Algebra for College Students



Course Syllabus

Fall Session 2007, (08/27/07- 12/16/07)


CRN 15392


INSTRUCTOR: Sanghamitra Sinha


in the subject line )

OFFICE HOURS: M/W (1:00 PM – 3:00 PM) Bldg 4, # 133 Atlas Email or

Online discussions

PHONE: 407-582-2366 ( Math department ) 





Math Dept

Math Center

Course Description:            

Pre-requisite: MAC 1105 with a grade of C or better, or satisfactory score on entry assesment test. This course is based on Algebra preparation for the calculus sequence.. Topics include introduction to functions and graphs, study of linear, quadratic, and nonlinear functions and equations, rational functions, matrices, sequences, induction, binomial theorem. Also study of exponential families, logarithmic functions and inverse functions, systems of equations and inequalities, equations and graphs of parabola, ellipse and hyperbola. Students will be required to solve applied problems and communicate their findings effectively. A minimum grade of C required if MAC 1140 is used to satisfy Gordon Rule and general education requirements. Applications emphasizing connections with other disciplines and with the real world will be included. Technology tools will be utilized in addition to analytic methods. Problems will be solved using analytic, numerical and graphical techniques. Credit not given for both MAC 1140 and MAC 1132 nor for MAC 1140 and MAC 1142 nor MAC 1140 and MAC 1147

Required Course Materials:

➢ Precalculus with Modeling and Visualization: 3/E Gary K. Rockswold,

➢ Course ID: sinha

( Note : The textbook can viewed in its entirely through MyMathLab. So, some of you may wish to not purchase the text- only the MyMathLab software listed below. The cost of the access code is approximately $45+. ISBN:032119991X )

➢ Access to MyMathLab homework program online at . If you buy a used book, you must purchase the MyMathLab packet separately online.

➢ A graphing Calculator is required for this course. The TI- 83 Plus will be used for all classroom demonstrations and is recommended if one has not been purchased

Optional:  Student solutions manual.

Graphing Calculator Manual by Florence Chambers, ISBN 0- 321- 17012 – 1

A graphing calculator is required for this course. The TI-83 plus will be used for all classroom demonstrations and is recommended if one has not been purchased. The TI-83/TI-83plus or TI-84 graphing calculator


CLAST Competencies:

1. English language skills

2. Reading/Writing Skills

3. Arithmetic skills

4. Geometry /Measurement skills

5. Algebra skills

6. Logical reasoning

Valencia Core Competencies:

Valencia desires their graduates to possess and demonstrate a set of global competencies including the ability to think, communicate, value and act.

In an effort to help you acquire and improve upon your ability to demonstrate these competencies this course will include activities that require you to:

➢ Think clearly, critically and creatively to analyze the data , formulas, procedures, conclusions and interpretations

➢ Communicate with others in written and verbal form through the content of the course material

➢ Make reasoned value judgements and responsible commitments.

➢ Act purposefully, reflectively and responsibly to develop your knowledge, skills and values.

Due to the nature of these global competencies many problems and activities will be presented in the context of an application. These applications will require students to select appropriate information from the problem and communicate effectively how to arrive at an appropriate solution for the problem. This course reinforces the arithmetic and many of the algebra CLAST competencies, teaches several of the algebra CLAST competencies not taught in earlier courses, and helps build the competencies expected of a Valencia graduate. Additional information is available in the College Catalog ( on page 14).


Your grade will be determined by grades on the diagnostic test, regular tests, homework, quizzes, online assessments, and the final exam.


A 90 – 100%

B 80 – 89%

C 70 – 79%

D 60 – 69%

F Below 60%


Attendance :

Attendance is expected of all students and will be based on doing anything in Atlas, MyMathLab, or WebCT6 that counts for points as well as emailing the instructor via Atlas or posting comments/questions in the WebCT6 discussion board. If there is no contact with you via any of the above means for one calendar week, you will receive a notice. If there is a second calendar week without contact, you may be withdrawn.

