
Unit 2: The blood, Lymphatic & Immune System NotesMedical TerminologyObjectives:Define and decipher common terms associated with the lymphatic and immune systemsIdentify the basic anatomy of the lymphatic and immune systemsAnalyze unfamiliar terms using the knowledge of word roots, suffixes, and prefixes gained in the courseResearch diseases which involve the lymphatic and immune systemsI. Medical terms related to the blood, and the lymphatic and immune systems: Combining FormsCombining FormMeaningAdenoid/oAgglutin/oAngi/oArteri/oCyt/oErythr/oFung/oHem/a, hem/o, hemat/oIatr/oImmun/oKary/oLeuk/oLog/oLy/oLymph/o, lymphat/oLymphaden/oLymphangi/oMorpho/oMyel/oNucle/oPath/oPhag/oPhleb/oSer/oSplen/oThromb/oThym/oTonsill/oTox/oVen/i, ven/oVir/oPrefixesAnti-Con-Macro-Meta-Poly-Suffixes-blast-crit-emic-phage-plasma-poiesisII. Two main fluid systems the human body-blood and lymphBlood: part of the circulatory or ______________________________________________ systemLymph: Part of the lymphatic system; a clear fluid Contains ______________________________________ to help remove wastes, germs, toxins and other substances from tissuesControls ____________________________ levels in tissuesIII. Functions of the blood: Blood is composed of various cells that have various functionscarry _____________________________________________ from lungs to the cells of your bodyremove ______________________________________________ to prevent waste buildup in cellsdefends body against infection and diseaseIV. Structures of the BloodBlood Cells: Manufactured in the bone marrowErythrocytes (_________________________): carry oxygen to body cells and remove wastesContain hemoglobin which is a specialized protein used to carry O2 and CO2Leukocytes (_________________________): defend against infection and disease; two typesPolymorphonuclear: WBC that have a nucleus made up of several segmentspoly/morpho/nucle/ar: _____________________________________________________Can also be called granulocytes because their cytosol is filled with granules_________________________/phagocytes: destroy harmful pathogens by engulfing them and breaking them down with enzymesEosinophils: secrete chemicals to attack disease causing parasites. Also respond during an allergic reaction by causing inflammation___________________________________: Contain histamine and heparin. ____________________________: chemical that the body releases during an inflammatory responseHeparin: prevents coagulation or clottingMononuclear: _______________________that only have one nucleus; are also called agranulocytes because their cytosol does not have any granulesLymphocytes: immune surveillance; detect and destroy foreign cellsMonocytes: __________________________ that ingest and dispose of dead or dying cellsMacrophages: ______________________________ that are found in tissues instead of blood stream. Mostly found in spleen, liver, and connective tissue.Thrombocytes (platelets): Aid in coagulation; cell fragments that have been broken off of megakaryocytes (bone marrow cells that have very large nuclei)Mega/kary/o/cyt/e: ____________________________________________________________Plasma: ___________________ portion of the blood that contains water, hormones, proteins, sugar, salts, and wastes. Four key proteins found in plasma help the body function effectively.Albumin: water level maintenance in blood___________________________: alpha and beta globulins transport lipids. Gamma globulins act as antibodiesFibrinogen: key protein involved in blood clottingProthrombin: another protein involved in blood clottingV. Functions of the Lymphatic and Immune SystemsProtect the body from _________________________ (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parities, toxins, allergens & cancerous cells). Relies on organs from several body ___________________________. Integumentary system: skin acts as a barrier from pathogensRespiratory system: Cilia and mucous membranes help trap foreign particles. ______________________ system: the stomach produces acids and enzymes to destroy foreign invaders.Lymphatic system: plays a central roleVI. Structures of the Lymphatic SystemA. Lymph/lymphatic fluid/interstitial fluid: colorless fluid that leaves the blood capillaries and circulates through a pathway of lymphatic vessels and tissues. B. Lymphatic Vessels: Carry lymph to tissues of the bodya. Only move in one direction (towards the thoracic cavity) and contain valves to prevent backflowC. Lymph Nodes: small bean-shaped structure that that filter foreign substances from lympha. also produce lymphocytes which can detect and destroy pathogens.D. __________________________: Small mass of lymphatic tissue that form a protective ring in the pharynx; Three types. Can trap pathogens that enter through the throat and the nose.a. palatine tonsils: found on either side of the throatb. lingual tonsils: at the base of the tonguec. _____________________/pharyngeal tonsils: in the upper part of the throat (nasopharynx)E. _____________________________: gland located in the upper mediastinum (area of the chest between the lungs). Begins to atrophy after ____________________________.a. T lymphocytes produced in bone marrow mature in the thymus and then enter the bloodstreamF. Spleen: largest lymphatic organa. Filters blood by destroying worn out _______________________b. produces lymphocytesc. stores thrombocytesd. reservoir for _______________________________G. Liver (found in RUQ): a. filters blood through _______________________________hem/o/lysis:__________________________________________________________________________________storage for healthy erythrocyteserythr/o/cyt/es:______________________________________________________________________________H. Peyer’s patches: small bundles of ____________________ tissue in the walls of the small intestines.a. protect against invaders that enter through the digestive system. VII. Structures of the Immune SystemT cells: Different types of T cells are involved in immunityCytotoxic cells (T8 cells): attach themselves to antigens and destroy those substancesHelper cells (T4 cells): aid ___________________________ in recognizing antigens and stimulating antibody (Ig) productionNatural Killer cells (NK cells): usually target cancer cells or viruses by recognizing the specific sugars they have on their surface_______________________________ cells: slow or stop the activity of B or T cells once the foreign invader has been destroyed or controlledB Cells: turn into plasma cells in response to an antigen and then secrete immunoglobulins (specific antibodies). This is referred to as humoral immunity. There are five classes of immunoglobulins:IgA: Found in respiratory and GI tracts. They are also secreted in ____________________, tears, and _______________________________.IgD: found in blood plasma in small amounts. Attach themselves to the surface of B cells to act as antigen receptorsIgE: secreted by plasma cells in skin, tonsils, and respiratory and GI tracts; stimulate histamines so useful in allergic responsesIgG: Main defense against infection invaders. Can provide __________________ immunity.IgM: help fight _____________________ infections. Can bind to B-cells and act as powerful ________________________________ agents. VIII. Types of Immunity: Immunity is the ability to resist pathogens and toxins that cause infection and disease.Natural immunity: immunity you were ______________________________Your body is predisposed to protect you from certain diseases because of your race, _______________________________, or species (in the case of other animals)Feline leukemiaSickle-cell anemiaProstate cancer vs. cervical cancerAcquired immunity: the body’s ability to protect itself against a ___________________________ bacterium, virus, etc. Acquired active immunity: Body is exposed to and learns to defend against the pathogenImmunity through a _______________________: After being invaded by a pathogen and surviving, B and T cells produce memory cells that can help prevent reinfection. Immunity through a _______________: person is injected with modified pathogen or toxin that will prime immune system to potential attacks from pathogens.Acquired passive immunity: _______________________________ immunity that comes from antibodies produced in a body other than your own.Serum from the blood of an animal or other personInjections of gamma globulins from other peopleNewborns getting antibodies from mother______________________________________ transplant from a healthy person to a diseased individual. (Ex. Leukemia, severe anemia, etc.)48006002400300Cistern chyli0Cistern chyli051435000034290022860000Structures of the lymphatic and Immune systems ................

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