
Board of Trustees

January 25, 2014

Pennsylvania Dental Association Central Office

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Present Consultants/Staff/Guests Present

Dr. Anand V. Rao (1) Camille Kostelac-Cherry, Esq., CEO

Dr. Ronald K. Heier (2) Thomas J. Weber, Legal Counsel

Dr. Eli Stavisky (3) Kelly M. Wagner, Executive Assistant

Dr. Michael S. Shuman (4) Dr. D. Scott Aldinger, GTF Chair

seated for Dr. Frederick S. Johnson Ms. Peg Callahan, PDA Lobbyist

Dr. James M. Boyle III (5) Rebecca Von Nieda, Director of

Dr. John P. Grove (6) Meetings and Admin.

Dr. Brian D. Christian (7) Mary Donlin, Director of Membership

seated for Dr. Wade I. Newman Marisa Swarney, Director of GR

Dr. Thomas C. Petraitis (8)

Dr. Joseph E. Ross (9)

Dr. Herbert L. Ray, Jr. (10)

Dr. R. Donald Hoffman, President

Dr. Stephen T. Radack III, President-elect

Dr. Bernie P. Dishler, Immediate Past President

Dr. Peter P. Korch III, Speaker of the House

Dr. Jeffrey B. Sameroff, Secretary

Dr. Samuel E. Selcher, Treasurer

Dr. Andrew J. Kwasny, ADA Trustee

Dr. Bruce R. Terry, Editor

Dr. Sara L. Haines, New Dentist Committee Liaison


Dr. Frederick S. Johnson, Trustee

Dr. Wade I. Newman, Trustee

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:50 a.m. by Dr. R. Donald Hoffman, president.

Approval of Record of Electronic Votes

The board unanimously approved the Record of Electronic Votes from September 23, 2013, through January 14, 2014, as distributed. (BOARD ACTION)

Dr. Stricklin Transfer Request

Dr. Stricklin has moved to Pittsburgh but would like to remain a member of second district. The board unanimously approved the request.

Resolved That the Board of Trustees approve Dr. Fay Stricklin’s request to 01/14/BT23 continue membership in the Second District Valley Forge Dental


Active Life Dues

The Membership Committee recommended increasing life membership dues from 50 percent to 75 percent. The board suggested that the additional revenue could be used to fund a new project or to offset future dues increases. By a vote of 8-2 the board approved increasing the life membership dues.

Resolved That PDA Bylaws article 2.0, annual dues and special assessments,

01/14/BT24 section 2.2 be amended as follows: life membership dues for members who derive income related to dentistry shall be 50 75 percent of active membership dues and 50 75 percent of special assessments. (Financial impact $110,418)

(Yes: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) (No: 2, 10)

Assignment of Benefits Legislation

Ms. Peg Callahan, PDA’s lobbyist, discussed the assignment of benefits legislation stating that there is significant bipartisan support for this consumer oriented bill. Unfortunately, the bill has been removed from the budget of the insurance committee because PDA refused to accept Mr. Joe Pittman’s proposed amendment to the original language.

Although this bill has no financial impact, the insurance industry does not support it. Both PDA and the insurance industry agree that dual signature should not be included in the bill.

It was suggested that Ms. Callahan have breakfast with Rep. Stan Saylor, Majority Whip, to discuss the assignment of benefits bill.

The board authorized Ms. Callahan to contact Karen Coates, Director of Legislative Affairs, and Rep. Mike Turzai to discuss the bill, to find sponsors in the House and to get their support behind the legislation. Ms. Callahan will also meet with Kelly Phenicie, Legal Counsel for Sen. Dominic Pileggi, to keep her apprised of PDA’s position and to request suggestions on the language of the bill. Ms. Callahan will advocate introduction of the bill in the House with the present language, using the Florida legislation language as a compromise. No other changes or language are acceptable to PDA. (01/14/BTDA01)

Board members were asked to accompany Ms. Callahan to meetings with legislators when possible.

PDA is a gold sponsor for a Senate Republican event in February and is recognized on the invitation.

The volunteer dental license bill will have to go through the State Board of Dentistry. Ms. Callahan is pushing to have this bill approved quickly. PDA should recognize Rep. Harry Readshaw and Rep. Keith Gillespie for their work on this bill.

