Flight: A Living, Breathing Document of ConsciousnessVolume 9 Issue 93, March, 2020Articles and excerpts that will inform and inspire! -57150276225A Letter from the Editor:Spring is just around the corner and I can hardly wait for the buds on the trees to begin to show up with all the vibrant potential of new life. In honor of this, I planted some lotus seeds for an indoor bowl garden of lotus blossoms. I have researched and followed the instructions to a T. And yet, nothing has been happening...and it has now been a good 4 weeks. So I am thinking that my efforts may have been lost on some bad seeds. But such is life. The effort was full of excitement and potential, but unfortunately did not get the proper cooperation from the plant world. I will continue to water and hope for a few more weeks, but will prepare myself for the disappointment. At least I know things planted in my garden and flower beds will grow!...usually.This month's issue celebrates the coming of Spring, and on that note be sure to check out some of the upcoming events that are based upon that theme. There is also some fascinating information on the energy benefits of Moss Agate, and some lovely poetry. We have an article on Self-love as well as one on what it is to be a Male Witch. Thank you to all the wonderful friends who write such interesting articles! Allow yourself to forward this on to whomever you like, as if there is possible interest, then they should likely know that they can get their own free subscription. Just email a request to deerhorn007@ and I shall make it so!Enjoy the read!Trent DeerhornEditorDeerhorn Shamanic Services Floating Drum Circle19050279400The Floating Drum Circle will now be available!What is a Floating Drum Circle? It is a Drum Circle that is able to move from one location to another. How does this work? Invite a minimum of 10 friends over for a drum circle in the privacy of your own home. Trent brings the supplies for the Drum Circle and the Ceremony.Ceremony? Yes. As you all know, Trent's Drum Circles are Ceremony/Ritual based, which makes them both spectacular and unique. These celebrations can be in accordance to the phase of the Moon, or the Season, or whatever you choose to celebrate.Who is in charge? You are in charge of the space and the people you invite and the number of people you can comfortably accommodate. Trent is in charge of the circle once it begins.What if I don't have 10 people? It is important to have the minimum of 10 in order to be financially feasible for Trent to lead the circle. Upon your request in advance of the registration date, Trent can share the date and time and contact number with his contacts who can then contact you to see if there is enough space.Who pays? Each person pays their fee ($20) ahead of the date of the Drum Circle. If the fee is not paid 3 days in advance of the circle, the spot goes to the next person in line on the waiting list. The host/hostess collects all fees and pays Trent before the circle begins on the date set. Hosts/Hostesses get the Drum Circle free of charge.Children in attendance must be strictly monitored by their parents.? Any damaged supplies must be paid for or replaced by the one who damaged it (or parents if it is a child) by a similar?article of equal or greater value.What is the method of payment? Cash only. This makes it much easier for the host/hostess to collect.To arrange for a Floating Drum Circle in your home, please contact Trent Deerhorn at deerhorn007@ or at (306) 978-5300. Upcoming EventsCONGREGATIONALIST WICCANASSOCIATION OF SASKATCHEWANSKY RIVER TEMPLESPRING EQUINOX RitualPublic EventMARCH 152:30pmRusty Macdonald library225 Primrose DrSaskatoon, SKPotluck social to follow(No nuts/legumes/seeds/soy)FREE to attendDONATIONS welcomeRITES BY THE WATERThis is a monthly celebration to give thanks to the Gods and the Goddesses, to get together once a month in Public Ritual. These are outdoor events and people should dress for the weather. All we ask is that all that attend to so with an open heart and an open mind. As Pagans we do not discriminate against anyone so we ask the same of those who attend. These Events are free.. free for all who attend, free for all who are interested in a monthly open circle, free of all Prejudice. Blessed Be.The next event is on Sunday March 29th at 3:00 pm, it will be held at Victoria Park on Spadina Crescent West in Saskatoon Sask. Improve Your EnglishOn a poster at Kencom:???ARE YOU AN ADULT THAT CANNOT READ?? IF SO, WE CAN HELP?190500Rock Talk by Ave RiddlerMoss AgateThese are often seen as a clear transparent or milky translucent base with various green inclusions that resemble plants or moss throughout the piece. Though some Moss Agates can also include colors like red, yellow, brown, or black. This mineral is more closely related to Chalcedony than agate because it often lacks the banding and patterns of an Agate.3648075575945This is a good mineral to keep on hand if you are dealing with anything where you