
15th International Conference on Economics and BusinessCHALLENGES IN THE CARPATHIAN BASINGlobal Challenges - Local Answers. Interdependencies or Slobalisation?Online Facebook link for plenary session:Plenary?session:Facebook event link: ??–?12:00 AM (EET), 04 March 2021Moderator: Dr. Pál László, Associate Professor?Detailed program:9:00 – 9:10, Opening words: Dr. Sándor Zsolt, Professor,?Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania?9:10 – 9:40, Dr. Nagy Bálint Zsolt, Associate Professor,?Babes-Bolyai University, Clujo???Financial markets and the real economy in the Covid-19 crisis?9:40 – 10:10, Dr. Csonka Arnold, Associate Professor,?Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Kaposvár Campuso???Spread of sustainable practices in agri-food chains - local drivers and barriers?10:10 – 10:40, Dr. Tóth József, Professor,??Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania / Corvinus University of Budapesto??Food Waste and Covid'19: Did We Learn or Unlearn??10:40 – 11:10, Dr. Lázár Ede, Associate Professor,??Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvaniao???Influencing factors of ERP adoption among Romanian SMEs?11:10 – 11:50, Questions, discussions?SECTION A: Agriculture and rural economicsMeet-link: HYPERLINK " " meet.ojx-mrbx-fcx?Chairmans of Agriculture and rural economics section 2: Dr. Elek Sándor, Dr. Péter E. KatalinE-mail: peterkatalin@uni.sapientia.ro13:00 -15:00 Horváth Eszter, Széchényi István University of Gy?r: Agriculture and sustainability in Szigetk?z Molnár Dániel,Csonka Arnold, Bareit Tibor, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kaposvár Campus: Market efficiency and farm-level profitability in the Hungarian grazing sector Koponicsné Gy?rke Diána, Horváthné Kovács Bernadett, Kinga Szabó Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Kaposvár Campus :Young farmer as key players in rural areas: how the EU supports can contribute to the population retention capacity of the countryside (E)Sárosi-Blága ?gnes,Székely Kinga-Katalin, Bíró A.Zoltán, SAPIENITA Hungarian University of Transylvania: Regional branding – agricultural products – local knowledge (E)Szentesi Ibolya, University of Debrecen Szolnok Campus: System of cooperation between agricultural enterprises. The impact of organizational and tax and support conditions on the development of competitiveness15:00 -17:00Borbély Csaba, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kaposvár Campus: Investigation of food waste in Hungarian householdsKápolnai Zsombor, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kaposvár C.: Shopping community in Hungary 2020Csata Andrea, Fejér-Király Gergely, ?goston Norbert: Sapientia - Hungarian University of Transylvania: Financial aspects of the absorption of rural development fundsBáló András, Corvinus University of Budapest: The Andean Common Agricultural Policy: A pioneer of agri-environmental protection?Péter E.Katalin, Sapientia - Hungarian University of Transylvania: Joining cooperatives in the catchment area of Székelykeresztúr17:00 -19:00 Horváthné Petrás Viktória, Szent István University: Use of IKT tools in agricultural?vocational educationHorváthné Petrás Viktória, Szent István University: Setting up a simulation model for agricultural managersNagy Szeréna University of Debrecen Faculty of Economics, Kádár Beáta SAPIENITA Hungarian University of Transylvania: The effects of COVID-19 on the economy, on the labour market, especially in the agriculture and the agriculture labor marketGergely Orsolya, Zercula Andrea SAPIENITA Hungarian Univeristy of Transylvania:Restart. The impact of pandemic on female entrepreneurs from SzeklerlandKovács András Donát E?tv?s Loránd Research Network - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies: The potential of rural resilience for the post-covid period in HungaryGy?rgy Ottilia, Sapientia - Hungarian University of Transylvania: Food shopping during the COVID-19 period in RomaniaSECTION B: Business informatics and operational research sectionsMeet-link: meet.ett-ojbu-kbmEnglish subsection 1Chairman: László Illyés13:00 - 15:00Róbert Jakab, Gergely Lajos Novák, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Faculty of Quantitative Methods:Application Lifecycle Management for Sustainable Quality during and after Pandemic situationCarmen R?du?, Universitatea Constantin Brancoveanu- FMMAE RM. Valcea:Oracle Cloud InfrastructureAtilla Wohllebe, Szent István University, Kaposvár:Mobile Apps in Stationary Retail: Assessing the Theoretical and