October 2, 2017 – 7:00 P.M.

R. Jay Foster Hall of Justice

Womack Building

Columbus, NC


PRESENT: Chairman Melton, Vice-Chairman Johnson, Commissioner Bradley Commissioner Gasperson and Commissioner Yoder. Also in attendance were County Manager Pittman, County Attorney Berg, Clerk to the Board High, media and citizens.

1. Call to Order – Chairman Melton called the meeting to order.

2. Invocation – Chairman Melton gave the invocation.

3. Pledge of Allegiance – Vice-Chairman Johnson led the pledge.

4. Approval of Agenda – County Manager asked for Agenda Item #10, Way-finding Signs Update and Contract, to be removed from the agenda.

Commissioner Yoder moved to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Commissioner Bradley and the motion carried unanimously.

5. Consent Agenda

A) September 18, 2017, public hearing & regular meeting minutes.

B) Tax Department written refund requests totaling $1,382.76.

C) Budget Amendment #1 to appropriate fund balance/equity from Water Operating Fund to the Water Capital Fund for regionalization consultation.

D) Schedule an FY 2019 NCDOT Community Transportation Grants public hearing on October 16, 2017, @ 7:00 P.M. in the R. Jay Foster Hall of Justice, Womack Building, Columbus, NC.

Commissioner Bradley moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by

Vice-Chairman Johnson and the motion carried unanimously.

6. Citizen Comments Agenda Items – Sky Conard voiced concern with Polk County owning the water infrastructure, but not generating any revenue from it by allowing ICWD to manage the system.

7. Citizen Comments Non-Agenda Items – There were none.

8. Polk County School System State Ranking – Chairman Melton asked that this item be placed on the agenda. School Superintendant Aaron Greene introduced Stephanie Luedi, a former Polk County student, and the current district Teacher of the Year. Mr. Greene then presented the 2016-2017 State test results. He stated for the second year, the Polk County School System has been ranked as the second top achieving school out of 115 districts in the state. He thanked the Commissioners for working with the School Board and supporting Polk County Schools. He invited everyone to attend the 100th Anniversary of Stearns School Saturday, October 7th at 10:00am.

9. Veterans Choice Program (VCP) – Chairman Melton asked that this item be placed on the agenda. Veteran Services Officer Gina Cashion explained veterans who are enrolled in the VA health care system and live more than 40 miles driving distance from the nearest VA medical facility, or would have to wait for more than 30 days to receive medical service, may be eligible for the VCP. Veterans can call the VA office or visit the website at to determine if they are eligible for the program.

10. Way-finding Signs Update and Contract – Melinda Massey, Travel & Tourism Director will discuss the project. Motion to approve.

11. Recreation Parks Grant - Jerry Stensland, Parks & Recreation Director, said Polk County has been awarded a $375,000 grant from the North Carolina Parks and Recreation Trust Fund to help in purchasing the 300 acres of Little White Oak Mountain which adjoins the Polk County Recreation Complex. Conserving Carolina is still raising money to complete the purchase and then they will set the property closing date to transfer the land to Polk County. Polk County Parks and Recreation Department will work with partners to develop the land into an extensive, public, multi-use trail system. Future grants will be sought to fund the professional, sustainable construction of between 7-10 miles of trails on the land. No timeframe for beginning construction has been set.

12. Schedule Public Hearing for a Proposed Amendment to the Polk County Zoning Ordinance – Cathy Ruth, Planner presented the request to schedule a public hearing on October 16, 2017 at 7:00 P.M. in the R. Jay Foster Hall of Justice, Womack Building, to take public comment on a proposed amendment to the Polk County Zoning Ordinance recommended by the Planning Board.

Commissioner Gasperson moved to schedule the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Bradley and the motion carried unanimously.

13. Fire Rescue Advisory Committee (FRAC) Update - Bobby Arledge, Emergency Management Director/Fire Marshal stated that FRAC had their first meeting on September 26, 2017. They appointed Geoff Tenant as Chairman, Brian Metcalf as Vice-Chairman, and Bobby Arledge as Secretary. They also made their recommendation for the seventh voting member of the committee, Derek Overholt. Mr. Arledge asked the Commissioners to approve this appointment.

Commissioner Gasperson moved to appoint Derek Overholt to FRAC, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, and the motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Melton stated he had attended the World Equestrian Games (WEG) Stakeholder meeting, and was very pleased with how the County has been represented during the emergency planning process. Polk County employees Bobby Arledge, Emergency Management; Michael Crater, EMS; James McGuinn, 911 Communications; Marty McGuinn, 911 Communications; Lowell Griffin, Captain Sheriff’s office; and Joshua Kennedy, Consolidated Human Services Director have been working with other Local, State, and Federal agencies to plan for the event.

14. Manager’s Report – Manager Pittman gave an update on the Looking Glass Creamery Waterline extension project. He said permit applications have been submitted, and bids will be opened on October 19th. The project will have 90 days to be completed. Manager Pittman stated he submitted a request to Division Traffic Engineer, Steve Buchanan, and they will be investigating options for more signage on two lane roads near the equestrian center.

15. Volunteer Boards for Vote – There were none.

16. Volunteer Boards for Review – Two applications for the Tryon Planning Board, ETJ membership were reviewed.

17. Commissioner Comments – The Commissioners’ thanked everyone for coming and participating in the meeting, and asked for everyone to keep Las Vegas in their thoughts and prayers since the tragic event.

18. Adjournment – Commissioner Bradley moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Yoder and the motion carried unanimously.



__________________________ __________________________

Angé High Tommy W. Melton

Clerk to the Board Chairman



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