OLD CAR COUNCIL of Colorado, Inc.

P.O. Box 280042

Lakewood, Colorado 80228-0042

( ( ( Supporting Colorado Motor Vehicle Enthusiasts since 1965 ( ( (

2007 Officers.

President: Keith Hall 303.940.7958 Mile Hi Cobra Club

1st Vice-President: Dick Thompson 303.699.4819 Mile Hi Cobra Club

2nd Vice-President: Gary Canady 303.886.7923 Pontiac-Oakland Club

Secretary: Bill Colburn 303.650.4663 Pontiac-Oakland Club

Treasurer Pro Tem: Roger Zaner 303.426.8843 Studebaker Drivers Club

2007 Committee Chairs, Appointed Positions & Related Contacts.

Web Master: Keith Hall 303.940.7958

Governmental Relations: Don Whissen 303.733.0649 Mile High Model T

SEMA Rep.: Joe Baker [ filling-in ] 303.637.0765 AACA

Swap Meet Chair: Shirley Zaner 303.426.8843 Studebaker Drivers Club

Car Show Coord: tbd 303.> >

Cruise Colfax Chair: Dick Thompson 303.699.4819 Mile Hi Cobra Club

Membership Comm: Harold Naber 719.495.4372 Pikes Peak Model A Ford Club

Historian: Shirley Zaner 303.426.8843 Studebaker Drivers Club

OCCC Lobbyist: Mr. Leo Boyle 303.321.6611 f: 303.321.5678

Forney Museum: Mrs. Pam A. Bestall 303.297.1113 Museum Director


MINUTES OF THE MEETING of Wed. March 7, 2007.

Held at Forney Transportation Museum 4303 Brighton Boulevard Denver, Colo. 80216.

The Meeting was called to order by President Keith Hall at 7:30 PM.

President Hall reminded everyone to please wear their nametags, and to please stand, state their name and club when they take the floor to address any matter.

- Keith checked and noted that a quorum was present.

- Keith reminded that ALL Clubs should be mailing a copy of each issue of their newsletter to the Council.

Guests & Guest Speakers.

- Secretary, Bill Colburn introduced Mr. Jim Prince and Mrs. Marie Alexander [of Prince-Empson Agency - 303.238.0741 ] who were here to help us understand the basic differences between ‘daily driver’ or ‘common’ insurance and a Collectible Vehicle Insurance policies coverage.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting.

- President Hall asked if there any corrections to or omissions from the minutes. There being none raised, it was moved, seconded and voted affirmatively to accept them as submitted.

Secretary’s Report.

- 42 clubs were represented tonight.

- to date, 23 clubs have renewed - prior to tonight’s meeting. Now 36 on 23=Mar.

- to date, 0 of 0 Associate Members have renewed.

- to date, 1 Individual has renewed.

- there were 50 clubs in the Council in Dec-2006.

- there were 0 Associate Members in Dec-2006.

- there were 2 Individual Members in Dec-2006.

Treasurer’s Report.

Treasurer Roger Zaner reported the following:

- Account Balances:

Operating Account $ 2,620.49

Governmental Relations Account 4,474.00

Swap Meet Pre-Registration deposits 300.00

Swap Meet Account 15,693.93

Car Show + 0.00

Total - all accounts $ 23,180.42

- Amounts Owed / Liabilities:

Lobbyist $ 0.00

other - none at this time + 0.00

Total $ 0.00

- Roger informs we now have renewals from 26 clubs.

- Roger also informs that taxes are done and filed, the Council didn’t owe anything this year.

Governmental Relations Committee / Lobbyist’s Report. 2007 Chair; Don Whissen.

This committee exists to pro-actively seek to identify and acquire copies of statutes, regulations, ordinances, rules, etc. that will affect any aspect of your ownership, taxes, insuring, maintaining, repairing, or uses of your vehicles. To study them, make recommendations to the Council as to nature and/or actions to take.

Some Actions/ Bills of interest at this time:

- HR 1097. YOM Plates. Relates to Year-of-Manufacture plates and registrations. When this category of plate was initiated it was to be / is now stated as ‘..for vehicles from 1940 or earlier.’ This bill will revise that to read ‘..vehicles 30 years and older.’ This good change will open the use of YOM plates up to being used by many more vehicles. [ gets YOM up to 1976/7's wbc]

- HB 1148. Resetting Registration Renewal Dates. Is a proposal to allow anyone who has multiple vehicles for which registrations expire in different months to, optionally, go see your County’s motor vehicle office and have certain or all of your registrations come due at the same month.

- SB 193. Med-Pay re Motor Vehicle Insurance. Is a bill that brings back to the floor efforts to address medical coverage. Specifically to look into a revised [from previous] “No Fault” coverage, versus the present [reverted to] “Tort System.”

Don had no report tonight.

Lobbyist Leo Boyle noted that these bills are moving along, but are still in process. Leo says SB 193 tries to deal with s a problem that largely comes from the uninsured - injured, Leo speculates that while efforts began this year they may not be resolved and implemented until 2008.

