SINCLAIR HEIGHTS HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION P.O.BOX 425 PORT ORCHARD, WA.? 98366 EMAIL: mysinclairheights@ ??? Minutes from the Sinclair Heights Home Owners Association Annual Meeting held on?January 14, 2017 at?the Christian Life Center in Port Orchard. ??? Attendance: ? The meeting was attended by home?owners representing 13 lots, including the 2016 Board Officers,?Sharon Bacon (President), Jane Michelinie (Vice President), Don Cheney (Treasurer),?Fred Radovich (Secretary) and Mike Bacon (Member at Large).? In addition, Proxies had been received from 14 home owners, designating other owners present at the meeting to vote for them.? This means that a total of 27 owners were represented.? However, this total was once again short of the quorum of 41 owners required to vote at the meeting.? The meeting was called to order?by President Sharon Bacon at?10:00 am.? President Bacon presented meeting material to?the attendees using a Power?Point slide presentation.? ??? Topics Presented: ? Seven new owners were identified to have moved into Sinclair Heights in 2016. Welcome gifts have been delivered to each of the new owners. ? The election of Board Members could not be conducted at the annual meeting again this year due to the lack of the quorum of 41 owners required by our CC&Rs to vote at the annual?meeting. There was a discussion concerning which of the current Board members intend?to run for office again in 2017.? Four of the five current Board members do plan to run again.? Mike Bacon has decided not to run again. The Board thanks Mike for his service to our community. Barbara Hemphill has agreed to run for the Board. The Board asked the owners in attendance at the meeting if anyone else wanted to serve on the Board in 2017, but no one volunteered.? The Board will appoint Barbara to the Board and assign officers for the 2017 Board at our next meeting on Feb. 6.????? ? The 2016 HOA activities were reviewed, including website maintenance, annual HOA community garage sale, annual HOA picnic to again be the Sat. after Labor Day, 2017 to accommodate families returning to school and summer vacations over, and various repairs and maintenance at our common areas. A suggestion was made by one of our owners that the garage sale not be scheduled for the first weekend of June, as owners with school age children are involved with final exams and they can not attend, as well as the McCormick garage sale on the first weekend competes with our sale. This was discussed by the owners in attendance and we decided that the second or third weekend would be better and could increase owner participation in the community wide garage sale, so the dates of Friday, June 16 – Sat., June 17 were selected. Owners were also reminded to clean up after dogs while walking around the neighborhood, to submit any house paint color change to the Board for approval, and a reminder that 2017 annual dues remain at $120. ? The Board also reminded attendees to repair/replace lamp post lights, as required by our CC&Rs, and to advise the Board if any of their neighbor's?lamp post lights are out.??The Board also asked all owners to limit street parking as our streets are narrow. Overnight street parking is prohibited per our CC&Rs and poses a serious risk to both drivers and pedestrians.A request was made from two owners that the HOA put up Christmas decorations at our entryway monument and the island to enhance the entryway looks over the holidays and to encourage all of our owners to decorate their houses. The two owners have already spent a modest amount of money on decorations during the after Christmas deeply discounted sales and requested that the HOA reimburse them. This was discussed by attendees at the meeting and all agreed this was a good idea. We will ask the electrician that the HOA uses for maintenance to evaluate the power availability at the two locations. There is currently AC power at the monument, but only DC power on the island. A comment was made that our current postal carrier drives too fast around the neighborhood. Don Cheney volunteered to contact the Port Orchard Post Office to request that the carrier slows down on our streets.Disaster Preparedness:A progress report for the 2016 activities for Disaster Preparedness in Sinclair Heights was given by President Sharon Bacon. Three identical two hour presentations to owners and renters by committee chairman Jack Cahoon over the past several months stimulated much interest in planning efforts. Approximately 32% of the homes in Sinclair Heights attended the three meetings. To accomplish next steps, which will include forming six planned two person first responder teams, we will need 24 volunteers from our community to step forward (6 teams of 2 ea X 2 to cover for any volunteers not at home