İngilizce Dersi 5. SINIF / 5th GRADE Öğretim

|Unit /Theme |Functions &Useful Language |Language Skills and Learning Outcomes |Suggested Contexts, Tasks and Assignments |

|1Hello! |Expressing likes and dislikes |Listening |Contexts |

| |What is/are your favorite class(es)? |E5.1.L1. Students will be able to understand |Advertisements Captions |

| |—My favorite class(es) is/are … |simple personal information. |Cartoons , Conversations |

|1st Week 09-13 SEPTEMBER |—I like English and maths. |Speaking |Coupons , Illustrations |

|2+1=3 hours |I don’t like/dislike/hate… |E5.1.S1. Students will be able to introduce |Lists ,Menus |

| |Greeting and meeting people |themselves and meet other people. |Posters , Probes/Realia |

|2nd Week 16-20 SEPTEMBER |Nice/Glad to meet you. |E5.1.S2. Students will be able to exchange |Rhymes, Signs |

|2+1=3 hours |Nice meeting you. |simple personal information. |Songs ,Stories ,Tables, Videos |

| |—Me, too. |Reading |Tasks/Activities |

|3rd Week 23-27 SEPTEMBER |—My pleasure. |E5.1.R1. Students will be able to read picture |Arts and Crafts |

|2+1=3 hours |Making simple inquiries |stories, conversations and cartoons about |Chants and Songs |

| |Where do you study? |personal information. |Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) |

|4th Week 30 SEPTEMBER -04 OCTOBER |—I study at Atatürk Secondary School. |E5.1.R2. Students will be able to read their |Drawing and Coloring |

|2+1=3 hours |How many languages do you speak? |timetable for their lessons. |Games, Labeling |

| |—One. I speak Chinese. | |Making puppets , Matching |

| |—Two. I speak English and German. | |Questions and Answers |

| |Arts primary/elementary/secondary school geography, | |Storytelling |

| |history | |Assignments |

| |language class/course | |• Students prepare a visual dictionary by including |

| |math(s)music | |new vocabulary items. |

| |physical education | |• Students prepare a timetable showing their class |

| |science social studies | |schedule. |

5. SINIF / 5th GRADE

|Unit /Theme |Functions &Useful Language |Language Skills and Learning Outcomes |Suggested Contexts, Tasks and Assignments |

|2 |Asking for and giving directions |Listening |Contexts |

|My town |(Making simple inquiries) |E5.2.L1. Students will be able to understand |Advertisements, Captions |

| |Excuse me, how can I get to the city |simple directions to get from one place to |Cartoons, Conversations |

|5th Week 07-11 OCTOBER |center? |another. |Instructions, Maps |

|2+1=3 hours |—Go (straight) ahead and turn left on Uçarlı Street.|E5.2.L2. Students will be able to recognize the |Notes and Messages |

|6th Week 14-18 OCTOBER |—Thanks. |use of rising intonation to ask for clarification. |Podcasts, Postcards |

|2+1=3 hours |Excuse me, where is the bus station? |Speaking |Posters, Signs, Tables |

| |—It’s on Papatya Street. |E5.2.S1. Students will be able to talk about |Videos |

|7th Week 21- 25 OCTOBER |Talking about locations of things and |the locations of things and people in simple |Tasks/Activities |

|2+1=3 hours |people |conversations. |Arts and Crafts |

| |Where are you? |E5.2.S2. Students will be able to give directions |Drawing and Coloring |

| |—I am at the library. |in a simple way. |Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) |

| |—Library? |Reading |Games, Labeling, Making puppets |

|8th Week 28 OCTOBER -01 NOVEMBER |—Yes, the library. |E5.2.R1. Students will be able to understand |Matching Questions and Answers |

|29th October |around/next to/opposite ... |information about important places. |Assignments |

|Republic Day |...the barber shop | |• Students keep expanding their visual dictionary |

|(29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı) |…the bank, ...the library | |by including new vocabulary items. |

| |...the mosque, ...the butcher | |• Students draw a map of their neighborhood and |

|2+1=3 hours |…the grocery, ...the pharmacy | |give directions of different places to their peers |

| |...the book/toy shop | |in |

| |...the bakery, ...the pool | |groups |

| |…the cinema/theater/museum | | |

| |between ..., ...the shop and the bus stop. | | |

5. SINIF / 5th GRADE

|Unit /Theme |Functions &Useful Language |Language Skills and Learning Outcomes |Suggested Contexts, Tasks and Assignments |

| |Describing what people do regularly |E5.3.L1. Students will be able to understand simple,|Contexts |