Practical Relevance of Features and Developing a Typology – Insights Into the German MarketFaycel Tazigh, University of Miskolc:The implication of climate change for agricultural productivityDennis Weber, Szent István University, Kaposvár:Business resilience through AI expertise – an opportunity for rural economies?English subsection 2Chairman: László Pál15:00 - 17:00Iman Ajripour, University of Miskolc:Supplier Selection during Covid-19 Pandemic Situation By Applying Fuzzy TOPSIS Method: A Case StudyGergely Lajos Novák, Mária Pál, Róbert Jakab, University of Pannonia, Faculty of Quantitative Methods:Multi-level project planning and simulation using different delay cost profilesJúlia Salamon, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania:Strong correlated equilibriumsZoltán Makó, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania:The reasonable relation between correlated equilibrium and Nash equilibriumEdit Garda-Mátyás, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania:Linked pairs of monomial functionsLászló Pál, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania:Asset allocation strategies using covariance matrix estimatorsHungarian subsectionChairman: László Illyés17:00-19:00Péter Bajnai, University of Debrecen:Future of the corporate controlling function - a possible transformation of its role, tasks, and tools as a result of digitalization.Csaba Kiss, Milassin Anda Nóra, Corvinus University of Budapest:Employee attitudes related to robotization among Hungarian employeesSzidónia Mihók, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania:The Game Theory approach of fair distributions from the point of view of the state’s economic rolePiroska Biró, Tamás Kádek, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, University of Debrecen:How can the ProgCont system help with programming education during a pandemic?László Illyés, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania:Changes in shopping habits during the epidemic. A data minig approachSzilárd Madaras, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania:How Google Trends can forecast the household consumption in the Romanian COVID-19 era? A time series analysis.SECTION C: Capital market, corporate finance and financial analysisMeet-link: meet.app-zjfb-jipChairman of the section: Bíró Bíborka EszterE-mail:birobiborka@uni.sapientia.roEnglish subsection 113:00 - 15:00Fetter István: ?buda University, Keleti Károly Faculty of Business and Management:How banking has been changing as a response to COVID-19 – an introduction to a new digital eraKiss Gábor Dávid, Mészáros Mercédesz, Sallai Dóra, University of Szeged:Differences in capital market network structures under Covid-19 Anas Moussaid Elidrissi, University of Miskolc:Hedging the Foreign Exchange Rate Risk for Businesses in The Covid-19 TimeBíró Bíborka Eszter, Bende Réka, SAPIENITA Hungarian University of Transylvania:Snapshot views on the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on the pharmaceutical industry. The financial-economic analysis of Pfizer Inc. corporationHungarian subsection15:00 - 17:00Dániel Zoltán András, University of Pannonia: Pre-crisis financial reserves for SMEs operating in vulnerable sectors?goston Norbert, SAPIENTIA Hungarian University of Transylvania:Corporate failure modelling with multidimensional scalingGál Veronika, Parádi-Dolgos Anett, Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences: Interpretation of crisis resilience at national and corporate levelSztankó ?va, Szikszai Szabolcs, Nagy Andrea Magda, Bosnyák-Simon Nikolett Univeristy of Pannonia:Financial literacy among university studentsBodnár ?kos Corvinus University of Budapest:Fight of giants, or the effects of the "Cold War" between the U.S. and ChinaVajai Balázs, University of Sopron:Analysis of the effectiveness of investments in the IT sectorEnglish subsection 217:00-19:00Phan Dai Thich University of Miskolc:London international financial center in double uncertain scenariosMartin Thomas Falk, University of South-Eastern Norway, Sass Magdolna, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies:What are the main reasons behind FDI round-tripping?Uyen Ton Thanh Hoang, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kaposvári Campus, University of Finance-Marketing, Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamMonetary policy effects on stock market liquidity during financial crisis and non-crisis period: a literature reviewVeres Edit, Tarnóczi Tibor, Partium Christian University:Comparative