Vocabulary List 11 - Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools

Vocabulary List 12 Name____________________________

Mr. Kittner | 8th LA

“. . . language is man’s way of communicating

with his fellow man and it is language alone

which separates him from the lower animals.”

∞ Maya Angelou

Vocabulary in Context: When you come across a word you do not know, you may ascertain its definition by examining context clues—that is—use the other words (synonyms, comparisons, cause and effect, series, antonyms; also, look at the word’s prefix/suffix) in the sentence to deduce the quasi-meaning of the word. This may not work every time, but may most. Read the sentences, probing for context clues and then write what you think the word means on each blank, respectively.

1. The brawny guide hoisted the canoe on his shoulders and carried it up the steep hill to the lake. _______________

2. The Plastics -- from the movie Mean Girls -- fittingly earned their name, as they were a clique of wealthy, spiteful girls who carefully chose the members of their group. _______________

3. Dr. Leonard told Bob that Bob’s knee was beyond repair, but he (Bob) refused to concede to the fact and kept pushing his limits on the lacrosse field, despite the pain. _______________

4. Although Maria, the owner of the local animal shelter, was notably harsh toward her employees, she was expressly humane in dealing with the homeless animals for which they cared. _______________

5. I needed the job badly, but the working conditions in that company were so intolerable that I had to quit. _______________

6. Joe Bob’s attitude toward his parents was so irreverent that they considered enrolling him in Miss Manners Discipline School to learn the proper way to speak to his elders. _______________

7. “Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—“ _______________

8. Mary Sue and Cletus’s realtor listed their house as a rustic country home in the sale ad, but in reality, it was a run-down, back-woods shack. _______________

9. Stop the name-calling and the drama and let’s settle this argument with temperate discussion. _______________

10. Coach Grobe’s trick plays and multiple lateral pass plays quickly earned him the reputation of being one of the wiliest coaches in college football. _______________

Antonyms: Choose the word that is most nearly the opposite in meaning to each of the following groups of expressions.

1. harsh, extreme _______________ 2. acceptable, bearable _______________

3. respectful, polite _______________ 4. urban, metropolitan _______________

5. cruel, merciless _______________ 6. dispute, challenge _______________

7. unoriginal, slow-witted _______________ 8. frail, scrawny _______________

9. average or accepting group _______________ 10. to make thoughtless decisions _______________

One’s vocabulary needs constant fertilizing

or it will die.” ∞ Evelyn Waugh


1. brawny (adj.) strong, muscular

2. clique (n.) a small, exclusive group of people

3. concede (v.) to admit as true; to yield, submit

4. humane (adj.) kind, merciful

5. intolerable (adj.) unbearable; so bad, difficult, or painful that it cannot be endured

6. irreverent (adj.) disrespectful

7. ponder (v.) to consider carefully, reflect on

8. rustic (adj.) countrylike; simple, plain; awkward

(n.) one who lives in the country

9. temperate (adj.) mild, moderate

10. wily (adj.) sly, shrewd, cunning

Synonyms: Choose the word that is most nearly the same in meaning to each of the following groups of expressions.

1. unsophisticated, rural _______________ 2. to contemplate, to think over _______________

3. an inner circle, an elite group _______________ 4. clever, quick _______________

5. profane, rude _______________ 6. composed, mellow _______________

7. compassionate, kindhearted _______________ 8. to admit, to give in _______________

9. husky, burly _______________ 10. insufferable, unendurable _______________

Your Sentences: Pick any five of this week’s vocabulary words and use them (properly) in a sentence; please circle the vocabulary word. Do not use the vocabulary word as the terminal (last) word in the sentence.







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