Affiliate Members

The Membership Committee recommended amending article 1.8.1 of the bylaws to allow dentists who reside outside of Pennsylvania to be classified as an affiliate member of PDA.

Resolved That PDA Bylaws article 1.0, membership, section 1.8.1 be amended as follows: an ADA member dentist in good standing who practices in another state and who resides in Pennsylvania, upon application to and approval by the board, may be classified as an affiliate member.

The board amended the proposed resolution and unanimously approved the following:

Resolved That PDA Bylaws article 1.0, membership, section 1.8.1 be amended 01/14/BT25 as follows: an ADA member dentist in good standing who practices

outside the Commonwealth of PA in another state and who resides in Pennsylvania, upon application to and approval by the board, may be classified as a PDA affiliate member.

Destination Continuing Education (CE)

Dr. Larry Sangrik has asked PDA to promote destination CE opportunities developed by his company, Interactive Dental Seminars. The board directed staff to survey members to determine interest level and to clarify that there is no cost to PDA. Results will be reported to the Executive Committee. (01/14/BTDA02) It was noted by the board that Dr. Sangrik has PACE approval rather than CERP.

President’s Report

PDA provided a plaque to honor Dr. Bullock’s service. It will be presented to him at the Valley Forge Dental Conference.

President-elect’s Report

Dr. Radack will attend the ADA President Elect’s Conference on January 26 through 28, 2014. He will provide a report after the meeting.

Speaker of the House Report

Dr. Korch provided a report from Friday’s Bylaws Committee meeting and referenced changes made to the Bylaws according to the governance model approved by the 2013 House of Delegates. The board was asked to review the documents and provide input regarding the Bylaws changes via the SoNet.

There currently exists no formal policy in regard to guests attending board meetings. The Bylaws Committee recommended and the board unanimously approved the following policy:

Resolved That guests may be invited by the president to board meetings to 01/14/BT26 present information deemed important to PDA.

As written, the current Bylaws allow no limit to the number of members serving on advisory groups and specify that each member of the Dental Benefits Advisory Group must serve as a liaison to an insurance carrier. The potential problem is that there may be more members serving on this advisory group than there are insurance carriers. The Bylaws Committee recommended and the board unanimously approved amending Bylaw

Resolved That PDA Bylaws section be amended as follows:

01/14/BT27 To act as the liaison between the PDA and/or its individual members

and the insurance companies administering dental insurance plans in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Each An advisory group member shall act as a liaison to an insurance carrier as deemed appropriate by the advisory group chair.

Secretary’s Report

Dr. Sameroff reported an excellent ADA meeting in New Orleans.

Treasurer’s Report

Although all of the information is not yet available, Dr. Selcher reported that PDA will have a positive balance for the year. Expenses came in under budget.

PDA/PDAIS consolidated statements will be done after new PDA software is installed.

The current online dues payment process gives members the ability to include PADPAC contributions with their dues payment on the “Renew Dues” screen. This process requires staff to prepare manual reports after contacting contributors to identify the payment as a hard or soft dollar donation. The new software will eliminate the manual identification and reporting. This feature combines the dues payment process with online PADPAC membership.

Step 1: The member logins and completes the online renewal form (identifies if they want to include Foundation with dues payment).

Step 2: The member is taken to the PADPAC Membership form and either selects a contribution level or hits the opt out button.

Step 3: The member provides credit card information for the process (dues alone or dues and contributions)

The cost for this feature is approximately $3,500.

Resolved That the purchase of the software to enable online PADPAC 01/14/BT28 contributions be approved at a cost of $3,500.

Immediate Past President’s Report

Dr. Dishler reported that the PA Coalition for Oral Health (PCOH) hired a part-time executive director. PCOH is working to improve credentialing and reimbursement issues with Medicaid. Coalition members met with the Physician General, who is not knowledgeable about dentistry but is willing to be educated on dentistry. PDA would like to have a Public Health Dentist in the Department of Health, which would be the counterpart to the Physician General. Mr. Brian Wyant is advising PCOH on how to create the position with power.

