Stage - Columbia University

Columbia University

Student Information Systems

Guide for Downloading Admissions Decisions Data Through ADCN

February 21, 2003

Getting Started

1. To run ADCN, login to CUVMC and go to the SISUMENU.

2. From the SISUMENU, choose ADCN

This is the ADCN screen for Graduate Engineering (ENP):


Requesting the Report

These directions are written for usinguse the Graduate Engineering Admissions Office as an example. However, they instructions may apply to the ADCN screen for your school, as well.

1. On the first two lines, enter the Apply Year and Term for which you want to download decisions.

2. ‘Bypass CORL Update?’

CORL is the Correspondence Log table in SIS. The CORL table is designed to record the Letter Category, Letter Type (Letter ID), and Letter Date for each correspondence to a student during the application process.

a. If you choose “N” (default value)

For every record in the resulting dataset, ADCN will also update SIS (CORL) with the, Letter Category, Letter Type, and Letter Date. Future runs of ADCN will check CORL and skip any students whose Admissions Decision has already been downloaded previously reported via ADCN (and presumably merged into a letter to the student).

i. When the ‘Bypass CORL Update?’ flag is set to N, CORL will be updated.

ii. Updates to CORL happen in the overnight SIS Production Cycle, and can be seen on the next day.

iii. If a Decision must be re-downloaded for a particular student, the Admissions Office should go to the student’s CORL screen, and delete the current entry with Letter Category = ‘ADCN’. This is the only way to re-generate an ADCN record for a student whose Admission Decision has been downloaded already.

b. If you choose “Y”

When the ‘Bypass CORL Update?’ flag is set to ‘Y’, CORL will not be updated. ADCN will generate a dataset, but does not submit CORL updates for overnight processing. Often this flag will be set to ‘Y’ only when ADCN is being run for informational purposes throughout the day. At the end of the day, the job is run one last time with the CORL update being allowed. AWhen you bypass CORL, any students included in the resulting dataset will be picked up again when ADCN is run in the future.

Note: Each time you rerun ADCN, you overwrite the existing dDataset with the new dataset. This is true even if you are running ADCN for different decision types. The same user should not submit the job with a CORL update more than once a day. If she does, CORL will be updated for both runs of ADCN, but the data downloaded the next day will only pertain to the second run.

Retrieving the Report

ADCN will generate a dataset in MVS (mainframe file library) that can be downloaded and merged in a word processing program. Downloading the dataset from the mainframe to your computer requires the use of FTP. Instructions here pertain to using the freeware FTP software WS_FTP95 LE. Instructions are also limited here to one basic method of using FTP to move a file from the mainframe to your PC. For more detailed information on WS_FTP95 LE, we recommend you read our document: ‘WS_FTP’ found in the SIS Documentation Library ( steps: finding the dataset name in CUVMC and downloading the file from MVS.

Find tThe Dataset Name

Datasets generated by ADCN are named by the ADCN job according to a standard naming convention. ADCN datasets will be named as follows: ‘VS.ISSREGUX.USEID.ADDADCN’, where ‘USEID’ is the AIS Logon ID (always five characters) of the User who submitted the SISUMENU job. Each piece or ‘node’ of the dataset name up to the last node can be considered a ‘file folder/subfolder’ on the mainframe. The last node, ‘ADDADCN’ is the actual file name in that ‘folder’.

1. Login to your CUVMC account.

2. Call your Reader List by typing in “rl” at the Ready prompt. Scan the list until you see a recently created file with a name that ends in “DCN”. For example, if your CUVMC User ID is ISSAB, the file may be called ISSABDCN.

3. Peek in the file using the F11 function key command.

4. Scan the file using the F8 function key command until you find the name of the file, which will likely begin with “vs.issregux.” Copy this file name onto a notepad -- you may need to use it again soon.

Download the Dataset

1. The ADCN dataset will have been saved to MVS, a different mainframe system. To retrieve the file, open a FTP client, such as WS_FTP95 LE. Note: the images below show screens from WS_FTP95 LE.

2. In your FTP client, create a new profile for MVS (Mainframe) files (if you do not already have one).

a. Create a new profile and give it a Profile Name that makes sense to you for future use (such as “MVS Datasets”).

b. Under Host Name/Address, enter the address for MVS:

c. Under User ID, enter your CUVMC (or mainframe) login ID.

d. Under Password, enter your CUVMC (or mainframe) login password.

Note: If you choose to save your password, remember that whenever you change your Mainframe Password (at least once every 3 months), you will also need to change the password in all FTP profiles.


e. When you first set up your FTP profile, also click on the ‘Startup Tab’.


Under Initial Remote Site Folder type the beginning of the filename as shown below, where “useid” is your own Mainframe Logon ID (such as ‘EPFGG’). Once you click ‘OK’ your entry on the startup folder will be saved as part of this profile.

g. Under Initial Remote Site Folder type the beginning of the filename as shown below, where “useid” is your own Mainframe Logon ID (such as ‘EPFGG’). Once you click ‘OK’ your entry on the startup folder will be saved as part of this profile.

h. Click OK


Click OK


3. Click connect to see the full MVS file listYou should see a list of files on the mainframe that are related to your AIS Logon ID. Look for the file called ‘ADDADCN’ as seen below.


4. This file list will show your files, as well as many other recently created files on the mainframe. Your name of your ADCN dataset will be your CUVMC User ID followed by the letters “ADDADCN”.

5. Be sure you are in ‘ASCII’ mode (text mode) as seen above.

6. Click on the file name in the window on the right (“Remote Site”). Drag the file into a folder on the window on the left (“Local System”).

7. WS_FTP95 LE allows you to set options that prompt for destination file name and also enter an Initial Local Folder in Options and Startup. For more information about using FTP most efficiently, please see our FTP documentation in the SIS Documentation Library.

Note: Mainframe are flat text files, and so should be transferred in ASCII mode, not binary mode.

Using Your ADCN Dataset

ADCN will generate a dataset that can be merged in a word processing program. Now that the report dataset is on your “Local System” (which will probably be your c:\ drive), you can open the file dataset using MS Excel or import it the dataset into a word processing program.

Contact Information

All problems requests should be directed to:

212 854-2989

Kristabelle Munson, Assistant Manager, Client Services

Bernhard Kluger, Associate Director, Client Services


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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