|3 |Do you play computer games? |oral texts about hobbies, likes/dislikes and |Advertisements, Captions |

|Games and Hobbies |—No, I don’t. I go fishing. |abilities. |Cartoons, Charts |

| |What are your hobbies? |Speaking |Conversations, Illustrations |

|9th Week 04-08 NOVEMBER |—Playing chess and tennis. |E5.3.S1. Students will be able to talk about |Notes and Messages, Poems |

|2+1=3 hours |Expressing ability and inability |hobbies, likes/dislikes and abilities in a simple |Postcards, Posters |

|FIRST WRITTEN EXAM |Can you play checkers? |way. |Rhymes, Songs, Stories, Tables |

|05-16 NOVEMBER |—No, but I can play chess. |E5.3.S2. Students will be able to give information |Videos |

|10th November, |Can your sister/brother play chess? |about likes/dislikes, abilities and hobbies of |Tasks/Activities |

|The anniversary of |—Yes, s/he can. |others in a simple way. |Competitions |

|Atatürk’s passing |—No, but s/he can play checkers. |Reading |Chants and Songs |

|away |Expressing likes and dislikes |E5.3.R1. Students will be able to follow a simple |Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) |

|(10 Kasım Atatürk’ü |Yin lives in Beijing and he likes playing |story with visual aids. |Drawing and Coloring, Games |

|Anma Günü ve Atatürk |blind man’s buff. | |Information transfer |

|Haftası) |Julio lives in Madrid and he likes playing football.| |Labeling, Matching |

| |Hans and Yuka don’t like hopscotch. | |Reordering, Storytelling |

|10th Week 11-15 NOVEMBER |blind man’s buff, camping | |True/False/No information |

|2+1=3 hours |checkers, Chinese whispers | |Assignments |

| |dodge ball, fishing, hangman | |• Students keep expanding their visual dictionary |

|18-22 NOVEMBER The |hiking, hopscotch | |by including new vocabulary items. |

|first break |lose, origami, sculpting win | |• Students prepare a poster to show their hobbies/ |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|11 th Week 25-29 NOVEMBER | | | |

|2+1=3 hours | | | |

5. SINIF / 5th GRADE

|Unit /Theme |Functions &Useful Language |Language Skills and Learning Outcomes |Suggested Contexts, Tasks and Assignments |

|4 |Describing what people do regularly |Listening |Contexts |

|My Daily Routine |(Making simple inquiries) |E5.4.L1. Students will be able to understand |Advertisements, Captions |

| |What time does your little brother/sister go to bed?|specific information in short, oral texts about |Cartoons, Charts |

|12th Week 02-06 DECEMBER |—S/he goes to bed at half past ten. |daily routines. |Conversations |

|2+1=3 hours |What time do you arrive atschool? |E5.4.L2. Students will be able to understand the |Illustrations |

| |—We arrive at school at quarter past eight. |time. |Notes and Messages, Poems |

| |When do you brush your teeth? |Speaking |Postcards, Posters, Rhymes |

|13th Week 09-13 DECEMBER |—I brush my teeth in the morning and at night. |E5.4.S1. Students will be able to talk about daily |Songs, Stories, Tables,Videos |

|2+1=3 hours |—When do you watch TV? |routines. |Tasks/Activities |

| |—I watch TV every evening. |E5.4.S2. Students will be able to use simple |Competitions |

| |Telling the time |utterances to talk about daily routines of friends |Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) |

|14th Week 16-20 DECEMBER |What time is it? |and family members. |Games |

|2+1=3 hours |—It’s half past nine. |E5.4.S3. Students will be able to tell the time and |Information transfer |

| |—It’s quarter to eleven. |numbers from 1 to 100. |Labeling, Making puppets |

| |Naming numbers |Reading |Matching, Reordering |

| |Numbers from 1 to 100 |E5.4.R1. Students will be able to understand short |Storytelling |

| |Arrive, brush, -es, call,comb, -s |and simple written texts about daily |True/False/No information |

| |get out of bed, get up |routines. |Assignments |

| |go online, get on/off the bus | |• Students prepare a poster about daily routines |

| |leave, talk, toothbrush, -es | |and present it in the classroom. |

| |toothpaste, sleep | |• Students interview a friend/neighbor/parent/ |

| | | |teacher, ask about his/her typical day and pre |

5. SINIF / 5th GRADE

|Unit /Theme |Functions &Useful Language |Language Skills and Learning Outcomes |Suggested Contexts, Tasks and Assignments |

