Aloe Vera and Shoe Insoles

What Is In Aloe Vera?


Detailed information showing you exactly what is in Aloe Vera that makes it such a potent healing force!

While doing research on what’s in Aloe Vera, I found out quite interestingly, that the content of the Aloe Vera leaf is just 0.5 - 1.5% solid, with an average pH value of 4.55!

This solid material contains over 75 different nutrients including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, sugars, anthraquinones or phenolic compounds, lignin, saponins, sterols, amino acids and salicylic acid.

No other natural product contains so many elements beneficial to the body.

Here you’ll find a detailed breakdown and description of what’s in Aloe Vera and how the different constituents of Aloe Vera all work together to make it such a force for good!

Here is a list of what is in Aloe Vera:

Amino Acids, Anthraquinones, Enzymes, Hormones, Lignin,

Salicylic Acid, Saponins, Sterols, Vitamins, Minerals,


Unto a detailed description of what’s in Aloe Vera:

1) Amino Acids

Aloe Vera contains 19 of the 20 amino acids required by the human body for good health. The human body however produces only 12 of these. The 8 outstanding amino acids - known as ‘essential‘ amino acids - required by the human body have to be taken in as food and drink.

Aloe Vera contains 7 of the 8 ‘essential’ amino acids:

Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine,

Phenylalanine, Threonine, Valine,

The 12 ‘non-essential’ amino acids contained in Aloe Vera are:

Alanine, Arginine, Asparagine, Cysteine, Glutamic Acid, Glycine,

Histidine, Proline, Serine, Tyrosine, Glutamine, Aspartic Acid

Amino acids are the basic building blocks of proteins in the production of muscle tissue. The missing ‘essential’ Amino acid is Tryptophan, which some researchers today actually claim is among the Amino acids contained in Aloe Vera. Either way i’m sure you agree with me that 19 out of 20 is another excellent score for Aloe Vera!

2) Anthraquinones

Aloe Vera contains 12 anthraquinones:

Aloe Emodin, Aloetic Acid, Aloin, Anthracine, Antranol,

Barbaloin, Chrysophanic Acid, Emodin, Ethereal Oil,

Ester of Cinnamonic Acid, Isobarbaloin, Resistannol,

These 12 Phenolic compounds are found exclusively in the sap of the Aloe Vera plant. In small quantities, when they do not exert their purgative effect, they aid absorption from the gastro-intestinal tract and have anti-microbial and pain killing effects.

Anthraquinones also provide anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral activity. In high concentrations on their own they can be toxic, but they are not toxic within the complex environment of the Aloe Vera plant.

3) Enzymes

Aloe Vera contains 8 enzymes:

• Aliiase Alkaline Phosphatase Amylase Carboxypeptidase

• Catalase Cellulase Lipase Peroxidase

These enzymes contained in Aloe Vera help the breakdown of food sugars and fats aiding digestion and enhancing nutrient absorbtion.

One in particular, Bradykinase, helps to reduce excessive inflammation when applied to the skin topically and therefore reduces pain, whereas others help digest any dead tissues in wounds.

Lipases and proteases which break down foods and aid digestion are also present.

4) Hormones

Aloe Vera contains 2 hormones:

Auxins, Gibberellins

These hormones provide wound healing & anti-inflammatory activity.

Giberellin, in Aloe Vera acts as a growth hormone stimulating the growth of new cells.

5) Lignin

Lignin is a Cellulose based substance, which provides penetrating power in Aloe Vera skin preparations and acts as a carrier for other components of Aloe Vera.

Lignin takes the soothing properties of Aloe Vera down to damaged skin areas where it strips the toxic materials, increases the blood circulation to the area and flushes the dead tissue away. It is also keratolytic meaning it destroys and softens hard skin.

6) Salicylic Acid

Aloe Vera contains Salicylic Acid which is an Aspirin like compound that works as a pain killer. It possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

7) Saponins

Saponins which are Glycosides form about 3% of what’s in Aloe Vera gel. They are soapy substances which provide cleansing and antiseptic activity.

They act powerfully as anti-microbials against bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeasts.

