Town Of Crawford - Colorado

Town Of Crawford

P.O. Box 56 * Crawford, Co. 81415-0056 * (970)921-4725 * Fax (970)921-4726

Town Council Meeting

July 18, 2018 Wednesday 7:00 PM

Regular Session

Meeting Minutes



Wanda Gofforth Hetty Todd

John Paton Ralph Clark

Mike Tiedeman Bruce Bair

Jessica Hart Cally Gallegos

Chris Johnson

APPROVAL OF AGENDA Ralph Clark Makes a motion to approve the agenda, Chris Johnson 2nds the motion. Motion Passes

ANNOUNCEMENTS – Cally announces that there is a land use meeting in Paonia on the 24th. Black Hills energy has not been charging people incorrectly. They will be sending us $2200 for the last 3 years. The Clipper ditch is asking everyone to conserve water.

Wanda and Cally attended the Region 10 diversification summit. We learned all the different agencies available to use for matching funds.

There will be a bicycle ride that goes through Crawford called the Grin and Barret Ride to raise money for the San Juan Health care.

PUBLIC NON - AGENDA ITEMS – Carl Page had questions for the attorney regarding the nuisance ordinance and the legality of it. Gill and Donna Saunders also had questions regarding the ordinance. The Town attorney answered their questions. Cheryl Page was concerned that we would take the ordinance to extremes and make her get rid of her Sweet Peas. Jim Crook commented that the town was over stepping their boundaries in regards to private property. It was explained that the changes to the ordinance were only to the fact that people would be fined after the first notice if they did not comply. The original nuisance was written and passed in 2005.


Liquor License for Mad Dog - Mad Dog was asking the Trustee’s to wave the $500 late fee for the Liquor License. After speaking to each trustee Mike Tiedeman makes a motion to not wave the fee for the Mad Dog’s liquor License. John Paton 2nds the motion. Motion Passes

TDS Franchise agreement – We will have Bo Nerlin the attorney look the agreement over. In addition, discuss it at the August 1 meeting.

Water/ Sewer reserve increase – Bruce advised the council and the public that He and Cally would be reviewing the water and sewer fund, to see if an increase for those funds would be necessary this year, and if so how much. He commented that this is the first year that he has had real numbers, thanks to Cally. We have also been working on a reserve policy and need to see how that fund is doing in regards to the percentage that is being saved and to make sure that it is enough to cover the incidental expenses.

Bruce will be doing annual sewer cleaning on Friday, to prevent the sewer from backing up or plugging in town. This money will come from the salary in the sewer fund from the Assistant Public Works salary, because we had an aerator go out at the wastewater facility that used up the majority of the fund. Bruce also commented that the budget revenues for the water and wastewater is fund is above what we predicted they would be at this time.

Old Business*

Water /Sewer Late policy- Will be discussed at the August 1 meeting.

Non-Agenda Items

Regular Business

1. Minutes – Chris Johnson makes a motion that we approve the minutes as written. Hetty Todd 2nds the motion. Motion passes.

2. Disbursements – Ralph Clark makes a motion that we pay the bills on the council approval report. Chris Johnson 2nds the motion. Motion passes.

3. Public Works – Bruce attended a meeting with Jeffery Wright, DCEM and he said that there might be some funds available to replace culverts in town. He will check into that and get back to the Board. Bruce asks the Board if the DCEM could use the four-wheeler to tour the town and the surrounding area to help the town prepare for an emergency. Ralph Clark makes a motion that the town loans the four-wheeler to the emergency management team of DC to look at items in town to help us prepare for an emergency. Chris Johnson 2nds the motion. Motion passes.

4. Board members – Ralph Clark explains that the town may need to do some mitigation around town; he expressed his concerns pertaining to the area south of town. Ralph also asked Bruce about the water at the dispenser and if he has checked into the system like surrounding towns have with the card reader. If we had a card reader we could regulate how much water out of town user could purchase, so not to run the town short of water. Bruce said that he would check into it and report to the council.

5. John Paton – Did not have any info from Juvenile diversion.

6. Chris Johnson – Said that he did not think we needed to pass the nuisance ordinance as an emergency. However, he also added that fees are implemented for those people that react poorly. That is how you get some people to do the right thing. He thanked everyone for his or her attendance. Chris thought we should pass more ordinances, because then we would have more attendance at the meetings. He encouraged people to attend the Budget meetings so that they would understand why we have concerns about our revenues.

7. Ralph Clark – In response to Chris Johnsons comment, Ralph states that we passed the nuisance ordinance to make revenue for the town. That is not true. We are not in it to make money; we are here to keep the peace amongst our neighbors. In response to the sweet pea’s “ who is going to complain about sweet pea’s” but on the other hand if your house is on the market and your neighbor dislikes you and they stack trash and debris up that is the stinkiest and most offensive, then you could come to the town and we could make them clean it up. Trash devalues your property. Gill Saunders stated "that he would light there trash on fire". He also stated that no one should be able to base your property value on your neighbors. That is socialism!” Gill does not think that this council will let this nuisance enforcement get out of control, but future council might.

8. Mike Tiedeman – Interpretation is a word that we need to use here. You people voted us in, and we are being questioned for everything we do, as if we are against you all and that is how it feels. That is interpretation, we are all here doing a thankless job, not because we have to, but because we want to do it. Donna Saunders added that he concern is personal vendetta. Which Ralph Clark replied is not true.

9. Clerk- Cally just wanted to let the public know that it is she and Bruce that hear the complaints from the citizens and we try to deal with them civilly but if people do not respond to us, then we bring it to the council and they then have to direct us or deal with it. Therefore, we should be able to respond in meetings to what has taken place, to inform people of the situation. Cally reports that she attended the CML Conference in Vail and she gained a lot of knowledge, some she didn’t need, but was grateful for the scholarships so small towns like Crawford could attend these kind of functions. Wanda and Cally attended the Region 10 diversification summit, which we learned about all agencies that have funding for matching funds. Pera training on Tuesday, many changes are happening that will affect employees, employers, and retirees of Pera. Clipper ditch sent out a message in regards to water conservation, and is asking everyone to conserve all sources of water. We will need stock water throughout the year. This will help the farmers and ranchers that in turn help keep the prices down in the stores for all of us. Now for the good news, Black Hills energy has not been charging some of their customers correctly, so they owe the town $1400, and the annual amount of franchise tax from them will increase.

10. Mayor’s Report – Wanda thanked Cally for going to the conference, and would like to encourage the council to let Cally apply for the CML scholarship again for next year.

Wanda asks for a head count for council training. Wanda will attend.

August 1 budget planning

Region 10 will be here on the 24th. They want to help us update master plan. August 15 meeting DOLA will be here, we will have BO go over the franchise ordinance and the late fee policy.




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