SEMA Report. 2007 Contact and Reporter; Joe Baker, is filling in as contact.

SEMA, the Specialty Equipment Manufacturers Association is a trade group whose members are the people who manufacture all the aftermarket products used to maintain, repair, upgrade, improve or modify your Motor Vehicles. This group has done more to inform and guard against harmful acts than any other.

Joe reports there is nothing major from SEMA this month.

- Pres Hall reminds that Joe ‘has a full plate’ and while not continuing as ‘official SEMA Contact’ he has been generous to continue to review things and keep us aware until someone new accepts this important [and enjoyable..] position for the Council.

Car Show Committee. 2007 Chair; open.

The Car Show Committee is responsible for studying, proposing, then organizing and conducting an Annual Car Show event to bring to prominent display, quality, representative vehicles from all of our member clubs for the purpose of exhibiting and evidencing to the general public that our Historic, Collectible, Special Interest Motor Vehicles are positive areas of interests. Objective is to educate and gain public support.

Committee presently inactive.

Swap Meet Committee. 2007 Chair; Mrs. Shirley Zaner.

The Swap Meet Committee is responsible for studying, proposing, then organizing and conducting an Annual Swap Meet at which the Council has vendors come in to present for sale their variety of NOS, NORS, repro or old parts to all our Motor Vehicle Enthusiasts and the general public. Objective is to support the needs of our Colorado Motor Vehicle Enthusiasts and to create operating funds for the Council - as it has for 39 years now!

Chair Shirley Zaner indisposed, not present. Roger Zaner reported that a Committee Meeting was to be scheduled to begin to ratchet things up. No major news at this time.

Cruise Colfax Event. 2007 Chair; Dick Thompson.

This new event is to create, organize and establish an annual “Cruise” to be held in Metro Denver that is to be of similar nature to the annual cruises held in Detroit on Woodward Avenue, or Las Vegas’ Hot Summer Nights. Objective is to create a largish scale event for our Colorado Motor Vehicle Enthusiasts to bring out, drive and have an ‘adult show & tell.’ An enjoyable event for all and another opportunity to exhibit ourselves to the public as responsible and gain public and legislative support.

Chair Dick Thompson reports as follows:

- Met with KOOL 105 who are going to get back to Dick with a proposal in about a week.

- Gary Canady adds that he doesn’t think the Council could hope for a better proposal than what KOOL has suggested. But will see what comes in writing. Now need to identify sites, Car Clubs, Cars, etc. This event could generate good revenue for the Council.

- Question asked re tax status. Dick says as near as he can tell at this time the Council is registered as a Non-Profit organization with the Colorado Secretary of State and is classified as a For-Profit organization by the IRS.

- Gary described the general makeup of the way the event will be organized, where the designated sites will be, etc. [ this becomes more fully defined, Dick and Gary will create a brief written overview of the event. wbc]

Old Business.

- Advertising. No major happenings.

- Banner. Roger informs hasn’t been ordered can be soon.

New Business.

- Dick reported that he and Keith attended a meeting of the Early Mustang Club to revisit their joining the Council. Dick notes they have about 100 members and are considering.

- Keith has been in touch with Glen Mallory in Salida who is considering forming a Chapter or such of the Oldsmobile Club in Salida.

That brought up questions about current requirements that any applicant club must attend at least one Council meeting before being granted membership; about voting/ proxy voting/ etc. It was noted that there are several areas/ things that need to be looked at to properly accommodate the distant clubs, absentee voting, etc. They will be looked at, changes proposed and brought back to the Council for review.

Next Meeting.

- Wednesday April 04th at 7:30 PM, in the “Curtis Room” at the Pikes Peak Hospice of St. Francis Hospital located at 825 E. Pikes Peak Avenue 719.633.3400 / 776.5000. DIRECTIONS: exit I-25 at exit 143, go E. on Uintah St., go So. on Wahsatch Ave., go E. on Pikes Peak Ave., go So. on Institute, climb hill to So. side of the hospital. Turn rt onto access road and park in the lot on the left side of the street, directly across from the entrance. The Curtis Room is located to the right of the entrance, first door on the right inside the entrance.

Possible Agenda Items for April Mtg.

- “Presidents Night” to be held at the May General Meeting. So Reps - get your club’s President to put this on the calendar for Wed May 2nd - and bring them. If your President can’t make it bring your V-P. [ If they can’t make it the “Rockettes” will be an acceptable substitute... wbc ]

- Council’s insurance coverage...

Announcements, Reminders & Miscellanea.

- Pres. Hall requests you all continue offering your thoughts for new agenda items.

- Individual Member, Don Joy informed about events planned by Forney Museum. [schedule incl... wbc]

- Keith informs Colorado Crush Football Club having a car show, Keith to get details.

- Keith also informs of a call from Saguache inviting cars to a Memorial Day Show and events.

