
Friends Unite! Conference

Friend to Friend Sharing Session

February 23, 2009

Marketing and Community Outreach

Thank you to the Friends who shared so many great ideas!






Educational program for youth/schools

Speaker bureau to civic groups

Guide on Assisted Living van trip to Refuge

Coffee House-photographs of Refuge on display, proceeds to Friends

Press/ newspaper articles

“Sing-off” of local “celebrate the river” song contest at Refuge

Concert for the birds

Local transit company-signs on side-Martha Nudle, FWS-offered template

Partner with local historical organization regarding Refuge lands

Electric company included small flyer in bill about Refuge and Friends

Work day for corporate employees

Put information about Refuge in RVers’ magazine for volunteers/visitors

Fishing Day for kids

Have information included on local business electronic sign board

Public Service Announcement on billboards

Public Service Announcements on cable/radio

PSA/posters at airports

Partner with:

Boy/Girl Scouts

Boys/Girls Clubs

Community Colleges

Vo-Tech Schools

Other Environmental groups

Chamber of Commerce

Big Brothers/Big sisters

Use other organization newsletters to announce a partnership event

Display tables at Cabala’s/Bass Pro Shop

Award environmental scholarship from Friends

Borrow Blue Goose costume from Region Office for events

Use email distribution list

Teacher workshops

Tee shirt/patch design contest for kids- invite class to awards ceremony

Raffle off kayak-award ceremony at event

Art show/Art contest

Offer art classes on Refuge

Classes on nature journaling

Artists decorate bird houses, which are raffled or sold at silent auction

Local artists featured in gift shop

Photo contest

Postcards and other merchandise using photo contest winners

Special postmark from US Post Office

Designated license plate (Lee Metcalf NWR, MT)

Sell memorial/sponsorship pavers for walkways

Refuge/Friends basket of goodies for Silent Auction at other organizations

Partner with local winery-custom label/percentage of profit

Refuges with no access

Web cam

Mobil outreach unit

Demonstration garden

YouTube video of Refuge

Table top display at Regional festivals

Getting locals involved

Find out local interests

Join local organization/co-sponsor events or fundraisers

Participate in local events-Refuge basketball team in tournament

Float in local parade

Open house w/free food

High school group sold food at Refuge event

Oral history event with locals and invite locals

Citizen science-have locations to submit sightings/post sightings

Allow local crafters free table at festivals

Tours of Refuge for locals-off-season, early morning

Clean up of local roads

Facilitated by Kathy Woodward and Lace Blue-McLean


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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