Nature's Color Wheel - Baltimore Woods

Nature's Color Wheel

Now that the leaves have fallen, nature is filled with warm golden hues

with bright red and orange highlights. Late fall is the perfect time to

appreciate all of the beautiful colors of nature. While it is easy to find red,

orange, yellow, and brown tones outside, if you take a closer look you might

be surprised at all the vibrant colors you find. Today, we will build our very

own color wheel with all of the colors we can find outside!


1. Start by taking a sheet of scrap paper

and drawing a big circle on the page.

2. Draw lines across your circle to divide it

into six different sections.

3. Use markers, crayons or colored pencils

to color each section a different color:

red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and


4. Now go for a walk in your

neighborhood, local park, or even your

own backyard. Notice all the colors

around you and begin to collect some objects outside like dead leaves, sticks,

pinecones, and acorns. Be sure to only collect material that is already dead

and to avoid picking live plants and leaves.


Think about where all of these

objects would fall on your color wheel.

For the objects that you can¡¯t physically

collect, write them onto your color

wheel in the place they fit best.


When you return home, try your

best to organize all of your collected

objects onto your color wheel. You

might notice that not all of your objects

fit neatly into one color category. For

instance, pinecones and acorns aren¡¯t

usually red, orange or yellow.

Instructions Cont'd

7. Now make your own color wheel using the objects you noticed and collected.

Start by arranging your physical objects in a circle with like colors and write

in anything you noticed but could not collect. Then, using markers, colored

pencils, or crayons draw a new circle on a separate sheet of paper and color in

different shades that you found outside. Try to match the shades to the objects

the best that you can. Label each shade with the object that you found in that


8. Now you¡¯ve made your very own nature color wheel! Notice the differences

between the colors of fall nature and a typical rainbow.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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