Welcome to Graphic Visions Technology Group

&   &

P.O. Box 621489

Littleton, CO 80162-1489

February 2012 Newsletter


Lockheed Martin's Workplace Security policy, SEC-003 is strictly enforced. One provision of the policy is a workplace free of weapons, which includes Firearms, Ammunition, Bows and Arrows. The club must emphasize this policy to our members. Additionally, a state issued CCW permit does not supersede nor over ride this LM policy. Members wanting to store firearms or archery equipment during the day ONLY, must contact Gene Adamson (303-971-1531) for access instructions.

Call Plant Protection (7-4646) if you have an incident or injury on the range.


• Please be sure to observe the speed limits on the range access road.

• Please be careful when driving on the roads, the horses may not move out of your way.

• Gate signs are in place indicating when horses are in the pasture – if the sign says “horses in pasture” they need to be kept closed. New signs have been added to help make sure it is clear if the gate should be open or closed.

• Watch out for Rattlesnakes at the range!

• If you do not have your child’s Hunter Education (HE) or Home Firearm Safety (HFS) Card you will be turned away from being able to shoot. Run a copy of the card and present it to the RSO the next time you are out. As these cards never expire, if you provide the copy once, you should be Ok for the future. If you need to get a copy of your HE card, call the Division of Wildlife or show a license that has the proof of Hunter Ed verified on it.

2012 SHFC Elections

Don’t forget to vote! If you have misplaced the ballot sent to you via e-mail, there is a copy posted on the website in both word and HTML format. The links are on the front of the website (). Your ballot needs to be received by Jim Cathcart – NLT February 6th as described in the President’s corner.

Also, don’t forget that the new board will be introduced at the Annual Banquet in February. The banquet will be held at the Country Buffet on Feb. 19, 2012 from 11:00 to 3:00. This is the location near Southwest Plaza on Wadsworth. Look for more details via e-mail soon.

President’s Corner

According to the Georgian calendar, February is the second month of the year, and also the shortest month. February had 28 days until Julius Caesar gave it 29, and 30 days every four years. According to tradition, Augustus, the Roman emperor, took one day off to add one day to August, the month named after him. We now have February with 28 days, and 29 on leap years. In this short month, we get to see Groundhog Day, President’s Day, and, of course, Valentine’s Day. Don’t forget that a new gun, optic, or other shooting accessory make a great way to say “I love you” to your significant other!

DON’T FORGET TO VOTE! You should all have received a ballot for the 2012 club election. If you have misplaced yours, let me know and I’ll get you a new one. Ballots will be accepted via email or regular mail until 4:00 PM on Monday, February 6th. You may hand deliver them to the February BOD meeting if you are running really late. Remember, if you don’t vote you can’t complain!

The annual SHFC Banquet is coming up on Sunday, February 19th. We’ve got some great door prizes to give away, including the grand prize of a Ruger Model 77 rifle in .243 caliber. The banquet will be held at the Country Buffet (8100 West Crestline Avenue, Littleton, CO), just east off of Wadsworth between Bowles and Belleview. We’ll have a “State of the Club” summary, introduce the newly elected club officers, and present the Honorary Life Member belt buckles to this year’s group. Come on out and enjoy some great fellowship with other club members and try your luck with the door prizes! Keep an eye out for more details via club email.

If you notice anything that needs attention at the range, please be sure to let any of the BOD members know so that we can address it. If we don’t know about it, we can’t fix it!

We really need to start getting some scheduling done more than a couple of days ahead of time. PLEASE take a look at your personal calendars and sign up for some of the weekend time slots. We have a heavy-duty extension cord out there to run the heater in the RSO shed. It keeps things nice and toasty! Contact me (james.a.cathcart@) or Gene Adamson (gene.adamson@) if you have any questions or if you would like to go through a “mentoring session” to get familiar with the range operations.

As I have been saying for months, we still need a lot more membership participation to run the club and the ranges with this new method of operation. We’ve identified even more new jobs that need doing. Keep an eye on the emails for some of these announcements! We’ve got jobs that range from records keeping to running to Wal-Mart to landscaping! Don’t wait until the last minute to get your workbond done! Norm Viste (normviste@) is our Workbond Chair and has a list of tasks that need to be done.

rso hotline, website, and training!!!


• Website: (RSO calendar accessible by all of the membership from both inside and outside the LM and ULA Networks)

• The next Range Safety Officer (RSO) training classes will be in the March/April 2012 timeframe. Look for more details in the February newsletter.