during a disaster). It is not if, but when will a disaster such as an earthquake strike. We will need to be our own first responders until outside help can arrive. Please email the HOA email address (mysinclairheights@) if you are willing to volunteer so we can move forward with planning efforts. ARE YOU READY when disaster strikes?? Treasurer's Report: ??? Treasurer Don Cheney presented the 2016 Budget Results, the past 12 year Budget Surplus Figures, and the proposed 2017 Budget.? Increases or decreases in various Budget line?items were discussed and the reasons were explained by Don.? Don reminded all attendees that all budget items are reported on a monthly basis for any owner to review.? Email the Association's email address (mysinclairheights@) if you would like to review any of the complete Treasurer's reports. ??? ?? Upcoming Events:The next Board meeting will be Monday, Feb. 6, 4 pm at Fred Radovich’s house, 763 Tufts Ave.The HOA garage sale will be June 16-17, Friday-Saturday only, as requested by owners.The HOA picnic will be Saturday, September 9. ? Annual home owner dues are due now. ? Thank you to Home Owner contributions to our community:? Mary Radovich and Sherry Edwards for garage sale advertising. Jim Michelinie for new HOA email address mysinclairheights@. Brenda Burke and Mary Radovich for Welcome Committee for new residents in Sinclair Heights. ???? The meeting adjourned at?10:50 am.? ????? FEBUARY BOARD MEETING:? Monday, February 6, 4:00 pm at Fred Radovich’s home,?763 Tufts Ave. E.? If you plan to attend, a message to the HOA email address at mysinclairheights@ will be appreciated,?but is not required. SINCLAIR HEIGHTS HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATIONP.O.BOX 425PORT ORCHARD, WA. 98366EMAIL: ?mysinclairheights@Minutes from the HOA Board of Directors Meeting held on February 13, 2017 at Fred Radovich’s home.Attendance:The meeting was attended by all five of the current Board Officers: President Sharon Bacon, Vice President Jane Michelinie, Treasurer Don Cheney, Secretary Fred Radovich, and Member at Large Mike Bacon, as well as Barb and Charlie Hemphill.? President Sharon Bacon called the meeting to order at?4:24 pm.? Mike Bacon has decided not to run for the Board in 2017, as announced at the Annual Meeting in Jan.? The Board thanks Mike for his service to our community.? Barbara Hemphill has volunteered to run for the Board, as also announced at the annual meeting.? All current Board members unanimously appointed Barb to the Board.? The Board Officer positions were discussed and assigned for 2017.? The Officer positions for 2017 are President Sharon Bacon, Vice President Jane Michelinie, Treasurer Don Cheney, Secretary Fred Radovich, and Member at Large Barb Hemphill. ?The minutes for the December 5, 2016 Board Meeting and the January 14, 2017 Annual Home Owners Meeting were unanimously approved.Treasurer's Report:The Treasurer's Report and Budget Updates were discussed and approved.Welcome gifts:No new owners were identified in Sinclair Heights since the last Board Meeting on December 5, 2016.?Old Business:The Board discussed the progress of our Disaster Preparedness Planning Committee.? As discussed at our Annual Home Owners Meeting in January, the Committee held our third and final Disaster Preparedness Informational Meeting on?November 12?at the Christian Life Center in Port Orchard. We had another good turnout, including both owners and renters. The Minutes of that meeting were emailed/mailed out to all owners and renters in Sinclair Heights on?November 21.? The total turnout for the three identical Informational Meetings was 41 residents from 26 homes, or roughly 32% of the homes in Sinclair Heights.? To accomplish the next steps, which will include forming six planned two person first responder teams, we will need 24 volunteers from our community to step forward (6 teams of 2 ea X 2 to cover for any volunteers not at home during a disaster).? The Committee plans to contact each of the 41 residents who attended the Informational Meetings to ask if they will agree to serve on one of our six planned first responder teams.? It is not if, but when will a disaster such as an earthquake strike.? We will need to be our own first responders in the first hours and for perhaps several days after a disaster strikes, as emergency responders from outside Sinclair Heights (police, fire, medical, utilities) will be tied up elsewhere.? ARE YOU READY when disaster strikes?We have cancelled our HOA website and email address, due to ongoing operating problems and very poor customer support.? We have setup a new HOA email address, which is ?mysinclairheights@.? The Board is continuing to research setting up a new HOA website and we will email you that information when it is available. ?The Board discussed ongoing