative Services/Treasurer, the Vice President for Strategic and Institutional Development, the President of Faculty Senate, the President of Staff Council and the President of Student Senate (ex officio).Faculty SenateProcedure II-225 To provide quality education to students, promote the values of higher education, strengthen the faculty’s commitment to their disciplines, and participate in the shared governance of Lorain County Community College.Staff CouncilProcedure II-270: To fulfill the following purposes in relation to staff in the Professional and Technical and Support Staff (Full and Part Time) employee classifications:(1) Provide a representative forum through which its members can address matters relating to the College and the members.(2) Provide an additional avenue to enhance the flow of communication to and from its members with others throughout the College.(3) Serve as a representative of its members in advising the President of the College in matters of Policy and Procedure.(4) Encourage the commitment of its members to the mission, values and philosophy of the College and involvement in efforts to achieve the College’s strategic goals.(5) Promote activities concerning staff development.(6) Promote recognition of its members as a valued part of the College’s work force.(7) Advise the President of the College concerning the approach which will be taken to administer any infusion of salary increases into the salary schedules of its members which has been approved by the District Board of Trustees.Student SenateProcedure V-310 As the governing body of the Associated Students, to promote, administer, and support activities which enhance the learning and developmental experiences of that group.GETTING STARTEDEmployee ID CardsEmployee Identification Cards are issued to all full and part time employees. Some Divisions/Departments may require their staff to wear/display his/her card while on campus, while others do not. Every employee should obtain an ID. In order to take advantage of many campus activities (Stocker Center performances, Library, Fitness Center, etc.), an LCCC photo ID card is required. This picture ID card is free to all College employees and their dependents and can be obtained at the Library. ParkingFaculty/Staff parking areas are marked with yellow lines. All staff is required to display a parking permit. Free parking permits for full-time staff and part-time staff are available in the Campus Security Office (LC 106). Handicapped parking is reserved for vehicles with state-approved ID tags, or a special temporary card from Campus Security.Persons charged with a parking violation should pay the appropriate fine at Financial Services within 20 days. Appeals may be submitted in writing to the Manager of Campus Security within 10 days of the citation. Continual abuse of parking violations by any employee will be reported to the employee's supervisor. Questions or concerns about parking should be directed to Campus Security at 366-4053.TelephonesEach employee is provided access to a telephone – either a physical telephone on his/her desk or a telephone within the Division/Department. All employees having a physical telephone are issued a telephone extension number that will remain the same throughout employment at LCCC. For information or questions regarding campus telephone service please contact the Help Desk at Ext. 4357.Cellular Telephones and Mobile Communication DevicesProcedureVI-108 Essential staff shall be assigned and use a College issued cellular telephone and/or mobile device. Essential staff shall be identified by the director or the functional equivalent in the areas of security, information technology, physical plant, marketing and food service. The director or functional equivalent for each of the above referenced areas, along with the Stocker Performing Arts Center and Spitzer Conference Center, shall assign said devices and be responsible for tracking their use. Contact your organizational unit administrator for more information.EmailAll LCCC employees are provided an e-mail address. For information regarding employee emails please contact the Help Desk at Ext. 4357.IntranetThe CampusNet Intranet () is a website that is accessible only by LCCC employees.? Information on the site is organized by various main sections that include Departments, Committees, Employee Resources and Projects. The Employee Resources section includes links to information that is of interest to most employees, including an employee forms library, the policies and procedures manual and campus calendars. ?Off-campus access to the site requires a login with the employee’s LCCC network user name and password. PeopleSoftPeopleSoft is the LCCC’s primary data-management system, which holds all student and employee records in addition to managing financial processes.? Online self-service transactions are provided to students and employees through the MyCampus portal (), which enables students to register for classes online and view other personal and academic information. LCCC employees log into the MyCampus portal to view their pay advice. ?Employees may log in from on or off campus by entering their LCCC network logins.? Other employee transactions through PeopleSoft, such as submission of expense reports, must be conducted through a different Web address and requires a PeopleSoft “back office” login. Links to back office sites are available on the CampusNet Intranet, located at . Contact your organizational unit administrator for more information.EMPLOYMENT POLICIESEqual Opportunity/Affirmative ActionProcedure II-305Procedure II-310 Equal access The College shall practice no discrimination in recruitment, hiring, retention, or conditions of employment; that is, all procedures and all actions in these areas shall be conducted on the basis of ability, training, and experience, without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, marital status, child-bearing status, age, handicap, or sexual orientation, except in situations in which an infirmity prevents adequate performance of a specific job in which the College must comply with requirements for retirement plans or with other restrictions mandated by state or federal laws.Sexual Harassment/Sexual MisconductPolicies/Procedures II-320 Lorain County Community College is committed to maintaining an environment free of sexual harassment and all forms of sexual intimidation and exploitation. Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination prohibited by the Employment Equality Act of 1998.Any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favors and/or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment or academic pursuits, or submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for personnel or academic decisions affecting that individual, or such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working and learning environment.Any individual seeking information regarding the filing and processing of complaints of sexual harassment/misconduct should contact the Title IX Coordinators below.Ms. Mona AtleyCC 209C440-366-4886matley@lorainccc.eduMr. Keith BrownCC 209D440-366-7692kbrown@lorainccc.eduAmericans with Disabilities Act and Office of Disability ServicesIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, services to students and employees with special needs are provided by the office of Disability Services located in the College Center 234. The goal of the office is to ensure that each person with a special need is provided with reasonable accommodations.NepotismProcedures III-215 An employee may not be employed or assigned to a work area supervised by a relative of that individual. An employee may neither initiate nor participate in decisions which would benefit a relative including initial employment, retention, evaluation, promotion, compensation, or leave of absence. No relative of a trustee may be considered for appointment to any position at the College until all other sources of candidates have been explored and unless no equally qualified candidate is available. A “relative” includes anyone who is related to an individual, such as parent, spouse, child, sibling, grandparent, in-law, step-parent or step-child, uncle, aunt, niece or nephew.Confidential Nature of WorkPolicy II-412 As an employee of the College, you may be exposed to confidential material (e.g., student records, etc.). As required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, confidential materials and College business generally should not be discussed with persons outside the College or with persons within the College whose work assignments do not require that the confidential material be exposed to them.Off-Campus Employment/Conflict of InterestPolicies/Procedures III-405 Employees of the College may not engage in any off-campus employment or activity that in any way interferes with the performance of their duties for the College. Campus Code of Conduct Policy II-412 Lorain County Community college promotes a drug-free workplace for our employees and fully enforces the provisions of the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act. LCCC students, faculty, staff and campus visitors are prohibited from engaging in, participating in, or aiding and abetting activities or actions that are in violation of any federal, state, or local law or ordinance. The Code contains examples of behaviors subject to disciplinary action and/or other action by college authorities. Appropriate disciplinary action may include ejection from college property, suspension, expulsion, or dismissal so that law and order can be maintained and the college may pursue its educational objectives and programs in an orderly manner. Appearance and Conduct Policy II-412Personal appearance and conduct are important to the College. Neat, conservative dress and good personal habits make a good impression on students, visitors, and colleagues. The importance of honesty, orderly conduct and courtesy in daily dealings with the public and other employees cannot be overstated. Common courtesy, a friendly smile, a warm hello and a sincere interest in students and visitors alike project a positive image.Absence NotificationPolicies/Procedures III-505 Any employee unable to come to work because of sickness or emergency should notify his or her immediate supervisor, or the person designated by the supervisor, prior to the beginning of the work day. Failure to report and/or properly notify the College will be considered an unauthorized absence. Such unauthorized absence may result in loss of pay for the time of the absence, termination or other disciplinary action. As soon as possible upon returning to work, the employee must complete a Personnel Leave Request/Report Form. An employee who has been absent due to his/her own illness for five (5) consecutive work/contract days, must submit upon return medical certification affirming the illness and verifying that he/she is able to return to work to the Human Resources Office who will notify his/her Director/Dean/Unit Administrator. During any absence of more than one day the employee should be sure that his/her supervisor and the Human Resources Office are kept informed of the situation. Rest PeriodsFull-time employees receive two 15-minute rest periods and one half hour (unpaid) lunch period during regular scheduled 8.5 hour working days. Part-time employees receive one 15-minute rest period for every four hours worked. If more than one person is employed in a particular area, the area supervisor may choose to stagger rest periods to ensure that the work area is covered at all times.Smoke/Tobacco Free Building EnvironmentPolicies/ProceduresVI-225 Lorain County