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make their day!Recognition That Works - Key Pointsrecognition(1) the act of seeing or identifying; (2) the perception of something as existing or true; (3) the acknowledgement of something as valid or entitled to consideration.50/30/20 rule - 50 percent manager, 30 percent peer, 20 percent organization? Perks, bonuses, plaques, awards, and incentives are not recognition.What is: Praise, thanks, put it in writing, opportunity, respect. Sincere and genuine.? 57 percent of survey employees say the most meaningful recognition is free.? 88 percent said it cost under $100.? It is the relationship that matters and knowing something personal about the person being recognized.? 47 percent of 800 employees surveyed stated they would like feedback every week.? Of this survey, these are what they valued most:? Time off (55-60 percent)? Gift cards as spot awards (@30 percent)? Meaningful, interesting, and challenging work? Clear expectations and understand their role? Praise and appreciation? Social interactionwhat exceptional managers do? Provide clear expectations, validation, respect, loyalty, and trust.? Figure out what people have to offer and leverage their strengths.? Individualize recognition.? Encourage employees to recognize each other.? Celebrate as a team.? Senior leaders knowing people’s names and what they do.? Wells Fargo example p. 92 e-cards, e-awards.? Promote recognition across all levels.? Make recognition easy.? Complement HR/official programs.? Create your own individual or team recognition norms.? Self-recognition.? Train others.? Development plans p.110.faster meetings - daily/weeky; one minute each person? Finished - What have they accomplished since last meeting?? Acknowledgements - Who made their job easier?? Still Outstanding - What are they working on now?? Trouble Spots - What difficulties are they encountering?? Enlightenment - What have they learned?? Requests - What do they need?fairness? Make recognition specific to an individual.? 82 percent say most meaningful recognition they have ever received was given to them as an individual.? Recognition by its very nature singles out individuals or groups of individuals.? It is not fair to treat everyone the same.? Most mediocre performers often complain most about fairness.? Hierarchy of fairness? Valued/Visible opportunities? Public praise, awards, teams awards, celebrations? Written thank you notes, one-on-one praise? Verbal thank youidentify contributions? How do you see your work contributing?? What tasks are you currently assigned that don’t support these organizational values and goals?? Can these tasks be modified to make them more relevant?? What new responsibilities would allow you to contribute at an even greater extent?start small? Create a habit that you can commit to. Work on technique and form.? Evaluate, adjust.? Determine current state of recognition.? Plan your strategy.? Commit to a long-term, graduated implementation.Please rank the following by level of importance and then rate your level of satisfaction with each.importance rank from 1-81=most importantsatisfaction rate from 1-1010 = very satisfiedMission and vision (clear, compelling direction)Communication (supervisor/coworkers/customers)Opportunities (career/learning and development)Work environment (work/life; physical space)Rewards and recognition for high performanceWork (daily activities, processes, resources)Benefits – our commitment to employee well beingPeople (supervisor/coworkers/customers)what’s working (dept., division, organization)what’s not working (dept., division, organization)Do you feel your ideas have been heard?Yes!SometimesNoAs your supervisor, I want to do everything possible to provide you with the resources, information, and motivation to excel in your job. Please consider how I am doing as your “coach” as you complete the assessment below. Each item is an area where I want to support and encourage my people, and your feedback will be very helpful to me in doing this. Thanks in advance!A five indicates that I am outstanding at this skill and practice it regularly; a four says that you see me as very good at this skill and that I do it often; three is satisfactory practice, done sometimes; two is seldom practiced and indicates a need for improvement on my part; and one says poor, that you have never known me to practice this skill.1. I recognize and appreciate differences in my staff and lead accordingly.543212. I keep you and other employees informed about organizational plans and operational changes/processes.543213. I communicate how your role fits and plays a part in your organization’s strategic goals.543214. I encourage employee suggestions on new ideas/new ways of doing things.543215. I encourage you and other employees to solve your/their own problems.543216. I make sure that you have a clear understanding of what is expected of you.543217. I level with you about your performance.543218. I set and communicate clear goals and expectations.543219. I give praise and other appropriate rewards to recognize achievement in a way that is important to you.5432110. I keep employees focused on team effectiveness by keep everyone aware of the value of their personal contributions.5432111. I know your personal career aspirations as a member of my team.5432112. I look for ways to