incidents of residents parking overnight on the streets of Sinclair Heights.? Our streets are narrow and street parking poses a safety risk to both other drivers and pedestrians alike, especially after dark.? This unsafe practice may also be reported to the Kitsap County Sheriff as a violation that could result in a parking ticket.? Owners with Renters, please pass this information along.? Thank you.New Business:The Board discussed a street light on Horstman near the entry to Sinclair Heights not working.? We will contact the county about repairing it.The Board discussed the procedure to be followed regarding any request by an Owner to pursue a special project.? In all cases, any request from any Owner must be submitted in writing to the Board, via our HOA email address listed above or via a letter to our P.O. Box also listed above.? That written request must detail what the proposed project will entail, including an approximate cost estimate, proposed time frame, and any other details of the proposed project.? All five Board members will then review and discuss the project and will respond in writing with our decision in a timely fashion.? No verbal discussions between any Owner and one or more Board member will be considered, all such requests must be addressed to the Board in writing as outlined here.The Board approved taking Bill Rafferty off the Bank of America HOA account and adding Jane Michelinie as a co-signer to the account.?The meeting adjourned at?5:19 pm.APRIL BOARD MEETING:?Monday, April 3, 4:00 pm?at Jane Michelinie’s home, 775 Tufts Ave. E. If you plan to attend, a message to the HOA email address at ?mysinclairheights@?will be appreciated, but is not required.?SINCLAIR HEIGHTS HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATIONP.O.BOX 425PORT ORCHARD, WA. 98366EMAIL: ?mysinclairheights@Minutes from the HOA Board of Directors Meeting held on April 3, 2017 at Jane Michelinie’s home.Attendance:The meeting was attended by four of the current Board Officers: President Sharon Bacon, Vice President Jane Michelinie, Secretary Fred Radovich, and Member at Large Barb Hemphill, as well as Charlie Hemphill and Mike Bacon.? President Sharon Bacon called the meeting to order at?4:00 pm. ? ?The minutes for the Feb. 13, 2017 Board Meeting were unanimously approved.Treasurer's Report:The Treasurer's Report and Budget Updates were discussed and approved.Welcome gifts:One new owner was identified in Sinclair Heights since the last Board Meeting on Feb. 13, 2017.? A welcome gift will be delivered to them.? A few other homes are on the market for sale and welcome gifts will be delivered after new owners take possession and get moved in. ?Old Business:We have cancelled our HOA website and email address, due to ongoing operating problems and very poor customer support.? We have setup a new HOA email address, which is ?mysinclairheights@.? The Board is in the process of setting up a new HOA website and we will email you that information when it is available. ?The Board discussed ongoing incidents of residents parking overnight on the streets of Sinclair Heights.? Our streets are narrow and street parking poses a safety risk to both other drivers and pedestrians alike, especially after dark.? Owners with Renters, please pass this information along.? Thank you.Fence repairs were recently completed at the Calistoga common area.? The new boards will be painted to match existing color once the weather improves.New Business:The Board discussed various lots in Sinclair Heights that need to clear vegetation away from their lamp posts to provide lighting to the neighborhood, and others that continue to need home and yard maintenance.? We will contact the individual owners to take steps to correct their situations.The Board once again discussed the procedure to be followed regarding any request by an Owner to pursue a special project.? In all cases, any request from any Owner must be submitted in writing to the Board, via our HOA email address listed above or via a letter to our P.O. Box also listed above.? Alternatively, an owner may verbally describe their request to an individual Board member, or present their request to any Board members in attendance at a Board of Directors meeting, providing that the owner then follow up in a timely fashion with a written request to the Board.? The written request must detail what the proposed project will entail, including an approximate cost estimate, proposed time frame, and any other details of the proposed project.? All five Board members will then review and discuss the project and will respond in writing with our decision in a timely fashion.? No verbal discussions between any Owner and one or more Board member will be considered as a formal request, all such requests must be addressed to the Board in writing