8 ) Sterols

Aloe Vera contains 4 main plant steroids:

Colesterol, Campesterol, Lupeol, ß Sitosterol

These are anti-inflammatory agents. Lupeol also possesses antiseptic and analgesic properties

11) Sugars

Aloe Vera contains 2 Monosaccharides: Glucose & Fructose

They provide anti-inflammatory activity.

Aloe Vera also contains Polysaccharides: Polysaccharides are normally found in all cells of your body. However your body stops producing polysaccharides around the age of 10, after which your body relies completely on outside sources for these vital compounds.

Aloe Vera is an extremely rich source of polysaccharides such as Gluco-mannans or Polymannose, molecules of Mannose linked to molecules of Glucose. This is a polysaccharide which provides the anti-viral, immune modulating activity of Acemannan.

In discussing the components of Aloe Vera, Acemannan deserves a special mention because of the very important role it plays. It stimulates the body’s macrophages to produce Interferon and Interleukin, which stop viruses multiplying.

Macrophages are the deep cleansers of the immune system that can destroy small particles such as toxic chemicals and tumours. Acemannan also helps lubricate the joints and line the colon

The long chain Gluco-mannans are ingested whole from the gut, not broken down like other sugars, and appear in the bloodstream in exactly the same form. This process is known as pinocytosis.

Once in the blood stream they are able to exert their immuno-regulating effect. Some of these polysaccharides are not absorbed but stick to certain cells lining the gut and form a barrier preventing absorption of unwanted material so helping to prevent a “leaking” gut syndrome.

There are probably other as of yet undiscovered components of Aloe Vera but what you have here is a detailed summary of what’s known so far!

Having covered what vitamins are in Aloe Vera, read on to find out how the components of Aloe Vera work together ’synergistically’ to provide relief and healing for conditions as varied as X-ray burns, sun burn, diabetes and even cancer.

Today when replying the question… “What is Aloe Vera?” …reference is now universally made to Aloe Barbadensis Miller.

This is the true Aloe Vera!

It is the most potent - nutritionally and medicinally - and is the type of Aloe used in most commercial products with Aloe content available today

Most species of the Aloe Vera plant are non-toxic but there are about 15 poisonous ones which contain a deadly hemlock-like substance.

If you are thinking of growing Aloe Vera at home that’s definitely something worth remembering when choosing your plant!

Aloe Vera plants are not fully mature with their complementary medicinal properties until they are four years old and it is therefore important that the gel is not extracted until they reach this age.

Note: Aloe Vera is currently the only known natural source of vitamin B12.

The bulk of the Aloe Vera leaf is filled with gel, approximately 99% water with the other 1% containing over 75 known nutrients.

Applied to wounds the Aloe Vera gel acts as a mild anesthetic, relieving itching, swelling and pain.

It is also anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, it increases blood flow to wounded areas and stimulates fibroblasts - the skin cells responsible for wound healing.

Aloe Vera heals Psoriasis Lesions

In double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in Tropical Medicine and International Health, 60 patients with chronic psoriasis were given a 0.5% Aloe Vera extract in a mineral oil cream.

The ointment was applied 3 times daily for 5 consecutive days - 15 applications in total per week - for 4 weeks. When patients were checked after 8 months, far more psoriasis skin lesions had healed in the Aloe Vera group (82.8%) than in the placebo group (7.7%).

In addition, 83.3% of the Aloe Vera group were considered cured of their psoriasis compared to only 6.6% of the placebo group.

Note: A placebo is a substance or preparation used especially in controlled experiments to determine the effectiveness of another substance (as a medicinal drug).

Aloe Vera eases Intestinal Problems

The Aloe Vera gel can be effective for treating inflammatory bowel disease according to a study in the Journal of Alternative Medicine.

10 patients were given 2 ounces of Aloe Vera gel, 3 times daily for 7 days. After 1 week, all patients were cured of diarrhea, 4 had improved bowel regularity and 3 reported increased energy.

Researchers concluded that Aloe Vera was able to rebalance the intestines by “regulating gastrointestinal pH while improving gastrointestinal motility, increasing stool specific gravity, and reducing populations of certain fecal microorganisms, including yeast.