help you and other people grow on the job.5432113. I assist you in removing obstacles so you can do your job well.5432114. I ask other team members to assist one another to learn and grow.5432115. I assign tasks/responsibilities that are best suited to your skills.5432116. I make sure you understand that the success of our team, and every member (myself included), depends on them.5432117. I make myself available to you and the team on a high priority basis.5432118. I do not discourage conflict and I insist it be resolved in a timely manner.5432119. I work hard to assure that team members understand/respect/support one another.5432120. I am fair in recognizing and rewarding behavior.5432121. I share my knowledge and expertise with team members and expect the same in return.5432122. I walk the talk; my actions are consistent with the expectations I have of others.54321If you rated my skills as less than four on any item, please suggest ways for me to improve and make that practice a target for my personal skill development:Please take a moment and answer only the questions with which you feel comfortable. These answers will help me better connect and deepen my understanding on what is really important to you.Employee NameHire DateAre you comfortable with your birthday being celebrated?YesNoDo you have a family and do you mind sharing the names? Do you have any pets?Please share your interests/hobbies/activities.Is there any specific holiday you like to celebrate that we do not observe today? What is your favorite:? Restaurant? Beverage/food/snacks/candy? Way to relax? Way to spoil yourself? Way to have fun? Stores? Types of music/moviesHow do you prefer to be recognized?PrivatePublic and privateTell me about a favorite memory when you were recognized.What is your preferred method of receiving recognition and/or a reward? Describe your ideal working environment.What can I personally do to make your job easier?If there was one thing you could change about your job, what would it be?baby boomer1. Have you mentioned that they are important to your organization’s success?2. Have you told them that you need them?3. Have you told them that you appreciate it when they go the extra mile?4. Have you let them know that you appreciate their ability to build relationships?5. Have you checked yourself on how you deliver critical feedback because they may be overly sensitive?6. Have you taken care when discussing issues involving others on the team who may have different points of view?generation x1. Have you let them know that you have some of the most current hardware/software? (If you don’t have it, maybe it’s time to consider updating.)2. Have you encouraged their creativity?3. Have you acknowledged their ability to adapt?4. Have you shown appreciation for their ability to be independent?5. Have you coached this population on demonstrating good “people skills?”6. Have you supported this group to be patient with colleagues and customers?millennial1. Have you communicated to this group that they and their coworkers will help this organization be great?2. Have you let the group know that you appreciate their optimism (and implemented recent/new ideas)?3. Have you provided opportunities for this group to work collaboratively?4. Have you provided adequate direction and structure?5. Have you coached them on handling challenging people issues?priority areas of focusbehaviors and actions that matter to employeesLeadershipIs effective at growing the businessShows sincere interest in employees well beingBehaves consistently with core valuesEarn employees’ trust and confidenceStress, balance, and workloadManageable stress levels at workA healthy balance between work and personal life Enough employees in the group to do the job right Flexible work arrangementGoals and objectivesEmployees understand: Business goalsSteps they need to take to reach those goalsHow their job contributes to achieving goalsSupervisorsAssign tasks suited to employees’ skills Act in ways consistent with their words Coach employees to improve performanceTreat employees with respectOrganization’s imageHighly regarded by general publicDisplays honesty and integrity in business activitieskey questions to askHow do I earn employees’ trust and confidence, and demonstrate interest in employee well-being?How do I balance messages about short-term priorities and financial results with longer-term vision and strategy? Do employees understand the organization’s strategy and how it connects to their own work?Do I have the skills and time necessary to effectively differentiate and manage employees’ performance, coach my team, and support individuals’ career advancement?Are career paths clear to employees as they consider how to navigate today’s flatter structures with a variety of different employment arrangements?Are the right tools and processes in place for workers to collaborate and connect across functions/divisions?Do employees have some level of flexibility in their schedules or work arrangements, and do they feel comfortable taking advantage of it?Are communication vehicles and content appropriately tailored for diverse audiences across ages, cultural, and life stages while providing the necessary consistency of message?Source: 2012 Towers Watson Global Workforce Study ................

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