Community College is designated a smoke-free institution except as provided for in the procedures.The College is a smoke/tobacco-free building environment. The College will provide information concerning smoking cessation programs to members of the campus community. Referral information will be available through the offices of Campus Security, Human Resources, Student Life, Women's Link and other organizational unit offices as would be appropriate. Information regarding the hazards of smoking will also be available.Substance Abuse/Possession of Controlled Substances on CampusProcedure II 510 Drug-Free Workplace Act ComplianceProcedure VI-300In accordance with provisions of the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act, it is unlawful to manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess or use a controlled substance in the workplace. Any employee convicted of a workplace criminal drug violation is to notify the College of such a conviction within (5) days. An employee convicted of a workplace drug violation is also subject to College disciplinary action up to and including termination and/or satisfactory participation in an approved substance abuse rehabilitation program.Lorain County Community college promotes a drug-free workplace for our employees and enforces fully the above provisions.No driver or passenger shall consume any alcoholic beverage in any vehicle (moving or parked) on College property. No person shall be in possession of an open container of alcoholic beverage in any campus location except where approved by LCCC administration.Use of College NameCollege employees may only use the College name for those activities which have been authorized through the President's Office.Solicitation for CharityThe College appreciates the value of many deserving charitable organizations but realizes the impossibility of participating in all charitable campaigns. Therefore, College-wide solicitations are limited to the annual United Way campaign during the months of September, October and November and December. CLASSIFICATION OF EMPLOYEESClassification of PersonnelPolicy III-105 Full-time EmployeesFull-time employees are those employees hired to work a minimum of 40 regularly scheduled hours per week for 13 or more consecutive weeks.Part-time EmployeesPart-time employees are those employees hired to work less than 25 regularly scheduled hours per week or to work 25-29 regularly scheduled hours per week for less than 13 consecutive weeks. Temporary Full-time EmployeesTemporary Full-time: A status that may be applied to any of the above employment classifications as required satisfying the temporary needs of the College.Professional/Technical EmployeesProfessional and technical support personnel: Those employees whether full-time or part-time, whose duties require independent judgment and specialized expertise, as specified in the job descriptions for support-professional personnel. No one in this class has primary responsibility for an operational function of the College.Support Staff EmployeesSupport staff: Personnel, whether full-time or part-time, whose duties support the operation of the various cost centers and functions of the College in the ways specified in the job descriptions for support staff. COMPENSATION POLICIESEmployment of All PersonnelPolicy III-205All personnel are employed by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the administration subsequent to the completion of the established internal procedures.? All are employed on the basis of job-related criteria; that is, ability, experience, education and other relevant qualifications.? All are employed without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sex or disability.? Full-time Administrative, Professional/Technical and Support Staff are appointed for a single year at a time and are not eligible for tenure.Probationary PeriodPolicy III-295All new full-time Support Staff have a 60 day probationary period.? Under certain circumstances, a second 60 day period may be required.? At the end of the probationary period, the employee is notified of retention or release.Pay PeriodPolicy III-306The annual salaries of full-time?staff are divided into 26 biweekly pays.? When a biweekly paycheck bridges two fiscal years, the payment is prorated to reflect the portion paid under the previous fiscal year salary and the portion paid from the new fiscal year salary.Full-time employees are paid for services up to and including payday.? Part-time employees are paid for hours worked through the Sunday, two weeks proceeding the actual payday.Annual pay schedules are distributed to all employees at the beginning of the fiscal year.Work HoursPolicy III-490The non-faculty work day which includes all full-time Administrators, Professional and Technical Support Staff and Support Staff employees will be the following: the college’s work hours per week are forty (40) hours; the employee’s business day is an eight and one-half (8-1/2) hour schedule, which includes eight (8) hours of work and a one half hour (1/2) unpaid lunch. The actual eight (8) hours of work will be established by the Organizational Unit Administrator based on the needs of the organizational unit.OvertimePolicy III-395Professional/Technical Staff are contracted employees and are not eligible for overtime.? Full-time Support Staff who work in excess of their regularly scheduled work week (see Classification of Employees) are compensated as follows:Overtime:? one and one-half times the hourly rate? Holidays scheduled as a work day:?one and one-half times the hourly rateHolidays scheduled as a day off:? paid straight time Emergency closing:? one and one-half times the hourly ratePart-time employees:? one and one-half times the hourly rate for hours worked over the regular work week for a full-time employee.Overtime hours are reported on