financial performance analysis of two Romanian-Hungarian border countiesSECTION D: Current Issues in financial regulationMeet-link: HYPERLINK "" meet.gnw-kwgf-oyuChairman of the section: Koroseczné Pavlin RitaE-mail: pavlinrita@uni.sapientia.roEnglish subsection 13:00 - 15:00Maria Moraru, West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration:The economic impact of Covid-19 on Romania and other EU statesLippai-Makra Edit, Kovács Zsuzsanna Ilona, University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration:COVID-related disclosure practices of Hungarian entitiesPócsik Orsolya, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences G?d?ll? Campus:How can Hungary to Euro zone join after the state will recover from pandemic crisis?Faeyzh Barhoom, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Kaposvár Campus:The growth of income inequality: Is there a role for financial crises?Végvári Bence, Szabó–Szentgróti Gábor, Gelencsér Martin, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Kaposvár Campus:Universal Basic Income: Effects on individuals: A Systematic ReviewHungarian subsection 115:00 - 17:00Kovács-Rump Henetta, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences:Introduction of IFRS in Ukraine and Hungary: a comparative analysisKerezsi Dóra, University of Debrecen Faculty of Economics:The notes to the financial statement support operational decision-makingPatyi Balázs, Patyi László, University of Sopron:Examination of financial type phenomenas of domestic vehicle manufacturing companiesMenich-Jónás Judit, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences:Planning difficulties of Hungarian municipally owned companiesHungarian subsection 217:00-19:00L?rincz Annamária, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania:Forecasts regarding on the sustainability of Romanian Pension SystemVarga József, Sipiczki Zoltán, Parádi-Dolgos Anett, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Kaposvár Campus:The nature of household inflation redistributionKoroseczné Pavlin Rita, Koponicsné Gy?rke Diána, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Kaposvár Campus:The effects of VAT reduction on newly built properties and constructions in HungarySECTION E: MarketingMeet-link: of the section: Sz?cs AttilaE-mail: szocsattila@uni.sapientia.roEnglish subsection 113:00 - 15:00Sandra Schneider, Szent István University, Kaposvár C.:Analysis of factors influencing the purchase intention of frugal innovations in Generation Y using the example of household appliancesIoan-David Legman, Manuela Rozalia Gabor. “G.E. Palade” University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of T?rgu Mure?:Increase economic efficiency by improving customer satisfactionAndrei Coca, UMFST T?rgu Mure?:Geographical indications and optional quality term ’mountain product’. Where do we stand in the Carpathian Countries.Vigh Beáta. Marton Géza Doctoral School, University of Debrecen:The effects of the EU trademark reform’s responses given to the challenges of the digital worldSuciu Titus, Transilvania University of Brasov:Lights and shadows between globalization, slobalization, localizationEnglish subsection 215:00 - 17:00Bodor Edina-Katinka. Babe? Bolyai University:Drivers behind the consumption of music services - an online and offline approachDirk Siegfried Hübner. Szent István University Kaposvár - Faculty of Economics:How the Covid 19 pandemic is permanently changing consumer behaviorBrigitta Gábor. University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration:Self-driving cars and rejection groupsKiss Marietta, Szakály Zoltán, Kontor Enik?. University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Business:Trends in Global and Hungarian Food TradeBíró Bíborka Eszter, Bíró Boróka Júlia. Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania:The analysis of a local food marketplace system in Romania. Barriers and opportunities during corona virus pandemicSz?cs Attila, Sándor Zsolt. Sapientia Hungarian University of TransylvaniaProperties of Brand Value Measures in an Equilibrium FrameworkHungarian subsection17:00-19:00Pólya ?va, Pénzes Ibolya Rózsa, F?ldi Kata, Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem:Fight for customers. Correlations of Trade Organizations and Sales Promotion on the Hungarian FMCG marketJoseph Horvath, University of Miskolc:The role of digital maturity and trust in explaining customer loyalty - An extension to the ECSI model: the digital transformation approach of the Communication