Unit 7: EarthquakesTest Date: ________________Learning Targets (LT)I will be able to... Describe the layers of the earth?in terms of composition, density, and?thickness?Analyze how seismic waves provide evidence of the structure of the deep Earth??Compare and contrast?primary, secondary, and surface waves??Interpret a seismograph to triangulate the earthquake epicenter?Identify an earthquake’s focus, epicenter, and fault on a diagram?Compare and contrast?earthquake intensity scales (Mercalli, Richter, and Moment Magnitude)?Vocabulary: Complete the following definitions by your unit test. epicenter?focus?Mercalli scale?Primary wave?Richter Scale?Moment Magnitude?Secondary wave?seismogram?seismometer?Surface wave?triangulation?tsunami?San Andreas Fault?New Madrid Fault??How are you doing?Quiz / ActivityTarget #ScoreRetake? Yes or NoRetake ScoreSample Questions????????????????????3571875161226500Fill in the chart below. (LT1)LithosphereAsthenosphereMantleOuter CoreInner CoreCompositionDensityThicknessLabel each layer of the earth in the image to the right. (LT1)How do you locate the earthquake epicenter? (LT4)Fill in the chart below with a comprehensive description of each. (LT3)Primary (P) WavesSecondary (S) WavesSurface WavesLabel the focus, epicenter, and fault below. (LT5)6. How do seismic waves provide evidence of the structure of the earth? (LT2)Fill in the chart below to describe each intensity scale. (LT6)MercalliRichterMoment Magnitude ................

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