Other studies have shown that the Aloe Vera gel helps to detoxify the bowel, neutralize stomach acidity and relieve constipation and gastric ulcers.

Aloe Vera reduces Arthritic Swelling

According to the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, Aloe Vera gel can help prevent arthritis and reduce the inflammation in joints already affected by arthritis.

Aloe Vera can also inhibit the autoimmune reaction associated with certain forms of arthritis in which the body attacks its own tissues.

Because of its ability to balance the pH of the blood and increase digestion and absorption, Aloe Vera gel strengthens the immune system.

Taken regularly over a period of several months, Aloe Vera helps to regulate the function of the liver.

You can also read about medical research that shows how Aloe Vera ‘activates’ the human immune system to attack cancerous cells.

Aloe Vera is excellent as well in the treatment of Rosacea and broken capillaries, drinking the Aloe Vera gel helps to maintain a steady blood pressure while applying it topically assists in preventing the capillaries just under the skin from swelling.

In the near future we are sure to see usage of Aloe Vera for eye disease, possibly in eye drops because of it’s ability to coat and protect against UV rays.

How Is Aloe Vera Useful In Treating IBS?

Research has shown that not only is Aloe Vera useful in treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but due to its balancing effect on the immune system it is also very useful in creating an improved sense of well-being as well as reducing stress…

Research work carried out over many years points conclusively to a toxic colon being the cause of a very wide range of minor to very serious illnesses.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) also known as Spastic Colon is now the most common digestive disorder seen by physicians. In IBS, the normal rhythmic muscular contractions of the digestive tract become irregular interfering with the normal movement of food and waste material.

This leads to the accumulation of mucus and toxins in the intestine. This accumulation of material in turn sets up a partial obstruction of the digestive tract, trapping gas and stool.

Symptoms include bloating, abdominal pain, gas constipation, distension, an urgency to have bowel movement and diarrhoea.

So how is Aloe Vera useful in treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

The natural healing and detoxifying powers of Aloe Vera work gently within the intestinal tract to help break down impacted food residues and thoroughly cleanse the bowel.

Aloe Vera acts on the epithilial cells - the cells of the skin and inner cavities - these include the stomach, digestive tract, colon, bronchial tubes and blood vessels.

The anti-inflammatory activity of Aloe Vera gel is very helpful in repairing damage to the intestine, reducing inflammation, helping to repair damaged cells and creating favorable conditions for new cell growth.

The cells of the intestines are the fastest growing cells in the body, they are replaced every 4 days on average so they have to be continually replenished to keep the barrier established.

Not only is Aloe Vera useful in repairing damage to the intestine it also provides the main fuel - the amino acid I-glutamine - needed for regeneration of the cells of the intestine, something which we do not get much of in our diet.

Also, long chain polysaccharides contained in Aloe Vera, line the gut and repair tiny “holes” that inevitably occur through bad eating habits, alcohol consumption, long-term use of antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or just wear and tear.

These ‘holes’ can lead to what is known as “leaking gut syndrome” which is where unwanted substances and toxins are absorbed through the gut walls and into the blood stream causing havoc in the immune system.

The skin is a reflection of the digestive system - so conditions such as Eczema or Psoriasis may develop as a result of an underlying problem in the digestive tract.

Aloe Vera’s amphoteric properties mean that it can help ease constipation and prevent continuing diarrhoea, setting a regularity to the bowel. This helps to reduce discomfort and bloating.

Naturally, as these symptoms are eased, so the stress associated with the discomfort is also reduced.

Because the intestine is such a highly complex multi-purpose organ with an important role in immunity against disease and allergy control, it is very important to keep it in tip top condition through a healthy diet.

Supplementing this with regular consumption of Aloe Vera gel can help you soon achieve a feeling of well-being and maintain a high quality of life.

Is Aloe Vera useful in treating X-ray burns?

Aloe Vera was used in 1935 to treat third-degree X-ray burns, and more modern medicine uses it to treat atomic radiation burns.

Applied to wounds, the gel not only reduces pain and infection, it stimulates cell regeneration and therefore the growth of new tissue and skin. Scarring can be reduced significantly by using Aloe Vera.