Tests :

There will be 3 unit tests. Each unit test will be taken according to the chart below and will be announced at least a week in advance. Tests missed due to uncontrollable emergencies can be made up with proper documentation. No test grades are dropped. All tests will be done in WebCT6 and will require a password.

Pre –Test :

The Pre-Test will be online at WebCT and should be completed by 8/29/2007 at 11:59pm. You will receive 40 points for completing the Pre-Test plus 1 point per correct answer with the maximum score being 55 out of 50

WebCT6 Chapter QUIZZES:

There will be a quiz for each chapter. These quizzes can be done online and during the allotted time. No make ups are allowed. Quizzes can be done using notes, books, and other materials.

All chapter quizzes will be done in WebCT6 and due by 11:59pm on the date listed on the syllabus.


There will be atleast two (2) non-WebCT quizzes. They will be posted in Atlas under Files or Links or in WebCT. They are due according to the schedule below.


Your grade in this course will be computed from the following:

1)     Online Homework

2) Quizzes

3) Chapter Tests

4) Final Exam



MyMathLab Chapter Homework Assignments will be assigned for each chapter and due prior to the start of the quiz covering that chapter. Assignments received after the deadline for the corresponding quiz will be accepted for half credit. Please see the details on MyMathLab on how to complete the online homework. Online homework can be redone until the deadline so that deadline for full credit is 11:59 pm on the date listed on the syllabus.

All of the homework assignments can be found by first logging into your course in MyMathLab, clicking on MAC 1140, Fall 2007, then click on Do Homework on the left hand side, and then select the section you want to work on and do the exercises. When you are done make sure to click on Submit Homework. You may submit the homework as many times as needed up until the deadline date. Therefore, you can work on the homework until you get a perfect score. Every time you hit Submit Homework your homework grade will be updated in your grade book that can be assessed by clicking on Grade book on the left hand side. It is the student’s responsibility to check their grade book to ensure that the homework was submitted successfully.


EXTRA CREDIT (Extra credit will not be accepted late for any credit)

Tracked Tutorial Exercises:

MyMathLab Tracked Tutorial Exercises may be done for each section and can be submitted via postal mail or delivery to the professor’s Mail box by the date of the related unit test’s deadline. These practice problems are to be completed prior to the start of the test covering that chapter. Please see the details below on MyMathLab on how to complete the online Tracked Practice Problems. These problems can be redone until the deadline so that you can improve your percentage. There are approximately 10 questions per section to complete.

Practice exercises are available online for most of the sections that you need to study for this course. They can be found by first logging into your course in MyMathLab, clicking on MAC 1140, Fall 2007, then clicking on Study Plan. The links available here are for practice exercises.

Atleast 80% of all problems must be done correctly for any credit. Five (5) points extra credit will be given for each chapter.

Textbook Chapter Reviews can be submitted via postal mail or delivery to the professor’s office by the date of the related unit test’s deadline. Atleast 80% of the problems must be done for any credit. Five (5) points extra credit will be given for each chapter review.

Textbook Section Exercises can be submitted via postal mail or delivery to the professor’s office by the date of the related unit test’s deadline. At least 80% of the problems must be done for any credit. Five (5) points extra credit will be given for each chapter of homework. The homework list is included.

The key for success in this course is to do the homework, reviews, practice

Mailing Address – Sanghamitra Sinha, Valencia Community College, 701 N. Econlockhatchee Trail. Math Department, Mail Code: 3- 16, Orlando, Fl-32825


There will be a comprehensive final exam given at the end of the course during the final exam period. The final exam will be taken online in WebCT 6and will require a password. Failure to take the final exam will result in a grade of WF which counts as an F in your GPA.


The College has initiated withdrawal procedures and timelines in response to legislation/rules adopted by the state legislature and State Board of Community Colleges. The deadline to withdrawal from this course is in the current catalog, and is also available online at . After that date, if you withdraw or are withdrawn from the course, you will be assigned either a “WP” (withdrawn passing) or a “WF” (withdrawn failing). Additional information is available in the College Catalog ( on pages 62 - 65).

