CRA Service Worksheet - Bankers Online

CRA Service/Activity Worksheet

Please provide this form in the event you participate in any service or activity that may be eligible for CRA credit. To be eligible for CRA credit, the activity or service must have its primary purpose as community development and be related to the provision of financial services. It also must benefit the bank’s assessment area or a broader regional area that includes the bank’s assessment area. If you are unsure if credit may be given for your activity, submit the worksheet and home office will make the determination.

Examples: Service on a committee or board for a community development organization; providing financial expertise to community development organizations; providing education in financial services; conducting credit counseling for affordable housing organizations, etc.

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|Title | |

|Date of Service | |

|Name of Activity, Organization or Service | |

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|Office(s) Held | |

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|Purpose (If available, attach mission statement) | |

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Revised 8/22/2001.CRA Service Worksheet


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