time cards and are paid according to the time card scheduleHUMAN RESOURCESPersonnel FilesPersonnel files for all full and part-time Support Staff are maintained in the Human Resources Office and are available for employee review. It is important that personnel files contain accurate and up-to-date information; therefore, any change of status (marital status, number of children or dependents, death in family, change of address, etc.) should be reported to the Human Resources and Payroll Office as soon as possible.Job Descriptions for All Employees Policy III-105 Policy III-110 Approved job descriptions are maintained by the Human Resources Office. The descriptions pertinent to a particular organizational unit are available in the organizational unit’s area. Each full-time employee will be given the currently approved job description for his or her position.Performance Appraisals Policy III-690Each Professional/Technical and Support Staff employee receives at least one performance review per year by his or her immediate supervisor. At the beginning of the fiscal year each employee has an opportunity to develop a strategy to attain the highest level of desired performance. A mid-year review may be requested by either an employee or his/her immediate supervisor. The annual review is held to discuss the performance rating and must be completed by April 30. More detailed information about performance appraisals can be obtained in the Human Resources Office.Promotions and Transfers - Equal Employment OpportunitiesPolicy II-305 In adhering to the College policy of equal employment opportunity and affirmative action, promotions and transfers are solely on the basis of job-related criteria; e.g., ability, job performance and experience.Job PostingsProfessional Technical Support Staff and Support Staff job postings are advertised internally and externally online using a variety of sources such as LinkedIn, Indeed, Ohio Means Job, and social media and area newspapers when appropriate. In addition, positions may be posted on the LCCC Website. Occasionally Professional Technical job postings are advertised regionally and nationally, which may include the Akron area, Sandusky, Columbus and Cincinnati areas and professional journals and publications when appropriate.All Professional Technical positions require a screening committee appointed by The President's Office. Classified Support Staff positions normally do not require a formal screening committee. Screening for Support Staff positions are done on an informal basis with a screening committee appointed within the Division/Organizational Unit by the Dean/Organizational Unit Administrator. Some positions are posted to hire internally only. These are posted on the LCCC Website and posted via email.Reclassification, Reassignments, Staff Progression and Reclassifications Resulting from Periodic Comprehensive Hay ReviewsPolicy III-370 Procedure III-391 Procedure III-115 Individuals moving from one position to another, initiated by the college, which involves a change in classification and pay grade, or who have been approved for staff progression or who are being reclassified due to a comprehensive Hay Review, are assigned to the appropriate pay grade, effective the date of the change and/or July 1. The employee’s salary may then be recomputed if it does not fall within the pay range covering the change. Support Staff Career PathwaysA process to provide for the career advancement of administrative support staff personnel was established with the desire to also maintain organizational unit capacities. The Organizational Unit Administrator can initiate the process to progress a full-time administrative support staff employee through the support staff position levels, utilizing the established guidelines. The OUA should contact the Human Resources Office for more information on this process.Salary IncreasesPolicy III-390 Each year the Board of Trustees determines the amount of funds available for salary increases. Salary increases are dependent upon an employee’s performance appraisal.Grievance ProcedureProcedure III-705 The College recognizes that grievances may arise in any employment relationship. The College hopes that all such problems can be resolved quickly and fairly. The following principles will be adhered to at all levels and through all steps of the grievance procedure.All parties have the right to:fairness, equity, confidentiality and non-prejudicial use of records;choice of in-house employee representation;timely resolution of grievances at lowest level possible;no retaliation or adverse action taken against an employee who files a grievance regardless of the outcome of the grievance.If an informal discussion with an employee’s immediate supervisor fails to produce an equitable solution, the employee may initiate a formal procedure (see Procedure III-705) by submitting the grievance in writing to the supervising administrator at the next higher level.ResignationPolicy III-890 Employees should submit a letter of resignation to their supervisor with a copy to the Human Resources Office at least two weeks before the date the resignation becomes effective.Termination of Employment Policy III-890 The personnel policies and procedures of the College are intended to attract and maintain a competent and highly motivated work force. In individual situations where involuntary termination of the employee is warranted, the following procedures are followed:1.A supervisor believing that dismissal is warranted counsels the employee about shortcomings in performance and allows sufficient time for improvement.2.In situations in which corrective measures have failed, the supervisor submits a recommendation for dismissal with supporting documentation to the appropriate Vice President or President for their consideration.3.The Vice President accepts or