|5 |Expressing illnesses, needs and |Listening |Contexts |

|Health |feelings |E5.5.L1. Students will be able to identify common |Advertisements, Captions |

| |I feel cold. |illnesses and understand some of the |Cartoons, Charts, Conversations |

|15th Week 23-27 DECEMBER |I have the flu. |suggestions made. |Illustrations |

|2+1=3 hours |I have a fever. |E5.5.L2. Students will be able to understand simple |Lists, Posters, Probes/Realia |

| |I have a toothache/headache/ |suggestions concerning illnesses. |Rhymes, Songs, Stories, Tables |

|16th Week 30 DECEMBER |stomachache. |Speaking |Videos |

|03JANUARY |S/he feels cold and tired. |E5.5.S1. Students will be able to name the common |Tasks/Activities |

|2+1=3 hours |S/he needs pills. |illnesses in a simple way. |Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) |

|01 January New Year |Making simple suggestions |E5.5.S2. Students will be able to express basic |Games Information transfer |

|(1 Ocak 2020 Yılbaşı) |—You should stay in bed. |needs and feelings about illnesses. |Labeling,Matching |

| |— Have a rest. |Reading |Questions and Answers |

|SECOND WRITTEN EXAM |—Stay in bed. |E5.5.R1. Students will be able to understand short |Storytelling |

|27TH DECEMBER |—Visit a doctor. |and simple texts about illnesses, needs and |True/False/No information |

| |—Take your pills. |feelings. |Assignments |

| |backache/headache/toothache/ | |• Students prepare a picture story about their |

| |stomachache, cold, cough | |feelings and needs when they are ill. They work in |

|17th Week 06-10 JANUARY |dentist, faint | |groups and exchange information about the |

|2+1=3 hours |fever, flu, have a pain/ache | |picture story. |

|18th Week 13- 17 JANUARY |hurt, ill/illness | | |

|2+1=3 hours |medicine, pill, sneeze, sore throat, syrup, vitamin.| | |


5. SINIF / 5th GRADE

|Unit /Theme |Functions &Useful Language |Language Skills and Learning Outcomes |Suggested Contexts, Tasks and Assignments |

|6 |Describing characters/people |Listening |Contexts |

|Movies |Superman is very strong/brave/... |E5.6.L1. Students will be able to follow slow and |Advertisements, Cartoons |

|19th Week 03- 07 FEBRUARY |Expressing likes and dislikes |carefully articulated speech describing movie |Conversations, Fairy tales |

|2+1=3 hours |I don’t like/dislike/hate horror movies. |characters and movie types. |Illustrations, Posters |

|20th Week 10- 14 FEBRUARY |Making simple inquiries |Speaking |Questionnaire, Signs, Stories |

|2+1=3 hours |What is the movie about? |E5.6.S1. Students will be able to talk about |Tables, Videos |

|21ST Week 17- 21 FEBRUARY |It’s about friends/war/love/… |people’s likes and dislikes concerning movies |Tasks/Activities |

|2+1=3 hours |Stating personal opinions |and movie characters. |Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) |

|22nd Week 24 -28 FEBRUARY |I think Superman is brave. |E5.6.S2. Students will be able to use simple |Games |

| |What’s your favorite film? |utterances to state personal opinions about |Information transfer |

|2+1=3 hours |—Ice Age. |movies and movie characters. |Labeling, Making Puppets |

| |—I like Spirited Away. |E5.6.S3. Students will be able to state the time of |Matching, Reordering |

| |Telling the time |an event. |Questions and Answers |

| |What time is the movie? |Reading |Storytelling |

| |—It’s at seven o’clock. |E5.6.R1. Students will be able to understand phrases|True/False/No information |

| |—It’s at half past four. |and simple sentences on posters and advertisements |Assignments |

| |Brave, beautiful, boring |about movies and movie characters. |• Students keep expanding their visual dictionary by|

| |Exciting, evil | |including new vocabulary items. |

| |film types: action, animation, | |• Students prepare a film poster and describe it to |

| |cartoon,commedy, horror, etc. | |the peers in groups. |

| |Friendly, frightening | |• In groups, students make a survey to find out the |

| |Funny, helpful, honest, love | |favorite movies of their peers. |

| |Save, strong, travel, .ugly | | |

5. SINIF / 5th GRADE

|Unit /Theme |Functions &Useful Language |Language Skills and Learning Outcomes |Suggested Contexts, Tasks and Assignments |

|7 |Asking for permission |Listening |Contexts |

|Party Time |Mom, can I have a birthday party? |E5.7.L1. Students will be able to understand |Advertisements, Cartoons |