In 1959 the F.D.A. stated “upon review the F.D.A. admits that Aloe Vera does actually regenerate skin tissue”.

Is Aloe Vera useful in supporting surgical recovery?

According to a report in the Journal of Dermatologic Surgery and Oncology, Aloe Vera reduces surgical recovery time.

Eighteen acne patients underwent facial dermabrasion surgery, in which lesions are scraped away. Dressings were applied to their faces, with half of each person’s face receiving the standard dressing coated with surgical gel, and the other half with Aloe Vera added to this dressing.

The half of the face treated with Aloe Vera healed approximately 72 hours faster than the other side which had just the standard dressing without Aloe Vera!

Dermatologist James Fulton, M.D., of Newport Beach, California, principal author of the report uses topical Aloe Vera in his practice to speed wound healing. He says “any wound we treat whether it’s suturing a cut or removing a skin cancer, heals better with Aloe Vera on it.

Is Aloe Vera useful in treating Diabetes?

Hormone Research reported that Aloe Vera reduced the blood sugar levels in diabetics.

5 patients with adult (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes were given 1/2 teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel daily for up to 14 weeks.

Blood sugar levels were reduced in all patients by an average of 45% with no change in their total weight. These sort of results achieved time and time again using Aloe Vera are as a result of its work with ‘the inner doctor’, our immune system.

Aloe Vera boosts the immune system, replenishing the nutrients the human body needs as required.

Aloe Vera provides many different benefits because of the number of nutrients that it contains. The many health benefits of Aloe Vera come from a synergy between the different nutrients, rather than as a consequence of one ‘magic’ ingredient.

Interesting, eye-opening research on the different medicinal uses of Aloe Vera. Discover more of the tremendous health benefits of Aloe Vera…”The Miracle Plant”!

Dr. H.R. McDaniel, pathologist and researcher at the Dallas-Fort Worth Medical Center said, and I wholeheartedly agree, that…“the use of Aloe Vera will be the most important single step forward in the treatment of diseases in the history of mankind!”

Traditional medicine and the pharmacological industry may not have embraced Aloe Vera because of the threat it poses to hundreds of prescription and non-prescription drugs and the fact that it cannot be patented.

But that notwithstanding, knowledge of the medicinal uses of Aloe Vera also widely known as the “Miracle Plant” is increasing worldwide at a rapid rate.

Medicinal uses of Aloe Vera: Limits the activity of HIV

Aloe vera contains Gluco-mannan, a special complex polysaccharide composed largely of the sugar Mannose.

It interacts with special cell-surface receptors on those cells which repair damaged tissues, called fibroblasts, stimulating them, activating their faster growth and replication.

An extract of Mannose, one of the sugars in Aloe Vera can inhibit HIV-1, the virus associated with AIDS.

In a 1991 study in Molecular Biotherapy, HIV-1 cells were treated in vitro - outside the body - with the Mannose extract.

Virus reproduction was reduced by as much as 30% by Aloe Vera, viral load - total amount of the virus - as well was reduced, the spread of the virus from the infected cells was suppressed and the viability - chance of survival - of infected cells was increased.

The Aloe Vera gel also proved to be an effective part of a nutritional support program for HIV+ patients according to the Journal of Advancement in Medicine.

For 4 months, 29 patients were given 100% pure Aloe Vera gel (5 ounces, 4 times daily) along with an essential fatty acid supplement and another supplement containing vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Patients were told to continue with their normal diet and not to take other supplements. After 90 days all of the patients had fewer occurrences of opportunistic infections, thrush, fatigue and diarrhea, as well as increased white blood cell counts meaning their immune systems were responding positively.

Their assessment of overall quality of health also improved. In 255 of the patients, Aloe Vera apparently knocked out the virus’s ability to reproduce.

Researchers found that Aloe Vera stimulates the body’s immune system, particularly T4 helper cells - white blood cells that activate the immune response to infection.

The medicinal uses of Aloe Vera extend to protection against radiation burns.

Medicinal uses of Aloe Vera: Protects against Radiation

With the invention of the atom bomb it was discovered early in the search for protection against radiation burns that the best treatment was Aloe Vera gel.

