Flora M

Flora M. Clark and George Stanton Foundation

Research Scholarships Application

The Flora M. Clark and George Stanton Research Scholarship Foundations support selected research activities by undergraduate students of the Department of Biology at Columbus State University in Columbus, Georgia. To be eligible for the scholarships an undergraduate student must have completed Biology 4391, be enrolled in Biology 4391 or an independent study (Biol 5899) in the current semester. The submission deadlines for academic year 2017-2018 are September 29, 2017 for the Fall Semester and February 9, 2018 for Spring 2018. Please submit the application to the Department of Biology of Columbus State University, Jordan Hall Room 333. The scholarships awarded will be dispersed to the Department of Biology for the student to use for budget expenses related to their research.

Select below which scholarship you are interested in applying. If applicable, you may apply for both scholarships.

_______Flora M. Clark Foundation: provides awards for undergraduate students interested in cellular and molecular research.

_______ George Stanton Foundation: provides awards for undergraduate research in ecology and evolutionary biology.

Title of research project:

Student Name:

Mailing Address E-mail:


Faculty Research Advisor:

E-mail and Phone:

Describe your research project. Your description should include: title, short abstract and outline of your proposed project. Your outline should include your research plans with specific objectives, explanation of data, treatment, how the finding may relate to your hypothesis and literature cited or reviewed. An example proposal is available through your Faculty Research Advisor. (Attach this description to your application as Attachment A)

Proposed Budget. Complete a proposed budget providing details and rationale of all expenditures. Travel may be research related or for convention presentation. (Attach the budget details to your application as Attachment B)

Final Report

Recipients of the undergraduate research scholarships will be required to present at the Spring Senior Research Presentations. Students graduating in the current Fall semester will present at the end of term Senior Research Presentations.

I have read and agree to comply with all specifications of funding as outlined in this application.

Student’s Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

Faculty Sponsor’s Signature_____________________________ Date: _____________


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