WWI Project: Everything - Social Studies

World War I Research Assignment: Project Menu

Directions: In groups of 2 or 3, choose one of the following project assignments. Follow the research steps outlined in class, including the creation of a Research Log. Use the notes in your Log to complete a Write-up and a Presentation Product to share with the class. Both the Write-up and Presentation should reflect your knowledge, analysis, creativity, and attention to detail. As always, cite all sources of information. You must work with at least one partner. You must divide the work evenly. You will only be graded on your work.

1. Battles of WWI (Standard 10.5.2)

Choose one of the major battles of WWI from the list below. Write a brief outline that includes the key summary information of who, what, where, when and why this battle was significant to the war. You must include a crafted map (you make the map, not print it out) that shows the battle. Include a visual representation of the battles. This can be a symbolic representation or an image of how you imagined the battle looked. This also must be created by you, not printed or photocopied.

Your writing must answer: Why was this battle significant to the war? Defend your answer with at least three reasons and detailed evidence.

You may choose from: The Battle of Tannenberg, 1914; The Defense of the Suez Canal, 1915; The Battle of the Somme, 1916; The Battle of Verdun, 1916; The Battle of Jutland, 1916; The Capture of Baghdad, 1917; You may also do the Battle of Gallipoli if you clear it with me first.

2. New Technology in Weaponry (Standard 10.5.4)

Choose 3 of the following weapons (poison gas, submarines, machine guns, airplanes, tanks and artillery shells) answer the following questions for each:

A) How was the weapon created?

B) What battle(s) was the weapon first used in?

C) How did the weapon change the nature of war? Is this weapon (or a version of it) still used today?

D) Create an original schematic (diagram drawing) of each weapon that illustrates some part of your responses to the three questions.

Your writing must answer: You must state what warfare was like beforehand and then compare and contrast the new style of warfare with the old. Then, explain how these weapons changed warfare and give evidence for your answer.

3. Trench Warfare (Standard 10.5.2, 10.5.4)

Produce a cross section of a trench displaying the following items: mess hall, living quarters, dispensary, common area and the parts important to a front line soldier – parapet, fire step, “over the top” – no man’s land etc. Then address this central question: How did trench warfare shape soldiers’ experiences on the Western Front?

Your writing must include: a description of Trench Warfare and an analysis of how it affected soldiers in at least 3 different ways. Give evidence to support your answer.

4. Women in the War (Standard 10.5.1, 10.5.4)

Create an I-Search paper investigating the role of women in WWI. Discuss women’s career options, voluntary war activities, and difficulties trying to survive the war. You might also choose to highlight certain famous women.

An I-Search paper is different from a research paper in that you are allowed to use the word “I” in the paper. In your first paragraph you explain what you expected to find about women. In the body paragraphs you detail all the information you have discovered. In your final conclusion paragraph you explain what you thought about your research, were you surprised by what you found? Did anything particularly interest you? This is NOT a standard 5 paragraph essay, it must be longer.

Your writing must include: your personal self reflection on what you discovered about women during WWI.

5. U.S. Congress Speech (Standard 10.5.1, 10.5.3)

Prepare a persuasive speech for delivery to the U.S. Congress based on the following question “Why the U.S. should become involved in WWI” or “Why the U.S. should not become involved in WWI.” Your speech must clearly reflect the political realities in the U.S. before the entry into WWI. This speech must be recorded and submitted as a CD or audio file. You may have others in your recording, but only as extras.

Your writing must: give at least three reasons and detailed evidence to support your claim that the US should or should not get involved in WWI

7. WWI Art (Standard 10.5.1, 10.6.4)

Create a large mosaic (a mosaic is a larger picture made up of smaller pictures. It is NOT a collage) that portrays the psychological and emotional experiences of the war. Your mosaic should depict multiple events and/or trends of WWI. This wall mural will be a visual representation that communicates emotions to the viewer. You may choose to incorporate propaganda images, maps, names, words, and places, etc.

Your writing must: detail the psychological and emotional impact of the war and explain the images, events, trends, symbols and other visual cues that you chose for your visual representation. You must also explain how your central image (the one made up of all the smaller pictures) sums up the war experience.

8. The Armenian Genocide (Standard 10.5.5)

Write a paper that explores the Armenian genocide caused by the Ottoman government. Does wartime create an environment in which human rights violations are more likely to occur? The first half of your paper should explore what happened in the Armenian genocide. The second half should explain with detailed evidence how wartime creates or does not create an environment that leads to human rights violations. Your evidence should include reference to modern genocides (Rwanda, Darfur, etc) as well to prove your point.

9. Oral History Enactment (Standard 10.5.1, 10.5.4)

Select an oral history gathered from a participant in World War I. Or, based on primary sources, create a fictitious oral history. Prepare a dramatic reading to perform for the class. In addition, write an analysis of the oral history in which you explain how it reveals something important about WWI and why you chose to perform this oral history.