rejects the recommendation after examining the documentation. The process ceases at this step, should the recommendation be rejected by the Vice President.4.Once a recommendation for dismissal is accepted by the Vice President, the supervisor meets with the employee and informs him or her in writing of the reasons for the dismissal and of the right to an appeal to the President.5.The Director of Human Resources conducts an exit interview with the employee covering the following matters:a. The right to a hearing before the President at which a co-worker may be present, if desired;b. Insurance and pension options;c. Disposition of keys and other College property.6.An employee who chooses to have a hearing is suspended without pay for two weeks while the Director of Human Resources conducts an investigation and the hearing takes place.7.The President’s decision upon the conclusion of the investigation and hearing is sent to the Board of Trustees for action unless the employee chooses to appeal to the Board according to the provisions of Policy?III 710 (Appeals to the Board of Trustees).8.Once the Board of Trustees has taken its final action on the matter, the employee is either dismissed or reinstated with all formerly accrued benefits.BENEFITS' CompensationPolicy III-505 All employees of the college are eligible to file a workers’ compensation claim if they are injured on the job or incur a work-related illness. Ohio’s Bureau of Workers' Compensation pays for medical care and (if eligible) a portion of lost wages for employees with a work-related injury or illness. Instructional Fee WaiversPolicy III-313Instructional fees for any combination of credit and/or non-credit courses offered by Lorain County Community College will be waived for full-time employees up to an amount equal to the cost of nine credit hours per semester. Dependents of full-time employees are eligible to receive fee waivers for an unlimited number of courses per semester. Personal Trainer Fee WaiversPolicy III-313The Health, Physical Education and Recreation (HPER) Division offers a Personal Training fitness course, which provides a personal fitness assessment, individual fitness program design, exercise equipment introduction, and the opportunity to work out on a one-to-one basis with a fitness coach. Full-time LCCC employees, their spouses and dependent children age 16 years and older, are eligible to receive a limited number of personal training fee waivers each year.Tuition Reimbursement Procedure III-314Any course taken by an employee for academic credit will be eligible for tuition reimbursement. Eligible employees must initially pay for the course(s) themselves and then apply for reimbursement following completion of the course. Tuition will be reimbursed up to the maximum rate established for that fiscal year and will only be provided if the employee has earned a grade of “C” or better for the course.Exchange ProgramPolicy III-580Procedure III-580After four years of full-time employment with the college, an employee is eligible to exchange positions with an employee in a similar position in another educational, business or governmental institution. The employee can exchange his/her position for up to a year pending supervisory approval.Savings BondsUnited States Savings Bonds are available through payroll deduction.? The minimum purchase through payroll deduction is a $100 bond (purchase price $50), but any amount can be deducted per pay and accumulated to purchase the minimum or higher value bond. Credit UnionCollege employees are eligible to participate in the School Employees Lorain County Credit Union (SELCCU). SELCCU at ?or at 440-324-3400Corporate Credit CardFull-time employees can apply for a Visa or MasterCard through the college’s corporate credit card program to use for business expenses. The card will be issued in the employee’s name; the credit limit will be based on his/her personal credit history; and he/she will be responsible for paying all monthly charges. Check CashingEmployees can cash personal checks not to exceed $100/week at the college’s bookstore, with presentation of an employee ID card. Bookstore Purchasing BenefitEmployees can purchase items in the college’s bookstore and have the cost deducted from their next paycheck by presenting their LCCC employee ID cardCell Phone DiscountBecause the college is considered a government entity, LCCC employees are eligible for discounts on cell phones and service plans through Verizon Wireless.Employee Computer Purchase ProgramThrough this program employees can establish a promissory agreement with the college to purchase computer hardware and software for their own personal use with payments made through after-tax payroll deductions.Special Event Ticketing Discounts Discounted tickets are available to college employees for many of the Stocker Center’s film and theatre events, with presentation of an LCCC employee ID card. Use of Library FacilitiesOnce an employee has obtained an LCCC employee ID card,? he/she will have access to the?library’s resources,?both on-site and remotely.? ID cards can also be obtained for an employee’s spouse and?dependent children.Use of the Health, Physical Education and Recreation (HPER) Division’s FacilitiesUse of the college’s HPER facilities is available to employees,?their spouses and dependent children age 16 years and older, with presentation of an LCCC ID card. The HPER facilities include the Fieldhouse with indoor tennis courts, indoor track, free weight room and a gymnasium that can be used for basketball, volleyball, soccer, or exercise options such as walking, running and weight programs.??Service RecognitionA Service Recognition Reception is held annually to honor retirees and full-time employees with 5-30 years of service with LCCC. TIME OFFVacationPolicy III-500Full-time staff and administrators