Columbia University

Maurice Wilkinson


Personal Data:

Date of Birth: April 27, 1940

Citizenship: U.S.A.


University of California at Los Angeles:

B.A. in Economics, June 1961

Harvard University: PhD., March 1965

Position Held:

Teaching Fellow, Harvard University, 1963-64

Instructor, Harvard University, 1964-65

Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Business,

Columbia University, 1965-68

Visiting Assistant Professor Economics,

University of California, Santa Barbara, 1966-67

Associate Professor, Graduate School of Business,

Columbia University, 1968-73

Professor, Graduate School of Business,

Columbia University, 1973-present

Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Graduate School of Business,

Columbia University, 1988-89

Special Fields:

Microeconomic theory

Economic Growth and Technological Change


Maurice Wilkinson is a Professor at the Graduate School of Business of Columbia University. Dr. Wilkinson has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in microeconomic and macroeconomic theory, mathematical economics, growth theory, econometrics and economic forecasting.

Professor Wilkinson has taught at Harvard University and the University of California. He has been Coordinator of Faculty Research and Chairman of the Doctoral Program at the Graduate School of Business of Columbia University. Professor Wilkinson has been a member of the Columbia University Senate, the Executive Committee of the Senate and Chairman of the Budget Review Committee of the Senate. In addition, he was a member of the President=s Advisory Committee on Finance and Planning and the Trustees= Budget Subcommittee. In 1989-90, he was Vice Dean for academic affairs, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University.

Professor Wilkinson has acted as a consultant to the President=s Council of Economic Advisors, President Carter=s Council on Wage and Price Stability, several government agencies (including the U.S. Departments of Labor; Agriculture; and Commerce) and to organizations in both the public and private sector.

Professor Wilkinson earned his Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University in 1965 where he wrote a dissertation on economic growth for Nobel Laureate Simon Kuzuets. He is the coauthor of Microeconomics: A Synthesis of Modern and Neoclassical Economic Theory, published in 1979. He has also published extensively in many leading economic journals, including Econometrica, The American Economic Review, International Economic Review, Review of economics and Statistics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Management Science, and The American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Professor Wilkinson=s research has been supported by grants from the Ford, Rockefeller, and National Science Foundations.

He is the editor of the North Holland series in Dynamic Economics: Theory and Applications, associate editor for the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, editor of the Columbia Journal of World Business, and Chairman of the National Organizing committee for the 4th IFAC Conference on the Dynamic Modeling and Control of National Economies.


1979 - present Columbia Energy Program, Co-Director

1979 - 83 Chairman of the National Organizing Committee and Member of the International Program Committee for the 4th IFAC Conference on the Dynamic Modeling and Control of National Economies

1978 - 79 Columbia University Trustees= Subcommittee on the Budget, member

Advise the Trustees on redesigning the Columbia University budgetary process and implementation of an incentive scheme for allocation revenues and costs.

1977 - 79 Budget Review Committee of the Columbia University Senate, Chairman

Consult with the Vice President for Finance and President of the University on the annual development of Columbia=s 250 million dollar budget; consideration of specific budgetary problems and tuition schedules of the various divisions of the University.

1977 - 79 Executive Committee of the Columbia University Senate, member

Meet monthly with the President and Provost of the University to set the calendar and agenda of the Senate; draw up resolutions for Senate consideration; advise the President concerning major educational policies, awarding of honorary degrees and major academic appointments (University Professorships, Provost of the University, etc.)

1977 - 79 President=s Advisory Committee on Columbia University=s Finances and Planning, member

1976 - present Columbia Journal of World Business, Editor

1976 - 82 Center for Food Policy Studies, Columbia University, Co-Director

Formulation of research strategy and budgets; evaluation of research proposals; presentation of annual reports to private and public institutions which contribute financial support.

1973 - 76 Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, Chairman

Formulate admissions and financial aid policies; admit candidates for degrees and annually review academic progress of candidates; review and approve curriculum changes.

1973 - 83 Doctoral Committee, Columbia University, member


1969 - 77 Faculty Research Program, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, Coordinator

Review and approve faculty requests for financial support for research proposals; formulation of research policies of the Graduate School of Business.


The effect of economic growth and varying technological change on financial returns.


Title Journal or Publisher

AEvident of Long Swings in the Growth Journal of Economic History,

of Swedish Population and Related 27, March 1967, pp. 17-38

Economic Variables

AFactor Supply and the Direction American Economic Review,

of Technological Change@ 58, March 1968, pp. 120-128

AUser Cost, Capital Utilization, International Economic Review,

and Investment Theory@ (with 11, June 1970, pp. 209-215

Paul Taubman)

AUser Cost of Capital and unexpected in Edmund S. Phelps, ed., The

Price Changes@ Microeconomic Foundations of

Employment and Inflation Theory

1970, pp. 411-420

AEuropean Migration to the United States: Review of Economics and Statistics,

An Econometric Supply and Demand@ 52, August 1970, pp. 272-279

Projecting Productivity by Industry: An U.S. Department of Labor, 1971

Econometric Analysis (with M. Norman

and R. Russell)

AAn Econometric Model of Swedish Econometrica, 45, July 1973,

Fertility, 1870-1970" pp. 633-642

AForecasting Accuracy of McGraw-Hill Journal of American Statistical

Anticipatory Data@ (with R. Rippe) Association, 69, December, 1974,

pp. 849-858

AAn Economic Analysis of the International Ocean Development and Inter-

Transfer of Marine Technology@ (with national Law, 2, December, 1974,

G. Pontecorvo) pp. 255-283

AIndustrial Market Forecasting with Management Science, 22, Feb. 1976,

Anticipatory Data@ pp. 639-651

AThe Economics of Resource Management in Lee Anderson, ed., The Economic

Under Extended Jurisdiction@ Impacts of Extended Fisheries

Jurisdiction, Ann Arbor Science

Publishers, Inc., 1976

AEconometric Models of Food and Columbia Journal of World Agricultural Systems: U.S. Grain and Business, 11, Winter 1976, pp. 46-53