as outlined here.?The Board has contacted the Bank of America regarding our HOA account and has added Jane Michelinie as a co-signer to the account.The meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm.JUNE BOARD MEETING:?Monday, June 5, 4:00 pm?at Sharon Bacon’s home, 630 Tufts Ave. E.? If you plan to attend, a message to the HOA email address at ?mysinclairheights@?will be appreciated, but is not required.Board of DirectorsSinclair Heights Home Owners Association?SINCLAIR HEIGHTS HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATIONP.O.BOX 425PORT ORCHARD, WA. 98366EMAIL: ?mysinclairheights@Minutes from the HOA Board of Directors Meeting held on June 5, 2017 at Sharon Bacon’s home.Attendance:The meeting was attended by all five of the current Board Officers: President Sharon Bacon, Vice President Jane Michelinie, Treasurer Don Cheney, Secretary Fred Radovich, and Member at Large Barb Hemphill, as well as Charlie Hemphill and Mike Bacon.? President Sharon Bacon called the meeting to order at?3:00 pm. ? ?The minutes for the April 3, 2017 Board Meeting were unanimously approved.Treasurer's Report:The Treasurer's Report and Budget Updates were discussed and unanimously?approved.Welcome gifts:Three new owners and one new renter were identified in Sinclair Heights since the last Board Meeting on April 3, 2017.? Welcome gifts have been delivered to each of them.? A few other homes are currently?on the market for sale, and welcome gifts will be delivered after new owners take possession and get moved in. ?Old Business:We recently setup a new HOA email address, which is ?mysinclairheights@.? The Board has also set up a new HOA website, which is located at?.? This website is still in the process of having additional information added to it, but we encourage all owners to check out the information we already have posted there, such as meeting minutes, special events, and Disaster Preparedness documents and informational videos from FEMA.?The Board discussed ongoing incidents of residents parking overnight on the streets of Sinclair Heights.? Our streets are narrow and street parking poses a safety risk to both other drivers and pedestrians alike, especially after dark.? Owners with Renters, please pass this information along.? Thank you.The Board would like to remind again all Owners to pick up after your dogs.? Please take bags with you when you take your dog for a walk around Sinclair Heights and dispose of your dog droppings in your own garbage can.? Parents, please remind your kids of this if they are walking your dogs.? Owners, please pass this message on to your renters.? Thank you.New Business:The Board discussed various lots in Sinclair Heights that need to clear vegetation away from their lamp posts to provide lighting to the neighborhood, and others that continue to need home and yard maintenance.? The Board also discussed some situations where neighbors have concerns about aggressive dogs.? We will contact the individual owners to take steps to correct their situations.The Board once again discussed the procedure to be followed regarding any request by an Owner to pursue a special project.? In all cases, any request from any Owner must be submitted in writing to the Board, via our HOA email address listed above or via a letter to our P.O. Box also listed above.? Alternatively, an owner may verbally describe their request to an individual Board member, or present their request to any Board members in attendance at a Board of Directors meeting, providing that the owner then follow up in a timely fashion with a written request to the Board.? The written request must detail what the proposed project will entail, including an approximate cost estimate, proposed time frame, and any other details of the proposed project.? All five Board members will then review and discuss the project and will respond in writing with our decision in a timely fashion.? No verbal discussions between any Owner and one or more Board member will be considered as a formal request, all such requests must be addressed to the Board in writing as outlined here.?The meeting adjourned at 4:00 pm.AUGUST BOARD MEETING:?Monday, August 28, 4:00 pm?at Barb Hemphill’s home, 680 Tufts Ave. E.? If you plan to attend, a message to the HOA email address at ?mysinclairheights@?will be appreciated, but is not required.?Board of DirectorsSinclair Heights Home Owners AssociationAugust 2017SINCLAIR HEIGHTS HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATIONP.O.BOX 425PORT ORCHARD, WA. 98366EMAIL: ?mysinclairheights@Minutes from the HOA Board of Directors Meeting held on August 28, 2017 at Barb Hemphill’s home.Attendance:The meeting was attended by all five of the current Board Officers: President Sharon Bacon, Vice President Jane Michelinie, Treasurer Don Cheney, Secretary