begin earning their vacation time on a prorated basis commencing with their first day of employment. The amount of vacation earned is based on the number of work/contract days paid in the previous fiscal year and on the employee’s job classification. Personal DaysPolicy III-500Employees can receive up to four personal days per fiscal year, depending upon their job classification. Personal leave may be taken for reasons of the employee’s own choosing. Sick Leave Policy III-500Paid sick leave is available to all full-time employees on the first day of each fiscal year. It is earned at a rate of one and one-quarter days per month for a total of 15 days per fiscal year. Sick leave for employees who have not worked a full fiscal year is prorated. Donated LeavePolicy III-500This benefit allows employees to voluntarily donate a portion of their paid sick days to co-workers who are in need of time off, due to their own catastrophic illness or that of an immediate family member, but who have exhausted their own sick leave. Family and Medical Leave Act Policy III-500The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)?provides eligible employees with up to twelve work weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave in a twelve-month period for specified family and medical reasons.? The college requires that employees use their paid leave benefits while on FMLA leave.HolidaysPolicy III-500The college observes the following eleven holidays, at which time the campus is closed:July 4thLabor DayVeterans’ Day*ThanksgivingFriday after ThanksgivingWinter Holiday (December 24)Winter Holiday (December 25)New Year’s DayMartin Luther King DayPresidents’ Day*Memorial Day* The college usually observes these holidays during the Winter Holiday break.Leave for Court AppearancePolicy III-500No deduction of leave credit is made for any employee ordered to appear in court as a witness for another person or as a juror. Documentation of the court appearance is required upon return to work. No deduction in pay will occur for fees earned for court appearance.Bereavement LeavePolicy III-500Paid bereavement leave is available to employees, with the amount of leave dependent upon the relationship of the deceased to the employee.Military LeavePolicy III-500 A full-time employee called to active duty or encampment will be granted paid military leave in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 5923.05.Leave Without PayPolicy III-500 Leave without pay may be granted a full-time employee for a period consistent with the reason for wanting leave. Although such leaves are granted primarily for medical reasons, each request will be considered on its own merit. Paid Sabbatical Leave – Faculty, Administration, Professional Technical PersonnelProcedure III-535A sabbatical leave of absence may be granted to faculty members, administrators, or professional and technical personnel for approved activities that benefit the individual and the institution and that contribute innovation and/or currency to the individual’s expertise in a discipline or in the practice thereof.Paid Educational Leave for Support StaffPolicy III-535Educational leave with pay may be granted to a member of the Support Staff for academic activities which will benefit both the College and the employee by helping to assure currency, innovation, continual professional growth and/or advancement.Inclement Weather and Emergency Closings Procedure VI-240The college will communicate emergency-related campus closures as soon as possible, whenever situations occur which present an immediate threat to the health and safety of campus community members. Emergency notifications will be disseminated via text message and e-mail alerts, the internal public address system, and an external siren.The college will communicate weather related closures, prior to 6:00 a.m. for day classes (all classes that begin before 4:00 p.m.) and by 3:00 p.m. for evening classes (all classes that begin after 4:00 p.m.), by the following means: Text Alerts (note: sign up at Broadcast Channels 3, 5, 8 and 19Radio Broadcast Stations WGAR, WAKS, WTAM, WEOL, WMMSThe College’s homepage, and Facebook page, loraincccStaff e-mailText-Message Alert SystemEmployees can sign up at to receive emergency messages from LCCC sent directly to their mobile phone.? There is no charge from LCCC for this service, however normal text-messaging charges from the employee’s cell carrier will apply. PAYROLL SERVICESPayroll DeductionsProcedure III-315In addition to mandatory withholding of federal, state, city, school district, and Medicare taxes; optional deductions and services are available to full-time employees.Direct Deposit of Biweekly PayAll employees are required to have their pay automatically deposited into a checking or savings account. The net amount of pay may be divided into three different financial institutions and/or three different accounts.Electronic Payroll Savings with Treasury DirectElectronic Payroll Savings (formerly United States Savings Bonds) are available through payroll deduction. Please contact the Payroll Office for more details.FACILITIES & SERVICESAutomatic Teller MachineAutomatic Teller Machines (ATMS) are located at designated spots on campus (College Center Early College Eatery and Stocker Center main lobby). The machines are accessible with most major bankcards, School Employees Lorain County Credit Union cards as well as MasterCard and Visa. Anyone with a question or problem concerning the ATM should contact Campus Security for assistance.Fab LabThe Lorain County Community College Fab Lab is based upon the concepts of Dr Neil Gershenfeld, the director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Center for Bits and Atoms.? The Fab Lab is open to the public and located in the Advanced Technologies building. You do not need to be an LCCC student. A