- Mile High Falcon Club Alternate Rep Ronnie Crawford 303.772.7231 was present. He gave an overview of being written up for having too many vehicles on his property, was both informing us and asking advice. Said he’ll get copies of the ticket, copy of the actual zoning or restrictive codes from his Planning Department, etc. then get back to us...

Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM by President Hall.


Submitted by William B. Colburn, Secretary - 2007


At the General Meeting of the Council on March 7th, Mr. Jim Prince and Mrs. Marie Alexander of the Prince-Empson Agency [an independent agency in Lakewood 303.238.7341] were kind enough to join the meeting and gave an overview presentation about Collectible - Special Interest Motor Vehicle insurance for your individual motor vehicles. And they also informed us about Club - Chapter Insurance now available to protect your clubs - and you if you are a Director, or are running some function.

“Independent Agency.” That means that they are not owned by, nor tied to, any particular Insurance Company. They can place you with one of several companies they choose to work with. So if any company you are with decides to no longer write insure in Colorado - or maybe just on you? An Independent goes to work for you doing all the time-consuming, often irritating legwork and phone time it takes to place you with another company. [I can personally testify - it’s the way to go..! wbc]

Jim and Marie gave a good presentation, and passed out flyers describing coverage via Collectible - Special Interest Motor Vehicle Insurance. They now follow up listing several common questions and answers:

- Is a separate kind of coverage available for Collectible - Special Interest [CSI] Motor Vehicles?

A: Yes.

- What is the difference between CSI Insurance and insurance from my regular insurer?

A: How they are viewed and how value is determined, CSI value is “Agreed” vs. “Stated” or “Declared.” With CSI there are NO “deductibles.” CSI rates [cost to you] are lower.

- What kinds of motor vehicles is CSI coverage available for?

A: Most everything. Antique, Classic, Prewar, Postwar, Muscle Cars, Vintage Race Cars, Special Interest, Exotics, Modified Vehicles, Street-Rods, Kit & Replica Built Vehicles, Military Vehicles, Commercial Vehicles, Tractor-Trailers, Tractors, Trailers [like an Air Stream], Motorcycles, even Motor Scooters.

- What are the requirements for any vehicle or owner to get CSI insurance?

A: A clean driving record [minimal violations / collisions]. Five years driving experience and some companies require being over 21 years of age.

- Are there any conditions on storage or security of the vehicle?

A: The vehicle must be stored in a fully enclosed, locked garage / building.

- What conditions or restrictions are there on my vehicles use if covered by CSI insurance?

A: You must have liability insurance on your regular use vehicles. The vehicle must be a secondary/ pleasure use only [not a daily commuter]. Your annual miles driven on your CSI vehicle typically cannot exceed 2,500 - 5,000 miles per year [varies with insurers]. But if a distant convention or special event would cause going over the policies limit, special allowances can be made.

- I hear about Stated Value, Declared Value, Market Value, Replacement Value and Appraised Value.

1. What do each of these mean?

A: Stated Value must be proven by you if a loss occurs, and it is subject to depreciation. Agreed Value [can be a Declared, Market, or Replacement Value] is a value agreed to by the insurer and you, after you provide proper evidence of condition [value] to the satisfaction of the insurer - the full/ current value of the vehicle assessed by the insured or by a professional “Certified CSI Appraiser.” There is no automatic regular depreciation of value.

2. What are the coverages under each?

A: No basic difference in coverage, liability, comprehensive, collision. But, multi-vehicle CSI policies typically only have a single charge for liability, the cost for comp and collision is per vehicle based on each’s valuation. And if a total loss due to say, a fire, non-CSI insurance may require you prove the value after the incident.

3. Which will apply to my coverage in a CSI policy?

A: Agreed Value. [a Certified Appraisal is always recommended and will be accepted]

- With a CSI policy if I should ever have a total loss which of these values will apply to me?

A: What is specified in your policy, typically the Agreed Value.

- How does the value, or the absolute value of any vehicle get established?

A: With proper documentation [photos, receipts for parts and labor, etc.] or by a professional Certified Appraisal.

- What and whose value will prevail in the event of loss or destruction?

A: With CSI insurance at Agreed Value there is rarely any discrepancy in the value between the company and the insured.

- I have a vehicle in process of being redone or restored. How can I cover it while it’s in process?

A: We can insure vehicles in a restoration process. Here are the guidelines used in Hagerty’s policy:

. 10. Vehicles Under Restoration

Because the process of restoring a collector vehicle is a significant part of the hobby, we are happy to offer coverage on vehicles that are being actively restored. Our primary concern is with low-valued vehicles that never become fully restored. An applicant must demonstrate that the vehicle is being actively restored. Providing good photographs and, sometimes, work receipts will help to do this.


· Four color photographs of vehicles must be reviewed prior to issuing coverage

· Restoration is active, meaning work is currently being completed and they have a targeted completion date

· Schedule for completion of the project is reasonable. An acceptable timeframe depends on the level of restoration being done and the type of vehicle being restored. Typically, this will be one to two years.

