Wednesday, November 1, 2006

9:00 A.M. to 11:45 P.M.

DeAnza Room, The Dana on Mission Bay

1710 West Mission Bay Drive

San Diego, CA 92109

(609) 222-6440

I. Call to Order – Randy Lawson 9:00 A.M.

II. Agenda Additions and Modifications - Randy Lawson

III. Consent Agenda

i. Minutes of September 20, 2006 Meeting (Attachment 1) – Alice Murillo

ii. Treasurer’s Report – Michael Kasler

IV. President’s Report 9:10 A.M.

a. CCLC Conference, November 16, 17,18, 2006, Costa Mesa (Attachment 2)

b. Joint CIO CSSO Spring 2007 Conference, March 21 – 23, San Francisco

c. Joint CIO CSSO Spring 2008 Conference, San Diego

d. CCCCIO Fall 2007 Conference—Discussion of possible locations

e. Consultation Council—October 19 meeting/October 30 teleconference

f. Refining the Associates Degree (Attachment 3– this is a PowerPoint for you to review before attending the meeting)

g. CCCCIO Priorities for 2006-08 (Attachment 4)

h. Business Meeting Agenda Planning

V. Fall Conference Planning 10:10 A.M.

a. Overview of Conference

b. Board Members’ Responsibilities

VI. Members’ Reports 10:25 A.M.

a. Legislative Program Task Force – Jack Friedlander (Materials distributed in 10/24 Randy Lawson email)

VII. Issues 10:45 A.M.

a. Elementary Algebra: Is it a College Level Course – Ron Manzoni

b. Curriculum Reporting for the Community College (CRCC) Project – Barry Russell

c. Implementation of New 5% Rule – Barry Russell

d. Basic Skills Implementation Process – Barry Russell

e. ARCC Accountability System Update – Barry Russell

Next CCCCIO Executive Board Meeting is Wednesday, January 24, 2007.

Attachment 1





Wednesday, September 20, 2006

9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

Room 4000-01, Chancellor’s Office

1102 Q Street

Sacramento, CA 95814-6511

(916) 445-8752

Free telephone connection available via CCC Confer for participants unable to attend in person. Phone number: 1 866 316-1517

Telephone Pass Code: 94705850

Members present: Randy Lawson, Pam Deegan, Claire Biancalana, David Bolt, Pam Eddinger, Alice Murillo, Michael Kasler, Ron Manzoni, Lori Gaskin, Barry Russell, Ed Buckley

Guests: Mark Lieu, Carole Bogue-Feinour, Jim Mathews, Lynda Lee

CCC Confer: Allan Hoffman, Gari Browning, Leige Henderson

VIII. Call to Order – Randy Lawson 9:00 a.m.

IX. Agenda Additions and Modifications –Randy Lawson

Academic Senate report submitted by Pam Eddinger (Section IV)

Report on the Academic Senate Associate Degree Task Force

Consent Agenda

i. Minutes of July, 2006 Meeting (Attachment 1) – Alice Murillo

Minor correction made. Minutes accepted as submitted.

ii. Treasurer’s Report (Attachment 2) – Michael Kasler

Increase in president’s expense allowance of $3000, special Board travel for $5000 and $1500 for the newsletter require additional revenues.

We currently have 43 paid institutional memberships.

iii. Non Credit Alignment Project (Attachments 3 and 4)

Report submitted to the Board

iv. Academic Senate Curriculum Committee: A resolution is anticipated that will address the need for careful local review of courses offered in less than six weeks.

Academic Senate Associate Degree Task Force: John Nixon is representing CIOs. Issues of concern which translated to AS resolutions include: Have only one degree AA or AS; define the difference between AA and AS clearly; include a new degree for vocational programs; eliminate the use of the word “transfer” in the degree title; change Title 5 language to require a minimum C grades for major coursework; allow IGETC to serve as major; disallow IGETC as the major requirement, etc.

