Class Goal: Gold Objective 2.d Makes Friends 2c Interacts with peersIndividual Goals: (1-4) Objective 11 a. Attends and engages (4-7) Objective 11b: PersistsResources: Teaching Strategies Gold (G), Little Texans Big Futures (LTBF), Conscious Discipline (CD)Language and Communication; Circle Time Language; Early Literacy (songs, stories, games)MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayObjective- LTBF: pg. 54Begin to repeat words in simple songs and rhymesActivity-Sing “The more we get together”Objective-LTBF pg. 52Watch and listen while others speak and then speak or make sounds themselvesActivity- Read ”Bunny and Friends”Objective- LTBF: pg. 52Recognize names of familiar objectsActivity-Sing “The more we get together”Objective-LTBF: pg.52 Look at person who is speakingActivity-Read “To Be a Kid”Objective- Gold 11a: attends and engagesActivity-Sing “The more we get together”Social-Emotional DevelopmentObjective- LTBF Pg. 43 Respond to and interacts with othersActivities: M- Show social interaction with a smile or eye gazeT- Clap and smile back and forth with adultW- Wave Hello and Goodbye Th- Show affection with hugsF- Reaching out or up to caregiverCognitive DevelopmentObjective- LTBF Pg. 65Pays attention and exhibits curiosity in people and objectsM- Three piece knob puzzleT- Connect the waffle blocksW- Bristel block funTh- Lock and unlock puzzleF- Bead Maze, color sortMusic & MovementObjective-LTBF Pg. 27 Uses tools and different actions on objectsActivities: 1. Shake the maracas in both hands2. Beat the drum and count out loud Daily Physical & Motor DevelopmentObjective-LTBF:pg.28Grab, drop, or throw toysActivities: 1. Roll the ball to a frirend2. Hop over the Bean bagsThis includes 30 min. of structured activity per day.Sensory Play Objective-LTBF Pg. 65 Uses senses to explore people, objects, and the environmentActivities:1.Look through the magnifying glass2. Shaving cream painting Art ExperiencesObjective-G:7 Demonstrates fine-motor strength and coordination using fingers and hands.Activities: 1. Make a card for a friend (color and deliver)2. Water color experiments (Light table) Block Area Objective-LTBF:pg. 28Builds a small tower with toy blocks.Activities:1. Peek-a-boo blocks stack and fall2. Colored brick houses Dramatic Play AreaObjective LTBF pg. 71Play with toys in which they were intended to be playedActivities 1. Tea Party2. Dress up with friendsOutdoor EnhancementsObjective-LTBF: pg. 28Develops small muscle control and coordination.1. See saw with a friend2. Hoola hoop danceTransitions“Daytime, Nighttime”Singing Nursery RythmesLunchtime song “Open and shut them”Health and Wellbeing Objective- LTBF: PG 54 Use single words combined with hand motions and body movements to communicateThrow trash away when finished with mealSign “Thank you” and “Help” ................

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