· Restoration should be at least 50% complete

. · Minimum insured value $5,000

- Does the cost of coverage vary depending on where I live?

A: No.

- Is there any coverage or protection included for spare parts I keep in reserve?

A: Yes, each insurer has different limits of coverage .

. - Assuming they are all completely, professionally restored and well equipped, compare cost of insurance between common insurance and CSI insurance?

A: The annual premium you’d pay for the following vehicles would be:

. vehicle common insurance CSI insurance*

1931 Ford Model A $602.00 $143.00

1949 Fort Custom $350.00 $107.00

1956 Thunderbird $1,332.00 $221.00

. * = using Hagerty’s rates.

OLD CAR COUNCIL of Colorado, Inc.

. ( ( ( Supporting Colorado Motor Vehicle Enthusiasts since 1965 ( ( (

Calendar of Events - 2007.

The Council maintains and provides this list to publicize events your club is holding and other events that may be of general interest to everyone. Information below is what has been provided by Club Reps. For this list to be useful, provide us a written note - with complete basic info.



Sa 07 Test & Tune by Western Colorado Dragway; All MVs, at Western Colorado Dragway, Grand Junction. Call 970.243.9022

Fr 13 Cruise Night at Canon City by Canon City Car Club; All MVs, $0/ veh; 5-8 PM at Wing Dingers Diner, 121 Justice Center Rd., Canon City, Colo. W on US-50 fr I-25. Call John or Dee Glusick at 719.372.3766

Sat 14 Car Show & more! by Ms. Wheelchair Colorado Pgm. All MVs, $25/ veh; setup 10:00, show N-4 PM; at Westminster Senior Ctr, N on Federal fr I-70, W on 72nd Ave. to cor Hooker St. Call Fred at 303.393.8014 or Sharon at 303.388.2187

Su 15 4th Annual Mustang Poker Run by ColoradoStangs; all MVs, $>/ veh; 08-XX:00, begin at Shelby Museum, Boulder. Call > at 720.298.8107 NILM

Fr-Su 20-22 Drivers School & Vintage Racing by Rky Mtn Vintage Racing. Learn for RMVR Drivers License [$150] & Vintage Race Cars, $195/ veh; 08-17:00, at La Junta Raceway, La Junta, Colo. Call RMVR for info - Diane Hively at 303.319.3062

Sa 21 4th Annual Car Show by Delta Street Rodders; All MVs, $15/veh; 09-15:00, at Confluence Park, Delta, Colo. Call Jerry or Betty Seale at 970.835.8205

Sa-Su 21-22 Cone Zone - Drvr’s Schl & Autocross by Colo. Sprgs Corvette Club; All MVs, $35/ event/ veh; 07-17:00, at World Arena, Colo Sprgs. Exit I-25 at So. Circle Dr, go W... For info call Walt Jenkins at 719.302.5472

Sa-Su 21-22 Tech & Test at Bandimere by Bandimere Speedway; All MVs, at Bandimere Speedway, Morrison, Colo. C-470 W. to Morrison Rd. Call 303.697.4870

Su 29 Poudre Valley Lions Car Show by Poudre Valley Lions Club; All MVs, $15/ veh; 08:30-15:00, at American Eagle Distrs, 3800 Clydesdale Pkwy, Loveland. I-25 at exit 259/Crossroads Blvd, go E, tk 1st rt. Call Dave at 970.223.8563

Su 29 Street Machine Showdown by Coy’s Wheel & Tire; All MVs, $>/ veh; 08-18:00, at Bandimere Speedway, Morrison. C-470 W to Morrison Rd exit - ‘follow that engine noise.’ Call Coy at 303.830.2929


Sa 05 Swap Meet - 30th Annual by Ye Olde Auto Club. All MVs, $3 adm, $15 vendor fee; 06-17:00 at 27J Education Center, 18551 E 160th Ave, Brighton. Call Harold/ Marge at 303.650.0571 or George/ Mary at 303.650.3269

Sa 05 Swap Meet at Bandimere’s by Randy Coy & Sons; all MVs, $>/ adm; 08-17:00±, at Bandimere Speedway, C-470 W. to Morrison Rd. exit. Call Coy 303.830.2929

Fr-Su 11-13 Lamar Days - 12th Annual Show by R & L Cook; All MVs, $35/ veh [incl 2 BBQ tickets]; at Willow Creek Park in Lamar on So. side of town. Call Ron or Lonna for event schedule at 719.336.3502 or eves at 719.336.2009

Sa 12 Outlaws Car Show - 7th Annual by Outlaws Rod & Custom Club; All MVs, $25/ veh; 07-15:00, at State Fairgrounds, Pueblo. Exit I-25 at Adriendo, follow signs to fgnds. Call Skip Kuhns for info at 719.547.4344

Sa 12 Open Track Event. by Colo Exotic Car Assn. Several classes. At Pueblo Motorsports Park, Pueblo. Call Bill Miller at 303.421.3009