need agreeability as well as persuasiveness, which would make this a good stone to have on hand when a mediator is required. The energy put out by Moss Agate is of balance and stability, helping to generate a wholesome exchange of communication. These emotional energies can help balance out mood swings, easing a more volatile personality, tempering it with inner calm and patience. A good mineral to have on hand if you are struggling with self doubt, moss agate can help boost in a balanced way the ego, and self-esteem; it can build you up while keeping your feet planted in the earth.Moss agate can lend strength and efficiency to any pursuit you may be working on. By enhancing persistence, concentration, and endurance Moss Agate helps boost your focus on the projects you may be working on, resulting in successful completion. This can also be useful with any kind of financial endeavor as well, helping you achieve the goals that can bring abundance into your life.This Agate offers a strong connection to the earth energies, including plants and minerals, opening the way for communication and exchanges with those forces. Moss Agate would also be a good mineral to have on hand while working with plants or soil; agriculture, or home planting, by promoting healthy development and growth. This earth energy also makes Moss Agate a great aide in grounding and meditation. Purposeful meditations envisioning personal goals being completed will be enhanced by working with this agate. Moss Agate is not a speedy builder of energy; it offers a more leisurely pace influenced by its earthy connection.There is a belief that Moss Agate can help balance out weather patterns, equalizing unsteady systems. Physically, Moss Agate may help support any treatments for dehydration. It may help with disorders of the eyes. Treatments where Moss Agate is used as a topical elixir may help to remove fungal infections, as well as skin disorders. A good mineral for digestive health, Moss Agate can support the system as it processes and lastly releases foods from the body.Paraphrased from “LOVE IS IN THE EARTH – A Kaleidoscope Of Crystals by Melody” and “THE BOOK OF STONES – Who They Are And What They Teach by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian. With personal add- ins and details by myself (Ave)Indian Hills Community Center, Colorado signsCow stumbles into pot fieldThe steaks have never been higher!Attorney At LawThese are from a book called "Disorder in the Court" and are thingspeople actually said in court, word for word, taken down and publishedby court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while theexchanges were taking place.ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?WITNESS: Yes.ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?WITNESS: Getting laidSpellboundFrom the Brush Dance Calendar19050-4445In a world where so many people are so certain that they know the one and only way, this is quite appropriate.Trent DeerhornREDEMPTION AND SACRIFICEBy Gail FulkersonOpen the door in the hallway,The one with the creaking hinges,And make your wayDown the old wooden stairsTo the basement.Search for the secret doorThat hides the ancient set of stairs,Carved in prehistoric stone.Light the torch that perches withinA rusted iron stanchion on the wall. Illuminate the path aheadThat ultimately leads to your redemptionAnd final sacrifice.Like the mythical Hercules,You were given twelve labours,Each one more challenging Than the last.You have toiled mightily,Never sure if you’ll make it to the end.This is your twelfth and final labour;If you are successful,You will have proven your worthAnd redemption will be yours.If you fail, your worst fearsShall be visited upon you. Standing at the precipice,It dawns on you thatThe final payment must be madeBefore you can receive your hard-won redemption:You must hand over your life.The One Who Demands It will accept nothing less.Blindfolded and gagged,Someone pushes you over the edge.No one but you can hear your screamsAs you plunge headlong into the abyss.Self-Love is a Sensible OptionBy Natasha Stone?-476254445I identify myself as many things but for the purpose of this article and in order to be as transparent and succinct in my communication with a key concept as much as I can be, I identify strongly as a self-love enthusiast/advocate.This means that I prefer to love myself and be kind to myself more than I will allow other people to act towards me in ways which do not demonstrate that they care, are kind and/or love me.I wrote this article to further build upon and explore an enormously vast and infinite topic, that of love, with an emphasis on the self.Self-love is simply defined as having regard for one’s own well-being and happiness.Looking after our own well-being and our own happiness is paramount. If nothing else, it is worth stating that it is mandatory for our own survival. Caring about our own well-being and happiness might include looking after our health, drinking plenty