The Trade Alliance has provided a grant for age one dentistry training. The first free training session will be held at Valley Forge. The grant also provides speakers for local dental meetings where the hour long training session could take place.

Staff is always present at State Board of Dentistry meetings. However, Dr. Dishler recommends that more dentists should attend the meetings to field questions. The Government Relations (GR) chair should attend these meetings. It was noted that travel funding for the GR chair has been cut but possibly should be reinstated. It was also suggested that the State Board chairman be invited to a PDA meeting.

An oral surgeon from Geisinger, upset about dental decay, contacted his local representative to sponsor a bill mandating fluoride be added to the water supply. He also contacted the PA Medical Society, PDA and the PCOH to get everyone on board. Even though it is a good idea, PDA has spent a lot of time and money in recent years trying to get a fluoride bill passed and is not willing to get involved at this time. The representative’s office is checking for money to reimburse water companies for the additional cost to add fluoride to the water. The earliest a bill could be introduced is 2015.

ADPAC and PADPAC income is continually decreasing. Dr. Dishler urged PDA to be open to soliciting members for contributions.

ADA Trustee’s Report

Dr. Kwasny reported that the main effort of the ADA has been the development of a strategic plan entitled “Members First 2020.” With the tripartite groups working together to promote member value, the goal is to increase market share to 70 percent. The Power of Three and Aptify are tools being used. Taking effect in 2015, there will be a centralized location for information. Aptify is the internet technology component.

Dr. Kwasny requested permission to communicate directly with the component societies. Staff was directed to provide Dr. Kwasny with the contact information for district and local presidents and secretaries. (01/14/BTDA03)

Statewide Guidelines for Dues Waivers

Dr. Heier asked the board to consider creating a state policy regarding dues waivers to eliminate subjectivity. Currently the ADA and PDA defer to the local societies to determine whether or not to allow a dues waiver for a member dentist. PDA does provide dues waiver and addendum forms to be completed.

Offering a dues waiver at a time of financial crisis is an opportunity to build a relationship with members rather than having them drop membership. If there are any questions, local societies may contact Mary Donlin, Director of Membership. The membership department tracks waivers by the number of years and the percentage of the waiver. The Membership Committee is researching a state dues waiver policy and will discuss it at the next meeting.

ADA Delegation

The board discussed two issues which occurred during the New Orleans ADA meeting. First, PDA’s delegation did not discuss the pros and cons of all of the candidates for president-elect. Secondly, a PDA delegation member indicated to another ADA district that the PDA delegation would back its candidate if Dr. Weber was voted out first. PDA’s delegation does not vote as a block and this delegation member did not have the authority to promise PDA’s votes.

Electronic Communication

Dr. Rao requested that all electronic PDA board business be disseminated using the SoNet rather than email for ease in finding items.

CEO’s Report

The board recommended that the CEO Update be sent via email through the SoNet. It need not be added as a document to the library. (01/14/BTDA04)

Ms. Kostelac-Cherry presented the CEO succession plan for annual review. The board agreed to sign it as presented. (01/14/BTDA05)

Legal Counsel’s Report

The North Carolina Board of Dentistry applied for an appeal to the United States Supreme Court of the Circuit Court’s affirmation of the Federal Trade Commission’s decision that the Board’s cease and desist letters to teeth whitening businesses not utilizing a dentist was an impermissible restraint on trade. Until this is resolved, Pennsylvania’s State Board of Dentistry will do very little with reviewing Pennsylvania’s regulations.

The State Board of Dentistry investigates every complaint it receives. In addition, it is now combing media, print and video, and investigating matters involving licensed individuals who receive adverse media attention.

Governance Task Force (GTF) Report

Dr. D. Scott Aldinger, GTF chair, provided the board with a preliminary report. The board gave feedback on the report. The GTF will meet again to clarify a few points and will prepare a final report for inclusion in the Annual Session workbook.

The board unanimously approved investigating the use of electronic voting machines for the Annual Meeting. (01/14/BTDA06)

Dr. Korch informed the board that the new governance model will be presented and voted on as a whole package and will be open to amendments. Fifty-eight votes will be needed to pass with a 2/3 House vote.

Executive Session

The board went into executive session at 2:30 p.m.


The meeting was adjourned at 3:25 p.m.


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