Fred Radovich, and Member at Large Barb Hemphill, as well as Charlie Hemphill, Judy Karlsen, and Rochelle Harma.? President Sharon Bacon called the meeting to order at?4:05 pm. ? ?The minutes for the June 5, 2017 Board Meeting were unanimously approved.Treasurer's Report:The Treasurer's Report and Budget Updates were discussed and unanimously?approved.Welcome gifts:Three new owners were identified in Sinclair Heights since the last Board Meeting on June 5, 2017.? Welcome gifts will be delivered to each of them.? A few other homes are currently?on the market for sale, or will be soon, and welcome gifts will be delivered after new owners take possession and get moved in. ?Old Business:We recently setup a new HOA email address, which is ?mysinclairheights@.? The Board has also set up a new HOA website, which is located at?.? We encourage all owners to check out the information we have posted there, such as meeting minutes, special events, home safety tips, and Disaster Preparedness documents and informational videos from FEMA.?The Board would like to remind again all Owners to pick up after your dogs.? Please take bags with you when you take your dog for a walk around Sinclair Heights and dispose of your dog droppings in your own garbage can.? Parents, please remind your kids of this if they are walking your dogs.? Owners, please pass this message on to your renters.? Thank you.New Business:The Board discussed two separate dog related complaints.? In one case, complaints concerned an unattended dog left inside the house all day, who continually barks, especially if a neighbor is outside working in their own yard or if neighbors walk past the house where the dog lives.? In the other case, an aggressive dog in an unfenced back yard has been running into nearby neighbor’s back yards in a threatening manner.? Letters/emails have been sent by the Board to the Owners of those two Lots where the dogs live, stating the violation of our CC&Rs concerning dogs and the safety of nearby neighbors.? The Board encourages all Owners in Sinclair Heights to report to Kitsap County Animal Control any incident you observe of aggressive, possibly dangerous actions by any dog unattended by their owners and not on a leash.? Animal Control does not have a phone line that is monitored for calls, so the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office recommends that you call 911 and ask Dispatch to make a radio call to have Animal Control call you by cell phone to discuss your complaint about a potentially dangerous dog. ?The Board discussed various lots in Sinclair Heights that need to make repairs to their photo electric cells, or to clear vegetation away from their lamp posts, to provide lighting to the neighborhood.? The Board discussed plans for our annual HOA Picnic to be held on Sat., Sept. 9 at 12:00 noon at our common area on Medallion.? All Owners and their renters are invited to attend.? The Board will provide pre-cooked meat, ice chests with bottled water and soft drinks, plastic utensils, paper plates, and napkins.? We ask that all picnic attendees bring a side dish with a serving spoon to share with others, potluck style.? We also ask that any attendees who have folding tables and chairs to bring those along, as it is better to have too many tables and chairs than not enough.? Owners with renters, please pass this invitation on to your renters.? We look forward to seeing as many of you attend as possible.? Please respond to this email with your RSVP and state how many adults and children will attend.? Tentatively, unless there is an unexpected emergency that would preempt their attendance, the South Kitsap Fire and Rescue plan to have a fire truck and a few fire fighters attend our picnic.? They plan to hand out home safety information and to discuss with attendees what to do in an emergency, such as a house fire or a heart attack.? This should be fun for any children who attend and get to climb into the fire truck, and will also be very informative for adults.? We hope the Fire and Rescue folks will be able to attend. ???The meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm.OCTOBER BOARD MEETING:?Monday, October 2, 4:00 pm?at Sharon Bacon’s home, 630 Tufts Ave. E.? If you plan to attend, a message to the HOA email address at ?mysinclairheights@?will be appreciated, but is not required.?Board of DirectorsSinclair Heights Home Owners AssociationOctober 16, 2017SINCLAIR HEIGHTS HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATIONP.O.BOX 425PORT ORCHARD, WA. 98366EMAIL:? ?