of water, eating nutritious food, we all know what that is; fruit and vegetables, nuts, legumes, chicken, fish, red meats on occasion and/or whatever the vegetarian equivalent to all that is. Processed food is not ideal but has become such a culturally integrated part of the Western diet it can be very challenging to avoid altogether.I am not able to comfortably attest to and swear that I adhere to nutritious eating in a strict fundamentalist sense, but I am at peace with myself. I write this article with considerable comfort and feel my entire being at one with the universe. “As long as I have awareness I am evolved,” is my mantra for today.Self-love incorporates and is married to self-care.Having a roof over our heads and managing our finances as best as we can, so that we do have a roof over our heads and can buy our Corona’s, diamonds, Lamborghini’s, medicine, food, gym memberships, Alexander Technique classes, tattoos, colonic irrigation treatments, butt lifts, boob enhancers, Japanese latex sex dolls, and anything else that our hearts and whatever is in our boxers or panties desires...all of that, can demonstrate self-care.Self-care is honouring ourselves and ensuring that other people, even those we love, understand what kind of things we like, don’t like, and how it is we would like to be treated.The entire point of this activity, engaging with others through discussion, is that by communicating what we like to others, we are not accusing them of being monsters, or cold bitches and bastards who have no hearts or are narcissists, we are merely clarifying?what our preference is; what it is that most appeals to us or turns us on. We don’t all like the same things and that is worth thinking about whenever we make an assumption about other people.It can sometimes be very difficult to communicate in a lovely manner what does not turn us on, especially when it is happening on the spot. Sometimes we can communicate those expectations we have or things we desire or want more of in a manner which is not gentle, sensitive to others' feelings, or soothing enough to people’s eyes, ears, throats and whatever other orifice we are appealing to. Perhaps we are even communicating that we do not want to investigate or appeal to anyone’s orifice or perhaps we might be communicating that we do or we think we might! The plot thickens.Misunderstandings or miscommunications can oftentimes happen when we have not previously disclosed that we don’t like something or that we do like something. It can be that it didn’t even matter at a particular time then but it matters to us now.One example I will give that is perhaps more prevalent and common in our hook-up culture can be found in the ‘booty call’ situation.Some of us might have engaged in one of these contemporary dances, otherwise also known to many as no-strings attached sexy dalliances, and found we were happy with the arrangement as a one-off experience. Maybe we were not happy with it as a one-off experience or even started the mission but aborted it for whatever reason.Maybe we could have loved the experience but the other person did not want to commit to an on-going arrangement. We might think it necessary to find someone else to meet our needs. It is possible the previous original booty-call participant who was indisposed is now on board.Human interactions are not without tension and imperfections, not if those interactions are real.? As ‘they’ say, truth can oftentimes be stranger than fiction. Life is not like a box of chocolates because we already know what is in the box as we can read the ingredients and from that, as well as a picture and a description of the flavour, we can pretty much figure out what to expect. We might not like some flavours and can choose others instead but we know what is in those box of chocolates to begin with. When dealing with people, we are not dealing with mass produced products or goods because people are not chocolates.For instance, we cannot always rely upon what people say or communicate to us. Not always. Communication can be incomplete or too general or perhaps it may even be too specific to our liking. Sometimes we ourselves do not communicate as brilliantly as we should so how can we expect others too.The short answer to that question is that we cannot.Self-love is therefore a critical process which also involves self-reflection and self-reflection involves communicating with ourselves.We can all investigate and get in touch with what it is we want and what it is we don’t want. This process can then, in turn, inform us about who we really are and what we would be willing and not willing to do for others without infringing on ourselves.?It is then merely a matter of communicating those reflections of what we consider to be acts or gestures or expressions of self-love, what it is that turns us on, to others, who can give us, if they so choose, extra lashings of whatever it is that rocks or floats our boat.In closing, we can be better at