MINUTES-AUGUST 19TH(99) - Colorado

town board MINUTESNovember 21, 2019A regularly scheduled meeting of the Town Board was held on November 21, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Chambers located at 224 First Street.Item 1 – Roll call and Pledge of Allegiance. Those present and answering roll call: Trustees; Heid, Gentry, Rohn, Winter, Trustee/Mayor Pro Tem Isbell and Mayor Ross. Attorney Rocklin was also present. Trustee Ledall was absent. Item 2 – Review of the Minutes of the October 17th meeting. Trustee Heid moved to approve the October 17th minutes as written, seconded by Trustee/Mayor Pro Tem Isbell. Motion carried 5-0.Mayor Ross introduced Addie Randall as a guest from Eaton High School who is job shadowing the Mayor. Item 3 – Ordinance 601 – Update the Town’s Building Codes – Second Reading. Administrator Schreier reiterated that this ordinance is to update the Town’s Building Code for 2020 and last month Inspector Dykstra gave a presentation on the codes. Concluding board discussion and questions, Trustee Gentry made a motion to approve, Ordinance 601 – Amending Section I of Chapter VI of the Eaton Municipal Code to Adopt: (1) The International Building Code, 2018 Edition; (2) The International Residential Code, 2018 Edition; (3) The International Mechanical Code, 2018 Edition; (4) The International Fuel Gas Code, 2018 Edition; (5) The International Plumbing Code, 2018 Edition; (6) The International Energy Conservation Code, 2012 Edition; (7) The International Property Maintenance Code, 2018 Edition; (8) The International Existing Building Code, 2018 Edition; (9) The National Electrical Code, 2017 Edition; and (10) The International Swimming Pool and Spa Code, 2018 Edition, seconded by Trustee Rohn. Motion carried 5-0.Item 4 – Ordinance 602 - Regarding the Installation of Broadband Conduit – First Reading. Administrator Schreier stated that this ordinance is regarding the special election on Senate Bill 152, in which the Town of Eaton electors voted to opt out which will give the Town more autonomy when it comes to making decisions about broadband. This ordinance adds the installation of broadband into the municipal code. Attorney Rocklin added that this ordinance implements what the voters voted on and to support the conduit installation in new developments and also for case by case installations that may arise. Concluding discussion, Trustee/Mayor Pro Tem Isbell moved to approve Ordinance 602 Amending Chapter VI of the Eaton Municipal Code to Include Section V concerning the Installation of Broadband Conduit, seconded by Trustee Heid. Mayor Ross opened the floor for public comment, as there was none, public comment was closed. Motion carried 5-0.Item 5 – 2020 Budget Review and Public Hearing. Finance Director Smith gave an overview of the 2020 Budget with a handout of budget highlights covering General Funds of Revenues, Expenditures, Street Fund, Water Fund, Irrigation Fund, Impact Fee Fund and Lease Purchase. Also, added a department in 2019 in the General Fund called Planning and Development that will also have expenditures in 2020. The 2020 Budget for the Library Fund has a significant increase in their income due to oil and gas revenue which will increase the staff, technology, expand library hours and upgrade current positions. The Library has also budgeted money in 2020 for capital improvements and for makerspace. Concluding Finance Director Smith’s overview, she asked the board for any questions about the 2020 Budget. Trustee Winter brought up the Museum Lease Purchase and to possibly pay off this loan in 2019. Trustee Winter also asked why the $30,000.00 from the Museum’s Trust was not being moved to the Historical Society in 2019. Administrator Schreier replied that after discussion with Attorney Rocklin, the Town will continue to hold the money for the Historical Society and the money will be ear marked and available to them when they are closer to building the 2-story carriage house. Mayor Ross opened the floor for public comment, as there was none, public comment was closed. Concluding questions and discussion, Trustee/Mayor Pro Tem Isbell moved to approve the 2020 Budget subject to amendment to pay off the museum loan unless the loan was paid during 2019, seconded by Trustee Gentry. Motion carried 5-0.Item 6 – Wreaths Across America Proclamation. Bill Martin and Desmond Welch, Legion Post 26 approached the board to discuss Wreaths Across America, they set a goal of 420 wreaths because there are 395 veterans interred in the cemetery and they did hit their goal. The response in the community has been amazing along with sponsorships. The ceremony will be December 14th at 10:00 am. If the weather is cold, the ceremony will be at Faith Lutheran Church. The board then took turns in reading the proclamation. MINUTES CONT. – November 21, 2019 - PAGE 2Item 7 – Ratification of HPLD appointments. Administrator Schreier gave a brief overview that Trustee/Mayor Pro Tem Isbell was involved in selection of appointments, which ended in no contest since there were the same number of candidates for the open positions. Trustee/Mayor Pro Tem Isbell stated that both candidates were qualified for the positions. Brenda Carnes, Town of Eaton Library Director introduced Executive Director of HPLD, Matthew Hort. Hort explained that there were 6 candidates for the two positions but dwindled down to Kenneth Poncelow who is currently on the board representing Region 3 and will retain his position and the At Large Trustee will be filled by Jana Caldwell who is from the Greeley area and has a history of education with District 6 and marketing in the healthcare system. Both are very passionate about libraries and ask that the board ratify the two candidates. Trustee/Mayor Pro Tem Isbell moved to approve Resolution No. 2019-13, A Resolution Ratifying the Appointment of Certain Nominees to the Board of Trustees of the High Plains Library District, seconded by Trustee Winter. Motion carried 5-0.Item 8 – Public Comments. Mayor Ross opened the floor for public comments, as there were none, public comments was closed. Item 9 – Staff Reports. See attached handout. Additions made to reports.Administrator Schreier: Board approved signature of 16th annual Interment Agreement for NISP Project for 2020; requesting bid of FHU consultant for diagnostic & design on quiet zone for railroad; board requested a breakdown of a $30,000.00 bid received from EAP&RD to upgrade and maintain parks soccer & baseball fields.Town Clerk Winter: Liquor License renewal for Season Liquor submitted.Trustee Rohn: EAP&RD parking on 3rd Street, would like only the south side as no parking; interviews will be held 12/9/19 for the Director position. Trustee/Mayor Pro Tem Isbell: HTRC meeting and work session on comprehensive plan and introduced the Chairman Marq Nichole, who gave a brief about the comprehensive plan/study.Trustee Heid: GWT counters on the trail between Severance and Windsor recorded the count of 11,381 people from January to November. Mayor Ross: Main Street parking during court days; Red Flag Laws; MPO; attended NCLA meeting with Trustee Winter.Chief Mueller: December 2nd meeting with Superintendent Muse for preliminary discussion of SRO additions with the school chipping into the police budget.Item 10 – Executive Session for the purpose of instructing negotiators pursuant to C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(e). Trustee/Mayor Pro Tem Isbell moved to go into executive session to the purpose of instructing negotiators pursuant to C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(e) regarding the settlement of Josh Carroll case, seconded by Trustee Winter.Mayor Ross called for a 7 minute break at 8:11 pm.Item 11 – Adjourn. As there was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:11 pm. Executive Session adjourned at 8:28 pm. Margaret Jane Winter, Town Clerk ................

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