The Club held its first Home Firearm Safety (HFS) class on Saturday, January 21st, at the clubhouse. We had 18 students and parents that participated. Great turnout and lead –in to our 2012 Youth Program kickoff. See article below for information on 2012 plans. Contact Gene Adamson at gene.adamson@ , Steve Chan at steven.chan@ , or Paul Monce at paul.a.monce@ to sign-up for the class

2012 Foul Weather Shoot - Results

All – if anyone has an input as to why they did not attend the foul weather shoot this year or any changes they would like to see in the future for this type of event – please send your comments to Vito (vito.deangelis@). He is working to with the team to see what we can do to increase participation in the future for events across the board.



Regular Hunter Ed

The 2012 schedule for the rifle and archery regular hunter education is listed below. Hunter Education always needs help in both the classroom and range. If you are interested in helping out in either the rifle and/or archery hunter education courses contact: Gene Adamson at 301-971-1531 or Mitch Arnold at 303-391-4571 and we’ll get you started.

Regular Hunter Ed students must attend the 3 classroom sessions (Tues, Wed, & Thurs; 6:00 to 9:00

P.M.) and the range session (Saturday 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.) to complete the course. All classes will be

held at the clubhouse in the SHFC recreation area. You must attend all four days in a month’s session.

Cost for the class is $10. Pre-register by calling Mitch Arnold at 303-972-8983 or Bob Ventura at 303-

953-1966. A minimum of 10 students are needed at the first class to continue the class. Classes are open

to the public.

Regular Hunter Ed Dates

Feb 21, 22, 23 & 25 1800 to 2100 T,W,Th 0830 to 1500 Sat

March 20, 21, 22 & 24 1800 to 2100 T,W,Th 0830 to 1500 Sat

April 17, 18, 19 & 21 1800 to 2100 T,W,Th 0830 to 1500 Sat

May 8, 9, 10 & 12 1800 to 2100 T,W,Th 0830 to 1500 Sat

June 12, 13, 14 & 16 1800 to 2100 T,W,Th 0830 to 1500 Sat

August 14, 15, 16 & 18 1800 to 2100 T,W,Th 0830 to 1500 Sat

September 11, 12, 13 & 15 1800 to 2100 T,W,Th 0830 to 1500 Sat

October 16, 17, 18 & 20 1800 to 2100 T,W,Th 0830 to 1500 Sat

November 13, 14, 15 & 17 1800 to 2100 T,W,Th 0830 to 1500 Sat

Archery Hunter Ed

Pre-register by calling Don Biesecker at 303-344-8880 or Mitch Arnold at 303-972-8983. A minimum of 10 students are needed at the first class to continue the class. Classes are open to the public. Students must already have a COLORADO Hunter education card to be eligible to take the accelerated one day archery hunter education course. Students without a Colorado hunter education card must take the 3 day course.

Archery Hunter Ed Dates

Complete course

Wednesday June 27 1800 to 2100

Thursday June 28 1800 to 2100

Saturday June 30 0800 to 1400

Advanced one day course

Saturday March 31 0800 to 1700

Saturday July 28 0800 to 1700

Archery Committee NEWS & Hunting Report

The Archery Pavilion has sustained major damage during the Holiday wind storms, the roofing and well as the rafters.

We are currently trying to assess the damage and get estimates on repair cost. In the mean time, the pavilion should not be used until repairs can be made.


Discussions are on going regarding hunting privileges for SHFC members and approved family members for the 2012 hunting seasons. SHFC members will be notified if hunting privileges are approved prior to the limited application deadline in early April.


The SHFC Youth Program is beginning the process of contacting other clubs and ranges to set-up some fun, competition shooting for young people that will emphasize proper firearm handling, team and individual achievement goals, and foster participation in a competitive environment. Watch for a special club announcement for a late February/early March meeting to bring yourselves and your kids to introduce them to the instructors and others interested in forming a league. Beginning shooters are encouraged to join and become a member of this activity. For more information on all youth shooting programs contact Paul Monce at 303-977-3823 or paul.a.monce@ or Gene Adamson at 303-971-1531, email, gene.adamson@.


The shotgun program will consist of informal trap shooting, a trap league, and a couple of trips to a sporting clays range. We could also try some skeet shooting if there’s enough interest.


SHFC will continue to host Boy Scout Troops that wish to work on merit badge requirements. These

shoots are normally held on either Saturday or Sunday from 0900 - 1300. This event normally takes place

at the 100yd Range or Shotgun Range, and is also a range restricted event. Request from troops will be

worked on a first come first served basis. For more information contact Paul Monce at 303-977-3823 or

email at paul.a.monce@

• Feb 12 Sun,09:00 – 13:00, Boy Scout Troop shoot, Troop 554, 100 yard rifle range.

