

Colorado State Board of Education


1 CCR 301-2 [Repeal eff. 01/01/2016]



2202-R-130.00 The Colorado General Educational Development (GED) Testing Program is restricted to the following:

130.01 Candidates who have never been awarded a high school diploma or an equivalency credential.

130.01 (1) Exceptions may be permitted by the State Administrator of the GED Testing Program if such records are from another country, have been lost, are not accessible, or for any other approved reason.

130.01 (2) Candidates seventeen (17) years and older. Sixteen (16) year old candidates may test under certain conditions.

130.01 (A) A sixteen (16) year old candidate may be tested provided he/she meets the the following conditions. (A) the candidate must complete an age waiver application form, CDE 381.1; and (B) they provide a written letter from a university, college or vocational education program stating that the candidate is required to show documentation of a high school diploma or the equivalent to be eligible for admission to a specific educational or vocational education program.

130.01 (3) No specific length of Colorado residence is required; however, the candidate must have a Colorado mailing address.

130.01 (4) Residents serving in the United States Armed Forces who are not currently residing in Colorado are exempt from this requirement provided that they were residents of Colorado immediately prior to entering the Armed Forces.

130.01 (5) Residents who are currently incarcerated in an institution in another state are exempt from this requirement provided they were residents of Colorado immediately prior to their incarceration.

130.01 (6) At the request of a GED official in their state of residence, non resident candidates may be tested in accordance with the policies in effect in the state of their residence. No equivalency credential will be issued by the Colorado Department of Education in such cases.

130.01 (7) Colorado residents who completed the GED Test Battery while a member of the Armed Forces or while a resident of another state may be awarded the Colorado High School Equivalency Diploma provided they meet the age and residency requirements.

130.01 (8) Candidates who have a disability that requires an accommodation in testing may be eligible to apply for reasonable accommodations.

2202-R-131.00 Test Versions.

The GED Tests may be available to qualified candidates in the following versions:

131.01 English Language Version.

131.02 English Language Audiocassette Version.

131.03 English Language Large Print Version

131.04 English Language Braille Version

131.05 Spanish Language Version

131.06 French Language Version

131.07 English Proficiency Test 6

2202-R-132.00 Minimum Score Requirements.

Minimum score requirements for awarding a Colorado High School Equivalency Diploma are as follows:

132.01 To qualify for a Colorado High School Equivalency Diploma the candidate must achieve a minimum score of not less than 40 on each of the five tests of the English Language Test battery and an average standard score of 45 (225 Total Points) based on all five tests of the battery. This provision will become effective January 1, 1994.

132.02 To qualify for a Colorado High School Equivalency Diploma, Spanish Language Version the candidate must achieve a minimum score of not less than 40 on each of the five tests of the Spanish Language Test battery and an average standard score of 45 (225 total points) based on all five tests of the battery. This provision will become effective January 1, 1994.

132.03 A candidate who take the Spanish Language Version may choose to take a sixth test; English Proficiency Test 6, to qualify for a Colorado High School Equivalency Diploma which does not designate that The Spanish Language Version of the test was administered. To qualify for the credential which does not designate language version the candidate must achieve a minimum standard score of not less than 45 on the English Proficiency Test, Test 6; and achieve at least a 40 on each of the five tests of the Spanish Language Test battery and an average standard scores of45 (225 Total Points) based on all five tests of the battery. This provision will become effective January 1, 1994.

132.04 To qualify for a Colorado High School Equivalency diploma, French Language Version the candidate must achieve a minimum score of not less than 40 on each of the five tests of the French Language Test battery and an average standard score of 45 (225 total points) based on all five tests of the battery. This provision will become effective January 1, 1994.

132.05 A candidate who takes the French Language Version May choose to take a sixth test; English Proficiency; Test 6, to qualify for a Colorado High School Equivalency Diploma which does not designate that the French Language Version of the test was administered. To qualify for the credential which does not designate language version the candidate must achieve a minimum standard score of not less than 45 on the English Proficiency Test, Test 6; and achieve at least a 40 on each of the five tests of the French Language Test battery and an average standard score of 45 (225 Total Points) based on all five tests of the battery. This provision will become effective January 1, 1994.

