Comprehension: Inference Grade: 3

[Pages:5]Comprehension: Inference Grade: 3



Goal: Students learn and practice making inferences. Time: 30 minutes Class Size: Small group Sample Passage Title: Freddie the Future Frog Materials Needed: Copies of the passage and graphic organizer

Genre: Literary

Grade: 3

Passages: When selecting passages, be sure that they include rich content and are on the higher end of the qualitative and quantitative text complexity continuum for the grade level.

Introduction (2 minutes)

1. Preview the text ? Provide a brief explanation of the text. We are going to read a new passage today. It is about a tadpole named Freddie who wishes to swim faster and farther.

2. Explain the skill ? Provide a brief explanation of the target skill for the lesson.

We are going to practice making inferences today. Making an inference means using evidence from the story and from what we know to understand something the author doesn't exactly say. We need to make inferences so that we can understand the whole story.

Close Reading (25 minutes)

1. Model the skill ? Read the text as a group. Randomly call on students to read portions of the text. Ensure your pattern of calling on students is unpredictable so all students continue to read along. ? When you come to a portion of the text that requires an inference, pause and describe the necessary inference.

mCLASS Comprehension


After reading page 1. Look, something is missing here. The author says Freddie wondered what life is like out of the water, but the author doesn't say why Freddie doesn't know. We need to make an inference. Let's use our graphic organizer to make the inference. I read that Freddie wondered what life was like outside of the water so I'll write that in the "What I Read" section. I also read that Freddie is a tadpole so I'll write that in the "What I Read" section, too.

From my background knowledge, I know that when frogs are tadpoles, they can't breathe above the water. I'll write that in the "What I Know" section.

I can put what I know and what I read together to make my inference. Freddie is a tadpole, and tadpoles can't breathe above water. Freddie wonders about life out of water because he can't go above water. The author didn't tell us exactly why Freddie would wonder what life would be like, but we can make an inference about why he would.

2. Practice the skill ? Continue reading the text as a group. ? When you come to a portion of the text that requires an inference, pause, have students turn and talk to share the inference, and then state the inference for the group.

After reading page 3. I think we need to make an inference on this page, too. Why was the ducks' invitation "special"? The author doesn't tell us. Turn and talk to your neighbor. Use evidence from the story and from what you know to make the inference. Use your graphic organizer to help you.

After students have partner-shared. OK, let's share as a group. Why was the ducks' invitation special? I wrote that Freddie is only a tadpole in the "What I Read" section of my organizer. I also know from my background knowledge that tadpoles are baby frogs, so they aren't very experienced.

Using "What I Read" and "What I Know," I can make some inferences. Maybe Freddie has never been to the deeper side of the pond. Maybe Freddie doesn't have much experience swimming in deeper water at all. Any of these can be a reason why the invitation was special; we just have to make inferences to really understand the story.

? Continue reading the text as a group and pause to make inferences on the suggested pages below.

mCLASS Comprehension


Possible Inferences

Page Inference Question


Why did Freddie get so tired?

Inference Instruction

What I Read: Freddie had never been to the other side of the pond; Freddie is worried he can't make it What I Know: Tadpoles are young Inference: Freddie isn't a good swimmer yet


Why was Freddie's tail getting shorter?

What I Read: Time is passing

What I Know: Tadpoles turn into frogs. Frogs don't have tails.

Inference: Freddie is probably growing into a frog!


How was Freddie able to reach the bridge What I Read: Freddie had turned into a


frog. Freddie had powerful legs.

What I Know: Having powerful legs helps you jump high and far.

Inference: Freddie's new jumping with his powerful legs is faster than swimming.

mCLASS Comprehension


3. Ask text-dependent questions

Now that we read the whole story and learned to make inferences. Let's keep using what we learned to answer some questions. Use the graphic organizer to help you if you need to!


What did Freddie look like at the beginning of the story?

Possible Answer He was a tadpole with fins and gills.

Why was Freddie playing tag with the ducks?

They invited him to play.

What did Freddie wonder when the ducks invited him to the other side of the pond?

He wondered if he was a good enough swimmer and if he could swim that far.

Why did Freddie swim home the morning he swam with the ducks?

He wasn't able to make it to the other side of the pond.

What did Freddie look like when he turned into a frog?

He had no tail, four powerful legs, and lungs.

Why was Freddie proud at the end of the story? He reached the bridge first and didn't give up.

Wrap Up (3 minutes)

1. Encourage use of the skill outside of the lesson ? State the target skill and explain its importance.

Today we practiced inferences. Knowing when and how to make inferences will help you understand a story or text when the author leaves something out.

Common Core Anchor Standards:

CCSS.ELA-RA.R.1 Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.

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What I know

My inference

What I read

mCLASS Comprehension


? 2018 Amplify. All rights reserved.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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