
English 1010, Composition 1 MW 11:00 – 12:15 & MW 2:15 – 3:3013562/MEAF & 13551/M2AFFall 2015 Heidi DiehlOffice: 2314 BoylanOffice Hours: Monday, 12:15 – 2:15 & by appointmentEmail: hdiehl@brooklyn.cuny.eduCourse OverviewThis class will serve as an introduction to college-level composition. During this course you will practice and perfect strategies for writing expository essays and for engaging with different kinds of texts. You will read actively and think critically about your reading and writing. You will write both in and out of class, with an emphasis on drafting and revision. Our time in class will be split between writing, work in groups, and discussion of the readings and your own work.Course Objectives Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:-Read critically and write analytically-Develop and support theses and arguments-Summarize, paraphrase, and synthesize information from a variety of sources-Structure persuasive and cohesive essays-Incorporate and integrate evidence into their writing using MLA documentation-Edit and revise their writing using peer and instructor critiques-Use appropriate conventions of language, including correct grammar, spelling, and punctuationRequired Materials1. Freshman Common Reading. Ruth Ozeki, A Tale for the Time Being (You should have received a free copy of this book when you registered; if you do not have this book, go to 3208 Boylan to pick up your free copy.)2. Course Packet. This is available at Far Better Copy, located at the corner of Hillel Place and Campus Drive. It will include most of the readings we will use for this class. 3. Diana Hacker, A Writer’s Reference. Available at Brooklyn College Bookstore OR as an ebook (This version is cheaper than the print edition and can be purchased here: )4. A dedicated journal for in-class writing assignments. I will often collect our in-class writing, so a binder or notebook with removable paper is ideal. Course Requirements & PoliciesAttendance & PunctualityYou should be present at every class. That said, I understand that extenuating circumstances arise and you may be absent up to 3 times without penalty; the next 2 absences will each lower your final grade by half a letter. If you are absent more than 5 times, you will not pass the class. Also, I expect you to come to class on time. Two late arrivals equal one absence, and a pattern of lateness will affect your grade negatively. Arriving more than 20 minutes late counts as an absence. I will take attendance once at the beginning of class. If you come to class late, it is your responsibility to inform me at the end of class; otherwise, you will be marked absent. In-Class ParticipationParticipation counts for 10% of your final grade. You should be present both physically and mentally, meaning that you have done the reading and add to the class dialogue. This portion of your grade will also be based on the satisfactory completion of group work, quizzes, and in-class exercises. Cellphones must be silenced and put away during class. Texting is the opposite of participation in class and if I notice you doing it I will count you absent for the day. No laptops, iPads, etc. AssignmentsReading Class discussion is a critical element of this course, and your participation is essential. You are expected to have closely read and be ready to discuss all readings on the day they are assigned. You must bring the assigned text to every class. There will be frequent unannounced reading quizzes. Readings will mostly be found in the course packet that is available at Far Better Copy; you must bring the course packet to every class. Writing Essays: You will write four 700-1000 word essays in this class, three take-home and one in class. Take-home essays must be typed using a 12 point font and double-spaced. You may not email papers unless there is a very special circumstance and you have my express permission. Assignments: You will also be required to complete in-class writing assignments and short take-home prompts. These assignments will not be graded, but their timely, thoughtful completion will count towards your final grade. Mid-term: The mid-term exam will be based on short written responses to a text. Final Exam: English 1010 students must take a final exam. The exam is based on responses to two pieces of writing: one 5-7 page essay, distributed two weeks before the end of the term, and a second 1-2 page piece, distributed along with the question on the day of the exam. The exam will count for 20% of your final grade for the class. We will discuss the test format in class. GradingC- is the lowest possible passing grade for the course. English Department policy dictates that a student with a final grade below a C- receive an N/C (no credit); the student may take the course up to three times. An F grade will be given in the case of too many absences or failure to complete assignments. A grade of NC may be given if the student’s work is not at a passing level, but the student has good attendance and has completed all assignments. Students receiving an F or an NC grade must retake English 1010; students may take English 1010 up to three times.AA-93-10090-92B+BB-88-8983-8780-82C+CC-78-7973-7770-72D+DD-68-6963-6760-62FBelow 