132.06 In compiling the average standard score, fractions may not be rounded off to equal the next whole number.

2202-R-133.00 Retesting.

After the completion of all five tests of the battery, a candidate date who does not achieve an adequate score on the GED Test Battery may retest without a waiting period, however, none of the test forms of the GED battery may be administered to the GED candidate more than once. There shall be no limit on the number of retests allowed, although availability of alternate test forms may limit the number of possible retests in a 12-month period. If the candidate retests on any subtests of the same test form as previously taken, the scores on those subtests will be invalidated.

133.01 A candidate who does not receive a minimum score standard score of at least 45 on the English Proficiency Test, Test 6 is eligible to retest without a waiting period. The availability of alternate test forms will limit the candidate to one retest. If the candidate retests on the same test form as previously taken, the score on that subtest will be invalidated. This provision becomes effective January 1, 1994.

133.02 A standard score below 40 on any test requires the applicant to be retested on that particular subtest area. This provision becomes effective January 1, 1994.

133.03 A candidate who receives scores above the minimum required score on all tests in the Test Battery is not required to retake the entire Test Battery, but may choose to take one or more tests in order to acquire the score necessary to qualify for the Colorado High School Equivalency Diploma.

133.04 The average standard score is computed on the highest score obtained on a test regardless of the times the test is taken by the applicant.

133.05 A candidate who chooses to change testing centers after completing one or more subtests at another GED Testing Center is required to obtain a transcript of test scores from the Colorado Department of Education before the new testing center is authorized to administer any tests. If the tests were taken out of state, the candidate must request that the GED record keeping agency in the state where they took the test forward an official copy of the test scores to the Colorado Department of Education before the new testing center is authorized to administer any tests.

133.06 Candidates who previously received a Colorado High School Equivalency Diploma may retest if higher scores are required for employment or admission to a post-secondary institution. Retesting for this purpose requires prior approval from the State GED Administrator. Candidates must show proof that retesting is necessary by presenting a written request on official letterhead stating the reasons for higher scores. Retesting will not be allowed to raise scores for the purpose of obtaining high school credit.

2202-R-134.00 Methods of Applying for the GED Test Battery:

Methods of applying for the GED Tests are as follows:

134.01 Candidates must apply for the GED Tests at one of the Official GED Testing Centers.

134.02 The Colorado Department of Education or any authorized Chief Examiner or Alternate Chief Examiner of an Official GED Testing Center may administer the tests at health and correctional institutions and other off site locations when the Department and the GED Testing Service approves the procedure for test administration and authorizes an addendum to the annual contract for the Center.

134.03 The Colorado Department of Education or any authorized Chief Examiner or Alternate Chief Examiner of an Official GED Testing Center may administer the GED tests off site to candidates who are eligible for reasonable test accommodation because of a disability when the Colorado Department of Education approves the procedure for the test administration.

134.04 Candidates who have not taken the GED Test Battery or who need to retest must complete an official CDE form at the Official GED Testing Center where the test is to be taken.

134.06 The Colorado Department of Education or any authorized Chief Examiner or Alternate Chief Examiner of an Official GED Testing Centers may administer the tests at a satellite location within the Center's service area when the Department and the GED Testing Service approves the procedure for test administration and authorizes an addendum to the annual contract for the Center.

2202-R-135.00 Issuing of the Credential.

The Colorado High School Equivalency Diploma will be issued by the Colorado Department of Education to all qualified candidates on receipt of the minimum acceptable test scores. This provision will become effective January 1, 1994.

135.01 Candidates not qualified will be so informed by the Official GED Testing Center or, in some cases, the Colorado Department of Education.

2202-R-136.00 Official GED Test Scores.

GED Test scores are accepted as official only when reported directly to the Colorado Department Of Education by Official GED Testing Centers; the Transcript Service of the Defense Activity for Nontraditional Education Support (DANTES); Educational Testing Service (ETS) Transcript Service; Veterans Administration hospitals and Centers; and the GED Testing Service. No photo copies or hand carried copies will be accepted.