Your writing must: explain the historical significance of the oral history with evidence about why it is important enough to read now.

Project Plans: Your Project has four components: Written Work , Research Logs, Product and a Formal Presentation. This guide will help you make sure your project is complete!

I. Written Work:

A. Research Logs- 1 Log Per Student.

What sources can you use for your research?

School On line Databases: You may use any source from the online databases available through the school Library. We even have a WWI Reference Set in the NC Wise Owl .

Books: You may use any books in our school or public library on the topics of your Project.

Web: You may only use those web pages that are listed in the published list on the World Studies page. You may follow links from these pages, but you may not use just any web page on the net. If you find something Awesome, send me the link so I can approve it. Unapproved web pages will NOT be accepted.

B. Written work answering your focus questions with modified in text citations. One per Group.

|What is your Research Question (Your Below the Surface Question that you MUST answer) |

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|What part will YOU be in charge of accomplishing? (Everyone must do some of the writing for this assignment) |

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|What is the best way to present this information in Written Form? You get to choose what fits best for your assignment. There are several choices for each |

|Project and you choose the one that works for you. |

|Some options are: |

|5 paragraph essay I-Search Paper |

|Persuasive essay (Congressional Speech option) Newspaper Article |

|Claim-Evidence-Explanation Analytical Essay Critical Art Review |

|Compare and Contrast essay Separate paragraphs on different topics |

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WWI Project Essay Rubric

Basic- C grade

□ Thesis Statement

o Thesis is level 2

□ Evidence 1

o Detail/Specific

□ Explanation says how evidence proves claim

□ Conclusion restates Thesis

□ Writing is Clear and Organized

□ Includes in text citations

□ Grammar is correct

□ Uses complete sentences

□ Typed, size 12 font

□ Double spaced

Advanced- A grade

□ All of the Proficient criteria

□ Level 3 thesis

□ Does not include filler or unnecessary repetition

□ Additional evidence given

o Evidence 2

o Evidence 3

□ Additional details and specifics

□ Use academic language and transitions

□ Use quotes and/or statistics as part of evidence

□ Uses vocabulary words from this year

□ Draws a below the surface connection between evidence or makes an inference about how evidence proves the claim in the explanation

□ More than 3 sources on Research Log

□ R-Log sources in Bibliography format

For a B grade on this assignment, do all the C work and some of the A work.

Without the Explain part, your written work becomes a Summary and not an Analysis.

II. Product to show important information from your written work. One Per Group.

A. Product suggestions:

Poster PPT Skit

Art piece (Mosaic) Magazine/Newspaper Short Story

Diorama Paper Doll Claymation

Video- Battle recreation Book of poetry Children’s Book

Video- News show Artifact (Be careful not to use this with Weapons of WWI)

CD- music or speech Like Journals, letters, Historical reproductions, etc....

....and More! Be Creative!

B. Products must be educational and easy to share with the class.

1. Include the MOST significant information from your research

C. Products like posters and PPTs must be readable and clear.

D. Performance Products like skits, videos, and songs must be presented on the day the project is due. Make sure your technology and my technology work together!

|Some Product ideas for my project are: |

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Project Rubric

|Completed Project- Advanced |

|Shows great care and consideration in choices and |Incorporates two or more learning |Uses color, imagery or some other cue to point out key |

|creation |styles to teach info |information |

|Completed Project- Proficient |

|Covers significant information from topic |Neat and Readable |Accurate |Organized and Clear |

|Project- Basic |

|Some Missing Info |Some Inaccurate Info |Messy or Unreadable |Disorganized or Unclear |

III. Formal Presentation to share your most important information.

A. Presentations must be 3 – 5 minutes. I will cut you off unfinished at 6 minutes.

1. Make sure you practice at home and perfect your timing.

B. Include your Product in your presentation.

1. Use products as teaching tools to teach the class what you learned.

C. Include the answer to your Research Question in your presentation.

1. Background 3. Evidence

2. Thesis/Claim 4. Explanation

D. Dress properly- Presentations will be made in job interview appropriate attire. At the minimum, a pair of slacks, not jeans and a shirt with a collar.

Dates to Remember:

WWI Research Log Requirements

You will be keeping a research log. It will include your notes and your research source information (what book, web page, etc you used)

You will use this Log to do In Text Citations in your written work, so make sure you do it just like this.

Formatting a Research Log:

Research Question: This is the question you are trying to answer with your research. Always keep it in mind.

Ex. Why was this battle significant to the war?

Label your notes Q for Quote if you record something word for word or if you copy and paste in something from the Web.

Q: “The final tally in the Battle of the Somme included 420,000 British casualties, 200,000 French and the Germans 500,000. The reward for this effort was the six-mile movement of the British front line into German territory”. p.13

Use S for Summary if you are just recording the most important information from the page. Most of the notes you are used to taking are in Summary form.

