Class of 2022 Officer Election Speeches

Class of 2022

Officer Election Speeches


Elyssa Eck¡¯Art

Hello, my name is Elyssa Eck'Art and as many of you already know I am running for class

president. I am dedicated to my position and all of you. I aspire to be a great leader and have

much success while doing so. I will think of new and creative fundraiser, while taking everyone's

opinions into consideration. My main focus is making sure we have the best high school

experience possible. Being a captain for cross country has helped prepare me for this position,

along with all the other activities I am committed to. I know what it takes to be successful and

with your votes I will be able to demonstrate that for you. Thank you class of 2022 and don¡¯t

forget to vote Elyssa for president.

Isabella English

Hi, I¡¯m Isabella English, running to be President of the Class of 2022! Wondering why to

vote for me? Here¡¯s why. First, involvement - I want to make sure that everyone is involved in

fundraisers and school functions, not because you have to, but because you will want to. Also, I

will be in charge of coordinating things such as school dances and our first event, the Freshman

Tailgate. One of my goals is to fundraise so that we can make the cost affordable to everyone

who wishes to go on the senior class trip. I am determined to make sure that the Class of 2022

will have the biggest turnout of kids who are able to go to Disney. Voting for me is voting for

someone who will be dedicated to actually making all of these possibilities our reality.

I understand that many people want to have a fun time, and if you know me I¡¯m all for

that, but we need to be responsible as well, and I am someone who is responsible and willing to

be involved in everything that the other class officers and I want to get done. I am a National

Junior Honor Society member. I am also involved in S.H.O.P Club, student council, and I am the

President of the David¡¯s Dream and Believe Cancer Foundation club. This year I¡¯ve set up events

for Competition Day to fundraisers money for cancer. Finally, I was a member of the two year

undefeated conference winning Field Hockey team as well as the Softball team. If you want to

have an amazing high school experience where you will always have a great time, I think it is a

great choice for you to vote for me, Isabella English, as your 2022 class president. Remember

don¡¯t be hesitant... vote Bella for President!

Adelaide Holden

Hi, I'm Adelaide Holden, but please call me Addie. I am prepared to dedicate my time,

my efforts, and my abilities as President to our graduating class of 2022. High School is a about

growth and making memories, and I plan to help make it the best last four years of High School

for everyone. I am open for others to share their ideas and wishes, so they can be collaborated

into action. As President of out class, I plan to make out time at Southern Regional a highlight in

our live that we'll always remember.

Rachel Short

For those of you who are unaware of who I am, my name is Rachel Short, and I am

competing to be the class president for the upcoming year because my dream is to make a

difference to our school over the course of next year. Next year will be our first year in high

school, so I want to make it our best. As leader of several clubs and sports in the middle school,

I constantly hear the new ideas and improvements students have for our school, so one of my

goals as president is to listen and consider every student¡¯s ideas. I also hope to make the

following year exciting, upbeat, and overall just a fun time because wouldn¡¯t we all would like

to have some fun in high school? A reason to vote for me is because, unlike my competitors, I

am an extremely involved student who leads many clubs such as S.H.O.P. Club, Student Council,

David¡¯s Dream and Believe, as well as National Junior Honor Society. In addition, I lead both my

Cross Country and Track and Field team, and participate in S.T.Y.L.E. Above all, I still am able to

receive high honor roll each marking period. Every day I show my dedication, hard work,

kindness to others, and most importantly: my leadership abilities through every task I

complete. We only have one year as freshmen, so we need someone with experience to make it

the best year possible.

In my eyes the class president is not the boss, they are a voice representing the student

body. Don¡¯t you want a good voice representing our grade? So, consider voting for me because

I can guarantee you won¡¯t regret it.

Be a good sport and vote for Rachel Short.


Mitch Gallacher

Hello, my name is Mitch Gallacher, and it may be hard to believe it, but 9th grade is

already just around the corner and being a part of our classes executives would be an honor. I

have come to the conclusion that being your Vice President would be the best possible position

for not just me, but the entire class of 2022. As your Vice President, I plan to assure your

happiness throughout our, soon to come, high school career. In office, I plan to work closely

and diligently with the President to schedule and plan fundraisers and other special events. I

am certain that working together will not be an issue, for I am a member of the STYLE program.

There, I have learned how to work with various types of people and situations. Throughout my

entire life I have been a determined and dedicated worker in anything I commit myself to, and

because of my efforts, I have been fortunate enough to be accepted into the National Junior

Honors Society. Thank you for your time and I hope to be leading you all along with our

President next year!

