Grade 2



Class Periods: 6 per 6-day cycle

Length of Class Periods (minutes):

Length of Course:

Unit of Credit:

Updated: 6-2013

|COURSE: Social Studies |GRADE(S): 2 |

|STRAND: Civics and Government |TIME FRAME: |


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|5.1 Principles and Documents of Government |

|5.2 Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship |

|5.3 How Government Works |

|5.4 How International Relationships Function |

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|Government encompasses the civil rights and responsibilities of citizenship and laws, and why they are important in the home, |

|classroom, community, Pennsylvania, and the United States. |


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|Houghton Mifflin CORE Reading Program |

|Trade Books |

|Scholastic News |

|Related Videos |


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|The learner will state when and why special days are observed and recognize our country’s symbols. |

|The learner will demonstrate knowledge of good citizenship through personal responsibility and respect of others |


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|The learner will state when and why special days are observed and recognize our country’s symbols. |

|State the reason when and why we celebrate Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Abraham Lincoln and George |

|Washington’s birthdays, Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day. |

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|Identify a picture of the Capitol building and the White House. |

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|State that the constitution is a set of rules that Americans follow to keep us free and safe. |

|State what the Pledge of Allegiance personally means to the student. |

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|The learner will demonstrate knowledge of good citizenship through personal responsibility and respect of others |

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|Determine and define responsibility as carrying out a job or doing what you are expected to do. |

|Complete and return homework regularly. |

|Display observable responsibility for personal belongings and school materials. |

|Identify various conflict situations. |

|Demonstrate knowledge of several ways that disagreements can be settled. |

|Compare an acceptable and an unacceptable solution to conflicts. |

|Recognize that different rules exist for different purposes or areas (home, school, and community). |

|Define the meaning of authority.. |

|Demonstrate an understanding of personal responsibility (role-play, discussion). |

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|Use various reading materials, posters, and audio-visual supplies pertaining to important holidays/events/symbols to provide |

|opportunity for classroom discussion. |

|Provide opportunity for group activities to research information necessary to show understanding/knowledge of the Capitol building,|

|the White House, the American flag (example large poster for each symbol with paragraph describing the symbol) |

|Devise a set of classroom rules and relate them to the rules of our country as they are portrayed in the constitution. |

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|Quarterly Benchmark Test |

|Teacher Observation |


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|Correctives: |

|Activity sheet with a comparison of “symbols” and their terms. |

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|Extensions: |

|Make a more in-depth report of a national symbol. |

|Use incomplete sentences for a role-play activity such as, "I get angry or made when…" "I have a good time when…" "I get my |

|feelings hurt when…". |

|Practice interviews using active listening skills. |

|Establish classroom and school rules and consequences. |

|Brainstorm ideas where rules exist. |

|Brainstorm a list of different authority figures. |

|Invite authority figures in the community to read with our classes and discuss their jobs. |

|Correctives: |

|Peer tutoring |

|Behavior contract |

|Extensions: |

|Research community, authority careers. |

|Describe a literary character using traits. Give examples |

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|Correctives: |

|Activity sheet with a comparison of “symbols” and their terms. |

|COURSE: Social Studies |GRADE(S): 2 |

|STRAND: Economics |TIME FRAME: |


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|6.1 Economic Systems |

|6.2 Markets and the Functions of Government |

|6.3 Scarcity and Choice |

|6.4 Economic Interdependence |

|6.5 Work and Earnings |


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|Economics provides citizens the opportunity to work and earn money and distinguish between needs and wants and how to acquire them |

|from various resources. |


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|Houghton Mifflin CORE Reading Program |

|Trade Books |

|Scholastic News |

|Related Videos |


|The student will be able recognize events in History when goods were traded for money or other goods. |


|The student will be able recognize events in History when goods were traded for money or other goods. |

|State events in History showing these trades or exchanges (Columbus Day. Labor Day, Early Settlers) |

|Name places where people exchange money for goods and services. |

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|Exchanging money for goods and services (PBS Store, Cafeteria) |

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|Use various reading materials, posters, and audio-visual supplies pertaining to important holidays/events to provide opportunity |

|for classroom discussion |


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|Quarterly Benchmark Test |

|Teacher Observation |


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|Generate a list of various stores and services that are local to our community. |

|COURSE: Social Studies |GRADE(S): 2 |

|STRAND: Geography |TIME FRAME: |


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|7.1 Basic Geography Literacy |

|7.2 Physical Characteristics of Places and Regions |

|7.3 Human Characteristics of Places and Regions |

|7.4 The Interactions Between People and Places |


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|Geography is used to explain the physical and human characteristics of places and regions and the impact of physical systems on |

|people. |


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|Houghton Mifflin CORE Reading Program |

|Trade Books |

|Scholastic News |

|Related Videos |


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|The learner will name, define, locate, and label basic geographical features of our earth |

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|The learner will name, define, locate, and label basic geographical features of our earth |

|State/recognize that the globe is a small representation of the earth. |

|State 1/4 of the earth is land and 3/4 is water. |

|Explain the use of color on a globe as land and water. |

|Locate and define equator on a map and globe. |

|Locate and define north and south poles on a map and globe. |

|Identify and label the seven continents and four oceans o a map. |

|Name their planet, continent, country, state and town. |


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|Color picture of the globe using directed coloration. |

|Divide a circle into 1/4 green and 3/4 blue. |

|Use shapes of the continents to place together to create the world |

|Make salt dough models |

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|Quarterly Benchmark Test |

|Teacher Observation |


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|Correctives: |

|Peer/teacher support with any of the activities. |

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|Extensions: |

|Use a world atlas to find other information about continents. |

|Create a game using various landforms |

|Pen pals. |

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|COURSE: Social Studies |GRADE(S): 2 |



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|8.1 Historical Analysis and Skills Development |

|8.2 Pennsylvania History |

|8.3 United States History |

|8.4 World History |


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|Historical contributions and events continue to influence and impact individuals in Pennsylvania, the United States and the World. |


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|Houghton Mifflin CORE Reading Program |

|Trade Books |

|Scholastic News |

|Related Videos |


|The student will state when and why special days are observed. |


| The student will state when and why special days are observed. |

|Name and explain the meaning of the following special days; |

|Labor Day |

|Constitution Day |

|Columbus Day |

|Veteran’s Day |

|Election Day |

|Martin Luther King Jr. Day |

|President’s Day |

|Memorial Day |


| Use various reading materials, posters, and audio-visual supplies pertaining to important holidays/events/symbols to provide |

|opportunity for classroom discussion. |


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|Quarterly Benchmark Test |

|Teacher Observation |


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|Label a yearly planning calendar of these special days and events. |

|Illustrate the special days. |


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