Admissions On-Line Application Tracking allows students from participating schools to track their admission and financial aid application status online.

Admissions application tracking

Admissions application tracking program, atrd, retrieves information primarily from APPL, CTRK, MPVD, TEST, and NEWS. IDXR is used internally to gather name info from the input. Schools can decide what information from these tables should be displayed on the web through configuration settings using various conversion types of FVTV as described below.

|FVTV Conversion Type |Description |

|ADMWEB |Individual school’s admissions office code must be entered to the|

| |list of participating schools in the FROM-VALUE column. |

|XXWEBMOD |Data from tables entered in the FROM-VALUE column will be |

| |displayed. Valid values are all tables mentioned above except |

|where |NEWS and IDXR. |

|XX is the school code. | |

|XXAPFLDS |Schools can choose if they want to display following fields from |

| |the APPL screen. |

|where |Received date |

|XX is the school code. |Enter APP-RECEIVED-DATE in the FROM-VALUE column to display this |

| |field. The data will be displayed with title ‘Application |

| |Received Date’. Schools may override the title by adding their |

| |own in the TO-VALUE. |

| |Fee status |

| |Enter APP-FEE-STATUS in the FROM-VALUE column to display this |

| |field. The data will be displayed with title ‘Fee Status’. |

| |Schools may override the title by adding their own in the |

| |TO-VALUE. |

| |Fee date |

| |Enter APP-FEE-DATE in the FROM-VALUE column to display this |

| |field. The data will be displayed with title ‘Fee Paid Date’. |

| |Schools may override the title by adding their own in the |

| |TO-VALUE. |

| |Pool code description |

| |Enter POOL-CODE in the FROM-VALUE column to display this field. |

| |Long name from the POOL screen will be displayed with the title |

| |‘Application Pool’. Schools may override the title by adding |

| |their own in the TO-VALUE. |

| |TOEFL status |

| |Enter TOEFL-STATUS in the FROM-VALUE column to display this |

| |field. The data will be displayed with title ‘TOEFL Status. |

| |Schools may override the title by adding their own in the |

| |TO-VALUE. |

| |Deposit status |

| |Enter DEPOSIT-STATUS in the FROM-VALUE column to display this |

| |field. The data will be displayed with title ‘Deposit Status’. |

| |Schools may override the title by adding their own in the |

| |TO-VALUE. |

|XXAPFL## |Schools can also display descriptive text for codes entered in |

| |the ten user defined fields under OTHER FLAGS section of the APPL|

|where |screen. Fields numbers increase across, and then down. List of |

|XX: school code |valid screen codes are entered in the FROM-VALUE column. TO-VALUE|

|##: 2 digit field number from 01 to 10. |column contains the corresponding descriptive text to be |

| |displayed on the web. In addition, for each field a LABEL entry |

| |must be present. Text entered in the TO-FIELD for the LABEL is |

| |used as the title for the descriptive text. Field for which there|

| |is no conversion type (XXAPFL##) coded in FVTV will not be |

| |displayed. |

|XXTEST |Schools have the ability to decide which of the tests taken by |

| |the students should be displayed on the web. Tests taken are |

|where |recorded on TEST. Each test is associated with a test group found|

|XX: school code |on TNAM. If a test group is entered in the FROM-VALUE column of |

| |the FVTV then all tests within the group will be eligible for |

| |display. A four character test group, padded with spaces if |

| |necessary, followed by an asterisk (‘*’)is the correct format to |

| |enter test group in FVTV. |

| | |

| |Schools also have the capability to display only certain tests |

| |within a test group. This can be accomplished by entering four |

| |characters test group, padded with spaces if necessary, followed |

| |by the test name in FVTV. |

Certain documents are required before application can be evaluated. For an individual student, these documents are listed as credential codes on CTRK. (This list is associated with a credential set code found on CSET. To find the set code, go to POOL using the pool code from APPL. CSET also includes credential code type and an EVAL flag indicating if a specific credential is needed before an application can be evaluated). A credential code can be a fee, test group, test, miscellaneous, or transcript. Codes for which the EVAL flag is set to ‘Y’ will be displayed on the web. Receipt status, and receipt date are displayed for each of the non-test and non-transcript type credential/document codes. The status description is retrieved from CRRC for the receipt code on CTRK. Document name is taken from CTRK if present otherwise, description from CSET is used. If TEST and MPVD are entered in FVTV under conversion type XXWEBMOD, names for test and transcript type documents are also shown along with the text See Test Below and See Transcript Below. If there are no documents to be displayed then No Documents On File message is displayed.

Previous education data is entered on MPVD by the admissions office. Institution name, date of attendance if entered, level of education, date transcript received, and receipt status are displayed on the web. Single character codes are entered on MPVD for the level of education (graduate, undergraduate, high school etc), and for the receipt status (received, unofficial, official etc).These may be meaningless to the users. Appropriate descriptions for the codes are displayed from LEVL and CRRC respectively.

The last section includes tests taken by the students such as GRE, TOEFL etc. Test Name, Date taken, and Receipt Status are shown. Schools enter the list of the test they want to display in the FVTV as documented above. The description for the receipt code on TEST is displayed from CRRC.

Data from APPL, CTRK, MPVD, and TEST are displayed under various headings. NEWS table is used to include optional text under each heading. A range of line numbers are reserved for each section. NEWS table is keyed by office code so each school can enter their own specific text.

|HEADING |TABLE |NEWS Optional Text Line Range Under |

| | |Heading. |

|Application Information |APPL |200-299 |

|Required Documents |CTRK |300-399 |

|Transcripts |MPVD |400-499 |

|Tests |TEST |500-599 |

In addition to the above, using line 100-199 on NEWS, admission offices can also include an introductory message on the top.


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