It is rumoured that the U.S.A. and the U.K. have huge stockpiles of Aloe Vera for use in the event of a nuclear attack and doctors have even prescribed it for intravenous use when treating radiation burns.

The Aloe Vera gel has a dramatic ability to heal wounds, ulcers and burns by putting a protective coating on the affected areas, speeding up the healing rate, relieving pain and preventing blisters.

It can also reduce inflammation, decrease swelling and redness and accelerate wound healing. Aloe Vera increases availability of Oxygen to the skin and also increases the synthesis and strength of tissue.

Aloe Vera protects against skin damage from X-rays according to researchers at Hoshi University in Japan publishing in the journal Yakugaku Zasshi.

They found that Aloe Vera was an effective antioxidant, mopping up the free radicals caused by radiation, and that it protected two of the body’s healing substances, Superoxide Dismutase (an antioxidant enzyme) and Glutathione (an amino acid which stimulates the immune system).

The medicinal uses of Aloe Vera also include protection against frostbite damage.

What Is The Truth About Their Relationship? Medical research about the “Aloe Vera and Cancer” relationship…

According to recent research Aloe Vera may help prolong survival time and stimulate the immune systems of cancer patients.

Researchers writing in Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy found that Aloe Vera has the ability to activate the immune system to attack cancerous cells.

Aloe Vera ’switches’ on the immune system by activating macrophages (white blood cells which ’swallow’ antigens), causing the release of immune-activating and anti-cancer substances such as Interferons and Interleukines.

In addition Aloe Vera promotes the growth of normal (non-cancerous) cells.

Note: An antigen is a substance that when introduced into the body stimulates the production of an antibody. Antigens include toxins, bacteria, foreign blood cells, and the cells of transplanted organs.

Aloe Vera and Cancer: Lung Cancer

The Aloe Vera gel’s protective effect was confirmed in a study of 673 lung cancer patients in Okinawa, Japan, published in the Japanese Journal of Cancer Research.

This survey looked at the connection between smoking, comparative amounts of 17 plant foods in the diet, and the occurrence of lung cancer over a five-year period.

Aloe Vera was the only one of the plant foods that was protective against cancer.

The results of plant epidemiology suggests that Aloe Vera prevents human pulmonary Carcinogenesis - Lung Cancer - stated the researchers.

Aloe Vera and Cancer: Colon Cancer

Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D., formerly of the Linus Pauling Institute, reported on Aloe Vera’s ability to detoxify the body in his scientific paper, “Effect of Orally Consumed Aloe Vera Juice on Gastrointestinal Function in Normal Humans,” published in 1985.

Dr. Bland studied for one week the effects of Aloe vera juice consumption on urinary indican, stool specific gravity and gastric and bowel motility.

Urinary indican values decreased, indicating lowered bowel bacterial conversion of tryptophan and possible improved protein digestion and absorption, as well as reduced bowel putrefaction. This change, by itself, could help prevent colon cancer.

Further, Aloe Vera is widely suppressive against various human cancers and appears to cause the release of tumor necrosis factor Alpha that blocks the blood supply to cancerous growths.

Research in the field of Aloe Vera and Cancer is ongoing and I will be updating this site constantly with more information on the “Aloe Vera and Cancer” relationship as it becomes available.

The legendary power of Aloe Vera can change your life from the inside out, working as it does with - “the inner doctor” - our immune system to replenish the nutrients we need as and when required.

Aloe Vera gel usages - Topical and Internal:

Abrasions - Apply Aloe Vera gel on the affected area frequently in the first 24 hours.

It is extremely important to clean the affected skin surface thoroughly first, the reason being that because of Aloe Vera’s ability to penetrate through the seven layers of skin, any dirt or impurities not first cleaned off will also be absorbed into the skin by the Aloe Vera gel.

If a fresh leaf is available, rest this directly on the wound, since it helps to relieve the pain.

Aches - Muscle aches, pains and other discomfort associated with joints respond well to Aloe Vera gel.

Acne - Aloe Vera gel in cosmetic preparations, such as soaps, cleansers and moisturizers, aid the treatment of the skin to decrease the severity of Acne. These of course need to be used in conjunction with a balanced diet, regular personal hygiene, fresh air and sunshine.