X. President’s Reports – Randy Lawson 9:20 a.m.

a. Committee Assignments (Attachment 5)

Changes and additions to assignments have been made according to requests received. The list of CIO appointments, to include Strategic Plan Gate assignments, will be updated accordingly.

b. Process for Establishing CCCCIO Priorities for 2006-07

Suggested priorities will be obtained from the field for discussion at the next Board meeting scheduled the morning of our Fall Conference.

c. Consultation Council, August 17 (Attachment 6 and 7)

Fee assessment for any course scheduled January 1, 2007 or later will be $20.

The Compton Education Center has experienced a decrease in enrollment due to El Camino’s inability to assume classes not already comparable to El Camino’s curriculum. Transition has been challenging, but continues to improve. The Compton Community College District continues to exist as a political entity under El Camino, although it does not include a college.

d. BOG Meeting, September 11 and 12

There was unanimous approval of the change (increase) in the associate degree requirements in math and English and implementation at all colleges is to occur by Fall 09.

The 07/08 System budget was approved as submitted.

e. Consultation Council Agenda, September 21 (Attachment 8 and 9)

The System Office Noncredit Consultation Digest received by the CIO Board will again be revised by the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs in time for the September 21, 2007 meeting.

XI. CIO Newsletter – Ed Buckley 10:00 a.m.

The newsletter is intended to serve as a communication vehicle for the CIOs and to help strengthen the regional groups. Ideas for articles and format were solicited.

XII. Executive Secretary Report – Claire Biancalana 10:15

a. Membership (Attachment 10)

An updated list with college dues payment status is included. Membership dues can also be paid with the conference registration.

XIII. Conference Planning 10:20 A.M.

a. 2006 Fall Conference Planning (November 1, 2, 3, The Dana on Mission Bay, San Diego) (Attachment 11)

Twenty registrations have been received thus far. The Conference title is “CIOs Take the Stage”. Speakers include Scott Lay and his new role, Chancellor Drummond, Carole Bogue-Feinour, Assemblyman John Laird and Nancy Shulock from the CSUS Research Institute. Topics to be presented include amongst others, the Basic Skills Initiative, supplemental instruction, Math & English course alternatives, the Curriculum Institute, defining and aligning noncredit courses, etc.

b. 2006 CCLC Conference Planning: (November 17, Costa Mesa Hilton, Costa Mesa

CCCCIO has been invited to present several sessions over the three days. All assignments have been made and topics selected.

c. 2007 Spring Joint Conference with CSSOs (March 21, 22, 23, Sit Francis Drake Hotel, San Francisco)

The CSSO organization has initiated the planning.

d. Members’ Reports and Issues 10:45 a.m.

e. Basic Skills Re-apportionment Funds: The System Office's plans for staff development activities – Ron Manzoni

Current plans include up to ten teams of faculty and CIOs to offer staff development activities to all colleges. These sessions would serve as kick off activities to share the research findings. It has been requested that funds be offered on a continuing basis. Concerns were raised regarding the short time frame for submitting the college expenditure plan and the lack of detail/definition on how to complete the budget categories.

f. 50% Law Revisions:  Maintaining the momentum for change started by Robert Turnage – Ron Manzoni

This topic is still on hold at the Chancellor’s Office. Randy will research the current status of these revisions.

g. Status of Lab Courses Intended to Substitute for the Supervised Tutoring Option – Alice Murillo

This will be presented in one of the sessions at the Fall conference.

h. System Advisory Committee on Curriculum (SACC) – Lori Gaskin, Randy Lawson

The committee covers a multitude of topics including revisions to the program and course approval handbook, AB 1943 & stand alone course approval process, revision of Title 5 regarding the CAHSEE exam, staff development related to course and program development, fast track approval of vocational type programs, etc.


XIV. Academic Senate Report –Mark Lieu 1:00 p.m.

Mark described major initiatives/projects which include CIO representatives and he expressed his appreciation of the positive collaboration experienced. The Accreditation Institute is scheduled for January 5-6, 2007. The Curriculum Institute is scheduled for July 12-14, 2007. The Faculty Senate Plenary Session is scheduled for October 26-28, 2006. A teaching institute is under development to support new faculty. A vocational institute is scheduled for next spring in Palm Springs to encourage broader involvement of vocational faculty.