Service ProvidersMolnár Judith. Szent István University, Kaposvár C.The tip of the balance is appropriatenessCsinger Bence, J. Selye University:The potential of social media from a business perspectiveF?ldi Kata, University of Debrecen:Qualitative research on the impact of Hungarian origin on the brand choice of private label food in Eastern Hungary in 2020SECTION F: Management sectionsManagement 1 – English sectionMeet-link: : Balázs Telegdy13:00 - 14:00Somayeh Kariman, Institute of Management Sciences, Miskolc University: Effectiveness of Coaching for Managing Acculturative Stress and Developing the Organizational Performance at Miskolc UniversityStefanie Brueckel, Szent István University Kaposvár:How the integration of the UN SDG into a traditional MBA program creates more resilient management practices – a case study approachZsófia Kárász University of Pécs: The impact of COVID 19 on the services provided by the education sector with a special emphasis on comparison between the obligatory online and the face to face educationLászló Berényi, University of Public Service:Technology adoption: the readiness of higher education students14:00 – 15:00Rozália Klára Bakó, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania:The Circular Economy of ICTs and New Consumer PracticesD?mbean Camelia Angelica, University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology ”G.E. Palade ”:Emotional intelligence and stress involved in human resource management in the machine building industryB?rlean Oana Bianca, UMFST Tg. Mure?- Inginerie ?i Management:Human resources management Health recruitment and selection procedureIvana Kocsicska, Miskolci Egyetem:Healthcare workforce motivation - a global challenge for healthcare managementManagement 2 – Hungarian sectionMeet-link: meet.xhn-xyhw-hnzChairman: Ede LázárE-mail: lazarede@uni.sapientia.ro14:00 - 15:00Monika Esseová, J. Selye University: Factors that Influence Students to Pursue Studies versus Students in the 21st Century in the Time of a PandemicDiána Nagy, Corvinus University of Budapest:Digital transformation in pharmaceutical industry – how is it possible?KornélKrupánszki, J. Selye University: Analysis of the relations between the manager and the employee in Hungarian small and medium enterprisesGáborSzabó-Szentgróti, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Econmic Sciences:The spread of digitization and automation: some issues of basic incomeManagement 3 – English sectionMeet-link: meet.umw-dtss-vpbChairman: Szilárd MadarasE-mail: madarasszilard@uni.sapientia.ro13:00 – 14:00AyseGunaltay, University of Miskolc:Management consulting and the view of corporations to management consulting: a case study conducted in corporations operating in Istanbul?rpádSzabó,Partiumi Keresztény Egyetem:EU funded Small Enterprises in Central Region of RomaniaAnh Don Ton,Szent Istvan University:How coopetition of cross-functional teams become important in times of COVID-19 in carpathian basin: A Grounded TheoryPetraBenedek, Ferenc Bognár, Budapest University of Technology and Economics:Risk evaluation as a means of effective restructuring and development in compliance management14:00 – 15:00Dóra Diána Andráskó, University of Miskolc:The Comparison between Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Social ResponsibilityRobertMarciniak, Corvinus University of Budapest:The future of work in the business services sectorGokhan Coskun, University of Miskolc:Leadership - Motivation InteractionTony Susilo Wibowo, University of Miskolc:Spirituality as an Entrepreneurial Skill – Examples from IndonesiaManagement 3 – Hungarian subsection15:00 – 16:00Eszter Németh, Kornél Németh, Károly Szép, Pannon Egyetem, GTK, Veszprém: Affecting changes of the SME sector as a result of COVID-19. Does innovation make sense in this situation?Zsolt K?müves, Szent István Egyetem Kaposvári Campus:HR solutions during the Coronavirus crisisGelencsér Martin, Magyar Agrár- és ?lettudományi Egyetem:The relationship between employee well-being and performanceSzilardMadaras, Sapientia – Hungarian University of Transylvania:The limitations and obstacles of the Romanian enterprises in the innovation processSECTION G 1: Regional disparities and territorial problemsMeet-link: HYPERLINK "" meet.ywv-siaa-otiChairman of Regional disparities and territorial problems section 1: Kassay JánosE-mail: kassayjanos@uni.sapientia.roHungarian subsection 13:00 – 16:00Balázs, Cseh – Varga József, Szent István University, Kaposvár C.:The geopolitical position of Turkey