giving love to others when we are willing to self-reflect and by self-reflecting, we are deepening our own awareness of ourselves which is an act of self-love. When we know what we like and don’t like, we can communicate those findings to others and potentially be able to give and receive love with greater purpose and clarity.For more articles by Natasha Stone, you can visit Pizazz News at TruthBy-Ave RiddlerYou see that smile.You hear that laugh.Yet you never really know.You can talk for hours,Listening and sharingDetails and deliveryThe story and wordsSounds and expressions.Yet still you never know.What lies beneath the smile?Fuels the laugh?The story is just the surface,The words just syllablesUsed…Over used.Sometimes,Words aren’t enough,The glaze over the truth.So still you never know.Thought for the Day: Thoughts are like boomerangs.Eileen Caddy - The Dawn of ChangeParaprosdokiansThe following are paraprosdokians. A paraprosdokianis a figure of speech in which the latter part of asentence is unexpected and sometimes even humorous:I find it ironic that the colors red, white, and blue standfor freedom, until they're flashing behind you.From 365 Zen daily readings by Jean SmithSet aside all involvements and let the myriad things rest. Zazen is not thinking of good, not thinking of bad. It is not conscious endeavor. It is not introspection.Do not desire to become a buddha; let sitting or lying down drop away. Be moderate in eating and drinking. Be mindful of the passing of time, and engage yourself in zazen as though saving your head from fire.-Zen Master Dogen (1200-1253), Moon in a Dewdrop428625054610Reflections from the Shaman's HutThe Male WitchBy Trent DeerhornI have had a number of people ask me recently about how I can be a male witch?? Their focus seems to be on the misconception that witches are ONLY female.? This is something that has mislead people for centuries.? So I thought I would talk about what it is, to me, to be a male witch. Okay, here we go.For me, being a male witch is just one part of everything that I am. It was what I was born into. My journey has been long and I have been trained by many a practitioner along the way, not just in the Craft, but also in and more focused upon Shamanism. Thus I am a Shamanic practitioner, as well as a witch, a warlock, etc. etc. etc.For me what that means is being the best I can possibly be every single moment in my life. For me that means connecting with Spirit in whatever capacity is available, within me and around me, especially through Nature. For me it is also about taking the bull by the horns and deciding for myself which way things are going to go. It also means, for me, taking no crap from anyone. And it means teaching. This is why I do my Blog. There are teachings within each and every one of them that help people through whatever stage of development they are on. This is why I do lectures and workshops. This is why I mentor people now and then. For me, it is about helping others to open to their potential, whatever that may be. Because as we each become more self-empowered we are able to make ripples of changes in our world. We are all connected. We might as well make use of that. There need be no competition. It is more about all of us dancing on the web of reality.Yes, there have been some groups in which I have been aggressively attacked for being male and identifying as a witch. I recognize this as an indication of their ignorance. Sometimes I educate them on this, sometimes I don’t. I have often been accused of “mansplaining” simply because I won’t let ignorance rule. And even if I choose to walk away, which I most often do, eventually, I do get private messages from members who have witnessed the exchanges, thanking me for my clarity and honesty and telling me that I have had impact in their perceptions and their lives from there on forth. So it is not a waste of time to discuss things, just a waste of time if people are obstinate.I see everything as a bridge to something more. It doesn’t matter if we are talking spirituality, religion, science, is all a part of the larger picture that includes everything else. This is likely why I can also predict how things will turn out, based upon someone’s action in the moment, my own included. Because every decision we make here and now has a ripple effect that goes far and wide.People often get hung up on the politics of the "male witch" instead of simply recognizing that we have always existed.? This, I believe, is the result of traditions being white washed by the traditions of the culture that has overtaken the older culture, as well as the now predominant tendency to rely upon pop culture for "information" when it is only promoting the same cycle of intolerance and even hatred that was taught along the way.? Some people refer a lot to "feminine intuition" when, in doing so, they are actually saying that there is no such thing as masculine intuition.? This is based upon traditions that have divided into strict groupings what is "masculine" and what is "feminine."