Client: Guarantee Period: 100 Days

Position: Exclusive Period: 100 Days

Retainer: $

Second payment due after interviews are conducted:

Final payment due ten (10) days after employment offer is accepted: $

Bonus payment if final candidate is still employed one (1) year from start date: $

Total Search Fee: $ This represents a flat fee for this position.

Note: Per Paragraph 6 below, payment as per this schedule is required in order to validate your Guarantee Period.

1. This search is exclusive. For you, “exclusive” means you will not give this assignment to another search firm, or hire through any source other than YOUR COMPANY NAME during the exclusive period. Should you hire a candidate from another source during the exclusive period, YOUR COMPANY NAME will still be entitled to its total search fee. Once you have signed this agreement, that period begins as soon as you instruct us to begin the search. If we both agree to continue to work on the assignment beyond the exclusive period, a new exclusive period of the same length will begin again. We can repeat this process as often as you require.

2. We will advance costs and expenses on your behalf. We may incur costs in the course of this search for things such as travel to interview candidates, candidate travel, food and lodging, long-distance telephone calls, video conferencing, psychological testing, or reference checks that check beyond the normal work related questioning. We will send you an itemized list of these expenses on a monthly basis, which are payable upon receipt. Costs will be in addition to the search fee.

3. You give us your full cooperation. This includes making your principals and other personnel available for telephone conferences or candidate interviews when scheduled. This also includes providing information on everything you expect a successful candidate to have in the way of experience and qualifications, along with a full job description, including pay and benefits, completely and accurately enough to complete the search by the date we have targeted as the successful candidate’s first day of work.

4. We guarantee our performance. We guarantee that any candidate you hire under the terms of this agreement will not leave voluntarily or be discharged due to misconduct or good cause (misconduct or unsatisfactory performance determined according to reasonable standards) during the guarantee period. However, our guarantee does not apply if the termination is a result of a layoff for economic reasons, elimination of the position, a substantial change in the job description or reporting structure, a change in your ownership, or any other reason beyond our or the candidate’s control. If the candidate does voluntarily leave or is discharged for good cause during the guarantee period, we will repeat the entire search process over at no charge and will not bill you for any additional costs or expenses. This is your exclusive remedy under our guarantee. You will not be entitled to any refund of fees or costs, and YOUR COMPANY NAME shall not be liable for any compensatory or other damages resulting from the employment of the candidate.

5. You guarantee your performance. If you do not honor the exclusiveness of this search, or do not give us full cooperation in filling your position, or cancel the search before the exclusive period is over, without making a hiring decision, we will consider any payments made to be payment in full for our services. Should you change the position, responsibilities, or job description, a new agreement must be signed and an additional retainer must be paid. If you hire a candidate as of a result of our referral, within one (1) year of the date upon which we advised you of the candidate’s availability, for any position with your company or with any subsidiary, affiliate or related company, you are obligated to pay YOUR COMPANY NAME the total search fee as stated above.

6. Important: You need to keep your guarantees active. Our guarantees to you will remain active for as long as you abide by this Agreement. All that is required is to pay the final payment of the search fee as agreed to in the above schedule and your final expense bill, and tell us within five (5) working days of the candidate’s last day of work if they are terminated.

To confirm your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this agreement, please acknowledge below.


By: By:

Name: Name:

Address: Date



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