Stress-Less Coloring Book

 #OvercomingOverwhelm #DrSamantha

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Overcoming Overwhelm Coloring Pages!

We are all born with a certain ability to handle stress. I represent this with a bucket. Some people are born with small buckets, and some people are born with big buckets. This will affect how much stress you can handle before symptoms of distress or illness start to manifest. This is why two people can go through a similar experience and one person can recover while the other will be completely undone. Imagine this bucket holds all of life's stressors. The big things. The small things. The minutiae. When the bucket overflows, you experience the symptoms you are individually predisposed to, be it a psychological symptom such as anxiety, or a physical symptom such as headaches or fatigue. In order to decrease symptoms and increase well being, you need to decrease your overall load. The more room you have in your bucket, the more available bandwidth you have to deal with the inevitable stresses that pop up as a matter of course. After all, things happen, that's life. The good news is that you can decrease your overall load, and in turn your overwhelm by making small changes over time, changes that line up with your goals, values, and your life and lifestyle. The four step plan in my book Overcoming Overwhelm: Dismantle Your Stress from the Inside Out will help you do just that! But there are also practices that make you feel better and more equipped to deal with the day-to-day stressors in your life. Enter, coloring! Coloring focuses and stills the mind similarly to traditional meditation. You're picking colors. You're repeating patterns. You're quiet. You're in the present, bringing your attention back to the page when your mind wanders. You're one pointed. You're meditating! So I say, if you're going to add something to help you manage your stress while you work on dismantling it, let's have it be fun. And relaxing. Let's color...Enjoy!

Dr. Samantha Brody Naturopathic Physician

Original artwork by @AllisonEJones

#OvercomingOverwhelm #DrSamantha

less stress doesn't mean thinking smaller,

it means thinking bigger

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#OvercomingOverwhelm #DrSamantha

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#OvercomingOverwhelm #DrSamantha

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I fiercely protect what I value.

#OvercomingOverwhelm #DrSamantha

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#OvercomingOverwhelm #DrSamantha

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I don't have to do it all today, growing takes time.

#OvercomingOverwhelm #DrSamantha

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There is magic in changing your perspective.


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