Withdrawing before withdrawal deadline will result in a grade of "W". After that date withdrawing will result in a "WP" or "WF" grade based on the work though the last day of attendance. Not completing the appropriate withdrawal form or not taking the final exam results in an automatic grade of "WF".

Academic Dishonesty :

All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at Valencia. Academic dishonesty included, but is not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, furnishing false information, forgery, alteration or misuse of documents, misconduct during a testing situation, and misuse of identification with intent to defraud or deceive. Sanctions available to the professor should a violation occur are described in the Valencia Student Handbook or online at .

Student Code of Classroom Conduct:

Valencia is dedicated not only to the advancement of knowledge and learning, but is concerned with the development of responsible personal and social conduct. By enrolling at Valencia, a student assumes the responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by the general rules of conduct. The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the professor. Students who engage in any prohibited or unlawful acts that result in disruption of a class may be directed by the professor to leave the class. Violation of any Valencia policies/procedures or classroom rules may lead to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the College. Disciplinary action could include being withdrawn from the class, disciplinary warning, probation, suspension, expulsion, or other appropriate and authorized actions. Valencia’s Student Code of Classroom Conduct (Policy 10-18) can be found in the current Student handbook, or online at . Additional information is available in the College Catalog ( on page 65 - 66).

Students with disabilities :

“Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a letter from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the professor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities. The East Campus Office is located in Building 5, Room 216."

Atlas Email Account:

Check your e-mail account regularly.

Disclaimer :

Changes in the syllabus, schedule, evaluation procedure, and/or homework assignments may be make at any time at the discretion of the professor.

Additional Help :

1. Walk- in tutoring (Free) is given to students in Building 4, first floor of

the IMC lab. The IMC lab has limited tutoring hours. (Monday

through saturday

2. Math Support Center (Building 4-108)→ Great Help!

3. Video tapes and tutorial software (overview of each chapter and for detailed explanations) are available at the material desk. Tapes may be viewed in the IMC and some copies are available for short term checkout. Check the video list at the front desk for topics and tape numbers.

4. Appointment (only) in advance

or call office (Math department)

(407)582 – 2366

Office hours- (Monday –Wednesday, afternoon online or email, discussion board)

The tutoring center in the IMC has several computers for use associated with are preparatory math courses. See Richard Weinseir for more details on the math and associated software available.

Chapter Contents

Ch 1( 1. 2 – 1.4) Introduction to Functions and Graphs

Ch 2 ( 2.1 – 2.5) Linear Functions and Equations

Ch 3 ( 3.1 – 3.4) Quadratic Functions and Models

Ch 4 (4.1 – 4.7) Nonlinear Functions and Equations

Ch 5 ( 5.1- 5.6) Exponential and Logarithmic


Ch 9 (9.1 – 9.4, 9.7) Systems of Equations and


Ch 10 (10.1 – 10.3) Equations and Graphs of Parabolas

TENTATIVE ONLINE Homework and Tests schedule


|8/27 |1.2 – 1.4 |Pre-Test (8/29), |

| | |General Quizzes |

| | |1- 2(8/29) |

|9/5 |2.1 – 2.3 |Ch Quiz 1 ( Ch 1) (9/5) |

|9/10 |2.4 and 2.5 | |

|9/17 |3.1 and 3.2 |Ch Quiz 2 ( Ch 2) (9/17) |

|9/24 |3.3 and 3.4 |Test 1 (9/24) |

|10/1 |4.1 – 4.3 | |

|10/8 |4.4 – 4.7 |Ch Quiz 3 ( Ch 3) (10/1) |

|10/17 |5.1 – 5.3 | |

|10/24 |5.4 – 5.6 |Ch Quiz 4 (Ch 4) (10/10) |

|10/28 |9.1 – 9.4, 9.7 |Test2 ( Ch 3 and 4)(10/17) |

|11/5 |10.1 – 10.2 |Ch Quiz 5 ( Ch 5) (10/29) |

|11/12 |10.3 |Ch Quiz 6 ( Ch 9) |

| | |( 11/5) |

|11/19 |REVIEW | |

|11/26 |REVIEW |Ch Quiz 7( Ch 10) (11/12) |

|12/3 |REVIEW |Test 3( Ch 5, Ch 9, Ch 10) (11/19) |

 FINAL EXAM DEADLINE: Friday, December 14, 2007 (Proctored and will inform later )