Sa19 All GM Show & Shine. by Olds Club, Rky Mtn & POCI, Colo Chap. Any GM veh, $15/ veh; 10AM - 2PM at Shepler’s Western Wear South, exit I-25 at/ go E on Orchard, So on Frontage Rd. Call Gary at 303.886.7923

Sa 19 Antique & Special Interest Car Show by Royal Gorge VMCCA - 25th Annual. All MVs, $25/ veh; at Holy Cross Abbey, on US-50, fr I-25 take Colo 115 So, then W on US-50 8 mi to Abbey. Ralph or Kathy Kunselman at 719.275.3561

Su 20 Rossi Run - 43rd Dvr to Brighton by AACA, Rky Mtn Rgn; All MVs, $10/ veh; meet at 08:30 lv 10:00 from Museum at Denver City Park, 23rd Ave & Colorado Blvd. Call Ted Rossi at 303.618.3435

Su 20 6th Annual Florence Car Show by Florence Antique Dealers & Merchants; All MVs, 09-14:00 $10/ veh, at/ on Main St. Florence Colo, Call Gene at 719.269.1095


Fr-Su 01-3 Trans-Am Invitatn’l, Vint’g Racing by Rky Mtn Vintage Racing. Vintage Race Cars at Pueblo Motor-sports Park, Pueblo. Call RMVR for info - Diane at 303.319.2062

Fr-Su 01-03 10th Annual Swap Meet, etc. by the Ranch at Loveland; over 2,000 cars. $>/ adm; 08-XX:00, at Larimer Cty Fgnds, > > Ave, Loveland - E of I-25 to No on >. Call Rochelle at 970.619.4004 NILM

Tu-Sa 05-09 Amer Truck Hist Soc - Natl Convn by ATHS - Intermtn West Chap; Host Hotel is Doubletree on Cheyenne Mtn Blvd/ event at World Arena, fr I-25 exit 138 go W, then So. on Cheyenne Mtn Blvd, Call > at 816.891.9900

Fr-Su 08-10 Rallye, Car Show & Funkyhana. by MGCC. open to all MVs, $45±/ veh; meet at Gunther Toody’s 7355 Ralston Road [& Wadsworth Bypass], Arvada, leave at 9 AM for Glenwood Springs. Call Dick Fritz at 303.774.9710

Sa 09 Car Show - [Dinner optnl.] by Canon City Car Club; All MVs, $>/ veh; 07:30-15:00, at Centennial Park 4th St., Canon City. Call Denise Fuller at 719.275.5539

Th-Su 14-17 Rky Mtn Mustang Roundup. by Mustang Clubs of Colorado. All Mustangs, $50/ veh; MUST pre-reg! Host Hotel is Steamboat Grand - Stmbt Springs, Colo. I-70 to Silverthorne, Colo 9 No. to Kremmling, US 40 W. to Stmbt. Call Tom Kay at 303.451.9296 - Bill Miller at 303.421.3009 -

Sa 16 Highlands Ranch Car Show. by Highlands Ranch Community. all Buick, Cadillac, Olds & Pontiacs, $15/ veh; 10-14:00, at St. Andrews Church at > So. University. Call Gary Lee at 303.421.4977

Sa 23 Open Track Event. by Colo Exotic Car Assn. Several classes, at Colo State Patrol track, Golden. Call Bill Miller at 303.421.3009


Th-Sa 05-07 AMO National Convn. by Colo AMC Club; All AMC vehs + Nash & Mopar invited, held at Raddison Hotel, I-225 & Parker Rd. Rgn & Swp Mt Fri, Car Show on Sun. Call Bob Kenworthy at303.680.0139

Fr-Sa 06-7 Thin Air Nationals - 28th Annual. by Colo Springs Rod & Custom. All MVs, $35/ veh; Fri15-22:00 at “the Hub Diner,” fr I-25 go W 1-1/2 mi on Garden of the Gods Road; Sat Regn 07-10:00, Run fr 10-18:00 fr I-25 take US-24 W 15± mi to Green Mtn Falls, Colo. Call J. R. Nandine at h: 719.266.0597 c: 719.210.0013

Fr-Su 20-22 Cougar Club of Amer Natnl Convn by Colorado Cougar Club; all Mercury Cougars, at Sheraton at I-25 & Hampden. For info - Call Donna Lynes at 303.452.4538

Sa-Su 21-22 Vintage Racing. by Rky Mtn Vintage Racing, Vintage Race Cars, at La Junta Raceway, La Junta. Call RMVR for info - Diane at 303.319.2062


Sa 04 Car Show / Benefit. by Southeast Community Outreach. All MVs, $25/ veh; regn 7AM, show 09-14:00, at Southeast Community Church, 9650 Jordan Road, Parker. Call Dennis Loveless at 303.841.9610

Su 05 All GM Fun Day & Car Show. by Vintage Chevrolet Club, Rky Mtn Rgn; All GM MVs, $10/ veh; 09-14:00 at Heritage Sqr, 18301 W. Colfax / US-40 Golden. I-70 W to Morrison Rd exit, go No. Call Ms. Kay Yates at 303.378.5461