S: Battle of the Somme:

June 23rd, 1916 – November, 1916

First use of the Tank

Massive Casualties: Britain: 420,000 dead

p.13 France: 200,000 dead

Germany: 500,000 dead

Reflection: Answer- How does the info on this page answer my Research Question above? Here is where you reflect on what you have learned on this page of notes. Think about the information you found. Does it help you answer your research question? Is it evidence you can use to prove your main claim? If so, list some ways you could use this to prove your Thesis. You can also ask questions here that your future research will answer.

Ex. So, the battle of the Somme is significant because so many people died, AND it happened late in the war after a lot of men had died already. These guys are being slaughtered! Are these people still being killed by machine gun fire? Have the generals learned nothing? How can Germany stand to lose Another 500,000 men?

WWI Research Log: Citing Sources on your Left Side- For an A on your Research Log, you must have information from your sources in this bibliography format. There are web pages that will help you do this. See my main page for info.

Source Citation Model for a Book


□ Author’s Last Name, First Name, Middle initial. Title of the Book. City of Publication: Publisher’s Name, year published.


□ Arnold, Marion I. Women and Art in South Africa. New York: St. Martin’s, 1996.

Source Citation Model for an Encyclopedia


□ Author’s Last Name, First Name, Middle initial. "Article Title." Name of encyclopedia. City of publication: Publisher's name, YYYY.


□ Brady, Randolf. "Atmospheric Tides." Von Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia. New York: Wiley- Interscience, 2002.

Source Citation Model for an Internet Site


□ Name of site owner, author or editor. Title of Web Site. Date of latest update of site, if available. Online. Internet. Name of organization or person sponsoring web site. Access or printout date . 


□ Example (I am citing the website where I got this website citation information from):

Wells, Kim. Women Writers. 03 Feb. 2002. Online. Internet. Women Writer’s Project. 11 Nov. 2004. < >

Source Citation Model for a Lecture: If you are using any information from one of my Lectures, you may, but only Text on a slide or a Chart or Graph may be cited. This is how:


□ Speakers last name, first name. “Lecture title.” Sponsoring organization’s name. Place. Date.


□ Samelson, Hannah. “How to Cite.” Lodi Unified School District. Stockton. 5 Nov. 2004.

Source Citation Model for a Photo or Picture from the Internet

□ Navigate to the web page that has the picture only. In Google this is the page you get by clicking See Full Sized Image. Give the picture name (or a description), then the web page.


□ Tea Cups on Tray.

If you use the On Line Reference Library…

If you use the On Line Databases provided by the Library like the Gale Reference Library, the WWI Reference Encyclopedia or World Book Encyclopedia, Link below: ()

Then use the Citation provided in each article. It is always at the end of the article after words like Source Citation or Cite this Source.

|WWI Research Log Blank |

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|Works Cited Information: |Research Notes: Take notes here that help you answer your focus question above. Try to stay focused on only one |

|Remember to write each source in Bibliography |topic at a time. Remember to give each set of notes the same letter as the Source on the left and label info as Q |

|Form, and give each source a letter. Put a box |for Quotes and S for Summary |

|around each source. | |

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|Reflection: Answer- How does the info on this page answer my Research Question above? |

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|Research Question: |

|Works Cited Information: |Research Notes: Take notes here that help you answer your focus question above. Try to stay focused on only one |

|Remember to write each source in Bibliography |topic at a time. Remember to give each set of notes the same letter as the Source on the left and label info as Q |

|Form, and give each source a letter. Put a box |for Quotes and S for Summary |

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|Reflection: Answer- How does the info on this page answer my Research Question above? |

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WWI Web Pages

You may ONLY use these pages and the ones they link to.

General WWI Information: Start Here


The Battle of Verdun

World War 1: Battle of Verdun 1/4

World War 1: Battle of Verdun 2/4

World War 1: Battle of Verdun 3/4

World War 1: Battle of Verdun 4/4

Weapons of WWI






Primary Sources including Propaganda, Poems and Photos

Armenian Genocide




Research Question:





Your notes from the same source go here. these notes will be in one of 2 forms: A Quote or a Summary. You might use both on the same source depending on what information you find in different areas. Always list the page number for book sources, so you can find it later. You will need to know exactly what source each piece of information/fact/statistic comes from. That is why we are using the letters. Note: If you are writing your assignment WITH your partner, add your first initial to the letter of your source.

(SA for Sophia, Source A)


Works Cited info: Your Citation info goes here in Bibliography form. This will serve as your Works Cited for this assignment. Put a box around each source.

Ex. Blaine, Heidi. WWI: The Battle of Somme. Weston Publishers Inc.: New York, 2002.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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