The Academic Senate will be putting out a paper on the role of noncredit in community colleges and will work on budget opportunities to support this interest. An English as a Second Language (ESL) paper Is ready for distribution which attempts to describe current challenges around the tracking of student persistence, progress and performance. Other papers for distribution include “Faculty Equivalencies” (an update) and “Minors on Campus”.

Currently the Academic Senate opposes the introduction of an associate in applied science, but supports the requirement of a C grade in all major requirements.

The Academic Senate supports SB 70-Career Pathways and has received a grant to support their efforts.

The disciplines list will be updated this year. There has been disappointment in the value of the ASSIST program used for statewide articulation review.

XV. Chancellor’s Office Report – Vice Chancellor Carole Bogue Feinour 2:00 p.m.

Consultation Digest for SB 360 was reviewed. Legal’s interpretation of SB 360 includes the understanding that the sequence of courses described must be an approved program. Those programs already in place will be provided with an expeditious approval process. Programs should represent a sequence of courses, rather than just one. An emergency Board of Governor’s approval is anticipated for November.

The System Office will initiate a process so that colleges can report eligible programs by January 15, 2007 so that apportionment adjustments can be made in February.

Basic Skills apportionment budgets should include funding for staff development activities scheduled for the spring. Budget reports were to demonstrate that supplanting was not occurring with the new dollars.

Upcoming RFAs include: 5 million dollars for Career Advancement Academies (3); BA programs on community college sites; 2.1 million Career Technical Education Teacher Prep program (for math/science based careers)

The Teaching Institute, Curriculum Institute and CIO/CSS Spring Conference will host staff development events on the Basic Skills Initiative. Train the trainer events will enable the development of specialists on best practices resulting from the research review. These trainers will provide staff development at the campus sites.

The CAHSEE RFA will support projects that assist students who have not passed the Spring 06 exam and as well as those that have also not met the high school graduation unit requirement.

The Stand Alone bill is expected to be signed by the Governor.

The MIS course data base is under review to ensure that courses are not duplicated due to variations in course title. Colleges will participate in this review. This revision is needed in order for the System Office to appropriately monitor stand alone courses and to effectively use the data for research purposes. The new data base will be user friendly and easily distributable to the campuses.

MESA program RFA has been requested. The budget will include a 15% increase in COLA for existing programs, increased funds to support 25 additional students per existing program who plan to go into math or science teaching and an expansion of 12 additional programs.

XVI. Budget Report – Vice Chancellor Robert Turnage 3:00 p.m.

Robert will be leaving the System Office and will be temporarily replaced by Jim Austin, CBO for the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District. His primary responsibility will be implementation of SB 360.

XVII. Liaison Reports 3:30 P.M.

a. ACCE – Lynda Lee

Fall Conference will be held in Mira Costa on October 27, 2006. Keynote will address technology developments pertinent to community colleges. Additional discussions will include SB360. Spring conference will be in San Francisco.

b. CCL – Jim Matthews

A summary report from Jim was reviewed. Questions will be referred to Jim via email.

XVIII. Other Adjournment 4:00 P.M.

Next CCCCIO Executive Board Meeting is Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Attachment 2

CCLC Presentations November 2006

Thursday, November 16, 1:15 to 4:15

Graduation Requirements for Math and English

Pam Deegan, Mount San Jacinto College and CCCCIO Immediate Past President; Ian Walton, Mission College, President ASCCC

Learn the background and issues surrounding the increased Mathematics and English requirement for the Associates degree from the two association Presidents.

Friday, November 17, 9:45 to 10:45

CCCCIO and ASCCC Perspectives on Current Instructional


Randal Lawson, CCCCIO President and Michelle Pilati, ASCCC Chair, Relations with Local Senates

Members of the System Advisory Committee on Curriculum will discuss current hot topics in community college curriculum.