Sa 11 22nd Sunflower Nationals by >; All MVs, Parade, Parade, Car Show, Rod Run. $>/ veh; 08-XX:00, at >, > Ave, Keenesburg . Call > at 303.536.4843

Su 19 Car Show / Benefit. by SOS-AD [Stomp Out Autism...]. all MVs, $25/ veh; show 10-14:00, at Sam’s Club [Stapleton] 7805 E. 35th Ave, S on Quebec fr I-70, E on 35th Ave. Call Gregg Whelen at 303.935.2822

Fr-Su 24-26 2nd Aspen Open - tentative by Colo Exotic Car Assn. Several classes, at Woody Creek [near Aspen]. Call Bill Miller at 303.421.3009

Fr-Su 24-27 Lotus Owner’s Gathr’g - 27thAnn’l by Lotus Club, Colo Chap. All Lotus’, $>/ veh; at >, Aspen-Snowmass. Call Bill Rosenbach 303.233.8374 Mike Ingelido at 303.> /

Sa 25 39th Mountain States Swap Meet,

Car Show & Gas Bash. by OCCC. open to public & all MVs; $3/ veh adm; at Adams County Fairground, Brighton. From US-85 take124th Ave, West to fgnds. Call Phil Scott at 303.972.3575


Fr-Su 07-09 Vintage Racing. by Rky Mtn Vintage Racing, Vintage Race Cars, at Hastings, Nebr. Call RMVR for info - Diane at 303.319.2062

Su 09 All Ford Day - Car Show. by Early Ford V-8 Club. all FMC veh, $15/ veh; 7AM - 3:30 PM, at Hudson Gardens, Littleton, W side of So. Santa Fe, just So of Littleton Blvd. Call Jim Nielsen at 303.788.0519

Sa-Su 15-16 Swap Meet - 39th Annual by Poudre Valley Region AACA. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, etc.; $> adm; 8AM at Larimer County Fairgrounds, E on > fr I-25 exit >. Call > at 970.>

Sa-Su 15-16 Tour & Car Show. by English Car Clubs. [Colorado Motoring Conclave]; all Brit MV’s, $>/ veh at ?>, ?> Ave, ?>, Colo. Call > at 303.> .

Su 16 Mizell’s Show & Shine by Mizell Trains; All MVs, $00/ veh; 10-15:00, at 3051 W. 74th Ave, Westminster, 1-1/2 blk W. of Federal. Call Warren Mizell [Buick Club] at 303.429.4811

Sa 22 Open Track Event. by Colo Exotic Car Assn. Several classes, at Colorado State Patrol’s track, Golden. Call Bill Miller at 303.421.3009

Sa 22 the Inaugural - “Colfax Avenue Auto Festival & Cruise-In.”

by OCCC; All MVs, $>/ veh; X-X >M, at “Fiesta Sites” along Colfax Ave. Dick Thompson at 303.699.4819 c: 303.929.5533

Sa-Su 29-30 Vintage Racing, Enduro Event. by Rky Mtn Vintage Racing. Vintage Race Cars, at Pueblo Motor-sports Park, Pueblo. Call RMVR for info - Diane at 303.319.2062


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Other matters, events, items or things of interest.

Upcoming Events at the Forney Transportation Museum.

The Forney Museum of Transportation has several events scheduled that, like the Council, promote the historic background of transportation. Many focus on the history of railroading, several focusing on presenting the history of railroading here in Colorado. Something many of us always find interesting. Don’t mistakenly dismiss their schedule as only being about railroading. It is about preserving and appreciating the history and contributions made by transportation. So are we.

These is no admittance fee for the presentations unless otherwise noted, their current schedule is:

- Sat 21-Apr 10 AM - 3 PM Transportation Safety Expo. Free admission to the Museum. Booths, representatives and literature by many safety oriented groups covering road and highway systems [CSP & CMC], rail [Operation Lifesaver], air systems [FAA] and others.

- Sat 12-May at 1:30 PM “Luxury Rides the Rails.” New PBS video by Richard Luckin and Dave Pitts of the Intermountain National Railroad Historical Society [NRHS] will give a brief talk about specialty and private rail cars.

- Sat 16-Jun “Big Boy Day.” Fathers admitted free. The “Big Boy” is one of the largest steam-powered locomotives ever made. For this day the doors of Big Boy and rail cars will be open for you to tour through. At 1:00 PM noted rail author William Kratville will give a brief history of the Union Pacific’s “Big Boys.”

- Sat 14-Jul at 1:30 PM “Rio Grande Southern: Ridgeway to Durango.” Noted rail author Bob Griswold will present slides and reminiscences of the A line which served that part of the state until 1950.

- Sat 08-Sep at 1:30 PM “Looking Back: the Last 50 Years of Denver Area Railroads.” Jim Ehernberger will present this piece of history, using slides.

- Sat 31-Oct 3-8 PM “Forney Fall Fest.” Children in costume free, Adults $5 ea. Old fashioned community carnival-type games with prizes, entertainment, and more...