| |—Sure/For sure. |simple requests for permission and their responses. |Conversations, Coupons |

|23rd Week 02- 06 MARCH |Expressing and responding to |Speaking |Illustrations, Lists |

|2+1=3 hours |thanks |E5.7.S1. Students will be able to ask for permission|Menus, Postcards, Posters |

|24TH Week 09- 13 MARCH |This is lovely, thanks./Thank you very much. |and give response in a simple way. |Rhymes ,Stories |

|2+1=3 hours |—You’re (most) welcome. |E5.7.S2. Students will be able to use basic greeting|Tables, Videos |

| |Greeting and meeting people |and leave-taking expressions. |Tasks/Activities |

|25th Week 16- 20 MARCH |—Welcome! |E5.7.S3. Students will be able to use utterances to |Chants and Songs |

|2+1=3 hours |—Nice to see you! |express obligation. |Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) |

| |—Nice to have you here! |E5.7.S4. Students will be able to state the date of |Games |

|18th March |—OK, see you (later)! |an event. |Information transfer, Labeling |

|Çanakkale Victory |—Take (good) care! |E5.7.S5. Students will be able to express and |Matching, Reordering |

|(18 Mart Çanakkale Zaferi) |Expressing obligation |respond to thanks. |Questions and Answers |

| |I must go to the birthday party. You must prepare a |Reading |Storytelling |

|26th Week 23- 27 MARCH |shopping list. |E5.7.R1. Students will be able to understand short |True/False/No information |

|2+1=3 hours |Telling the days and dates |texts with visual aids, such as cartoons, |Assignments |

| |When’s your birthday? |posters and birthday cards. |• Students prepare a birthday celebration card for a|

| |—My birthday is in May. | |friend. |

| |—My birthday is on Saturday. | |• Students prepare a calendar in English marking |

| |balloon, -s, birthday, -s | |birthdays of their family members and friends. |

| |buy, cake, clown, -s, have/throw a party, candle, | |• Students prepare a shopping list for a birthday |

| |-s, delicious | |party. |

| |exciting, months of the year | | |

| |present, -s/gift, -s | | |

5. SINIF / 5th GRADE

|Unit /Theme |Functions &Useful Language |Language Skills and Learning Outcomes |Suggested Contexts, Tasks and Assignments |

|Fitness /8 |Making simple inquiries |Listening |Contexts |

| |Can you ride a bicycle? |E5.8.L1. Students will be able to understand simple |Advertisements, Cartoons |

|27th Week 30March- 03 APRIL |—Yes, I can. |oral texts about sports activities. |Conversations, Coupons |

|2+1=3 hours |—No, I can’t, but s/he can. |E5.8.L2. Students will be able to understand |Illustrations, Lists |

|FIRST WRITTEN EXAM |What is your favorite exercise? |suggestions made for a limited number of activities.|Menus, Postcards, Posters |

|01 APRIL – 05 APRIL |What are your favorite sports? |Speaking |Rhymes, Stories, Tables, Videos |

| |Which exercise/sports do you like? |E5.8.S1. Students will be able to make suggestions |Tasks/Activities |

|06-10 APRIL The |—Cycling. |for a limited number of activities. |Arts and Crafts |

|SECOND break |—I like jogging. |E5.8.S2. Students will be able to accept or refuse |Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) |

| |Asking for clarification |suggestions in a simple way. |Games |

| |Sorry, can/could you repeat that, |E5.8.S3. Students will be able to give simple |Information transfer |

|28th Week 13- 17 APRIL |please? |personal information. |Matching |

|2+1=3 hours |Making/accepting/refusing simple |E5.8.S4. Students will be able to ask for |Reordering |

|29th Week 20- 24APRIL |suggestions |clarification by asking the speaker to repeat what |Questions and Answers |

|2+1=3 hours |Let’s go hiking! |has been said. |Storytelling |

|23rd April |—OK/That sounds great./That’s a good idea. |Reading |True/False/No information |

|National Sovereignty and Children’s Day |How about jogging? |E5.8.R1. Students will be able to understand simple |Assignments |

|(23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı) |—Sorry. I can’t now. I must study. |texts about sports activities. |• Students keep expanding their visual dictionary |

| |—No. I am too tired. | |by including new vocabulary items. |

| |—Well, sorry but I must… | | |

| |Activity, camping, cycling | | |

| |(do) exercise, fitness, fishing | | |

| |Hiking, jogging, running | | |

| |Trekking, work out | | |

5. SINIF / 5th GRADE

|Unit /Theme |Functions &Useful Language |Language Skills and Learning Outcomes |Suggested Contexts, Tasks and Assignments |