• Mar 10 Sat, 09:00 – 13:00, Boy Scout troop shoot, Troop 554, Shotgun range.

NRA Class Schedule

Basic Pistol (BP) and Personal Protection in the Home (PPITH) classes will start up again in April. Basic Pistol is a prerequisite for PPITH, so keep that in mind when signing up. Each class consists of three sessions – two weeknight classroom sessions (approx 4 hour each) and a Saturday range session (approx 5 hours). Class fees are $50 for SHFC members and $75 for non-members.

If you would like to sign up for a class or have more questions please contact Sherry Woodard – sherry.l.woodard@. Classes fill up fast!

Basic Pistol

April: 12, 14, & 16

May: 3, 5, & 7

June: 5/31, 2, & 4

July: 12, 14, & 16

August: 9, 11, & 13

September: 6, 8, &10

October: 11, 13, & 15


April: 26, 28, & 30

May: 17, 19, & 21

June: 21, 23, & 25

July: 19, 21, & 23

August: 23, 25, & 27

September: 20, 22, & 24

October: 25, 27, & 29

Skeet & TRAP Shooting

We have started shooting Skeet and Trap on our winter hours, please check out the calendar for dates and times. If you have any questions concerning the weather call Tom Moore at 303-978-9432. If anyone would like to shoot at another time you may also call and I will arrange to set something up that will work for all.

Cowboy Action

Look for upcoming events in the next few months. Contact: Mark Bonkowski (mark.d.bonkowski@)

Practical Pistol - classic

First match for 2012 is on April 4th. For info or questions contact Mike Sullivan 303.977.3478, Mike.C.Sullivan@

Practical Pistol Ladies Only

Tom has retired and the baton has been passed.  I will be running both Monday night events now. Starting on April 23rd and then every other Monday, 5-7 pm, we will be hosting the Practical Pistol Ladies Only activity. We meet at the gate around 4:15, and head to the range no later than 4:30. Only instructors get to talk to the Ladies, the other men have to remain silent and help with the brassing, target maintenance and score keeping. Same format as last year, bring your semi-auto pistol and 100 rounds of ammo. All shoes need to be closed toed and good flat bottomed shoes/boots are necessary, no sandals or other open toed shoes. Please wear a hat with a brim/bill and pants/shorts, not skirts. The spring and summer should be great since the winter has been so challenging. I hope to see you there. Call Dave Norris at 303-977-8068, or email at david.w.norris.jr@.

Practical Pistol – Lite

Practical Pistol Lite is starting back up on April 16th, and goes every other Monday through September.

For those of you who are new to Practical Pistol, this affords less experience shooters and opportunity to come out with a group of like-minded shooters and practice defensive skills. As always we will first and foremost focus on range safety. This year we are limiting participation to semi-automatics pistols in the effort to speed up the courses and get more shooting for everyone. Make sure your equipment (Pistol, Holster, Mag pouches) is in good repair and good working order. We meet at the gate around 4:15, and head to the range no later than 4:30. Since April and May weather is so challenging, please dress in layers so you can stay warm just in case it gets cold. There has never been a better opportunity to tune your defensive pistol skills, and create a defensive mindset . Call Dave Norris at 303-977-8068, or email at david.w.norris.jr@.

SUper tuesday Competition pistol (STCP)

First match for 2012 is tentatively scheduled for April 3rd depending on the weather. Contact Benjamin Go @ (303) 971-1009 or benjamin.r.go@ for additional info. 

Winter 3-gun

Please note the date changes for the winter 3 gun matches.  The February Winter 3-Gun will be held on February 11th at the pistol range.  We will concentrate on target transition and movement.  Winter 3-Gun matches are held once a month on Saturday mornings.  Setup starts at 8:30 am with first shot at 9 am.  Remaining match date for this season are: February 11th; March 10th and April 14th.  For those new to 3-gun, it is similar to our Wednesday night practical pistol except we shoot the pistol, shotgun and semi-auto carbine/rifle for a combination of accuracy and speed.  Getting bored sitting at the bench shooting paper targets? Want to develop your action shooting skills, shoot on the move, handle shooting under physical and mental pressure, add new dimensions to your shooting skills, refine and test your shooting gear?  Winter 3-gun is the game for you.  Shooters of all levels are welcome.  Winter 3-Gun’s goals are safety, skill development, fun and challenge.  Shooters new to practical action shooting should call ahead to arrange a safety briefing.  Contact Walter Tang at 303-977-6474 or email walter.w.tang@ to get on the mailing list.  I usually send out the stage description before the shoot so you’ll know what to expect and how much ammo to bring.