- Sat 10-Nov at 1:30 PM “The Ski Train.” Richard Luckin will return to present his “Ski Train” video. [anyone skiing Winter Park this season..?]


Above the Clouds Cruisers, Colo Sprgs > 719.686.0493 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

American Truck Historical Soc., Intrmtn Rich Busby 303.690.5123 - - - - - - - - - - - - y

Antique Auto. Club of Amer, Dvr Chap > 303.425.1166 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

AACA, Poudre Valley > 970.> - - - - - - - - - - - - r

AACA, Rky Mtn Joe Baker 303.637.0765 x x x - - - - - - - - - -

AACA, St. Vrain - or St Vr Antq Auto ? > No Answer ? => 970.772.0873 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Big Horn Jeep Club, Estes Pk > 970.750.8189 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Big Thompson 4-Wheelers > 970.669.8291 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Black Canyon Classic Car Club, Montr. > 970.249.6051 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Blue Dots Rod & Custom, Grand Jctn > 970.434.4750 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

British Motoring Club of No. Colo > 970.221.1230 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Buick Club of Amer., Colo Sprgs > 719.635.1902 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Buick Club of Amer., Mile High Chap. Don Voloshyn 303.238.2222 x x - - - - - - - - - - r

Buick GS Club, Rky Mtn Chap. > 303.781.9129 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Cadillac-LaSalle Club, Rky Mtn Rgn Diane McDaniel 303.238.2222 x x - - - - - - - - - - -

Canon City Car Club John Glusick 719.372.3766 - x x - - - - - - - - - y

Classic Car Club of Amer., Colo Rgn Bill Hunter 303.986.1458 x x x - - - - - - - - - y

Colorado AMC Club Frank Howard 303.572.3733 x x x - - - - - - - - - y

Colorado Camaro Club Linda Chandler 970.587.5666 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Colorado Classy Chassis Lassies > 303.425.4936 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Colorado Chevelle Owners Assn. > 303.> ? ? - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Colorado Classic Convertible Club Bill Hunter 303.986.1458 x x x - - - - - - - - - y

Colorado Classic Thunderbird Bill Hunter 303.986.1458 x x x - - - - - - - - - y

Colorado Cougar Club Dennis Berry 303.680.3247 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Colorado Hill Climb Assn., Colo Sprgs > 719.635.8449 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Colorado Mopar > 303.797.7248 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Colorado Motorsports Council Bill Rosenbach 303.233.8374 x x x - - - - - - - - - y

Colorado Pantera Club > 303.278.3141 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Colorado PT Cruiser > > 303.906.7888 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Colorado Springs Corvette Club > 719.488.9660 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Colorado Springs Rod & Custom John Mack 719.266.9372 x x - - - - - - - - - - y

Colorado Van Assn. > 303.355.5192 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ColoradoStangs > 720.298.8107 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

ColoRODans Ed Barens 303.651.7238 - x x - - - - - - - - - -

Corvettes West, Greeley > 970.356.8411 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Denver Corvette Assn. > 303.726.4468 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Denver Coupe & Sedan Rick Mykins 303.556.0734 - x - - - - - - - - - - y

Denver Mustang Club Terry Lewand 303.885.8489 - x x - - - - - - - - - y

Denver Roadster Club Rick Nelson 303.423.3147 - x x - - - - - - - - - y

Early Ford V-8 Club, Hi-Country Jim Nielsen 303.788.0519 x x x - - - - - - - - - y

Early Mustang Club > 303.673.0241 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Estes Park Car Club > 970.586.0648 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Flatheaders of Denver > 303.757.0458 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

FOMOCO Owners Tony Abeyta 303,450.0102 x - x - - - - - - - - - -

Front Range Mustang Club Tom Kay 303.451.9296 x x - - - - - - - - - - y

Good Times Car Club > 303.330.4033 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

GTOAA, Colo > 303.> - - - - - - - - - - - - -

High Country Chevys of Colo. Dan Dunn 303.288.3821 x x x - - - - - - - - - y

High Country Mustang Club, No. Colo. > 970.225.0556 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Hudson-Essex-Terraplane, Rky Mtn Ed Wright 303.680.9271 - x x - - - - - - - - - -

Kaiser-Frazer Owners Club, Rky Mtn Bob Van Duyne 303.440.2534 x x x - - - - - - - - - y

Larimer County ,4WD Club Mt’neers > 970.221.5524 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Looking Glass Corvette Assn. Carl Pannell 303.644.3674 x x x - - - - - - - - - -

Lotus Club, Colo Bill Rosenbach 303.233.8374 x x x - - - - - - - - - -

MG Car Club, Rky Mtn Centre Dick Fritz 303.774.9710 x x x - - - - - - - - - y

Mile High Buick Club Don Voloshyn 303.238.2222 x x - - - - - - - - - - -

Mile High Cobra Club Keith Hall 303.940.7950 x x x - - - - - - - - - y

Mile High Cruisers Leonard Hoagland 303.693.8708 - - x - - - - - - - - - -

Mile High Falcon Dick Ritchie 303.254.6917 x x x - - - - - - - - - y

Model A Ford Club of Colo Alan Eber 303.770.5020 x x x - - - - - - - - - y

Model A Ford Club, Pikes Pk Harold Naber 719.495.4372 - x x - - - - - - - - - ?

