Answer the following questions – in your own words. You are not allowed to copy/paste answers.INTRODUCTIONS/INTERVIEWSWhat is the main purpose of the RESUME?The main purpose of a resume is to get the employers interest. Simply put, what is a JOB INTERVIEW?A meeting between the employer and the job applicant. What are some ways an interview can be conducted?In person, over the telephone, or video conference. How does the interview benefit the HIRING MANAGER?Gives access to your qualifications and they can determine if you’re the best candidate for the job.How does the interview benefit the, the INTERVIEWEE? Can find out if the company and the job are a good match for you.TYPES OF INTERVIEWSList several types of interviews and briefly describe them.Screen interview- use to determine which top candidates to bring in for the actual face-to-face interview, typically over the phoneGroup interview- meet several people at onceBehavior interview- employer ask you question to see what your future performance would look like Audition interview- employers to see you in action Full day interview- several members of an organization interview you individually Follow up interviews- employer is having a difficult time deciding THE INTERVIEW PROCESSBreak down the GOA2L ProcessG greet the interviewer with a firm handshake and introduce yourself O offer additional copies of your resume A answer the questions you are asked A ask any questions you may have about the company or jobL leave on a good note What should you do after you leave the interview?Leave a thank you note WHAT TO PREPARE – INTRODUCTION/RESEARCHWhat do you want to find out about a company before you interview with them?What products or services the company sells, who its customers and competitors are, how the company is doing within the industry, what the company culture is like Why do you want to research the company before your interview?Will show employer you know and understand the needs of the companyWHAT TO WEARList some tips on how to dress for your interview.Should be relatively formal- suits, long sleeves, solid color Fit well, not visibly worn out, comfortable Accessories should be limited Wear dark or neutral colorsMust be well groomed WHAT TO BRINGLook over the INTERVIEW CHECKLIST and list some items that you will bring with you to your interview.A positive and friendly attitude A copy of your resume with notes Additional clean, quality copies of your resumeOwn list of questions to ask about job or company A pen and paper Past work samples or portfolio List of referencesIdentification and social security card Planner calendar PRACTICE ANSWERING QUESTIONSList at least three standard interview questions and provide your answers for them.Name your three greatest strengths Great communication, work excellent in groups, leading a group What is your greatest weakness My greatest weakness is being too trusting What attracted you to the company/ position? Why do you want to work for us?This company has always caught my attention so when I found out about the positon available I thought this would be great for me and the company.What is the STAR Method for answering questions?S- describe the situation T- descried the task necessary for that situation A- actions you took to address the situation R- then descried the result List a couple of questions that might be good for you to ask during your interview?What is the primary goal or responsibilities of this position in the first year?What resources will I have access to that will help me perform my job duties?Why might it be good for you to ask some questions during your interview?So you can learn more about the company and the position, and the employer will know you’re interested WHAT TO DO DURING YOUR INTERVIEWWhat is BUSINESS ETTIQUETTE?To build relationships with other people and manners to predict wheather youll work well with another employers.List 5 or 6 behaviors that you will demonstrate during your interview.Be on time Introduce myself Shake hands Positive attitudes No mobile devices Dress appropriately YOUR VOICEWhat are some ways you can sound more confident during your interview?Don’t apologies for being nervous Pause before answering to give yourself more thoughtsPractice answering before you go No filler phrase What is BODY LANGUAGE and why is it important during your interview?Body language can communicate as much information as what youre saying. Thoughts and attitude can be reflected though your body How can you improve your body language?You can improve your body language by practicing in the mirror or recording yourself, so you can have a view yourself on how youll do in the interview.What are the seven rules for answering any interview question? Ask for clarification Be honest Stay true to your message Always answer questions with your audience in mind Avoid topics that get you in trouble Use clear and concise language Seek feedback Which do you believe is the most important? Why?The most important one is avoiding topics that get in trouble, because showing a bad reputation will most likely not get you the job. What does REFLECTING ON YOUR INTERVIEW mean? Why is it important?Several things you should do afterward to make the most out of an interview. Its important because you reflect on how you did and it can make you better for future interviews.Why send a THANK YOU LETTER to your interviewer?To show that you have good manners. It shows the interviewer that you appreciate them for having the time to interview you, you will stand out more.What do you do if you’re OFFERED a position?Take time to think about it, make sure it’s a good position they’re offering and the salary seems reasonable. Express your enthusiasm.Why should you EVALUATE the offer?Think about the salary they’re giving for the spot and ask yourself questions such as how many hours will I work each week, how much money will I spend to get to work.Why might you DECLINE a job offer?You might decline the offer if you don’t seem to be interested in it or the salary isn’t what you were expecting. Showing them that you’re thankful for the offer.What are some simple rules for following up after an interview?Well you already know how an interview is so maybe the next one you will be less nervous. ................

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