Dates and locations for winter 3-Gun events:

• Pistol House:  February 11th, March 10th, April 7th


Muzzle Loading News and Score Sheet

The Muzzle Loaders held their monthly shoot on Saturday 14 January. The muzzleloader shoot got off to a slow start Saturday. Shooters without a four wheel drive wisely did not try the road in, and as it turned out no one had a key to access the target shed. We did find enough targets to conduct a shoot by using old targets from the trash with only 22 caliber holes in them. The plugs in the target stand holes were buried under the snow, and when found, were hard to get out, including the chains frozen in ice. However, we got under way with five shooters and had a great shoot with sunshine and no wind. Considering the late start, and since some other members wanted to shoot high power guns at two and three hundred yards we terminated after four relays instead of our regular five.

The next match will be February 11 starting at 10:00. If interested, come on out and shoot. Remember all are welcome, Percussion, Flint, In-line. For additional information, call Ken Ruiz at ext 7-7827.

|Rifle | | | | | |Total |Place | |yds |  |25 |25 |50 |50 | | |  | |Max Score |  |50 |50 |50 |50 | |250 |  | |Bruce Roth |P |43 |40 |41 |20 | |144 |1 | |Ray Ziehm |P |42 |25 |46 |20 | |133 |2 | |Gerald Moody |P |39 |25 |36 |10 | |110 |3 | |Erica Gonzales |P |31 |15 |23 |5 | |74 |4 | |Emily Roth |P |17 |15 |10 |10 | |52 |5 | | | | | | | | | | | |P = Percussion F = Flintlock

I = Inline | | | | | | | | | |


The SHFC High Power matches are conducted every “Track A” off-Friday, beginning at 8:30 AM finishing by noon or 1 PM. We welcome all types of high power service or match rifles; some choose to shoot the Garand or M1A but the AR15 is the choice of most. The club has three AR15s, a Garand, two shooting mats, and a spotting scope with stand which are available to use during matches. We will continue shooting throughout the Fall & Winter, weather permitting.

Here are results from recent matches:

6 January 2012 Service Rifle Match Results:


20 January 2012 High Power Match Results:


Check the club website for the regional schedule as well as articles for the aspiring High Power competitor. For further information, or to check out club equipment, please call Gene Adamson (1-1531) or Dennis Casey (1-7197) with any questions.


We have 22 RF and High Power silhouette matches running. All new shooters are always welcome. Schedule is 1st Saturday of the month is 22 RF and the 3rd Saturday of the month for CF. Start time is 9:00 am at the 200 yard range. For more info call Ron Gorski @ 303-977-8474 or 303-904-8196 or Keith Davis @ 303-972-1661.


This activity is similar in format to the high-power service rifle competition and will follow the guidelines described in the Civilian Marksmanship Program guide.

To encourage participation, SHFC will allow ANY rifle capable of firing .22 long rifle ammunition, either bolt action, magazine fed, or, semi-automatic. Any type of sights or scopes of no more than 6 X are allowable. (Variable power scopes which go beyond 6X, can be set to 6X max.) The match will be fired at distances of 50 and 25 yards using paper targets and will consist of unlimited sighting shots followed by 60 shots for record in position stages of prone, sitting or kneeling, and standing.

No special equipment is required but a spotting scope or binoculars may be helpful during the sighting stage and a mat or carpet runner would be helpful for the prone and sitting stages. The club can provide these if one is not handy. This event is for both beginners and experienced shooters of all ages and is a fun, low cost activity which will definitely improve your marksmanship skills.

This match will continue on the 1st Saturday of every month, following the .22 rimfire silhouette match, beginning 11:00 am. For more information or any questions, call Corey Kroll @ 7-5507 or Gene Adamson @ 1-1531.


[pic] [pic]

Weekly ice fishing trips to Chatfield are on Wednesdays after work.  Stop by anytime between 3:30 and 7:00.  Equipment is provided.  Email david.r.harrison@ for meeting locations and details.

Last call for sign-up for Lake Trout fishing at Granby on March 15th and 16th.  This is the yearly club ice-fishing trip.  Members and non-members are welcome to attend. 

If you would like the full information on each trip including location, which lures worked well, and presentation details, email me. David 303.977.3509 (david.r.harrison@).