Model T Ford Club of Amer., Hi Plains > 303.345.6354 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Model T Ford Club of Amer., Mile Hi Ch Don Whissen 303.733.0649 x x x - - - - - - - - - -

Mopars Unlimited of Colo., Grand. Jctn > 970.434.7756 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Mountain/Plains Corvette Club of Colo. > 970.587.2849 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Mountain-Plains Corvette Club, Greeley > 970.330.7639 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Nash Club, High Plains Charles Klein 303.722.5476 x x x - - - - - - - - - y

Northeast Colo. Model T Club, Sterling > 303.522.2394 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Northern Colo. Classic Chevy Club > 970.622.0899 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Northern Colo. Corvette Club, Ft. C > 970.587.8495 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Northern Colo. GTO Assn. > 303.776.6256 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Northern Colo. Trail Riders, Ft. Collins > 970.669.5451 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Oldsmobile Club of Amer., Rky Mtn Ch Gary Lee 303.421.4977 - x x - - - - - - - - - y

Outlaws Rod & Cstm Car Club, Pueblo > 719.948.3343 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pikes Peak Corvair Club > 719.494.1380 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Pikes Peak Early Birds, Colo Sprgs > 719.535.9100 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Pikes Peak Super Chevys > 719.473.2364 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Plymouth Owners Club, Rky Mtn Jay Thomas 720.252.6798 - - x - - - - - - - - - -

Pontiac-Oakland Club, Colo Chap Gary Canady 303.886.7923 x x - - - - - - - - - - y

Rocky Mtn AMC Club > 303.948.5584 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Rocky Mtn Chap. BMW CCA > 303.671.6131 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Rocky Mtn Classic Chevy Club [55-7s] Mel Dyson 303.695.8322 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rocky Mtn Classics, Aurora > 303.766.0506 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Rocky Mtn Corsa Club > 303.530.3215 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Rocky Mtn Handcrafted Auto. Club > 303.425.6807 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Rocky Mtn Jaguar Club Rob Van Westenberg 303.697.4260 - - - - - - - - - - - - y

Rocky Mtn Military Veh. Historical Soc. > 303.526.7330 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Rocky Mtn Packard Mel Bacon 303.659.9345 x x x - - - - - - - - - y

Rocky Mtn Performance Mopar Mike Seybold 303.469.4407 x x x - - - - - - - - - y

Rocky Mtn Suzuki Club > 303.751.4503 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Rocky Mtn Thunderbird Dick Adams 303.745.3636 x x - - - - - - - - - - y

Rocky Mtn Vintage Racing Dan Berry 303.377.0109 x x x - - - - - - - - - -

St. Vrain Antique Auto Club > 303.772.0873 - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

Shelby American Auto Club Bill Miller 303.421.3009 x x x - - - - - - - - - y

Southern Colorado A’s Jack Theihl 719.598.2111 - - - - - - - - - - - - y

Southern Colorado Mopars, Colo Sprgs > 719.548.2281 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SouthWest Cruizers Gary Koop 303.795.1999 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Studebaker Drivers, Conestoga Chap Shirley Zaner 303.426.8843 x x x - - - - - - - - - y

Studebaker Drivers, Pikes Peak Chap Roger Zaner 303.426.8843 x x x - - - - - - - - - y

Sunday Afternoon Car Klub Howard Martin 303.932.7777 x x - - - - - - - - - - y

Top of the Rockies Corvette Assn. > 303.678.1816 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Valley Cruisers, El Jebel, Colo > 970.876.2280 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Vintage Chevrolet Club, Mile Hi Rgn Kay Yates 303.378.5461 x x x - - - - - - - - - -

Veteran Mtr Car Club Amer, Loveland Tom Holden 970.461.1476 - - x - - - - - - - - - y

VMCCA, Pikes Peak Chap Mike Davis 719.488.2267 - x x - - - - - - - - - y

VMCCA, Pueblo-Arkansas Valley John Glusick 719.372.3766 - x x - - - - - - - - - -

VMCCA, Royal Gorge Chap Beverly Gann 719.275.1045 - x - - - - - - - - - - y

Walter P. Chrysler Club Jay Thomas 720.252.6798 - x x - - - - - - - - - -

Wild Stallions >, Ft. C > 970.229.0973 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

Ye Olde Auto Club Coy Livingston 303.659.2887 x x x - - - - - - - - - y

Z Car Club of Colorado > 303.333.8919 - - - - - - - - - - - - r

> > 303.> - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NOTE: ..current as of 21-Mar-2007, no updated MI forms received by Council Secy since then...


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