Livestock Markets@

AA Dynamic Production Model for in Analyse Et Controle De Systemes,

a Reproducible Resource: Cattle Institut De Recherche Production and Supply Functions@ D=Informatique, 1976

AFrom Cornucopia to Scarcity: Ocean Development and Inter-

The Current Status of Ocean national Law, 5 (2), 1978

Resource Use@ (with G. Pontecorvo)

AA Quarterly Econometric Model American Journal of Agricultural

of U.S. Livestock and Feed Grain Economics, 1979

Markets and Some of its Policy

Implications@ (with E. Arzac)

AStabilization Policies for U.S. Journal of Economic Dynamics and

Livestock and Feed Grain Markets@ Control, January, 1979

(with E. Arzac)

AOcean Economics: Environment, American Economic Review,

Issues and Economic Analysis@ May 1979

Microeconomics: A Synthesis of John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1979

Modern and Neoclassical Theory

ADynamic Analysis and Optimal A. Bensoussan, P. Kleindorfer, and

Control of Agricultural Commodity C.S. Tapiero, eds., Applied

Markets@ (with E. Arzac) ` Stochastic Control in Econometrics

and Management Science, North

Holland, 1979

AThe Contribution of the Ocean Science, May 30, 1980

Sector to the United States Economy@

(with G. Pontecorvo)

AAn Evaluation of Alternative Consumer in Selected papers on Contemporary

Demand Systems Within an Econometric Econometric Problems, ed. by E.G.

Model of the U.S. Livestock Sector@ Charatisis, Athens, 1982

(with R. Anderson)

AConsumer Welfare and the Livestock Canadian Journal of Agricultural

Economy in the United States@ Economics, November, 1983

AThe Political Economics of Recent U.S. Columbia Journal of World Economic Performance@ Business, Spring 1985

AConsumer Demand for Meat and the Empirical Economics, 10, 2, 1985

Evaluation of Agricultural Policy@

AInventory Behavior and Economic in Proceedings of the 5th Inter-

Instability@ national Conference on the

Dynamic Control and Modelling of

National Economies, edited by

Bela Martos, Pergamon, London, 1986

AAggregate Inventory Behavior in Large European Economic Review, 33,

European Economies@ 1989

AInventory Behavior and Economic Journal of the Japanese and Inter-

Instability in Japan@ national Economies. 5 1991

ACan Stock Returns be Explained by submitted to the Journal of

Distributional Considerations alone,@ Economic Dynamics.

Other Professional Activity:

Participant (paper presenter, chairman, and discussant at approximately 20 conferences on economic research)

Referee for American Economic Review, Econometrica, International Economic Review, Review of Economics and Statistics, Management Science, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Journal of Economic History, American Journal of Agricultural

Economics, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Swedish Journal of Economics.

Editor of the Columbia Journal of World Business, 1976-81, and the series Dynamic Economics: Theory and Applications North-Holland Publishing Co.)

Co-Director, Center for Food Policy Studies and Columbia Energy Forum, Columbia University.

Member, Columbia University Trustees= Subcommittee on the Budget, Executive Committee of the Columbia University Senate, President=s Advisory Committee on Columbia University=s Finances and Planning, President=s Commission on the Future of the Libraries of Columbia University.

Consultant to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Central Intelligence Agency, the President=s Council of Economic Advisors, President Carter=s Council on Wage and Price Stability, the Department of Agriculture.


“The Role Of Population In Swedish Economic Growth,”

Cliometric Society Meeting, Purdue University, January 1966.

“Economic Growth And Technological Change In Sweden,”

Econometric Society Meeting, Amsterdam, September 1968.

“An Econometric Model of Fertility in the United States and Sweden,”

NBER Staff Seminar 1968.

“The Economic Determinants of Migration to the United States,”

Econometric Society Meeting, Brussels, September 1969.

“A Model Of European Migration to the United States,”

Cliometric Society Meeting, University of Wisconsin, May 1970.

“Properties and Generation of Long-term Business Anticipations: Evidence from the McGraw-Hill Survey,” Econometric Society Meeting, Budapest, September 1972.

“Dynamic Models Of Investment and Financial Behavior of the Firm,”

Econometic Society Meeting, Oslo, September 1973.

“The Economics of International Technology Transfer,”

Conference Sponsored By NOAA, MIT, June 1974.

“Optimal Stabilization of Quarterly Econometric Model of The U.S. Livestock and Feed Grain Markets,” Sixth NBER Conference on Economics and Control, Yale University, May 25-27, 1977.

“Optimal Control of Agricultural Commodity Markets,”

Econometric Society Meeting, Vienna, September 1977.

“Optimal Stabilization Policies for U.S. Agriculture,” Seveth NBER Conference on Economics and Control, University of Texas, May 1978.

“Ocean Economics,” American Economic Association Meetings, Chicago, August 1978.

“An Evaluation Of Alternative Consumer Demand Systems Within An Econometric Model of U.S. Livestock and Feed Grain Markets,” (With R. Anderson), Econometric Society Meeting, Athens, Greece, September 1979.

“The Effect on The U.S. Standard of Living Of Economic Policy Toward Agriculture,” (with R. Anderson), Third World Congress of the Econometric Society, Aix-Provence, France, August 1980.

“Inventory Behavior in Industrial Economies,” O.E.C.D., June 1985.

“Inventory Investment and Economic Instability,” Fifth IFAC Conference on the Dynamic Modelling and Control of National Economies, Budapest, Hungary, June 17-20, 1986.


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