at the beginning of the 21st century – an overview of Hungarian relationsKozma Dorottya Edina, Neumanné Virág Ildikó, Molnárné Barna Katalin, University of Pannonia:Climate Change and Sustainable Development in the Group of Visegrad FourKótai Zoltán, University of Pécs, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development:International evaluation of residential attractionsEperjesi Zoltán, Wekerle Sandor Business School:The role of the European Investment Bank in reducing regional disparities in the European UnionLunch break14:30-15:00Roland Marca, J. Selye University:Analysing the Tendency of International Labour Mobility in Nové Zámky DistrictVizeli Ibolya, Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration:Moving Toward Knowledge-Based Economies – An analysis of the quaternary sectors in Romania and in TransylvaniaNistor Laura, Bálint Gy?ngyvér, Bálint Blanka, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania:Second-hand Clothes between Austerity and Sustainability. The Case of the Szeklerland-based ConsumersRácz Szilárd, Institute for Regional Studies CERS:Modernisational Problems in a Non-Core Central European City - Industry, Governance and Territorial CapitalCoffee break: 16:00 – 16:30English subsection16:30 – 18:00Rusu Mihaela Adina, Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Political Studies and Communications:Ethnic Multiculturalism (fiction vs Reality in written local pressElena Cossu, Corvinus Unversity of Budapest:Macroeconomics, Policies, and Hungary: how an illiberal democratic government characterized by populist rhetoric deals with a crisis and economic choicesKevin Nemeth, University of Debrecen:Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric Cars,Investigation of the Emission and the New Market TrendsArne Marquering, Szent István University, Kaposvár C.:The United Nations new international economic order and the connected risks for mutinational corporations in emergent marketsSECTION G 2: Regional disparities and territorial problemsMeet-link: meet.irm-jhtb-fbaChairman of Regional disparities and territorial problems section 2: Gy?rgy OttiliaE-mail: gyorgyottilia@uni.sapientia.roEnglish subsection13:00 -15:00Zsuzsanna Zsibók, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies Institute for Regional Studies: The end of a growth period and the way forward for the Hungarian regionsPetra Kinga Kézai, Center for Economic and Regional Studies Institute for Regional Studies West Hungarian Research Department:Examination of Hungarian large cities in terms of the creative economy in the period 2008-2018Tibor Szarvák PhD,István Balcsók PhD, Rozália Császár, Olivér Horváth, István Thékes PhD, University of Debrecen, Directorate - General for Social Opportunities: Regional differences and territorial problems. Methodology of social inclusion. Experiences in HungaryViktorVarjú,KRKT, Institute for Regional Studies: Assessing Circular Economy Transitions - Pilot assessment from 6 prei-urban regionsHungarian subsection 15:00 -17:00FerencArany,Szent Istvan University: Social examination of M44 motorway in HungaryFerencArany,Szent Istvan University:Territorial distribution of area-based subsidies in Hungary in 2017 Adrián Csizmadia,Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences:Examination of the income situation of Somogy county in the period 2013-2018Dr. BoglárkaKonka, University of Pannonia:Analysis of the electric car market in HungaryPetra Péterfi, Research Institute for National Strategy, University of Pécs:Possible reasons for the differences between the planned and the implemented number of children in HungaryHungarian subsection 17:00 -19:00Chairman of Regional disparities and territorial problems section 2: Csata AndreaE-mail: csataandrea@uni.sapientia.roDániel Zoltán András, Tobak Júlia, Molnár Tamás, University of Pannonia:Regional aspects of supporting entrepreneurship in HungaryDániel Zoltán András, Koczor-Keul Melinda, University of Pannonia:Changes in the local business tax in the settlements of HungaryRékaHoreczki, CERS Institute of Regional Studies: Challenge of the small town's researchTamás Hardi,Farkas Orsolya, Hegyiné Bolla Katalin, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies:Suburbanization and environmental quality: measuring the environmental impact of traffic growth on a rural suburban road sectionMárta Nárai, Boglárka Barsi, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Szent Istvan University:High school students and digitalization have provided opportunities