|9 |Asking for permission |Listening |Contexts |

|The Animal Shelter |(Making simple inquiries) |E5.9.L1. Students will be able to understand |Advertisements, Captions,Cartoons |

| |Can we adopt/get an animal? |descriptions of what people/animals are doing at |Charts, Conversations |

|30th Week 27- 30 APRIL |Can I feed the birds? |the moment. |Fabl, Illustrations |

|2+1=3 hours |—Of course you can. |Speaking |Notes and Messages, Posters |

|1 MAY.THE LABOR DAY |—That’s not a good idea. |E5.9.S1. Students will be able to talk about what |Stories, Videos |

| |—Not right now. |people/animals are doing at the moment. |Tasks/Activities |

|31ST Week 04-08 MAY |Describing what people/animals are doing now |E5.9.S2. Students will be able to ask for |Chants and Songs |

|2+1=3 hours |What is/are ...doing? |permission. |Drama(Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) |

| |—The cat is climbing the tree. |E5.9.S3. Students will be able to use simple |Games |

| |—The boy is feeding the birds. |utterances to describe what other people are doing |Information transfer |

|32nd Week 11 - 15 MAY |—The vet is examining the rabbit. |at the moment. |Labeling |

|2+1=3 hours |—The puppies are playing. |Reading |Matching |

| |adopt/get an animal |E5.9.R1. Students will be able to understand short |Questions and Answers |

| |bark |and simple texts about what people/animals |Storytelling |

| |claw, -s |are doing at the moment. |True/False/No Information |

| |examine | |Assignments |

| |feed | |• Students mime animals in front of the |

| |help | |classroom,and the rest guess the actions performed |

| |kitten, -s | |by thestudents. |

| |puppy, -ies | |• Students prepare posters about how to help animals|

| |save | |in their neigborhoods. |

| |sleep | | |

| |tail, -s | | |

| |vet (veterinary) | | |

| |now/right now/at the moment | | |

5. SINIF / 5th GRADE

|Unit /Theme |Functions &Useful Language |Language Skills and Learning Outcomes |Suggested Contexts, Tasks and Assignments |

|10 |Describing general events and |Listening |Contexts |

|Festivals |repeated actions |E5.10.L1. Students will be able to understand |Advertisements, Cartoons, Charts |

|33RD Week 18- 22 MAY |(Making simple inquiries) |simple texts about festivals around the world. |Conversations, Illustrations |

|2+1=3 hours |How does Ayşe celebrate Ramadan? |E5.10.L2. Students will be able to identify |Lists, Menus, Notices, Postcards |

|19th May |—She visits her relatives. |numbers from 100 to 1000. |Posters, Songs ,Tables, Videos |

|Youth and Sports Day |Children dance and sing on Children’s |Speaking |Tasks/Activities |

|(19 Mayıs Atatürk’ü Anma Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı) |Day in Turkey. |E5.10.S1. Students will be able to describe the |Chants and Songs |

| |Chinese wear colorful clothes in |events in a festival in a simple way. |Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime) |

|Week 25- 29 MAY |Chinese New Year. |E5.10.S2. Students will be able to tell numbers |Storytelling |

|Ramadan Feast (Ramazan Bayramı) 24-25-26 May |Naming numbers |from 100 to 1000. |True/False/No information |

| |numbers 100, 200, …, 1000 |Reading |Assignments |

|34th Week 01- 05 JUNE |Children’s Day |E5.10.R1. Students will be able to understand |• Students complete and reflect on their visual |

|2+1=3 hours |Chinese New Year |visually supported short texts about festivals |dictionaries. |

|SECOND WRITTEN EXAM |Eid |around the world. |• In groups, students work to prepare a poster on |

|16TH MAY |Ramadan | |one of these festivals. Then they present their |

|35th Week 08-12 JUNE |Independence Day | |poster to their peers. |

|2+1=3 hours | | | |

| | | | |

|36th Week 15 - 19 JUNE | | | |

|2+1=3 hours | | | |

Bu plan; Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı 17.07.2017 tarih ve 77 sayılı İlkokul (2-4. Sınıflar), Ortaokul ve İmam Hatip Ortaokulu (5-8. Sınıflar) İngilizce Dersi Öğretim Programına göre hazırlanmıştır.

……………………… ……………………… …………….. ……………….. METİN DURMUŞ 09/09/2019

İngilizce Öğretmeni İngilizce Öğretmeni İngilizce Öğretmeni İngilizce Öğretmeni İngilizce Öğretmeni UYGUNDUR ………………



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