3886200-787402057400149860020955Teachings Team:TA: Maura Flood Malinda HolmerSTs: Molly Hathaway Janice KnightGrade Level: Pre-K/KAim/Goal of the 9-week Curriculum:Students will explore color through class discussions, kinesthetic activities, and visual art-making practices. Students will be introduced to contemporary and historical, multicultural artists whose work references color theory, application, and investigation. Students will experiment with various processes and mediums including photography, performance, video, collage, painting, sculpting, and drawing. Students will work collaboratively to strengthen skills and knowledge about art practice, vocabulary, narrative, and structure. Through observation and representational art processes students will learn and play with the elements of color through art.Fine Arts Goals Met by the Objectives:Visual Arts: 26.A.1- Name simple materials used to paint, draw, and construct.Visual Arts: 26.B.1- Manipulate a variety of materials to create 2-D or 3-D art works.Visual Art: 26.B.2- Demonstrate eye/hand coordination when using tools and materials to create an artwork.Visual Arts: 26.B.3- Demonstrate the use of originality/imagination when creating an artwork.Objectives:Students will:Students will sketch self-portraits in their sketchbooks in order to learn the parts of the face as well as the shape and placement of those parts.Students will play an interactive game in order to explore where the complementary colors are on the color wheel and to learn what complementary colors are.Students will construct self-portraits out of complementary colored fabric shapes in order to better understand complementary colors.Students will experiment with fabric markers to learn how to apply them to fabric in order to create detail.Students will view and discuss artwork by Andy Warhol, Georges Seurat, and Vincent Van Gogh as they explore complementary colors, patterns, and portraiture. Students will learn that by mixing complementary colors it creates a neutral color.Students will be placing complementary colored fabrics next to one another in order to identify that one color makes the other seem brighter. Vocabulary:Complementary colors: Two colors on opposite sides of the color wheel.Quilt: Pieces of fabric sewn together to create a design.Pop-Art: A movement in art history where materials are taken out of their every day environments, left alone, or combined with other objects for the viewer to think about their meaning. Pointillism: Opposite colors of small dots placed next to one another in a pattern to form an image.Detail: A small part of a work.Portrait: A picture of a persons face.Clockwise: Moving in the direction the clock’s hands move.Teacher Materials:Projector (1)Connector for Mac Book Pro (1)Computer (1)Computer charger (1)Camera (1)Books about complementary colors and opposites for carpet area (Assorted,15)Large Eric Carle book (1)Multicultural/Historical/Contemporary exemplars (20 prints)Sign in/out sheetsPushpinsAprons and name tagsFirst aid kitColored butcher paper for tables (6)Demo Materials:Teacher-made exemplarsGlue sticksLarge piece of fabric (12”x12”) (Blue, red, yellow, orange, green, and purple)Scrap pieces of fabric (Blue, red, yellow, orange, green, and purple)Fabric markers (Blue, red, yellow, orange, green, and purple)Various colored yarn (Blue, red, yellow, orange, green, and purple)Scissors (1)Tray (1)Student Materials:Name tagsGlue sticks (Enough for 38 kids)Large pieces of fabric (12”x12”) (15 of each) (Blue, red, yellow, orange, green, and purple)Scrap pieces of fabric (Enough for 38 kids) (Blue, red, yellow, orange, green, and purple)Various colored yarn (Blue, red, yellow, orange, green, and purple)Scissors (21)Cups for water (6)Trays (7)Mirrors (21)Colored pencils (6 cups of assorted colors)Motivation/Activities and Prompts:Students will watch a short film called The Ballad of Red and Green to help explain what complementary colors are. 1:38 to the end.Students will play a game that is organized like a cakewalk. There will be a color wheel on the ground that they will walk around until the music stops.The teacher will call out a color. The student who is standing on that color and the student who is standing on that color’s complement will go to the middle of the circle.Once at the middle of the circle, the two students will add cutouts of their colors onto the template of a smaller color wheel.There will be two color wheelsClassroom Layout/Physical Set-up:WALL POSTINGS:Flag hanging above door.Door sign on outside door.Rule poster near carpet area.Welcome from teachers written on chalkboard.Class schedule (including times and duration of activities) will be written on the chalkboard.Posters of complementary colors, all colors, and various artists that use complementary colors will be on the walls around the room for visual inspiration.Picture books will be located on white blocks around the carpet area.MATERIALS DISTRIBUTION AREA:Materials will be on a table separate from the tables the students are sitting at. It will be located in the middle of the room where the demonstration will be performed.DEMONSTRATION AREA:11430003106420There will be a demonstration performed in the center of the room. It will be on the big rolling square. The supplies for the students will be located on the same table as the demonstration. There will be 6 stacks of the 12”x12” fabric (15 of each color), various colors of pre-cut fabric shapes, and various colors of fabric markers. ST will use glue to paste complementing color pre-cut fabric shapes onto the large fabric square in order to create a self-portrait. ST will then use fabric paint to decorate the figure and add details that she is unable to achieve with the fabric. The demonstration will conclude with making sure the students know to use only the complementary color pair that they chose within their works. CLEAN-UP AREA:All cleaning supplies will be located on the counter near the sink with access to a step stool. Students will return their materials to various bins located on the demonstration table in the middle of the room and throw away all scrap cloth with glue on them.TABLE FORMATION:The tables will be in a U-shape with the base of the U at the front of the classroom. Procedures:Sketchbook time: 10 minutes (9:00-9:10)(11:00-11:10)Parents and students will enter the room and be greeted by TAs and STs.Parents will sign in on the sign-in sheet. Students will find their sketchbooks and than sit at any of the tables.STs and TAs will walk around the room greeting the students and encouraging students to converse with one another. STs and TAs will also help students with their sketchbooks if they need it.The students will sketch