
Mr. Silimperi Name: _________________

Council Rock High School South Date: _________________

AP Psychology Personality Disorders

Definition: disorders characterized by inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning

▪ usually without anxiety, depression, or delusions


▪ Avoidant personality disorder

▪ Schizoid personality disorder

▪ Histrionic personality disorder

▪ Narcissistic personality disorder

▪ Borderline personality disorder

▪ **Anti-social personality disorder

▪ disorder in which the person (usually man) exhibits a lack of conscience for wrongdoing, even toward friends and family members

▪ may be aggressive and ruthless or a clever con artist

▪ formerly called sociopath / psychopath


bio-psycho-social roots of crime

Danish male babies whose backgrounds were marked BOTH by obstetrical complications and social stresses associated with poverty were twice as likely to be criminal offenders by ages 20-22 as those in either the biological or social risk groups.

Murderous Minds

▪ PET scans illustrate reduced activation in a murderer’s frontal cortex – a brain area that helps brake impulsive, aggressive behavior. Frontal love damage can impair people’s discernening right from wrong.



levels of stress hormone adrenaline were measured in 2 groups of 13 yr. Old Swedish boys. In both stressful and non-stressful situations, those who were later convicted of a crime (as 18-26 yr olds) showed relatively low arousal =>fearless approach to life!!!!


NIMH => US National Institute of Mental Health: representative sample of 20,000 institutionalized and community resident revealed 1 in 3 US adults had experienced a psychological disorder AND 1 in 5 was currently experiencing a disorder. The 3 most common were:

• Phobic disorder

• Alcohol abuse / dependence (men 5 to 1 vs. females)

• Mood disorder (women 2 to 1 vs. males)

Biological risk factors @ birth

Double the RISK! When nature and nurture interact!


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