Small game hunting

A list of 20 or so small game hunters has been established to promote communication and trip reports on the subject.  Email david.r.harrison@ to join the mailing list.


Pheasant hunting has been good in Colorado this year north of I-70.  Much of the hunting has been winding down but if anyone is still chasing geese let me know.  Any photos of any sort of hunt would be appreciated.


*** See the SHFC website for the most current library inventory ***

(look under “Committees/Programs” and then “Gunsmithing”)


Additional work bond items are being identified as part of the range reopening activities. Current work bond jobs can be found at the website . Click the “Workbond“ tab and then “Job List”. If you want to volunteer for one of the jobs or a task you think needs to be done please contact the Work Bond Chair, Norm Viste at normviste@ or 303-980-7131. Work Bond that you volunteered for with a specific committee should still be coordinated through that committee chair who will coordinate with Norm. Thank you for your help and participation.

MEMBER annual test support - workbond

Many of you colorful members provided fascinating inputs over the specific questions of the annual member test required. I told you that if you complained, you could “own” that question. So, here’s your chance. The company wants both the Annual Safety Briefing and a test taken by each active member. We need a database of questions to select from. Please submit your complete questions and answer selections to Brian Sompayrac, brian.w.sompayrac@ or Gene Adamson, gene.adamson@ for consideration. If your questions are selected for the database, you will receive a half hour of workbond per successful question submitted. Please remember that the function of a “good” test is to reinforce knowledge and ensure understanding. We already have old, stupid, gotcha and incorrect questions…we don’t need any more of those. Call or email Brian or Gene if you need any information.


The FFL is up and running. Contact Wally Hill (303.977.6345) or John Parker (303.677.2342) for more info.


Americans buy record numbers of guns for Christmas, The Telegraph, January 2, 2012

According to the FBI, over 1.5 million background checks on customers were requested by gun dealers to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System in December. Nearly 500,000 of those were in the six days before Christmas.

View the entire article at

Bonnie, Clyde guns await auction gavel, The Joplin Globe, January 3, 2012

Want to own a tommy gun once toted by Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow?

Prospective bidders will get that chance during a gun auction later this month in Kansas City.

View the entire article at

Victims fighting back with firearms, WAVY-TV10, January 9, 2012

In the past few weeks, several victims in Hampton Roads have shot their attackers in an effort to protect themselves.

View the entire article at

Miami Beach repeals gun control laws, The Miami Herald, January 12, 2012

Miami Beach commissioners repealed the city’s laws restricting the sale, discharge and possession of firearms on Wednesday to comply with a state law that took effect in October.

The Florida Legislature decided that it has the sole power to regulate firearms in Florida to the exclusion of any city or county in 1987, but the law did not include any penalties. In 2011, the legislature passed a law that gives the governor the power to remove elected officials who enact or enforce local firearm regulations. The law also provides for a $5,000 fine and gives gun owners and gun rights groups the right to sue for damages if they believe their rights have been violated.

View the entire article at

Colo. GOP propose several gun rights bills, including allowing concealed weapons at schools, The Republic, January 20, 2012

Colorado Republicans are reloading previous attempts to expand gun rights, bringing back legislation that would allow concealed weapons in schools and let businesses use deadly force against intruders.

Another proposal would prevent state officials from restricting the use of firearms during a declared state of emergency. Another bill would eliminate background checks done by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation for firearm purchases. Republican Rep. Mark Waller, the legislation's sponsor, said the state is spending unnecessarily on its background check program because it duplicates checks already done federally.

View the entire article at

If you know of any upcoming events or issues that should be included in next month’s Legislative Action section, please let Scott know at 303-977-6460 or Scott.A.Lowery@


Redding Reloading EQUIPMENT

SHFC has a direct dealer account with Redding Reloading Equipment  redding- and for 2012 our cost is 50% of the retail price. Any order over $100 receives free shipping. Contact vito to place an order. 303-730-3459 medeangelis78@


Info/recommendation from Vito on selling a firearm:

If you are looking to sell a firearm, consider the following, if you plan to put it on consignment at a local dealer:

GREEN MOUNTAIN GUNS: 15% commission on selling price, no minimum; no time limit; no retrieval fee if it doesn’t sell.

SHOOT’IN SHOP SOUTH: 20% commission on selling price, $50 minimum; no time limit; $50 retrieval fee if it doesn’t sell.

Check Firing Line and the Gun Room for their policy as they sell on consignment as well.