self-portraits in their sketchbooks to help them with the project of the day.Each student will have a mirror at their seats as well as a worksheet that explain where the parts of the face are located.At 9:10/11:10 ST will ask the students to put away their supplies and gather on the carpet in the back of the room.Discussion: 20 minutes (9:10-9:30)(11:10-11:30)ST will introduce herself, the other ST, and the TAs.ST will go over rules of the classroom.ST will show a Power Point to the students.Students will watch a video called The Ballad of Red and Green 1:38 to the end.ST will show the color wheel and explain what a complementary color is. ST will show various artists’ worksAndy WarholComplementary colors and portraitsPop-ArtGeorges SeuratComplementary colorsPointillismVincent Van GoghComplementary colors and self-portraitsST will talk about quilting.Margaret BucklewPortraiture in quilting conclude discussion, ST will ask students to calmly go stand on a color that is on the floor.Group Activity: 15 minutes (9:30-9:45)(11:30-11:45)ST will ask every student to stand on a color that is in either of the two color wheels. There will be a few open colors left.ST will play music and the students will walk in a clockwise circle until the music stops. When the ST stops the music she will call out a color. The students that are on that color and the complement of that color will go to the middle of the circle.Once at the middle of the circle students will each take the cutout that is the same color they were standing on and stick it on the template color wheel where it belongs.This will be repeated until the small color wheel in the center of the circle is completed. Every student should have a turn to go to the center of the circle, if not the ST will ask those students questions about the color wheel in the center. What makes a complementary color?A primary and a secondary.How many colors are on the color wheel?12What is a complementary color? Show us what they are.2 colors opposite each other on the color wheel.Once the group activity is completed, the ST will ask the students to gather around the demonstration table. (No talking and hands behind their backs)Demonstration: 10 minutes (9:45-9:55)(11:45-11:55)The demonstration will be performed at the square table in the middle of the classroom with the students gathered around.ST will pick one color of the large fabric squares. ST will take many small pre-cup shapes of the complementing color and paste them onto the large square in a way that depicts a human face. ST will use a variety of precut fabric shapes and yarn in order to make a self-portrait. ST will do this by using only complementary colors. ST will complete one full face to show the kids and pass around the already made teacher exemplars.ST will make sure that students know how to apply the glue and how much of it to use.ST will show students different marks that they can make with fabric markers on the fabric to add details that they are unable to achieve with fabric pieces.ST will tell the students that they want to be very careful when working with fabric markers because it will get on their clothes and will not come off.Questions students might ask:Can I glue one on top of the other?Yes. It might not show but you certainly can.What if there is more than one color on a piece of fabric?You want to look for what color you see the most of.Can I make someone other than myself?It would be best to try and make yourself. If they refuse to make themselves then they can make someone else.Can I make a sad/mad/scared face?You can make whatever face you would like to.After the demonstration is completed the students will be told to select one large piece of fabric and a cup with the complementary color shapes then head back to their seats and sit down.During the demonstration, ST 2 will place the supply trays on the tables the kids will be working at.Work time: 20 minutes (9:55-10:15)(11:55-12:15)Trays with the supplies that are needed will be placed at the tables by ST2 while the demonstration is being performed.Trays include:Fabric pieces (Small and large)ScissorsGlue sticksYarn piecesFabric markersStudents will do just as the ST did during the demonstration. They will each choose a color of fabric and work with its complement throughout the entire project. They must make a self-portrait on their piece of fabric and refer to their sketchbooks if they need to. They may use fabric markers to add details, but it is not required.STs and TAs will walk around helping the students and making sure they are doing the project correctly.If students finish early they may go to the carpet area and read a book quietly.If all students finish early the ST will read “Hello, Red Fox” to the class.Cleanup: 10 minutes (10:15-10:25)(12:15-12:25)Students will clean up their workspace.Small extra pieces of fabric with glue on them will be thrown away.Shapes will be returned to cups with like shapes and then placed on the demonstration table.All glue will be returned to the demonstration table.Artwork will be placed on the drawing horses to dry.The floor will be swept clean of extra fabric.Students will use the sink to wash their hands.Once the students are finished cleaning they will head over to the carpet area for closure time.Closure: 5 minutes (10:25-10:30)(12:25-12:30)Students will return to the carpet after clean up and will engage in a discussion regarding some of the topics mentioned in class and addressing what they learned from the lesson.What are complementary colors?Where is their place on the color wheel?Do they make each other stand out or fade away?What color do you get when you mix two complements together?Was it fun to work with fabric?Have you ever worked with fabric before?What did you like/not like about it?Name at least one artist that we talked about today.What was you favorite thing to do today? HYPERLINK "" will remain on the carpet and watch movies about colors and opposites until their parents sign them out. As they do, ST will call the name of students one by one to release them.Back-up Activity:If students complete activities early, they can create another image using fabric or look at books on the carpet. If all students finish early the ST will read a giant book to them called “Hello, Red Fox” by Eric Carle. Time Tables:Time allotted for lesson (90 minutes total):ActivityMinutesDiscussion35 mins.Demonstrations10 mins.Design/Work Session30 mins.Clean-up10 mins.Closure5 mins.Preparation Time: ActivityTimeWriting lesson 6 hoursRevising lesson 4 hoursGathering materials/resources4 hoursSet-up (before classes)4 hoursMaking an example/board3 hoursTOTAL21 hours ................

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