2202-R-138.00 Identification.

The following type of identification must be presented before the GED Test Battery may be administered to the examinee by the Official GED Testing Center.

137.01 Current picture identification with signature and proof of age. eg., drivers license, motor vehicles identification card, passport.

2202-R-138.00 Cheating Incidents.

When charges of cheating are filed, test scores will not be processed until a determination under the following procedure:

138.01 If the suspected cheating incident occurs at the time the tests are being administered to the candidate, the Chief Examiner or Alternate Chief Examiner will proceed in the following manner:

138.01 (1) Inform the candidate of the observation.

138.01 (2) Give the candidate the opportunity to respond to the charges.

138.01 (3) If, in the opinion of the Chief Examiner or Alternate Chief Examiner, the candidate explains that the incident is unrelated to the test administration, the candidate may continue taking the test battery.

138.01 (4) If, in the opinion of the Chief Examiner or Alternate Chief Examiner, there is cause to suspect that the test administration has been compromised, the candidate will be informed that charges will be filed. The candidate may complete the scheduled tests, but the results will not be processed until a determination on the validity of the charges has been made.

138.02 If the suspected cheating incident occurs after the test has been administered and the candidate is no longer present at the Testing Center, the Chief Examiner or alternate Chief Examiner will file charges with the GED State Administrator against the candidate.

138.03 The Chief Examiner or Alternate Chief Examiner shall prepare and submit a written report to the GED State Administrator outlining the charges against the candidate within five (5) working days of the discovery of the alleged cheating incident. The report will include:

138.03 (1) Name(s) of person(s) involved.

138.03 (2) Dates and charges.

138.03 (3) Copies of application forms, score sheets, and any other evidence pertinent to the charges.

138.04 Within five (5) working days of receipt of the written charges, the GED State Administrator shall mail a copy of the charges, along with the data set for the hearing, to the candidate.

138.05 The hearing shall take place no more than forty (40) working days from the mailing of the charges to the candidate.

138.06 The Hearing Committee shall be comprised of a Hearing Officer and at least two unbiased members appointed by the GED State Administrator.

138.07 The candidate shall have the right to present written and oral evidence to the Committee.

138.08 The Hearing Committee shall make findings of fact, orders, and conditions based on evidence presented at the hearing.

138.09 The maximum penalty that can be imposed is the suspension of testing privileges for one year and/or voiding of the Colorado High School Equivalency Diploma issued on the basis of the test results in question.

138.10 During the period of the suspension, a person for whom new circumstances arise may request reconsideration of the length of the suspension period.

138.11 Within five (5) working days of the hearing, the GED State Administrator shall send, by certified mail, to the candidate the Committee findings, orders, and conditions.


2202-R-140.00 Official General Educational Development (GED) Testing Centers.

Official General Educational Development (GED) Testing Centers authorized by the Colorado State Board of Education and approved by the General Educational Development Testing Service of the American Council on Education may be located within the following:

140.01 Local school districts

140.02 Boards of cooperative services

140.03 Community colleges

140.04 Four-year colleges and universities

140.05 Private schools and universities

140.06 State correctional and health facilities

140.07 Other agencies approved by the Colorado Department of Education and the GED Testing Service.

2202-R-141.00 Requests for Official GED Testing Centers.

Requests for Official General Educational Development Testing Center authorization must be submitted to the office of the State Administrator of the GED Testing Program. The written request must include the following:

141.01 Name and address of the institution where the testing center is to be located

141.02 The exact name and address of the contracting agency

141.03 The name, title, and address of the Chief Administrative Officer of the institution where the testing center is to be located

141.04 The name and qualifications of the Chief Examiner and Alternate Chief Examiner who will be responsible for test administration

141.05 The reason for and the feasibility of having a testing center at this institution

141.06 A description of facilities

2202-R-142.00 New Testing Center Applications.

All request for new GED Testing Centers will be reviewed by the State Administrator of the GED Testing Program, and;

142.01 The State GED Program personnel will conduct an on-site evaluation of the facility.

142.02 The State Administrator of the GED Testing Program will submit all approved Official GED Testing Center request to the Colorado State Board of Education for final approval.