The Federal background check is required to retrieve your firearm if it doesn’t sell.

***Advertise in the SHFC newsletter first***

For Sale: Magpul CTR black mil-spec carbine stock (model MAG310-BLK). Like new condition, $70. Contact Craig Bullock at 303-346-8575 or e-mail at tigers1985@ (05/12).


For Sale: RCBS reloading dies. .243 and .30-06 $15.00 each

Contact Al White 303-688-6502 or divaforme@ (05/12)

For Sale: Winchester 12 gauge shotgun, model Select Midnight Extreme 28 inch barrels blued with

gold inlays on receiver pheasants on left, ducks on right, quail under trigger guard area.

Satin oil finish on stocks. This shotgun is made in Belgium and has never been fired (NIB)

included is the hard travel case and 3 chokes full,mod,imp cyl.  All manuals and related

paperwork from manufacturer. Asking 1599.00 OBO. James Lestina at James.j.lestina@, 303-979-1806 H, 303-977-3401W . (Expires 04/12).

For Sale: Trijicon night sights (front & rear) for 1911.  ~2 years old, so there’s a decade or more of

life left in them. These retail for $138, will let them go for $75.  John at alpinist.john@  ph 208.874.3232. (Expires 04/12)

For Sale: ACOG TA-01 4X scope in good shape, with BDC tritium reticle.  Flattop adapter,

auxiliary red dot mount, and Scopecoat cover included. $675. John at alpinist.john@  ph 208.874.3232. (Expires 04/12)

For Sale: Extensive personal collection (Expires 04/12)



• Marlin 883SS Bolt Action (Like New) .22 Mag., Stainless Steel Barrel, $395.

Bushnell 3x9 Brushed Aluminum Scope, Laminated Birch w/Monte Carlo Stock

• Navy Arms / A. Uberti / Winchester 1873 Std. Carbine Lever Action $775.

(LNIB) .45 LC, 19” Round Barrel, Saddle Ring, Nice Wood

• WWII Smith Corona Model 1903-A3 Sporterized (Excellent Cond.) .30-06, $625.

Parkerized Finish, Excellent Wood w/Sling

• A. Uberti / Western Arms Corp. / Winchester 1873 Lever Action (LNIB) $1,800.

.44-40, Fully Engraved for Justin Boot Co. w/Western Town Scenes 1879-1979,

Ladder Sight, Beautiful Wood

• Colt M16 (Not M4) Semi-Auto Tactical Rimfire Rifle (NIB) .22 LR, $495.

Full Metal 21.5” Construction, Barrel, 10 Shot Mag., Flat-top Receiver w/Detachable

Carry Handle, Fixed Stock, Elongated Ribbed Aluminum Hand-Guard,

Removable Rear Sight, Black Finish



• Colt Trooper MKIII (Fine Cond.) .357 Mag., DA, Blued w/Color Case-Hardened $525.

Hammer, 6 Shot, 6” Barrel, Adj. Sights, Gold Medallion Walnut Target Grips

• 2 ea. H&R Model 999 Sportsman (Exc. Cond.) .22 LR, DA, Blued, Top Break, $395. ea.

9 Shot, 6” Barrel, Wood Grips

• Ruger Security Six (Exc. Cond.) .357 Mag., DA, Blued, 6 Shot, 4” Barrel, $395.

Adj. Sights, Checkered Walnut Grips

• Ruger Single Six Convertible (50th Anniv.) (NIB) .22 LR/.22 WMR, Blued, $425.

6 Shot, 4 5/8” Barrel, Fixed Sights, Cocobolo Grips

• Ruger MKII (50th Anniv.) (NIB) .22 LR, Semi-Auto, Blued, 4 ¾” Barrel, $325.

Black Grips w/Ruger Medallion in Red Background

• Ruger Colorado Centennial Super Single Six (NIB) .22 LR/.22 WMR, Blued, $495.

6 ½” Barrel, Wood Grips, Walnut Presentation Case w/Medallion Insert

• 1 pr. Ruger New Model Vaquero Cowboy Pair S.S. (NIB) .45 LC, $2,400. pr.

Factory Engraved, Consecutive Numbered, 5 ½” Barrel, Gun Fighter Grips

• 1 pr. Beretta Stampede SAA Pattons (NIB) .45 LC, Factory Engraved, $2,400. pr.

Consecutive Numbered, Color Case-Hardened, 5 ½” Barrel, Ivory Grips

• Ruger Vaquero (NIB) .44 LC, Factory Engraved Cyl., Color Case-Hardened, $595.

