
Infectious Neurological Disorders MeningitiInflamanation of theAffects brain surface and cranial nervesClassfied as septic ( aseptic – irritation w out infrction ) tubercule Fungal concentrates in the nasal pharynx and transmitted thought secretion or aerosol, bacteria enters and passes the bld brain barrier. And ivadesm CSF causes inflimation ad and intercranial pressureRecovery cn be good if caught early.. Complications, need to ask somnebody7BloodstreamDirect SpreadCrosses Blood Brain BarrierHeadache and fever- remains high through the whole process. Is unrelentingNuchal rigidity- stiff neck when you try to strech, causes spams Positive Kernig’s sign, lying on back, and legs want to come upPositive Brudzinski’s sign, if neck is flex and legs want to come upPhotophobiaDisorientation; and momory loss, depend on severity and duration. Behavir changes; some cause pt to lapse into acoma..Seizures 30% OF ADULTSIncreased ICP; cause of inlimation,a nd puss in the brain Uncal herniation, herniation of the brain Rash esp. on legsPerjectial in vomiting is a cardianal signs cause the hypthalimus is what is beong stimulatesSeptic-bacterial, usualy comes from bug, pneumococcous and minningio coccus Aseptic-viralTuberculus-immuno compromised( most common in HIV)Fungal-immuno compromised(rare) caused by cyptocacus .. A fungus that in to the nervous system and causes granulomas Increase risk fasctors tobacco useViral upper respiratoryear infectionlymphomadrug use DiagnosisPhysical examination, cat scan, or mRI Lumbar puncture, analyze CSF.. Usually acid fast. Glucose and protein..CSF culturesAlso look for hydoe sephgalus… The ealier you get antiubiotic the better TreatmentPenicillin, Vancomycin, Dexamethasone, Fluids or Dilantin Nursing ManagementProtectionMonitoring; VS and glasco coma scale, intercrainial pressure and body temp, whicj increases ceribrial metabolismPrevent complications pt safety, seizers, TCDB, skin break dwn Infection control Isolation control, 24 - 48 after antibiotics and started PreventionVaccination for college freshmenAntibiotics for exposureVaccination for childrenFlu and pnemonia vaccinationENCEPHALITISAcute inflammatory process od acual brain tissue , not miningges Systemic viral diseaseViral eccephalitis – like polio, rabies, mononecleoulus (mono)Can arise from infectious such as measles, rubella. malariaArthropod borne; west Nile Virus; bird to mosqito(host) to us S/Smaculopapular rash parkinsonian like movements (shaking( seizures Herpes simplex type 1- most common cause of acute encephalitis, develops in 1 in every 150 cases. .causes hemoragic necrosis S/Sbehavioral changesSeizers hemi poriesis Altered level of consciousness Fungal Infections; usually happen cause of pt digging in dirt.. rare, doesn’t occure in healthy peopleCreutzfeldt-Jakob Disease viral infection comes from prion, in infected beef, that Cant be killed and is 100 % fatal. Crosses BBB ND INTO brain tissue and Can take ten yearsSymptomsFever, Delirium, Confusion, Seizures, Cranial nerve palsies, Paralysis, Increases intercranial pressureDiagnosisHistory, Clinical presentation, CSF examinationMRICT scanEeg Lumbar punture Asses for high opening pressureFor crest.. A brain biopsyTreatmentAntiviral agentsSteroidsAnti-seizure medsHerpes, pt zovirax ( acyclovire)Nursing ManagementNeurological status ( glasco coma scale)Administration of medsAssess responseProvide supportive careBrain AbscessA collection of infectious material ,usually puss. Bacteria re themost common organis,m.. More often in men; Age 30 to 40 yearsOpen trauma, or During NeurosurgeryBacteria; Infection nearbySpread from distant infectionNo other infectionSymptomsFever, Headache, Neck pain, Drowsiness, Confusion, and VomitingDiagnosisClinical features ( hystory and phyisical), CT scan, Blood cultures, chest x ray, and Aspiration using ct guide method.TreatmentControl ICP- drain abscessAntibiotics-m large dose big enough to cross BBB, central line for long term care; Steroids and Anti-seizure meds ................

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