142.03 Institutions not recommended for Official GED Testing Center status by the State Administrator of the GED Testing Program may appeal to the Colorado State Board of Education for reconsideration.

142.04 The Chief Examiner and Alternate Chief Examiner of the Official GED Testing Center shall be appointed according to the guidelines established by the Department and the GED Testing Service and by the Chief Administrative Officer of the institution seeking Official GED Testing Center status.

2202-R-143.00 Annual Contract.

Official GED Testing Centers recommended by the State Administrator of the GED Testing Program, approved by the Colorado State Board of Education, and authorized by the General Educational Development Testing Service, operate under the terms of an annual contract.

2202-R-144.00 Location of Test Administration.

GED Tests may only be administered on the physical premises of the institution where the Official GED Testing Center is located, unless special authorization for off site testing is granted by the State Administrator of the GED Testing Program or the GED Testing Service.

2202-R-145.00 Responsibilities of the Chief Examiner.

The Chief Examiner and Alternate Chief Examiner shall operate the Center in accordance with policies and procedures established by the General Educational Development Testing Service and the Colorado Department of Education.

2202-R-146.00 Responsibilities of the Chief Examiner.

The Chief Examiner, Alternate Chief Examiner, and any proctors he/she may appoint shall be the only persons to inspect and administer the test. The Chief Examiner and Alternate Chief Examiner must have a four year degree and experience in teaching, testing or counseling. Exceptions may be made by the GED State Administrator and The GED Testing Service. Proctors must be high school or GED graduates.

2202-R-147.00 Responsibilities of the Chief Examiner.

A chief Examiner, Alternate Chief Examiner, or a proctor serving as a testing agent for the GED Test may not teach, tutor, or actively engage in any manner in the preparation of students for the GED Tests.

2202-R-148.00 Responsibilities of the Chief Examiner.

If the Chief Examiner or Alternate Chief Examiner is replaced, the State Administrator and the GED Testing Service shall be promptly notified and the restricted test materials charged to the new examiner.

2202-R-149.00 Restricted Test Materials.

Restricted test materials shall not be moved from the premises of the Center except for return to the State GED Testing Program Office, the GED Testing Service, or when special authorization may be granted by the State Administrator of the GED Testing Program and The GED Testing Service.

2202-R-150.00 Restricted Test Materials.

The restricted test materials shall be stored under lock, except for test administration.

2202-R-151.00 Restricted Test Materials.

The materials shall be inventoried before and after each test administration and at least once a week between test administrations.

2202-R-152.00 Restricted Test Materials.

When any restricted materials are found to be missing from stock, the Chief Examiner shall immediately inform his Chief Administrative Officer, the State Administrator of the GED Testing Program, and the GED Testing Service.

152.01 All administration of the tests shall be suspended until the State Administrator and the GED Testing Service has received the report of investigation by the Chief Examiner or the Alternate Chief Examiner and the State GED Administrator and the GED Testing Service authorize the resumption of testing.

2202-R-153.00 Maintenance of Test Results.

The records of the examinee's test results shall be permanently maintained by the Colorado Department of Education.

2202-R-154.00 Maintenance of Test Results.

The Official GED Testing Center must maintain a appropriate permanent filing system of examinee test results for cross reference. Test data can be stored on computer diskettes or hard copy.

2202-R-155.00 Maintenance of Test Results.

Test answer sheets must be kept on file for one month after all five tests of the battery are completed or the scores have been reported as incomplete. After one month, the answer sheets or a diskette containing item try out data prepared on the GEDware software program must be mailed to the GED Testing Service using the special address label provided by GEDTS. If a diskette is sent, all answer sheets must be destroyed by shredding unless an appeal is pending which has not been resolved.

2202-R-156.00 Scoring of Tests.

The General Educational Development (GED) Tests shall be scored and reported only in accordance with the percentile tables established for the GED Tests BY The GED Testing Service.

2202-R-157.00 Annual Reports.