in a disadvantaged areaSECTION G 3: Regional disparities and territorial problemsMeet link: meet.jad-wdis-rjjChairman of Regional disparities and territorial problems section 3: Geréb LászlóE-mail: gereb.laszlo@regaprojekt.roEnglish subsection13:00 -15:00Uwe Radtke, Szent István University:Relation between district heating system of Kaposvár and sustainabilityFiras Zeidan - Ramona Al Danaf- Salman Shayya - Berke Szilárd, Szent Istvan University, Kaposvár Campus: Family Business Performance through Health Crisis: COVID 19Dr. AdriennReisinger, Széchenyi István University:How the global challenges affect the ways of supporting local communities by companies?EmeseDobos-Nagy,Corvinus University of Budapest:The promise of the pandemic? New perspectives for the fashion production companies of Hungary and Romania in the global supply chain due to the relocation tendenciesMelindaBenczi,University of Sopron, Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics: Achievement (un)locked: how did the COVID-19 global pandemic changed the narrative of the cross-border cooperation?Hungarian subsection 15:00 -17:00Molnárné Barna Katalin, Molnár Tamás, Kozma Dorottya Edina, University of Pannonia:Analysis of the relationship between sustainable development and human well-being in the period of 2014-2018Sarolta Lilla,Corvinus University of Budapest: Potential impacts of the COVID crisis on the European technology sectorZoltánHajdú,Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, E?tv?s Loránd Research Network: Relationships between Covid-19 and restrictions of cross-border passenger traffic in the case of Hungary and its neighborhoodIstván Deák,Széchenyi István University:The impact of COVID-19 on the site selection of small and medium-sized companies in HungaryKatalin Molnárné Barna, University of Pannonia:Development of population expenditures during multi-day domestic trips in tourist regions, with special regard to the coronavirus epidemicEnglish subsection17:00 -18:20 Nóra Baranyai – Boglárka Barsi – Márta Nárai, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies:On-line communication of local governments during COVID-19 pandemic in HungaryGábor Pataki - Dr. Róbert Bacsó,Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College:Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the situation of small and medium-sized enterprises in TranscarpathiaDr. Eszter Siposné Nándori - Dr. Kinga-Emese Zsidó, University of Miskolc and George Emil Palade University:Regional differences in the labor market effects of the coronavirus epidemic in Hungary and RomaniaSECTION H: Tourism and urban servicesMeet link: of Tourism and urban services: Nagy BenedekE-mail: nagybenedek@uni.sapientia.roEnglish subsection13:00 -15:00SergiiNezdoyminov, Ganna Bedradina, Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, Ukraine:Measurement of quality of tourist services in the conditions of overcoming the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemicHoàng Th? Ph??ng Th?o, University of Pécs, Hungary:Restoring and promoting domestic tourism in Vietnam after the Covid-19 pandemic: orienting the development of rural tourism through synthesizing lessons learned from many countries around the worldKrisztina Czuczor, Partium Christian University, Romania and University of Debrecen, Hungary:Cross-border tourism development activities in Bihor county within the Interreg IV and V ProgrammesKinga KatalinSzékely, Sapientia - Hungarian University of Transylvania, Romania:Online communication is the tourism sector in times of pandemicBenedek Nagy, Sapientia - Hungarian University of Transylvania, Romania:Romanian tourism during the pandemicsHungarian subsection 15:00 -17:00Márta Kóródi - Kamilla Povenszki, University of Debrecen, Hungary: Product Specification Features Provided by Four-star Hotels in HungaryOrsolya Savella, University of Debrecen, Hungary: Effect of knowledge acquired during health tourism travelling on health behavior –with special emphasis of woman's changes in groups of their 36-55 and 56-74 yearsKatalin Vargáné Csobán - Anett Godáné S?rés, University of Debrecen, Hungary:The challenges of culinary tourism development at the Balaton tourist regionFranciska Meiszter, Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Budapest, Hungary:The role of ecotourism in the Hungarian tourism FerencArany, Klara Glozik, Szent Istvan University, Hungary:The past and present of the Botanical Garden in Szarvas ................

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