60How your grade for the class is determined: Essays: 50% of your gradeEssay 1 – 5% Essay 2 – 10%Essay 3 - 15%Essay 4- 20%Midterm Exam: 10%Final Exam: 20% of your final grade.Assignments: 10% of your final grade. This includes take-home assignments, in-class writing, and quizzes. Participation: 10% of your final grade. This includes attendance, promptness, participation in class discussions and group work, etc. Late workEssays turned in late will be penalized a letter grade for each class meeting they are late. Late work will not be accepted after one week has passed from the original due date. If you miss a class during which an essay is to be submitted, you are still responsible for submitting (e-mailing) the essay on the same day AND bringing a hard copy of it the next time you attend class. Otherwise, the assignment will be treated as a late submission. If you do not submit a certain essay, you will receive the grade of F for that essay. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is not tolerated at Brooklyn College and especially will not be tolerated in this class. If you are caught handing in work that you have plagiarized from any source, you will fail the assignment in question, possibly the entire class, and may be subject to disciplinary action by the college. Here is the College's statement on plagiarism: "The faculty and administration of Brooklyn College support an environment free from cheating and plagiarism. Each student is responsible for being aware of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and for avoiding both. The complete text of the CUNY Academic Integrity Policy and the Brooklyn College procedure for implementing that policy can be found at this site: . If a faculty member suspects a violation of academic integrity and, upon investigation, confirms that violation, or if the student admits the violation, the faculty member MUST report the violation”Students With Disabilities: In order to receive disability-related academic accommodations students must first be registered with the Center for Student Disability Services. Students who have a documented disability or suspect they may have a disability are invited to set up an appointment with the Director of the Center for Student Disability Services, Ms. Valerie Stewart-Lovell at 718-951-5538. If you have already registered with the Center for Student Disability Services, please provide me with the course accommodation form and discuss your specific accommodation with me. Non-attendance Because of Religious BeliefsPlease read the information in the Brooklyn College Bulletin () regarding nonattendance because of religious beliefs. Please inform me in advance if you plan to be absent due to religious observance.Office Hours: I encourage you to make use of my office hours so that we can discuss your work and any questions you have. I am also happy to find another time to meet with you if you are unable to come to my office hours. Class Schedule (Please note: class schedule is subject to change.)8/31 Introduction to course9/1 In class diagnostic essay (Essay counts for assignment credit and will not be graded.) Ruth Ozeki, A Tale For The Time Being, Part 1 (pgs. 1 - 108)9/7 College closed 9/9 Ruth Ozeki, A Tale For The Time Being, Part 2 (pgs. 109 – 258)Assignment: Bring in one quotation from the book that you find intriguing9/10 Conversion day – Monday classes held Ruth Ozeki, A Tale For The Time Being, Part 3 (pgs. 259 – 355) 9/14 No classes held 9/16 Ruth Ozeki, A Tale For The Time Being, Part 4 (pgs. 356 – 403)Amy Tan, “Mother Tongue” & Felipe de Ortega y Gasca,“Regarding Spanglish”9/21 First draft essay 1 due 9/23 No classes held 9/28 LOOP Tour form of completion due (Library Online Orientation Program)Trip Gabriel, “Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age”& Christine Haughney, “CNN & Time Suspend Journalist After Admission of Plagiarism” & “Revision”9/30Mona Eltahawy, “Twitterholics Anonymous” & David Roberts, “When GPS Leads To SOS” 10/5 Final draft essay 1 due10/7 Movie reviews TBA10/12 College closed 10/14 Reading TBA 10/19 First draft of essay 2 due – bring 3 copies for peer review session10/21 Lars Eighner, “On Dumpster Diving” 10/26Final draft essay 2 due10/28 M.F.K. Fisher, “The Measure of My Powers, 1919 -1927,” Jhumpa Lahiri, “Rice,” & Chimamanda NgoziAdichie, “Real Food” 11/2 Zadie Smith, “Elegy for a Country’s Seasons” 11/4 Midterm exam in class – reading & short written response 11/9 Bill McKibben, “A Moral Atmosphere” & Judith Shulevitz, “Why Do People Deny Science?”11/11 Nicholas Carr, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”11/16 Essay 3 in class11/18 James Baldwin, “Stranger in the Village”11/23 Teju Cole, “Black Body: Rereading James Baldwin’s Stranger in the Village”11/25 Raymond Queneau, excerpts from Exercises In Style 11/30 First draft of Essay 4 due – bring 3 copies for peer review session12/2Anne Knapp, “Add Cake, Subtract Self-Esteem” & Naomi Wolf, “The Beauty Myth”12/7Essay 4 due12/9 Final exam prep – Reading TBA12/14 Final Class. Students discuss final exam reading in small groups.* Final Exam ––Wednesday, 12/16, 10:30 – 12:30—Room TBA* ................

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