4 ¾” Barrel, Simulated Ivory Grips

• Several Ruger Vaquero Bisleys (LNIB) .45 LC, Color Case-Hardened, Blued, $540. ea.

5 ½” Barrel, Wood grips

• Numerous Ruger “Old Model” & New Model Vaqueros (New & LNIB) $450. - $495.

.357 & .45 LC, Color Case-Hardened, Blued and S.S. Models, 4 ¾”, 5” & 7 ½” ea.

Barrels, Wood & Simulated Ivory grips

• Numerous Nickel Plated Pocket Pistols (Late 1800’s – early 1900’s) in Various $150. & up ea.

Makes (S&W, H&R, Iver Johnson, Forehand) in.32 & .38 cal.’s.


• 1ea. Kirk Patrick “Santa Fe – Model 1860” Holster Set – New, Size 36, $275.

.45 LC, Tan

• Federal Rifle Cartridges – New Partial Box (13 ea.) .300 Win. Mag. Safari’s, $16.50

200. gr Nosler Partition

• Smith & Wesson Magnum Safety / Shooting Glasses – New in Pkg. $8.

Orange/Yellow Lens

All of the guns are in new or like new condition with no scratches or damage whatsoever with the exception

of maybe one or two. Let me know if you’re interested in any of these and we’ll get together.

All Offers considered!!


Bruce Schnelle

303-919-3512 (Cell)


For Sale: ENCLOSED DELTA CARGO TRAILER.....16 foot, dual axel....spare tire, included. 6 x 6

storage. Great for anything you want to haul....motorcycles, equipment, construction

materials. GREAT CONDITION. $3000 OBO.......Call Chris Weber @ 303-929-8549.

(Expires 03/12)

For Sale: Weatherby Mark V, .270 Mag., bolt action w/ composite stock and variable scope. Only

two boxes of shells through this rifle from the bench – never hunted with this gun.

$795.00 Contact Scott Roby (H) 303-431-7329; (W) 303-977-6454; email: scott.d.roby@ or sd_roby@ (Expires 03/12)

Ads will ONLY be run for three months unless you resubmit the ad - no exceptions. The new ads will be listed first in their category. Ads must be received by the 25th of the current month to be included in the upcoming newsletter. Send ads to the corresponding secretary.

Newsletter inputs

If you have club related pictures, stories, member news, comments, suggestions or questions, please e-mail them to the corresponding secretary. All inputs must be received by the 25th of the current month to be included in the upcoming newsletter.

SHFC February 2012 Calendar – OD

Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat | | | |




(Off Fri - Track A)

Skeet, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1100-DONE, Call Tom M. 303.978.9432

High Power, 200/300 Range Reserved 0800-1300, Call Gene A. 1.1531 or D. Casey 1.7197 |4

22 RF Metal Silhouette, 200 Range Reserved, 0900-1200, Call Ron G. 7.8474

22 RF Sporter Match, 200 Range Reserved, 1100-1400, Call Corey K. 7.5507 | |5

Skeet, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1100-DONE, Call Tom M. 303.978.9432

Trap, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1300-1600, Call Ray S. 303.985.8072


SHFC Board Meeting – Clubhouse 1700

2012 SHFC Election Ballots due to Jim Cathcart by today!!!!!






Muzzle Loaders, 200 Range Reserved 1000-1300, Call Ken R. 7.7827

Winter 3 Gun, Pistol House Reserved 0830 – 1300, Call Walter T. 7.6474

| |12

Trap, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1300-1600, Call Ray S. 303.985.8072

Scouts, 100 Range Reserved, 0900-1300, Call P. Monce 7.3823






(Off Fri - Track A)

Skeet, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1100-DONE, Call Tom M. 303.978.9432

High Power, 200/300 Range Reserved 0800-1300, Call Gene A. 1.1531 or D. Casey 1.7197


CF Metal Silhouette, 200 Range Reserved, 0900-1200, Call Ron G. 7.8474

| |19

Annual Banquet, 11am-3pm: Country Buffet



Hunter Ed – Clubhouse @ 1800-2100 |22

Hunter Ed – Clubhouse @ 1800-2100


Hunter Ed – Clubhouse @ 1800-2100 |24 |25

Hunter Ed –

Range @ 0830-1500

| |26

Skeet, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1100-DONE, Call Tom M. 303.978.9432

Trap, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1300-1600, Call Ray S. 303.985.8072 |27



| | | | |

SHFC March 2012 Calendar – DRAFT

Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat | | | |




(Off Fri - Track A)