? I call BULL on that, because men are just as intuitive as women, and women are just as reasonable as men...when we are all given a chance to express that part of ourselves.Some people think that the male witch can't be trusted with magic because men in general cannot be trusted.? That form of sexism is unacceptable.? And to top it off, I have witnessed female witches who are in complete competition to be queen bee in their covens.? Men tend to not play that game.? We earn whatever authority we have and we tend to be quite compassionate about how to utilize it.? And yes, in groups of male witches I have seen some want to over step their authority.? The one who is actually in authority tends to not have to do anything about that, because the rest of the group will give the young upstart a slap on the head and inform him to settle down and recognize that he is still learning and that it will take a very long time for him to actually have any authority in the coven.? And then it is all back to business.? That has been my experience.? It is not to say that one gender is better than the other, in any way.? Each simply functions differently.? And anyone who thinks that women could rule the world much better than men (as though any gender is automatically immune to the corruption that can take place on the political front!) needs to actually take part in a circle of women and actually watch all the games that get played.? Why does this happen?? I think it is because our culture has most often pitted women against each other and so that is the go-to response that they have.? They are still, themselves, trying to get out of that mentality, but often don't see when they are in it.? Men are much more used to actually showing respect of those who are "above" them.? But the funny thing is that, even if someone is in authority, we also tend to know that at the bottom of it all we are all equal.? We all have gifts to share and offer.? Some of us are at one stage of life and others at a different stage of life.? We don't clutter the conversation with superfluous verbiage.? We cut to the chase and offer what we have to offer.? We do so because we care.? We do so because we all know the challenges and struggles that have been experienced along the way.? We don't wrap ourselves up in the turmoil of our lives when we gather.? We either leave that at the door or we bring it to the group for some different perspective and possible guidance.? We tend to learn from each other instead of compete with one another.? Men tend to experience pride in our fellow man when he achieves something.? Unfortunately, I have all too often seen women experience jealously when a sister achieves something.? This is where the term "toxic femininity" certainly can be applied.? All of us, be we female or male, simply need to feel good enough about ourselves so that we do not need to, in any way, tear another down in order to feel better about ourselves or our accomplishments.Please do not get me wrong.? I do know that there are women who do not function in that toxic way.? But they have often been ousted by those who do.? So they end up more solitary than circle oriented.? Or, they end up approaching a men's circle to see if they can participate.? Sometimes, depending upon the circle, this can happen.? Sometimes not.? This is where I feel that the entire gender thing has to just become a non-issue.? I feel that if you are a witch/shaman/healer you simply are that, and the entire gender and gender identity really has no bearing on who you are as a witch/shaman/healer, or where you "should" or "should not" be.? When it comes right down to it, we are all human, and some of us are magical while others are not.? There is enough divisiveness in our world as it is, and we really do not need to be pitting ourselves against one another.For more articles from the Shaman's Hut, visit Trent's blog at Encouragements for Personal Development:Taken from Meditations with James Van PraaghOften we are not aware of how negative energy goes out like ripples on a lake and makes contact with everyone in its path. Your body picks up this stagnant energy, and suddenly your behavior changes. It is important to check your energy o a daily basis and clear all the emotional and mental baggage that you have picked up.According to the Farmer’s Almanac 2020:Super Straw19050635In a straw bale garden, the bales break down over time, turning into richly composted planters. Want to try it? Choose an area that gets at least 6-8 hours of sun daily. Put down newspapers or landscape fabric and arrange bales on top. Completely soak with water; several days later, soak again. After 1-2 more weeks, cut a small trench near the outside edge of the bales and 1-2 holes in the middle of each bale. Fill with mixture of half potting soil and half composted cow manure. Plant flower seeds in the trench and transplants in the holes; cover with soil. Water often and fertilize weekly. 