Fab Lab is a collection of commercially available machines that can be used to "make just about anything with features bigger than those of a computer chip." Realistically, it offers the tools needed to "conceptualize, design, develop, fabricate, and test” a wide variety of things.Children’s Learning CenterThe Children’s Learning Center is a model early childhood program designed especially for children eighteen months to 12 years old which provides an optimal setting for learning and play. Enrollment is open to children of LCCC and University Partnership students, non-credit students, faculty and staff, as well as members of the community.Campus SecurityCampus Security/Services is located in the Library/Community Resource Center room 106. Campus Security may also be reached by dialing on-campus extension 4053, by dialing 1-800-995-5222 extension 4053, or direct at 440-366-4053 or 440-366-4444. The Campus Security office is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.Emergency Medical AssistanceCampus Security will summon Emergency Medical Services (EMS) if needed or requested to do so. Campus Security does not transport injured or stricken individuals to hospitals or emergency care centers. If an emergency arises on campus, and there is an immediate need for EMS, dial 9-1-1 from any college telephone or your cellular phone. You may also call Campus Security by dialing the emergency line at extension 4444 (366-4444). If you do not have access to a regular telephone, activate any emergency phone. By pushing the large red button you will be put in touch with Lorain County’s 9-1-1 system. Again, only activate if emergency medical assistance is required.Campus Security provides a 24 hour security presence in campus buildings, grounds and parking areas. Officers are available to assist with medical emergencies, accidents, parking and traffic enforcement, escort services and after-hours access to College facilities. Officers patrol the parking areas regularly and will assist with any automobile problems.BookstoreCommodore Books & More, located on the first floor of the College Commons, offers textbooks for credit and non-credit classes and for special classes for industry as well as texts for classes offered on campus by other colleges and universities that are part of our partnership program.? In addition to course-required books and supplies, the Commodore Books & More stocks a wide selection of school and office supplies, imprinted clothing and gifts, general reading books and discipline-specific reference materials, magazines, newspapers, postage stamps, greeting cards and candy.? Gift certificates, bus ticket purchases, locker, camera and calculator rentals are also available through the Bookstore.? Staff members are free to use the Bookstore for purchases or special orders of out-of-stock books or supplies.? The Commodore Books & More accepts cash, personal checks with one form of picture identification, MasterCard, Visa, Discover & American Express.? Comments or questions concerning the Commodore Books & More should be directed to the Commodore Books & More General rmation Systems and ServicesThe Information Systems and Services organizational unit is responsible for all mainframe, microcomputer, telephone and network support on campus for academic and administrative users. Included in this responsibility is systems and applications development, research and evaluation, recommendation, purchase, installation, maintenance, repair, training and ongoing support for each of the above four areas. A support line is available at extension 4357 (HELP).Teacher Education Resource Center (TERC)The TERC makes available to all LCCC staff, as well as faculty and students, the use of its many production machines and materials. Materials are available for purchase and if your own materials are used, there is no cost for using the equipment. LCCC divisions are welcome to establish charge accounts with the TERC. They are located on the first floor of the iLoft Building.Lounge FacilitiesLounges are provided for use during breaks and lunch periods. Staff lounge areas are located in most division suites.LibraryLibrary rental information and fines are as follows:LCCC Library ItemsOhioLINK ItemsLoan Period 3 weeks for the books, except full-time faculty. Other library items vary.3 weeks for books. Other library items vary.Renewals Up to 4 renewals, if item has not been requested by someone. Renew online, in person or by phone. See below.Up to 4 renewals, if item has not been requested by someone. Renew online, in person or by phone. See below.Number of Items No limit.Maximum Item LimitLCCC students:??50 Faculty & Staff:?200 Community users: 5 Fines 10 cents/day for each item. $5 maximum per item. Lost item: fees vary.50 cents/day for each item. 30+ days overdue= $50.00. Non-returned/damaged items= $125.00. Loan Periods and Fines are OhioLINK policy.Spitzer Conference CenterThe Spitzer Conference Center is located on the south side of the main campus. This multipurpose building is designed to meet several pressing needs for Lorain County Community College and the region. It provides breakout rooms, food and valet services, facilities and multipurpose space which, when combined with Stocker Center's large group theater seating configurations, coupled with the Ben & Jane Norton Culinary Arts Center lobby creates a professional conference center for Northeast Ohio. Stocker CenterThe C. Paul Stocker Humanities and Fine Arts Center offers a variety of music, theater, fine arts and dance attractions for both children and adults. The center features a 994-seat maximum (variable from 934 seats) Hoke Theatre, a 219-seat Lecture Hall, a 219-seat Cinema Hall, a black box called the Cirigliano Studio Theatre, a Dance Studio, a Rehearsal Hall, and the Beth K. Stocker Art Gallery. The?gallery exhibitions