Yater Henry

Hello, my name is Yater Henry and I am running for the Vice President of the Southern

Regional graduating class of 2022. I am qualified for this position primarily because I have

served in several other leadership roles! Last year I was the Titans Team president and this year

I served as the Vice President of the Junior National Honors Society and the vice president of

the Student Council. As the Titans team President I spearheaded a drive that collected money

for a family that was going through terrible times. We raised an impressive amount of money

that helped the family cope with the loss of their loved one. That is only one example of my

accomplishments while serving as a leader. Furthermore, I am willing to do whatever I can to

benefit the Class of 2022. My fellow officers and I have, time and again, served your class to the

utmost. Things I will be focusing on next year will be our proms, fundraisers, school dances,

and most importantly, the senior trip! As Vice President one of my highest priorities would be

to get the largest turnout possible for the Class activities and the senior trip. Everyone deserves

to have this experience of a lifetime so we need to make it affordable for all to go! With all this

in mind, just remember, vote for Yater, and you¡¯ll thank me later.


Jake Cornelius

Hi my name is Jake Cornelius, also known as Corn, and I am running for Secretary of the

Class of 2022. I have some great ideas to make our class successful, and I would like to share

some with you now. I will work very hard to make class fundraisers fun and profitable. I want

to make the tailgate party a fantastic event that everyone wants to attend. I will dedicate my

time in September to make sure we have the most successful wall in school. By having great

fundraisers, we will be able to lower the cost of our proms. Always remember ¡°Don¡¯t make a

mistake Vote for Jake!¡±

Brenae Ervin

Hi, I'm Brenae, Brenae Ervin. I believe I am fully capable of becoming secretary of class

of 2022 and performing the necessary duties needed. I have great leadership skills due to being

secretary of student council and I am also involved in FCCLA, a leadership organization which

plays a big role in my leadership skills. I am a responsible, hardworking, loyal, caring person

who intends to make everyone's high school career memorable by helping with the fundraising

of the senior trip, proms, homecoming, attending all home football games and assisting the

class advisors and working with the class officers. I hope to make a huge impact on Southern

Regional High School as secretary for class of 2022. Please vote Brenae for secretary.

Olivia Lee

Hi my name is Olivia, Olivia Lee. And I am running for Secretary for the class of 2022.

Here is why you should vote for me. First of all, I am a very well-rounded student. I run cross

country; I¡¯m in National Junior Honors Society, I sing and I am exceptionally organized so I

would be able to handle the tasks put in front of me. When I become secretary I will work with

the other officers to make sure that we have fantastic fundraising events so we could do many

activities including, football games, homecoming, proms and of course the senior trip. If you

vote for me I will assure you that you will have the best four years of your life because¡­Olivia

Lee is the Key!

Brianna Otto

Hello everyone! My name is Brianna Otto, but please call me Bri. I am running for

Secretary, for our class of 2022. You might recognize me from history buffs club, girl¡¯s vocal

ensemble, volleyball, or track. With clubs and sports out of school too, I am able to manage my

time wisely, and still maintain a High Honor Roll status on my report card every marking period.

I am very involved at Southern, and I am even National Junior Honor Society Secretary right

now. Why should you vote for me? I am able to offer our class my time, energy, organization

skills, and hard driven attitude all year long. High School, especially the upcoming freshmen

year, is both stressful and thrilling at the same time. I would help take away as much stress

possible by keeping track of how much we should raise for the senior trip, while also having a

great time at the many enjoyable fundraisers Southern throws to raise that money. It is very

important to maintain an organized and effective system to keep everyone and everything

together completely. Thank you for your time and thank you in advance for your vote!

Rachel Vazquez

Last year, the class of 2021 had elections for student officers. They were elated,

knowing that the year to come would be fantastic. Little do they know, that the class of 2022 is

about to knock their socks off! Good evening, I am Rachel Elizabeth Vazquez, your fellow

classmate, here to run for your class secretary. First of all, if I were to be elected, I promise to

never forget who put me here, and that is each and everyone one of you watching this right

now. In addition, I spend my own time volunteering at my local church as the secretary of the

St. Francis Spirit Singers. In like manner, the position of secretary may be seen as the person

who deals with the paperwork, but I plan on doing much more. I already have millions of ideas

going through my mind for our homecoming, tailgates, and many fundraisers to come

throughout the year. I would hate to have so many opinions and ideas that are beneficial to our

student population, just to sit on the sidelines and watch. More importantly, many people view

the election process as a popularity contest, when it is so much more than that. Throughout the

year, we will face many obstacles and issues, and the officer¡¯s friends won¡¯t be able to help. It¡¯s

important as a student officer to be a leader and to persevere, which is why I intend on

becoming your class secretary for the class of 2022. Let¡¯s make our high school years

exceptional, and when you receive that ballet, please vote for Rachel Vazquez. Thank you for

your time and consideration.


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