LESSON 12FEBRUARY 21, 2021SUBJECT: Called to Explain and ProclaimDEVOTIONAL READING: Colossians 4:7-15BACKGROUND: Acts 18:1-26; Romans 16:3-4; 1 Corinthians 16:19; 2 Timothy 4:19LESSON: Acts 18:1-3, 18-21, 24-26; Romans 16:3-4MEMORY VERSE: Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my co-workers in Christ Jesus. They risked their lives for me. Not only I but all the churches of the Gentiles are grateful to them. Romans 16:3-4 NIVLESSON AIM: To examine the role Priscilla and Aquila played in God’s ministry. INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY OUTLINEI. FRIENDS AND COMPANIONS TO PAUL (ACTS 18:1-3)This week's lesson begins with Paul in the midst of his Second Missionary Journey. Where does he depart and arrive? Acts 18:1Locate Athens and Corinth on a New Testament map. Research these cities. (Locate all the cities in this week’s lesson.)What wife and husband team befriended and assisted Paul in his ministry? Where did Paul become acquainted with them? Act 18:1-2aWhy was this couple in Corinth? Acts 18:2bWho was Claudius? Use a Bible Dictionary. Acts 18:2bWhat did this couple have in common with Paul? Acts 18:3In the infant church most ministers were bi-vocational. Why do you think this was necessary initially? Why was Paul willing to support himself? (Acts 20:33-35; 1 Cor. 9:13-15; 1 Thess. 2:9; 2 Thess. 3:7-10)What is the responsibility of established churches to their pastors? 1 Corinthians 9:6-14What was Paul's routine on each Sabbath while in Corinth? What is the Sabbath? Acts 18:4Why did Paul go to the Jewish synagogues? Acts 18:4II. PAUL’S NEW TRAVELING COMPANIONS (ACTS 18:18-21)How long was Paul in Corinth? Acts 18:11, 18aWhere did Paul go when he left Corinth? Locate on the above New Testament map. Acts 18:18b, 19aWhat new persons joined Paul’s missionary team? Acts 18:18bWhat act did Paul perform at Cenchreae on his way to Ephesus? Why? Acts 18:18c (Read Numbers 6:1-7)Who did Paul leave in charge to carry on the Christian work in Ephesus? Acts 18:18, 19aWhat was Paul's usual evangelistic custom while in Ephesus? Acts 18:19bWhat was Paul’s response to the request for him to stay longer in Ephesus? Acts 18:20What did Paul promise the people of Ephesus? Acts 18:21III. MENTORING A PREACHER (ACTS 18:24-26)Who am I? Acts 18:24-26 (Locate Alexandria on a New Testament map. What continent is it located?)I was a Jew, a native of Alexandria in Egypt.I went to Ephesus preaching the baptism of John.I was very eloquent and well verse in the Old Testament Scriptures.I had been instructed about the way of the Lord only through the teaching of John the Baptist.I enthusiastically and boldly spoke the things concerning Jesus as accurately as I could, but my knowledge about Jesus was not complete.I was taught by Priscilla and Aquila to understand the way of God more accurately.Describe Apollos' academic and spiritual attributes. How did he use his gifts? Act 18:24b-25abcWhat part of the Bible do "Scriptures" refer to in Acts 18:24b?What was Apollos' deficiency? Why do you think so? Acts 18:25dWhat was the difference between the baptism of John and the baptism into Christ? Luke 3:16Where did Apollos share his faith? Acts 18:26aWho corrected and instructed Apollos? Acts 18:26bWas Apollos corrected publicly? What should this teach us? Acts 18:26bApollos received "the rest of the story" about Jesus that he had not learned. What things do you think Priscilla and Aquila could have taught Apollos? Acts 2:29-39How do you think Apollos took to being corrected?Where did Apollos go after leaving Ephesus? Locate on a New Testament map. Acts 18:27aWhat did the Ephesian Christians do to sponsor Apollos’ evangelistic mission? Acts 18:27bWhat did Apollos accomplish when he arrived to Achaia? Acts 18:27c-28IV. PAUL’S SALUTE TO HIS CO-WORKERS (ROMANS 16:3-4)What did Paul call Priscilla and Aquila? Romans 16:3Why did Paul praise and give thanks to Priscilla and Aquila? Romans 16:4Where did the Church in Rome meet? Romans 16:5 ................

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