feature a mixture of professional artists, community, faculty and student work. The C. Paul Stocker Humanities and Fine Arts Center is also home to the Lorain County Community College (LCCC) Division of Arts & Humanities, and is the performing home for the LCCC Civic Chorale, Orchestra, Concert Band, Jazz Band, and Theatre program.Discount tickets for full-time employees are available by calling the Stocker Center Box Office at extension?4040.Dining ServicesLCCC Dining Services operates the many and varied food options on campus.? Faculty, Staff, and Students will find quality, healthy choices for breakfast, lunch, and evening sustenance.? Dining Services food sources can be found at the following locations:Market Place, located within the Campus Center building next to Commodore Books and More, offers six food stations Starbucks Coffee, located within the Campus Center building across from Commodore Books and More, offers a variety of premium coffees, teas, and specialty beverages along with unique snack options C-Bistro, located on the 2nd floor of the Health Science building in the bridge area, offers sandwiches, panini’s, wraps and more In addition several vending areas are located throughout the campus.? Maintained by an off-campus organization, the vending machines offer a variety of food and drinks and some offer healthy vending options.? Conferencing & Dining Services, ext. 4100, will assist any student or staff member who might have a problem with a machine. The purpose of Conferencing & Dining Services is to provide our Campus Community with spaces where the atmosphere is fun and relaxing while they nourish their bodies with quality, healthy food choices.? We look forward to serving you!MEDIA / PUBLICATIONSIntroductionIf you have news or events to share with the campus or the public, complete the Submission Form located at your information to be published in the following:FYI -- The faculty and staff newsletter LCCC Marquee -- For short messages and announcements, space permitting LCCC Proud -- Online public newsletter LCCC TV -- Announcements on the LCCC cable channel LCCC?Flat Screens?(6 buildings and 3 campuses) LCCC Update -- Printed newsletter mailed to the public Press Release -- Sent to local media and placed on the Web Portal Public Event Calendar -- Located on the LCCC Portal for student and public events Student E-Mail Newsletter -- Sent to students approximately two times per month Web Portal -- Information and/or banner ads, space permittingIf you have a change or cancellation to an event previously published?through the Submission Form,?please log onto enter your name and e-mail address on the form, and describe the changes in the Event Description field. If you have questions about submitting information, call Marketing at extension 4112.FYI?The FYI is a weekly newsletter of campus-related information distributed by the Marketing and Media Relations Office.? The FYI includes a calendar of important events for the week(s) and may also include Employee Assistance Program articles, Operations Council minutes, campus articles of interest, or other approved announcements.? Anyone wishing to submit an announcement to FYI must do so by noon on Wednesday.? Submissions can be made by clicking on the link for FYI on the Intranet page.Campus Directory?Periodically, the College issues a detailed employee directory online.? The directory includes a list of College facilities with employee phone, building, suite number and email addresses.?The employee directory can be found on the Intranet page.? For more details on the online campus directory, contact the Human Resources OfficeLCCC Annual CatalogAll college courses and schedules are available on line at Calendar and SchedulesThe College compiles calendar and schedules of important dates.Policies and Procedures ManualThe College Policies and Procedures Manual is a continually updated collection of all pertinent regulations for the operation of the College. The policies and procedures listed in the manual are approved by the LCCC Board of Trustees and should be consulted in case of any question concerning the College’s official stance on any situation. A current copy of the LCCC Policies and Procedures Manual is available online, in the Staff Council Office and in the Library.In the event of a conflict between this handbook and the Policies and Procedures Manual, the provisions of the Policies and Procedures Manual shall govern.MAPSMain CampusFor directions and the latest printable version of map, check out: Learning CentersLorain County Community College Learning Centers reach out to communities beyond our main Elyria location:FULL-TIMEPROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL AND SUPPORT STAFFEMPLOYEE HANDBOOKSignature PageI have reviewed the Professional/Technical and Support Staff Handbook and the information pertaining to the employment provisions for staff, and the grievance and termination procedures have been brought to my attention. I have read and understand those provisions. SIGNATURE __________________________________DATE __________________________________Please print this page, sign and return a copy to the Human Resources Office within ten (10) days of start date of employment.Lorain County Community College may modify, suspend, or delete any of its policies stated in this handbook without notice. This handbook is a management guide to general human resource methods. This handbook is not an employment contract and does not provide any enforceable contractual rights to the employee with respect to his/her terms or conditions of employment. Neither the guidelines, nor any written or oral policies, nor practices, or procedures which may develop from these guidelines, create either an express or implied employment contract. ................

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