Year 9

Year 9 History: World War 1 & 2Class ScrapbookMrs. Hurd FORMTEXT [Project Completion Date]IntroductionWorld War 2Having just finished looking at World War 1 (WWI) we are now going to do a class task on World War 2 (WWII). Most of what you have covered can be compared to what we will cover in this section of the unit. While World War 1 saw the beginning of new technologies in warfare, you will have noticed the strategies were still very old. In WWII new strategies, an increase in modern weaponry and new views on people, supplies and conscription took place. We are going to use these differences to discuss the Australian involvement in the wars, why we were involved and the significance it had on our culture and country. The aim is that by the end of this unit we can compare and contrast Australian experiences in WWI and WWII. TaskClass FilmIn order for you to learn about what WW2 and demonstrate your knowledge of both wars we are going to create a 45-60 minute documentary that we can present to future classes. This documentary will also be uploaded to my teaching website so that others can enjoy your work and you can share it with friends and family. Students will work in pairs and each pair will choose one of the topics provided to focus on. Each lesson will be dedicated to working on a specific part of the video and these tasks are outlined below. Activity/Process FORMTEXT [Activities and Processes]Lesson 1Students will separate into pairs. There are extra topics that will be used if students choose to work alone. Please note that each lesson is carefully planned based on the time limit of this course. Some homework may be required. Anything unfinished in class should be completed by the next lesson (either at home or in a free period/lunch) so that we do not fall behind and all students can contribute to the final product. If you require some help or a laptop at lunch to work on please don’t hesitate to ask, most lunches I can supervise your use in my classroom.Using the resources available (e.g. booklets, textbooks, images, maps, etc.) you may choose one of the following topics and begin background research. You are to locate information valuable to your topic and create a bibliography (a list of all the material you read/view on the topic) as you go, remember to add page numbers or date accessed to make it easier to find. This will help with the final cut of the documentary that will include a reference list (a list of documents, images, etc. that were actually used in production). Aim for 10 information filled sources per pair, it is alright if other groups have the same sources.The focus of the documentary is Australians at War so remember to look up information on both World Wars. The topics include:Why the wars began and Australia’s entry into WWI & WWII. Due to the nature of these topics they have been joined together as they are merely lists, statistics and maps.Where did Australia serve? Sides in the wars (including late entries or early retirement from the wars). Cost of the wars (specific focus on human costs).Australia’s major campaigns: Gallipoli (WWI), Tobruk & Kokoda (WWII) (including details such as uniforms, weaponry and transportation).Views of authority figures.Nature of Warfare: Focus on conditions, experiences and perspectives of those involved in the wars (including information about Trench life (WWI) and thoughts on Blitzkrieg (WWII)).The Western FrontThe Home front (include women’s contribution, changing work places, enemy ‘aliens’ and the American presence [WWII]).Wartime Controls: Censorship and conscription.Between the wars and the Great Depression.The horrors of war (specific focus on the prisoners of war and the Holocaust).The end of the wars (including the Treaty of Versailles [WWI] and how Australia commemorates the wars).Significance of the wars on Australia and the world.Extra topics include:Impacts of specific events on Australian mainland (e.g. submarine attacks in Sydney).Artistic works as sources of history.Lesson 2Using your bibliography choose 4-6 of the best sources specifically for your topic. Begin sifting through for the most vital pieces of information that you could use in your script for the video.Decide how you would like to visually share the information you gather. You may choose:AnimationReenactment (filmed)Powerpoint/prezi with voice over (preferable)/music.Image ppt/prezi with discussion of source and what it says about your topicAnything else you can think of – please see me for approval.Lesson 3Using the information you gathered from your 4-6 sources of information begin writing your script based on how you want to present your topic. For example if you have chosen to create a ppt presentation with voice over you will need to write up 2 scripts, one for the slides and one for the voice over. You are to hand in a copy of your reference list so that I can create the reference section for the video and double check the information you are using.Lesson 4Proofing Day!Today you are going to share your work with one other pair. You will show them your sources of information and where you got your ideas as well as show them your script/s. The other pair will comment on your ideas, make suggestions and ensure there is no plagiarism (copying another persons work without referencing them) before presenting their piece. Your pair will then go through the same feedback process so that everyone has some useful feedback. You will hand in a copy of the script/s for me to check to make sure you are on the right track and there is nothing inappropriate in the texts.Lesson 5-6Technology day!Today you are going to begin preparing your technological visual aspects for the documentary.You will be filming, creating ppt/prezi presentations, recording voice overs, creating animations, and then putting your pieces together so it is all timed correctly. You should aim for 2-5 minutes for your topic area. Some topics may require less and some may require more, so if you are having trouble keeping to the limit share it with another pair or me to see what information you can skim off it or help you decide if you really do need that extra minute.Lesson 7Editing Day!Today you will make a group with two new pairs (not those who you have already presented to) and show your visual product. The other two pairs will provide feedback on how you could tweak it or gain ideas to make their own sections better. After each group has presented and gotten their peer feedback you will again split up and finalise your piece. Next lesson will be the final lesson you can work on the editing of your section. Lesson 8Final Editing Day!Today is your last chance to complete your section. You must hand in a copy to me of your piece along with your names so that I can credit you properly in the final product. By next lesson I will have added all your videos together adding a title screen, bibliography and final credits section to the piece and ensured it ran together well. I will have also uploaded it to my teaching website for your revision.conclusionLesson 9Movie Day!Today we are going to watch the final product with popcorn and chocolate to celebrate. I will give you the link to the video so you can watch it at home or share it with friends and family.If possible we will invite other members of faculty/classes to come view our documentary.Thanks for all your hard work! ................

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