Friday, November 17, 2:30 to 3:30

Administrator Recruitment, Retention, and Succession Planning

Ian Walton, Mission College, President ASCCC; Randal Lawson, Santa Monica College, CCCCIO President; Pam Deegan, Mount San Jacinto College and CCCCIO Past President; Frank Malaret, Dean, Sacramento City College

The System is facing a potential administrative leadership crisis unless we work together to develop and implement an action plan to attract strong educational leaders, particularly from our faculty ranks, to administrative positions and retain them in these important roles. A panel of faculty members and administrators will both define the issues and discuss potential strategies.

Friday, November 17, 11:00 to 12:00

Collaborative Enrollment Management: Cindra: please see CSSO listing

Saturday, November 18, 8:00 to 9:30

Basic Skills Initiative:

Ian Walton, Mission College and President ASCCC; Pam Deegan, Mount San Jacinto College and CCCCIO Past President; Randal Lawson, Santa Monica College and CCCCIO President; Mandy Davies, Sierra College and CSSO President Elect; Carole Bogue Feinour, CCCCO

An outgrowth of the increased associate degree mathematics and English requirements is the recognition of the desperate need to provide students with the basic skills to meet those requirements. Leaders from the System Office and statewide organizations will explore efforts and initiatives to meet these needs within the System's strategic planning processes.

Attachment 4


Priority Issues and Action Plans through 2004

California Community Colleges Chief Instructional Officers are committed to developing strategies, including those that involve collaboration with other segments of community college leadership, to support and improve student learning and will pursue action plans within Consultation processes wherever feasible.

I. Future of College Leadership

Enhance financial and recruitment opportunities to increase the diversity, quantity, and quality of applicants for administrative positions. Encourage system-wide recruitment and retention of diverse, qualified applicant pools for administrative positions. Create professional staff development opportunities for present and future CIOs.


• Develop strategies to eliminate barriers and provide incentives for faculty leaders who might have interest in seeking administrative positions and to encourage middle managers to pursue advancement to CIO positions.

• Work with appropriate Chancellor’s Office staff to develop a plan for assisting colleges and districts to improve and expand recruitment processes.

• Sponsor and co-sponsor sessions on career opportunities in administration at appropriate conferences.

• Evaluate the potential of existing leadership development initiatives to assist in meeting the need for CIO staff development.

• Promote the development of campus-based administrative leadership programs for faculty and staff.

• Maximize the use of the CCCCIO web site as a resource center for new and continuing CIOs.

II. Curriculum Development and Standards

Assume a leadership role in all matters related to development and approval of curriculum and requirements for degrees and certificates and in improving relationships with public and private transfer institutions, feeder high schools, and business and industry partners.


• Serve on all committees and task forces formed to explore new or revised degree and certificate requirements.

• Promote regulatory changes to support new and revised instructional delivery modes that enhance student learning and to eliminate archaic requirements that serve as barriers to innovative learning strategies.

• Increase involvement in decisions related to economic and workforce development, beginning with developing a CIO position.

• Play a leadership role in shaping university dual admissions initiatives and CAN expansion efforts; establish liaison relationships with university chief academic officers to enhance articulation agreements, particularly at the major field level.

• Identify and disseminate best practices in the design, development, delivery, and evaluation of distance learning.

III. Faculty for the Future

Develop methods of building diverse and competent faculty pools in order to respond to expected faculty retirements, enrollment growth, and increased student diversity.


• Determine which California colleges and universities offer coursework in community college teaching and develop a list for dissemination to CIOs.

• Ensure that all CIOs understand the potential for use of interns under Title 5, Sections 53500-53502 and identify existing internship programs to use as models.

• Offer sessions at CIO conferences on the topic of identifying and developing potential new teachers.

• Develop initiatives for encouraging community college students to pursue careers in community college teaching.

• Identify practical and regulatory issues related to faculty hired specifically for distance education.

• Participate in completing the research agenda for part-time faculty issues and play an active role in determining and implementing resulting changes.

• Identify the role of CIOs in the implementation of the commitments recommended by the Task Force on Equity and Diversity.

• Assist regional groups in the development of events to promote careers in community college teaching.

• Support system efforts to restore base funding for faculty and staff development and to build the case for future augmentations.