<mailto:mysinclairheights@> mysinclairheights@Minutes from the HOA Board of Directors Meeting held on October 16, 2017 atSharon Bacon’s home.Attendance:The meeting was attended by all five of the current Board Officers:President Sharon Bacon, Vice President Jane Michelinie, Treasurer DonCheney, Secretary Fred Radovich, and Member at Large Barb Hemphill, as wellas Charlie Hemphill, and Judy Karlsen.? President Sharon Bacon called themeeting to order at 4:09 pm.The minutes for the August 28, 2017 Board Meeting were unanimously approved.Treasurer's Report:The Treasurer's Report and Budget Updates were discussed and unanimouslyapproved.? This included the proposed budget for 2018, which will be mailedto all Owners in December, along with the Annual Meeting notice, to be heldagain at the Christian Life Center on Saturday, January 13 at 10:00 am.Welcome gifts:Three new owners were identified in Sinclair Heights since the last BoardMeeting on August 28, 2017.? Welcome gifts have been delivered to each ofthem.? A few other homes are currently on the market for sale, or will besoon, and welcome gifts will be delivered after new owners take possessionand get moved in.Old Business:The Sinclair Heights annual picnic held on September 9 once again had a verygood turnout, with approximately 30 people in attendance, including severalchildren.? The Board will continue to schedule this annual social eventafter Labor Day each year, as this seems to work best for returning familieswith children back in school and summer vacations over for most people.There continues to be an aggressive dog in an unfenced back yard that hasbeen running into nearby neighbor’s back yards in a threatening manner.? Thedog was on a leash, but still broke loose from its owner and charged theneighbors.? Another email will be sent by the Board to the Owner of the Lotwhere this dog lives, stating again the violation of our CC&Rs concerningdogs and the safety of nearby neighbors, as well as to notify them ofdamages assessment fees.? The Board encourages all Owners in SinclairHeights to report to Kitsap County Animal Control any incident you observeof aggressive, possibly dangerous actions by any dog unattended by theirowners and not on a leash.? Animal Control does not have a phone line thatis monitored for calls, so the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office recommendsthat you call 911 and ask Dispatch to make a radio call to have AnimalControl call you by cell phone to discuss your complaint about a potentiallydangerous dog.We recently setup a new HOA email address, which is< mailto:mysinclairheights@> mysinclairheights@.? The Boardhas also set up a new HOA website, which is located at< ; .? We encourageall owners to check out the information we have posted there, such asmeeting minutes, special events, home safety tips, and Disaster Preparednessdocuments and informational videos from FEMA.The Board would like to remind again all Owners to pick up after your dogs.Please take bags with you when you take your dog for a walk around SinclairHeights and dispose of your dog droppings in your own garbage can.? Parents,please remind your kids of this if they are walking your dogs.? Owners,please pass this message on to your renters.? Thank you.New Business:The Board discussed the upcoming Annual Home Owners meeting, scheduled forSaturday, January 13, 2018 at the Christian Life Center in Port Orchard.? Aletter will be mailed to all Owners in early December with all the details.Once again, a Power Point slide presentation will outline all budget,expenses, significant events, and other activities in Sinclair Heights.? Wehope that as many Owners as possible will be able to attend.The meeting adjourned at 5:25 pm.DECEMBER BOARD MEETING: Monday, December 4, 4:00 pm at Don Cheney’s home,704 Tufts Ave. E< ; .? If youplan to attend, a message to the HOA email address at< mailto:mysinclairheights@> mysinclairheights@ will beappreciated, but is not required.Board of DirectorsSinclair Heights Home Owners AssociationSINCLAIR HEIGHTS HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATIONP.O.BOX 425PORT ORCHARD, WA. 98366EMAIL:? ?<mailto:mysinclairheights@> mysinclairheights@Minutes from the HOA Board of Directors Meeting held on December 11, 2017 atDon Cheney’s home.Attendance:The meeting was attended by all five of the current Board Officers:President Sharon Bacon, Vice President Jane Michelinie, Treasurer DonCheney, Secretary Fred Radovich, and Member at Large Barb Hemphill, as wellas Charlie Hemphill, Sandy Foster, and Judy Karlsen.? President Sharon Baconcalled the meeting to order at 4:00 pm.The minutes for the October 16, 2017 Board Meeting were unanimouslyapproved.Treasurer's Report:The Treasurer's Report and Budget Updates were discussed and unanimously approved.? This included the proposed budget for 2018, which has been mailed to all Owners in Sinclair Heights, along with the Annual Meeting notice, tobe held again at the Christian Life Center on Saturday, January 13 at 10:00am.Welcome gifts:One new owner was identified in Sinclair Heights since