In January of each year the Colorado Department Of Education will provide the GED Testing Service with the annual report on tests administered in Colorado the previous calendar year.

157.01 Quarterly testing activity reports will be provided by the Colorado Department Of Education to each GED Testing Center.

157.02 In May of each year the Colorado Department of Education will provide a report to Colorado school districts of candidates between the ages of sixteen and twenty who reported they attended school in their district and have been awarded a Colorado High School Equivalency Diploma.

2202-R-158.00 Testing Schedule.

Each official GED Testing Center shall set its own testing schedule subject to the following limitations: a minimum of two (2) different testing dates be made available to the candidate within a fifteen (15) day period of time.

2202-R-159.00 Publicity.

Each official GED Testing Center will publicize the testing program a minimum of four (4) times a year to inform the residents of the community of the services available to them. This requirement may be met in the following manner; community service announcements, paid radio or television announcements, newspapers, bulletin boards, brochures, or other information dissemination methods.

2202-R-160.00 Physical Facilities.

Adequate physical facilities shall be provided, as follows:

160.01 The testing area must be large enough to accommodate the examinees without crowding.

160.02 The area shall be well lighted and properly ventilated, and no smoking shall be permitted.

160.03 The area shall be quite and free from interruption.

160.04 The site must be architecturally accessible to those who use wheelchairs, canes, crutches, or other mobility aids.

160.05 The GED Testing Center must provide any reasonable modifications and/or auxiliary aids at no cost to the test taker.

2202-R-161.00 Evaluation of GED Testing Centers.

Not less than one third of official GED Testing Centers shall receive an on-site evaluation by the State Administrator each year.

2202-R-162.00 Report of Scores.

The GED Testing Centers shall provide an official report of test scores (GEDTS Form 30) and a letter notifying the examinee of passing or failing scores to each examinee after completion of testing.

2202-R-163.00 Report of Scores.

Once the initial copy of test scores is supplied, official GED Testing Centers may not supply the applicant, any organization, or any other person an unofficial transcript or any specific testing information on the applicant. All requests for information or transcripts must be forwarded to the State GED Testing Program office.

2202-R-164.00 Test Fee and State Program Fees.

Official GED Testing Centers may charge a fee for test administration.

2202-R-165.00 Test Fee and State Program Fees.

No funds are granted to the official GED Testing Centers for GED administration costs by the Colorado State Board of Education.

2202-R-166.00 Transcripts and duplicate diplomas.

Official GED transcripts and duplicate diplomas are available from the Colorado Department of Education under the following conditions:

166.01 The candidate must appear in person or apply in writing to the Colorado Department of Education.

166.02 A fee may be required for each transcript or duplicate diploma. The maximum fee will be established by the State Board of Education.

2202-R-167.00 Statement of Basis and Purpose.

Pursuant to 22-2-106 (2)(a) and 22-2-107(1)(c), C.R.S., the State Board of Education shall adopt policies, rules and regulations concerning general supervision of the public schools, the Department, and the educational programs maintained and operated by all state governmental agencies for persons who have not completed the twelfth-grade level of instruction. The State Board wishes to amend the Rules for the Administration of the General Educational Development Testing (GED) Testing Program due to the need for a more frequent review of the GED test administration and records fee because of fluctuating material and administration costs associated with the GED Testing Program. The amendment to the Rules concerning program publicity and frequency to test administration will allow the GED candidate throughout the state equal program information and test administration dates.

2202-R-168.00 Statement of Basis and Purpose.

Statement of Basis and Purpose. Pursuant to 22-2-106 (2)(a) and 22-2-107(1)(c), C.R.S., the State Board of Education shall adopt policies, rules and regulations concerning general supervision of the public schools, the Department, and the educational programs maintained and operated by all state governmental agencies for persons who have not completed the twelfth-grade level of instruction. The State Board wishes to amend the Rules for the Administration of the General Educational Development Testing (GED) Testing program do to the need to periodically review and revise policies. Section 22-2- 112 (2) and 22-33-104.7, C.R.S. require implementation of rules to allow sixteen year old candidates to sit for the GED Tests.


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