Grading Policy


WebCT PRE-TEST 50 points

TESTS 100 points (per chapter)

MyMathLab (Chapter Homework) 20 points (per chapter)

Quizzes (MyMathLab and otherwise ) 20 points (per chapter)

FINAL EXAM 400 points


QUIZ 1 (quasi –autobiography)

QUIZ 2 (syllabus quiz)


Test 1: Ch1 & 2

Test 2: Ch3 & 4

Test 3: Ch 5, 9 & 10

Final Exam: Comprehensive

FINAL EXAM DEADLINE: Friday, December 14, 2007 (Proctored in testing center and will inform later)

Notes :

ORIENTATION will be held on East Campus (Monday, August 27, 2007 at 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm in Building 4, Room 122)

HOMEWORK and QUIZZ deadlines correspond that of the related tests.

HALF CREDIT is given for homework and tests if LATE with no questions asked.

The WITHDRAWAL deadline (check the calendar)

• Practice and go over with materials before taking quizzes, tests, Final

Extra credit Textbook Section Exercises

 eoo= every other odd

|Section |Problems |

|1.1 |Every other odd |

|1.2 |Every other odd |

|1.3 |Every other odd |

|1.4 |Every other odd |

| 2.1 |Every other odd |

|2.2 |Every other odd |

| 2.3 |Every other odd |

|2.4 |Every other odd |

|2.5 |Every other odd |

|3.1 |Every other odd |

|3.2 |Every other odd |

|3.3 |Every other odd |

|3.4 |Every other odd |

|4.1 |Every other odd |

|4.2 |Every other odd |

|4.3 |Every other odd |

|4.4 |Every other odd |

|4.5 |Every other odd |

|4.6 |Every other odd |

|4.7 |Every other odd |

|5.1 |Every other odd |

|5.2 |Every other odd |

|5.3 |Every other odd |

|5.4 |Every other odd |

|5.5 |Every other odd |

|5.6 |Every other odd |

|9.1 |Every other odd |

|9.2 |Every other odd |

|9.3 |Every other odd |

|10.1 – 10.3 |Every other odd |

Student Registration in MyMathLab

1. Go to

2. Click on Register.

3. Click on Next in the bottom right hand corner.

4. Follow the directions on the screen to register in the course. When asked for the Course ID, enter sinha 54289

5. The cost is approximately $45.

6. Record your login information. If you forget your user name or password you have to contact Technical support at 1-800-677-6337(M-F 8am – 5pm CST).

Once you have completed these steps go to and click on Log In.

Type in your ATLAS Login name and Password . To access all the course materials click on Sinha 54289

Click on Pre Calculus MAC 1140 Fall 2007 in the top left corner.

You will now download the necessary plug-ins by logging into your course to do online assignments.

1. Click on Announcements

2. Click on MyMathLab Installation Wizard to find the plug-ins

you will need to view and complete the assignments.

3. Follow the instructions on the screen.

Note : You will need to do this again if you use a “new computer”

Doing Homework for the MyMathLab Assignments

1. Go to and click on

Log In.

2. Type in your Login name and password and click on Log In.

3. Click on Course ID - Sinha54289 ,

4. Click on the top left corner

Pre Calculus MAC 1140 Fall 2007 or

CRN 15392 may also be required in title.

5. Click on Do Homework. (This should be on the left hand side

of the screen)

6. Click on the section that you want to do homework in.

7. Work through all the exercises! Submit often! When you have done all of the exercises, go back to the list of exercises and click on “Hand in Homework.” You can submit the homework before it is finished. The system will save what you have done.

Note : AOL does not support MyMathLab. If AOL is your internet service provider, minimize AOL after connecting to the internet and then work through Internet Explorer. Check your computer compatibility


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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