the last Board Meeting on October 16, 2017. A welcome gift will be delivered to them.? A few other homes are currently on the market for sale, or will be soon, andwelcome gifts will be delivered after new owners take possession and get moved in.Old Business:The Board encourages all Owners in Sinclair Heights to report to Kitsap County Animal Control any incident you observe of aggressive, possibly dangerous actions by any dog unattended by their owners and not on a leash. Animal Control does not have a phone line that is monitored for calls, so the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office recommends that you call 911 and ask Dispatch to make a radio call to have Animal Control call you by cell phone to discuss your complaint about a potentially dangerous dog.We recently setup a new HOA email address, which is < mailto:mysinclairheights@> mysinclairheights@.? The Board has also set up a new HOA website, which is located at < ; .? We encourage all owners to check out the information we have posted there, such as meeting minutes, special events, home safety tips, and Disaster Preparedness documents and informational videos from FEMA.The Board would like to remind again all Owners to pick up after your dogs. Please take bags with you when you take your dog for a walk around Sinclair Heights and dispose of your dog droppings in your own garbage can.? Parents, please remind your kids of this if they are walking your dogs.? Owners, please pass this message on to your renters.? Thank you.New Business:The power point slides to be presented to all Owners who attend the Annual Meeting were discussed, with a few changes made.? We hope that as many Owners as possible will be able to attend.? Please fill out and return the proxy form that you received with the Annual Meeting notification letter, so that your vote can be counted at the meeting, if you are not able to attend.The Board thanks Gary Spang and Hal Mawrence for putting up the Christmas light display at our entrance.? The Board discussed the storage of these lights after they are taken down.? As the HOA paid for these lights, the Board is responsible for the safe keeping of them until they are put up for display again next year.? Don Cheney offered to store them at his house orat a neighbor’s house who volunteered to do so.The Board discussed a request for Board assistance from an Owner who has several large deciduous trees from one of our common areas extending over their home’s roof, posing a dangerous situation for them. The overhanging limbs are too high up for the Owner to be able to trim back.? The Board has reviewed the Guidelines regarding view related tree thinning on steep slopes published by the Kitsap County Department of Community Development (DCD), as outlined in a letter from DCD to the Board dated September 6, 2012.? Inpart, the Guidelines state the following:“Where protected vegetation overhangs a grassy common area or an individual owner’s property, it may be trimmed back to the line of the easement without any approvals…Every effort will be made to ensure that the root systems protecting slopes are maintained. To this end, all trees to be lowered must be treated in a manner so that there is a reasonable expectation that theywill recover…Plant material that is trimmed will be either chipped and spread over the area or removed to a landfill.? No coniferous trees will be removed.”The Board will obtain a few price quotes from companies qualified to perform this type of work.? Then we will discuss how to proceed with this project request.An Owner reported to the Board their concern about vehicles travelling way too fast coming downhill from upper Calistoga to the intersection between Tufts and Medallion.? Many residents walk their dogs across that intersection and this downhill traffic is a threat to their safety.? The posted speed limit in Sinclair Heights is 25 mph.? However, this particular intersection should be driven at a considerably lower speed due to the safety concerns of pedestrians.? Any Owner who observes this excessivespeeding at this intersection, or any other location within Sinclair Heights, is strongly encouraged to get the license plate number and call in a complaint to the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office.The meeting adjourned at 4:50 pm.Next Meetings:ANNUAL HOME OWNERS MEETING: Sat., Jan. 13, 10:00 am at the Christian Life Center, 1780 SE Lincoln Ave., Port OrchardFEBRUARY BOARD MEETING: Monday, Feb. 12, 4:00 pm at Fred Radovich’s home, 763 Tufts Ave. E., in Sinclair Heights.? ?If you plan to attend, a message to the HOA email address at mysinclairheights@ will be appreciated,but is not required.Board of DirectorsSinclair Heights Home Owners Association ................

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