Animal First Aid - Aloe Vera is suitable on animals for many similar conditions treated in humans.

Arthritis - Relief is obtained from drinking 2-4 tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel daily.

Other Aloe Vera gel usages include treatment of Athletic Injuries - Aloe Vera gel is especially effective in massaging muscles and joints. It is also effective in treating muscle cramps, sprains, strains, bruises, swelling, soreness, tendonitis and bursitis.

Burns/Scalds - All burns should be treated as potentially dangerous injuries. However, the immediate application of Aloe Vera gel will substantially relieve the pain, reduce the chance of infection and lessen the danger of scarring.

I have seen Aloe Vera work wonders time and time again with burns!

Since burns and scalds can induce shock in the victim, any case of severe burns should receive medical attention as quickly as possible.

In the case of Sunburn Aloe Vera gel helps to reduce the harmful effects of the sun’s ultra-violet rays, if applied before sunbathing. It also relieves the pain and discomfort of sunburn after over-exposure to the sun.

Cuts & Wounds - Immediate application of Aloe Vera gel will prevent infection and aid healing. Here again the affected area must be cleaned thoroughly before applying Aloe Vera gel.

Aloe Vera gel usages for Ear and Eye Disorders - Although they are delicate organs of the body, the ear and eye can be treated with drops of Aloe Vera gel for immediate relief.

In some cases it is better to dilute the gel with half a portion of water to lessen the degree of smarting, if any.

Aloe Vera gel usages extend to the treatment of Infected pierced ears, Conjunctivitis, Sties, Corneal Ulcers, Cataracts and Puncture Wounds, it provides relief to these conditions.

Eczematous Rashes and Psoriasis - Aloe Vera products are very effective, when taken internally as well as when applied to the affected areas.

It was my sister’s complete healing from recurrent Eczema years ago using the Aloe Vera gel that led to my fascination with the Aloe Vera plant and my ongoing study of the varied Aloe Vera gel usages.

Psoriasis - use of Aloe Vera gel does heal Psoriasis, and it can almost always be controlled and substantially reduced by it.

Fungal Diseases - Aloe Vera gel is especially beneficial in the treatment of Athlete’s Foot. It should be rubbed over the affected area at least 4 times a day.

Aloe Vera gel can also be used to treat Ringworm, Pruritus Anivalvae, Balnea, Essential Pruritus and Vaginal Yeast Infections.

Hemorrhoids - Aloe Vera gel applied topically provides relief in treating this painful and uncomfortable condition. Application can be as often as desired.

Aloe Vera gel usages for the Hair and Scalp - Any product containing at least 70% Aloe Vera is beneficial to the good health of the hair and scalp.

Research has shown that one of the main reasons for hair loss is toxins in the small intestine. Drinking Aloe Vera gel leads to the removal of these toxins which helps repair this problem.

Internal Disorders - Taken internally Aloe Vera gel helps relieve Ulcers, Colitis, Constipation and other Digestive Disorders.

Oral Disorders - Aloe Vera gel can be used for Cancer Sores, Cold Sores, Fever Blisters, Minor Sore Throats, Mouth Irritations, Denture Sores, Gingivitis, Mouth and Gum diseases.

Parasites - Aloe Vera gel can also be used to get rid of Pinworms and Thread worms.

Sinus - When inhaled through an Inhaler, Aloe Vera gel acts as a decongestant.

Skin Cancers - Regular application at least 2-4 times daily may help to limit Skin Cancer. Research has also shown that Aloe Vera gel is effective in treating other forms of cancer.

Aloe Vera gel usages for Skin Disorders - Aloe Vera gel can be used on babies for Diaper and Heat rash as well as Prickly heat, in adults for Razor burns, Windburn, Insect stings and bites.

Stomach Disorders - Aloe Vera gel is effective in treating Indigestion, Heartburn, Hyper-Acidity, Peptic and Duodenal Ulcers.

As impressive as this list of Aloe Vera gel usages may seem it is by no means conclusive! Go on from here to read about detailed research findings that confirm many of these Aloe Vera gel usages.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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