19050278765March 8th: Daylight Saving Time begins at 2:00 A.M. Avoid pruning "bleeding" trees like maple and birch until the sap run season is over.-657225153670March 9th: Full Worm MoonA windy March and a rainy April make a fine May.-571500272415March 15th: The Ides of MarchSave crushed aluminum cans to use instead of drainage stones in large pots and planters. They work well without adding a lot of weight.-4762528575March 19th: Vernal EquinoxI trust in nature for the stable laws of beauty and utility. Spring shall plant and autumn garner to the end of time.- Robert Browning, English poet (1812-89)-10477522225March 24th: New MoonAdd blueberry bushes to your yard. Not only do they provide delicious berries, but also they feature creamy-white spring flowers and scarlet fall foliage.Ask the Shaman: With Trent Deerhorn-323850231775Q: It has been a long time since you have had anything in your newsletter regarding the Holy Days in the old ways. I am wondering if you have any suggestions for what I might do with my children to celebrate the upcoming Vernal Equinox?A: There is a wonderful book titled Celebrating The Great Mother by Cait Johnson and Maura D. Shaw. I would highly recommend it for family activities for the Holy Days. Activities can be anything such as:1. Planting your Bean Runes: in which one uses metamorphosis to teach about life coming out of what appears to be dead and dried up beans. You can draw a Rune symbol of your choice onto a bean, plant it in a pot and watch it grow. Plant as many rune beans as you like. As it grows, so does the energy of that rune.2. You can make your own incense.3. You can honor the birds by going outside and communing with them in nature, learn their species names and habits, the shapes of their nests and the colors of their eggs. You can even clean out the hair of your family hair brushes and pet brushes and leave it out for the birds to utilize while creating their nests.4. You can create Grass Pots. Find an earthenware pot, decorate it with paint and ribbons etc. Fill the pot with potting soil and plant grass seeds, or with catnip seeds if you have a cat. Water it and set it in a sunny area. Before long the grass will grow!5. You can create an Ostara Altar using flowers, nests, eggs, sprouts or green wild plants and feathers.6. You can create Ostara circlets for your children to wear on their heads.The list can go on and on and is really endless when one uses their imagination. Tidbits and Tickles:A new client had just come in to see a famous lawyer. "Can you tell me how much you charge?" asked the client."Of course," the lawyer replied, "I charge $200 to answer three questions!""Well, that's a little steep, isn't it?" the client asked."Yes it is," said the lawyer, "And what's your third question?"Local Photographers-66675275590Bismuth – Photo by Ave RiddlerForum:We want to hear from you! Your feedback is important to us. Email your comments to deerhorn007@ and they will be published in the Forum Section!Of the previous Issue:Penny Wrote: I very much enjoyed the article on Jin Shin Jyutsu. Maxwell Wrote: Blue Agate is one of my favorite gemstones. Thank you for sharing more information on that!Alex Wrote: As a mentor myself, I can completely relate to the challenges one has when one finally takes on someone to mentor and they treat you with disdain. Not cool. Marie Wrote: I have never heard of Jin Shin Jyutsu before. I must learn more about this! Thank you for writing this article!Classified Ads31197553175-2514603175125730069215A clean home is a true blessing! Trent Deerhorn2209800273685-5334006791325This professionally recorded 24 minute guided meditation, accompanied by guitar music tuned to the healing frequency of 432Hz, will lead you on a journey to release anxiety.Meditation by Vicki Lund Music by Ed SmithRecording studio: Soundlounge by tBoneArt work by Jasper Lund of SleepyturtartAvailable to purchase by download at for $9.95 + PST3638550-219075-390525225425-67627516637010185405080Face Time with the SHAMAN!4064050800As part of my Shamanic Practice I have, for years, provided long distance healing work for people. This sometimes comes as an energy treatment and sometimes as a telephone counselling session. Well, now there is even another option available! We can now have sessions on Face Time and you can speak to me face to face! If you are interested in this option, simply email me at deerhorn007@ or phone me at (306) 978.5300 to make arrangements. Blessed Be!Flight Newsletter Advertising All ads must be in by 6pm on the 20th of the month PRIOR to the issue that the ad is to be placed in. No exceptions. Send to deerhorn007@. Classified Ads:FREE for article contributors $25 for business card size$35 for half page$45 for full pageEvents: FREE for Non-profit organizations and Article Contributors 2638425105410$20 Profit organizationsWorkshops/Classes$35 half page$45 full page ................

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