
National Inclusion Week 2020Activity:Answers:Question: what did you learn from this article?Learner LedResearch Online: what activities can you do within your workplace, with friends or family, or with classmates to take part in National Inclusion Week 2020? Inclusive Employers lists lots of activities that are taking place for National Inclusion Week 2020. Discuss: what are some common stereotypes that you may have faced in your life?Learner gives examples of common stereotypes and why we should challenge them to help guide the discussion. Career Coach - Interactive Job SearchActivity:Answers:Question: before completing the Career Coach Career Assessment tool what career do you think you would be suited to?Learner LedOnline Activity: complete the Career Coach Career Assessment. What career did the Career Assessment tool say you would be suited to?Learner Led Question: Do you agree with the results? Learner LedThe English LanguageActivity:Answers:Question: what interests you about the English language?Learner LedQuick Activity: take the BBC Bitesize Grammar quiz what was your score?Learner LedTrue or False: “the” is the most common word in the English language. TrueMental Health and Wellbeing - Suicide PreventionActivity:Answers:Question: how did this article make you feel?Learner LedQuestion: Close to 800,000 people de due to suicide every year worldwide, this is one person every 40 seconds. How many people is this in an hour? 90 peopleLonger Activity: Research online why suicide rates are higher for men than women, and what can be done to help reduce this.The BBC has a good article backed by statistics Risk factors can include - men not communicating their feelings as freely as women, women seeking medical intervention more for depression and often men ‘self-medicate’ their feelings with drink or drugs rather than dealing with the root cause. ................

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