IV. Realistic and Consistent Funding

Provide leadership and support to pursue community college funding that reflects the real cost of education and the enrollment demands of the population.


• Continue the CIO leadership role in developing the “real cost of education” model for community colleges and in implementing an advocacy program to achieve its enactment.

• Take a leadership role in developing a stable, substantial, and ongoing funding mechanism to address the equipment needed to ensure the currency and excellence of community college educational programs.

• Support the redefinition of the community college share of the Proposition 98 guarantee and its implementation.

• Support achievement of full funding of the Partnership for Excellence program, including COLA.

• Support efforts to revise the community college growth formula to ensure student access.

• Encourage program funding through allocation rather than competitive grants wherever feasible.

• Advocate that any student fee increases imposed in the future be used to augment, not supplant, community college budgets

• Explore broadening the ability of colleges to levy instructional materials fees.

• Participate in efforts to avoid for the future the types of unfunded (or no longer funded) mandates that have plagued the community colleges in recent history.

• Work with the Chancellor’s Office in forming a consortium of community colleges to pursue federal and private foundation funding opportunities.

V. Building and Sustaining Technology

In an effort to obtain adequate funding for instructional technology and support personnel, the CIOs will work to establish minimum technology standards for California Community Colleges.


• Work with appropriate Chancellor’s Office staff to develop, refine, and seek funding to support principles (such as those defined in the Tech II initiative) for a strategic direction in community college technology implementation, including access to Internet and related services, sustainable support staffing, and acquisition and timely replacement of hardware and software.

• Support related budget change proposals at appropriate committee, task force, and Consultation Council meetings.

• Join other organizations in developing the rationale and the appropriate avenues to support the implementation of a student technology fee or equivalent funding mechanism.

VI. Promoting Excellence

Assume leadership responsibility in developing means of clear public communication of the accomplishments of community colleges in addressing the goals of student success and student access and resources needed to enhance these accomplishments. Ensure that implementation of outcome measures is effective, meaningful, feasible, and respectful of the differences among individual colleges/districts.


• Work with statewide research and planning groups to ensure that statistics related to accountability measures are clearly defined and explained.

• Work with the Chancellor’s Office to develop a reasonable response and plan in the event that the system appears not to be making sufficient progress in attaining Partnership for Excellence goals.

• Take a leadership role in shaping the definition and measurement of student learning outcomes relative to the new WASC accreditation standards; identify and disseminate “best practices” of colleges that have developed exceptional plans and/or have produced notable results related to “creating a culture of evidence.”

• Assist the Chancellor’s Office in ensuring the accuracy of statewide and IPEDS data.

• Work with other community college organizations to document contributions and promote a clearer public understanding of the importance of special programs like Matriculation and Faculty and Staff Development in promoting student access and success.

VII. Collaboration, Communication, and Linkages

Enhance communication and linkages among the various segments of community college leadership in order to develop better coordination and alignment of funding opportunities and a clear, well-funded direction for colleges and the system into the future.


• Assess the current status of communication/linkages and identify segments of community college/other leadership with which the organization needs to develop better links.

• Enhance training/reporting methodology to ensure that the CIO Executive Board is kept well informed of activities and issues by its representatives on committees and task forces.

• Participate in evaluating the Consultation process and in implementing any changes necessary to improve system decision-making processes.

• Participate in defining solutions and implementing necessary changes to support the Board of Governors and Chancellor’s Office in assuming an appropriate leadership role within the bilaterally governed community college system.

• Take full advantage of the CCCCIO web site as a communication tool.


Priority Issues for 2004-2005

California Community Colleges Chief Instructional Officers are committed to developing strategies, including those that involve collaboration with other segments of community college leadership, to support and improve student learning and will pursue action plans within Consultation processes wherever feasible.

1.  Communication:

• Update Web Site

• Develop a CCCCIO Newsletter

2.  Training:

• CIO Mentoring Program

• Instructional Administrator Training

3.  Legislative:

• Chancellor's (System) Office Briefings

• Legal Changes

• New Laws Impacting CIO's


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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