Skeet, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1100-DONE, Call Tom M. 303.978.9432

High Power, 200/300 Range Reserved 0800-1300, Call Gene A. 1.1531 or D. Casey 1.7197 |3

22 RF Metal Silhouette, 200 Range Reserved, 0900-1200, Call Ron G. 7.8474

22 RF Sporter Match, 200 Range Reserved, 1100-1400, Call Corey K. 7.5507

| |4

Trap, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1300-1600, Call Ray S. 303.985.8072


SHFC Board Meeting – Clubhouse 1700 |6





Muzzle Loaders, 200 Range Reserved 1000-1300, Call Ken R. 7.7827

Winter 3 Gun, pistol house Reserved 0830 – 1300, Call Walter T. 7.6474

Scouts, Shotgun Range Reserved, 0900-1300, Call P. Monce 7.3823 | |11

Skeet, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1100-DONE, Call Tom M. 303.978.9432

Trap, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1300-1600, Call Ray S. 303.985.8072






(Off Fri - Track A)

Skeet, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1100-DONE, Call Tom M. 303.978.9432

High Power, 200/300 Range Reserved 0800-1300, Call Gene A. 1.1531 or D. Casey 1.7197


CF Metal Silhouette, 200 Range Reserved, 0900-1200, Call Ron G. 7.8474 | |18

Trap, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1300-1600, Call Ray S. 303.985.8072



Hunter Ed – Clubhouse @ 1800-2100 |21

Hunter Ed – Clubhouse @ 1800-2100


Hunter Ed – Clubhouse @ 1800-2100 |23


Hunter Ed –

Range @ 0830-1500

| |25

Skeet, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1100-DONE, Call Tom M. 303.978.9432

Trap, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1300-1600, Call Ray S. 303.985.8072






(Off Fri - Track A)

Skeet, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1100-DONE, Call Tom M. 303.978.9432

High Power, 200/300 Range Reserved 0800-1300, Call Gene A. 1.1531 or D. Casey 1.7197


Hunter Ed –

Adv Archery Range @ 0800-1700

| |

SHFC April 2012 Calendar – DRAFT

Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat | |1


SHFC Board Meeting – Clubhouse 1700 |3

STCP, pistol house Reserved – tentative start


PP Classic, pistol house Reserved - tentative start




22 RF Metal Silhouette, 200 Range Reserved, 0900-1200, Call Ron G. 7.8474

22 RF Sporter Match, 200 Range Reserved, 1100-1400, Call Corey K. 7.5507

Winter 3 Gun, pistol house Reserved 0830 – 1300, Call Walter T. 7.6474 | |8

Skeet, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1100-DONE, Call Tom M. 303.978.9432

Trap, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1300-1600, Call Ray S. 303.985.8072





Basic Pistol – Clubhouse @ 1700-2200 |13

(Off Fri - Track A)

Skeet, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1100-DONE, Call Tom M. 303.978.9432

High Power, 200/300 Range Reserved 0800-1300, Call Gene A. 1.1531 or D. Casey 1.7197 |14

Muzzle Loaders, 200 Range Reserved 1000-1300, Call Ken R. 7.7827

Basic Pistol – Pistol House @ 0800-1300

| |15

Trap, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1300-1600, Call Ray S. 303.985.8072


PP Lite, pistol house Reserved,1700-1900, Dave Norris at 303-977-8068

Basic Pistol – Clubhouse @ 1700-2200 |17

Hunter Ed – Clubhouse @ 1800-2100 |18

Hunter Ed – Clubhouse @ 1800-2100


Hunter Ed – Clubhouse @ 1800-2100 |20


CF Metal Silhouette, 200 Range Reserved, 0900-1200, Call Ron G. 7.8474

Hunter Ed –

Range @ 0830-1500

| |22

Skeet, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1100-DONE, Call Tom M. 303.978.9432

Trap, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1300-1600, Call Ray S. 303.985.8072


Ladies PP, pistol house Reserved, 1700-1900, Dave Norris at 303-977-8068




PPITH – Clubhouse @ 1700-2200 |27

(Off Fri - Track A)

Skeet, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1100-DONE, Call Tom M. 303.978.9432

High Power, 200/300 Range Reserved 0800-1300, Call Gene A. 1.1531 or D. Casey 1.7197


PPITH – Pistol House @ 0800-1300

| |29

Trap, Shotgun Range Reserved, 1300-1600, Call Ray S. 303.985.8072


PPITH – Clubhouse @ 1700-2200 | | | | | | |




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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